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Recycling of temple waste (TW) mainly comprising of floral offerings was done through vermitechnology using Eisenia fetida and its impact on seed germination and plant growth parameters was studied by comparing with kitchen waste (KW) and farmyard waste (FYW) vermicompost (VC). The worm biomass was found to be maximum in TW VC compared to KW and FYW VCs at both 40 and 120 days old VCs. Physico-chemical analysis of worm-worked substrates showed better results in TW VC especially in terms of electrical conductivity, C/N, C/P and TK. 10% TW VC–water extract (VCE) showed stimulatory effect on germination percentage of chickpea seeds while KW and FYW VCE proved effective at higher concentration. Variation in growth parameters was also observed with change in the VC–soil ratio and TW VC showed enhanced shoot length, root length, number of secondary roots and total biomass at 12.5% VC compared to KW and FYW VC.  相似文献   

Contact bioassays are important for testing the ecotoxicity of solid materials. However, survival and reproduction tests are often not practical due to their duration which may last for several weeks. Avoidance tests with soil invertebrates may offer an alternative or extension to the classic test batteries due to their short duration (days rather than weeks) and due to a sensitive sub-acute endpoint (behavior). The aims of our study were: (a) to evaluate the effects of three solid industrial wastes (incineration ash, contaminated wood chips and contaminated soil) on three Oligochaeta species (enchytraeids Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus and earthworm Eisenia fetida) in avoidance tests; (b) to compare the sensitivity among the species and to compare results of avoidance test to reproduction tests; (c) to elucidate if measuring the weight in the earthworm avoidance test could be reasonable additional endpoint. Avoidance mostly increased with the increasing percent of waste in the mixture showing a dose–response curve. E. fetida was the most sensitive species and E. crypticus the least one. An additional endpoint, (changes in weight after two-day exposure) was not found to be more sensitive than avoidance reaction, but it confirmed that earthworms staying in the highest concentrations of the waste mixture were affected showing apparent weight reduction. Our results indicate that avoidance tests with earthworms and enchytraeids are feasible for waste testing.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to determine the optimum stocking density for feed consumption rate, biomass growth and reproduction of earthworm Eisenia fetida as well as determining and characterising vermicompost quantity and product, respectively, during vermicomposting of source-separated human faeces. For this, a number of experiments spanning up to 3 months were conducted using soil and vermicompost as support materials. Stocking density in the range of 0.25-5.00 kg/m2 was employed in different tests. The results showed that 0.40-0.45 kg-feed/kg-worm/day was the maximum feed consumption rate by E. fetida in human faeces. The optimum stocking densities were 3.00 kg/m2 for bioconversion of human faeces to vermicompost, and 0.50 kg/m2 for earthworm biomass growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

国内外污泥堆肥化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污泥堆肥化技术是使污水厂污泥达到稳定化和无害化的一种经济而有效的手段。简要介绍了城市污水污泥堆肥过程与技术,以及国内外主要的污泥堆肥技术,并对污泥堆肥技术的积极推进提出建议。  相似文献   

Fly ash (FA) and vinasse (VN), two industrial wastes, are generated in huge amounts and cause serious hazards to the environment. In this experiment, different proportions of these two wastes were used as food for two epigeic earthworms (Eisenia fetida and Eudrilus eugeniae) to standardize the recycling technique of these two wastes and to study their effect on fungal especially cellulolytic fungal population, cellulase activity and their isozyme pattern, chitin content and microbial biomass of waste mixture during vermicomposting. Increasing VN proportion from 25% to 50% or even higher, counts of both fungi and cellulolytic fungi in waste mixtures were significantly (P ? 0.05) increased during vermicomposting. Higher cellulase activity in treatments having 50% or more vinasse might be attributed to the significantly (P ? 0.05) higher concentration of group I isozyme while concentrations of other isozymes (group II and III) of cellulase were statistically at par. Higher chitin content in vinasse-enriched treatments suggested that fungal biomass and fungi-to-microbial biomass ratio in these treatments were also increased due to vermicomposting. Results revealed that Eudrilus eugeniae and Eisenia fetida had comparable effect on FA and VN mixture during vermicomposting. Periodical analysis of above-mentioned biochemical and microbial properties and nutrient content of final vermicompost samples indicated that equal proportion (1:1, w/w) of FA and VN is probably the optimum composition to obtain best quality vermicompost.  相似文献   

In South Africa garden refuse is primarily disposed of in domestic landfills. Due to the large quantities generated, any form of treatment would be beneficial for volume reduction, waste stabilization and resource recovery. Dome Aeration Technology (DAT) is an advanced process for aerobic biological degradation of garden refuse and general waste [Paar, S., Brummack, J., Gemende, B., 1999a. Advantages of dome aeration in mechanical-biological waste treatment. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, 4-8 October 1999; Paar, S., Brummack, J., Gemende, B., 1999b. Mechanical-biological waste stabilization by the dome aeration method. Environment Protection Engineering 25 (3/99). Mollekopf, N., Brummack, J., Paar, S., Vorster, K., 2002. Use of the Dome Aeration Technology for biochemical stabilization of waste prior to landfilling. In: Proceedings of the Wastecon 2002, Waste Congress and Exhibition, Durban, South Africa.]. It is a non-reactor open windrow composting process, with the main advantage being that the input material needs no periodic turning. A rotting time of only 3-4 months indicates the high efficiency. Additionally, the low capital/operational costs, low energy inputs and limited plant requirements provide potential for use in aerobic refuse stabilization. The innovation in the DAT process is the passive aeration achieved by thermally driven advection through open windrows caused by temperature differences between the degrading material and the outside environment. This paper investigates the application of Dome Aeration Technology to pine bark composting as part of an integrated waste management strategy. A full-scale field experiment was performed at the Bisasar Road Landfill Site in Durban to assess the influence of climate, waste composition and operational conditions on the process. A test windrow was constructed and measurements of temperature and airflow through the material were taken. The process monitoring revealed that prevailing climatic conditions in a subtropical location do not affect the high efficiency of this technology. However, the composition of the input material can be detrimental for production of high quality compost because of a lack of nitrate.  相似文献   

There are many well‐established bioremediation technologies applied commercially at contaminated sites. One such technology is the use of compost material. Composting matrices and composts are rich sources of microorganisms, which can degrade contaminants to innocuous compounds such as carbon dioxide and water. In this article, composting of contaminated soil and sediment was performed on a laboratory bench‐scale pile. Fertilizer was added to increase the nutrient content, and the addition of commercial compost provided a rich source of microorganisms. After maintaining proper composting conditions, the feasibility of composting was assessed by monitoring pH, total volatile solids, total microbial count, temperature, and organic contaminant concentration. The entire composting process occurred over a period of five weeks and resulted in the degradation of contaminants and production of compost with a high nutritional content that could be further used as inocula for the treatment of hazardous waste sites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Swine manure composting by means of experimental turning equipment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of research was to test the effectiveness of a prototype of a turning machine and to evaluate the feasability of a farm-scale composting process of the solid fraction of swine manure. A qualitative evaluation of the process and final product was made by monitoring the following parameters: process temperature, oxygen concentration inside the biomass, gaseous emissions (CH4, CO2, NH3, N2O), respiration index, humification index, total and volatile solids, carbon and nitrogen, pH and microbial load. The prototype proved to be very effective from a technical-operational point of view. The composting process exhibited a typical time-history, characterised by a thermophilic phase followed by a curing phase [Chiumenti, A., Chiumenti, R., Diaz, L.F., Savage, G.M., Eggerth, L.L., Goldstein, N., 2005. Modern Composting Technologies. BioCycle-JG Press, Emmaus, PA, USA]. Gas emissions from compost the windrow were more intense during the active phase of the process and showed a decreasing trend from the thermophilic to the curing phase. The final compost was characterized by good qualitative characteristics, a significant level of humification [Rossi, L., Piccinini, S., 1999. La qualità agronomica dei compost derivanti da liquami suinicoli. (Agronomic quality of swine manure compost). L'informatore Agrario 38, 29-31] and no odor emissions. This method of managing manure represents an effective, low cost approach that could be an interesting opportunity for swine farms.  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾的生物工程堆肥化利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在建立节约型社会、发展循环经济时代,通过对城市生活垃圾3种处理方法的比较得出,以堆肥方式通过生物工程技术对城市生活垃圾进行科学合理处置,是达到城市生活垃圾无害化、资源化、减量化、规模化处理的最佳选择。  相似文献   

Pot and field experiments with liquid sewage-sludge, for improving poor sandy soil and its utilization by forestry, have been conducted by the Afforestation Department of the University for Forestry and Timber Industry since 1977 for VITUKI (Research Institute for Water Management).The following tree species were involved in the experiments: Italian poplar, “Robusta” poplar, white willow and black locust. Doses of sludge used were 0 (control), 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 m3 ha−1. There were four repetitions, treatments being multiply repeated.From this experiment the following conclusions can be drawn. Best results were attained when “I-214” poplar was fertilized with a sewage-sludge dose of 1000 m3 ha −1. This treatment was carried out in the dormant season and repeated in a second year. The best dose for “Robusta” poplar was 500 m3 ha−1. In the case of “I-214” poplar, doses of sludge greater than indicated above resulted in positive effects, but these were somewhat reduced by the harmful salt concentrations caused by the sludge. For “Robusta” popular, 2000 and 3000 m3 ha−1 doses were of negative effect in comparison with the control plants. There was no justifiable positive effect of sludge treatment for other tree species. Weeds have proved to be good indicators for the degree of sludge treatment. The more sludge had been given to it the more weedy was the soil. Untreated control plots were practically weedless. There was no evidence that toxic materials and heavy metals would accumulate in the trees at higher quantities of sludge.  相似文献   

用带式压滤机处理含油污泥   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李杰  赵永祥  周珍发 《化工环保》2002,22(3):176-179
对中油集团锦州石化分公司污水处理场的含油污泥装置进行了改造,介绍了带式压滤机处理含油污泥的机理,特点及工艺流程,从装置近10个 月的运行效果看,生产运行指标,达到了设计要求,同时,带式压滤机处理含油污泥仍具有一些不足之处。  相似文献   

采用水热技术处理含油污泥,考察了反应温度和反应时间对水热处理后含油污泥性质的影响,分析了含油污泥的减量化效果。实验结果表明:对含水率为70.6%(w)、含油率为32.0%(w)的含油污泥进行水热处理时,与反应时间相比,反应温度对含油污泥的脱水性能影响更大,是影响含油污泥热水解反应的重要因素;含油污泥经水热处理后,脱水性能得到改善,在所有实验条件下减量化率均高于78.8%,其中,在反应温度190 ℃、反应时间30 min的条件下,减量化率达到88.2%。  相似文献   

Composting of source separated municipal biowaste has at several plants in Scandinavia been hampered by low pH. In this study the hypothesis that increased aeration would improve the process was tested in full-scale experiments at two large composting plants. The O2 concentrations were high (>15%) even at the low aeration rates, so the prevailing low pH was not due to an anaerobic process environment. In spite of this, increased aeration rates at the start of the process resulted in higher microbial activity, increased pH and a more stable compost product. At one plant the decomposition rate varied in proportion to the aeration rate, to the extent that the temperatures and O2 concentrations were similar during the early processes even though aeration rates varied between 10 and 50 m3/(h, m3 compost). However, increased aeration caused severe drying of the compost, but at one plant the addition of water was adequate to prevent drying. In conclusion, by increasing the aeration rates and adding water to compensate for drying, it was possible to shorten the time needed to produce a stable compost product and thus to increase the efficiency of the composting plants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of in vitro enzymatic methods for assaying the biodegradability of new starch-based biopolymers. The materials studied included commercial starch-based materials and thermoplastic starch films prepared by extrusion from glycerol and native potato starch, native barley starch, or crosslinked amylomaize starch. Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed using excessBacillus licheniformis -amylase andAspergillus niger glucoamylase at 37°C and 80°C. The degree of degradation was determined by measuring the dissolved carbohydrates and the weight loss of the samples. Biodegradation was also determined by incubating the samples in a compost environment and measuring the weight loss after composting. The results indicated that the enzymatic method is a rapid means of obtaining preliminary information about the biodegradability of starch-based materials. Other methods are needed to investigate more accurately the extent of biodegradability, especially in the case of complex materials in which starch is blended with other polymers.  相似文献   

There is an increased interest in composting as an effective means of handling large amounts of organic wastes generated by oil palm industries in Malaysia. However, very few studies have been conducted to develop an effective composting process using the multi-enzymatic system. This study demonstrates an effective composting process of EFB (empty fruit bunch) with POME (palm oil mill effluent), using the optimized process parameters and compatible multi-enzymatic fungal system. A higher decrease (3 %) of organic matter was achieved in the fungal treated system, almost double that of the control (without inoculum). The lowest C/N ratio and soluble protein content recorded were about 17 and 128.82 g/kg, respectively. The maximum germination index obtained was 116 % at day 50 of treatment, which is considered high compared to the control (uninoculated). Furthermore, the maximum activity of ligninase enzyme was found to be 25.95 U/g and the highest cellulase activity was recorded at 0.975 U/g.  相似文献   

孙剑辉  李萍 《化工环保》2005,25(5):364-367
采用循环活性污泥法处理模拟丙烯腈废水,探讨了丙烯腈的微生物降解机理。实验结果表明:在进水1h、厌氧1h、曝气4h、沉淀1h的处理条件下,处理后丙烯腈质量浓度由71mg/L降至4.4mg/L,去除率为93.8%COD由546mg/L降至49mg/L,去除率为91%。用扫描电子显微镜观察反应器中的活性污泥,发现八叠球菌、诺卡氏菌、链球菌为其主要菌群。  相似文献   

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