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大熊猫人工育幼研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1994年,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的雌性大熊猫“成成”产下1胎2仔,因母兽病及奶头特大,1仔人工喂养,另1仔由母兽喂养,母兽喂养的1仔仅存活了57h03min人工喂养的1仔存活至今已达2a有余,1995年,雌性大熊猫“冰冰”又产1胎2仔,其中1仔照1994年的方法人工喂养,幼仔生长发育正常,活泼健壮,母兽喂养的仔仅存活了25h,本文对人工喂养大熊猫初生幼幼存活的饲喂方法,以及幼仔的生长发育规律等进  相似文献   

大熊猫幼仔口腔分泌物中检出聚团肠杆菌和微球菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大熊猫在圈养条件下 ,配种难、受孕难、幼仔成活更难已众所周知[1,2 ] .本文报告了一只患病大熊猫幼仔的静脉血、尿液和粪便的常规检测和细菌学分离、鉴定 ,并从该幼仔口腔分泌物中检出聚团肠杆菌和微球菌的结果 .以为大熊猫幼仔疾病的检测、诊断和治疗积累基础资料 .1 实验室检查大熊猫幼仔一只 ,1998年 9月出生于成都大熊猫繁育研究基地 ,初生重 110 g左右 ,出生第 3天 ,出现体温间隙性增高 ,拉血便 ,食欲减少 ,烦躁不安 ,精神状态较差 .1.1 常规检查用卡介苗注射用的针头采集颈静脉血作血常规检验 ,其结果 :白细胞总数 :2 3.6× 10 9/…  相似文献   

圈养亚成体大熊猫日粮粗蛋白表观消化率的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了7只1.5-4.7岁的亚成体大熊猫对23种日粮粗蛋白的表观消化率(ADCP),结果为37.86%-83.70%。分析表明,对1.5-2.5岁的大熊猫,粗纤维采食量与ADCP有极显著的负相关关系(图1);对2.5-4.7岁的大熊猫。粗纤维采食量与ADCP没有明显相关关系(表3)。对1.5-2.5岁大熊猫,随竹粗蛋白占总粗蛋白比值升高,ADCP呈下降趋势(图2);2.5-4.7岁的大熊猫,ADCP随竹粗蛋白比例升高而呈上升趋势(图3);不同大熊猫ADCP还有个体差异。图3表3参10  相似文献   

四川白河自然保护区大熊猫对生境的利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用路线法在野外调查了四川九寨沟县白河自然保护区:109个样点的大熊猫粪便等痕迹及其所处生境的特征,共发现有29个大熊猫活动样点,其中,大熊猫粪便样点27个、食迹样点2个.把各样点的各种生境特征作为因素,把每一因素的不同情况设置为水平,进行独立性检验.检验的结果表明白河的大熊猫:1)主要在halt2600~3120m取食;2)偏好在有水源的生境活动;3)对坡向有明显的选择性;4)对华西箭竹有明显的偏好,且在生长良好、盖度较高的生境活动频繁;5)明显回避有挖药活动的生境,偏好在没有人类干扰的生境活动。  相似文献   

收集并分析了5只大熊猫产后d 1~ 180的94个母乳样品的干物质(DM),粗蛋白(CP),乳糖(Lac),乙醚浸出物(EE),粗灰分(CA), 17种氨基酸(AA)和14种矿物元素的含量.结果表明,大熊猫母乳中DM、 CP和EE分别为13.66%~34.97%, 6.29%~7.92%和4.92%~14.09%,而且都随泌乳日期的延长而升高. Lac的含量为1.2% ~ 0.3875%,且随泌乳日期的延长而降低. CA的含量在1%左右(平均为1.04%).根据乳汁中CP、 Lac、无氮浸出物和EE的含量,计算出母乳中总能的含量为3.56~10.19 kJ/kg.绝大多数AA含量随大熊猫母兽泌乳日期的延长而升高,而矿物元素的含量没有明显的变化趋势.结果显示,大熊猫母乳中的营养成分含量在产后的不同阶段有显著差异(P<0.01),而且其含量和变化趋势与常见动物乳及人乳有不同程度的差异.  相似文献   

使用冷藏精液进行大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)人工授精   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用在4℃冷藏24 h和48 h的精液对5岁的雌性大熊猫妃妃进行了人工授精,以保持圈养大熊猫的遗传多样性. 供精者乐乐是一只患皮肤癌的雄性大熊猫,睾丸体积为(386.1±214) cm3,在2000-02-23~05-11期间,4次人工采精刺激电压5~8 V,射精电压5~8 V,每次采精量(3.2±1.2) mL,精子密度为(1 208.5±564.9)×106/mL-1,每次精子总量(3 908.3±2 546.6)×106,精液平均活力为84.8%±4.1%,活率为87.8%±5.2%,运动状态为2.9±0.25,畸形率为28.3%±11.1%,平均顶体正常率为96%±1%,pH值为7.9±0.3.乐乐的精液用TEST稀释后,在4℃冷藏24 h、48 h和72 h后,精子活力分别是65%,58%和47%,精子的活率分别为73%,73%和68%.用酶免法对雌兽妃妃尿液中雌激素的检测,发现妃妃的雌激素在发情前期开始增加,在发情前期的最后一天达到最大峰值,在发情期(4月3日~5日)迅速下降到正常值,进行人工授精的最佳时间是在雌兽尿液中的雌激素达到最大峰值后的48~72 h之间.妃妃在2000-08-10顺利地产下一仔,雌性,妊娠期127 d,初生幼仔179.3 g. 图1 表3 参19  相似文献   

收集并测定了8只圈养大熊猫的12个粘液样品的营养成分含量,包括水分、粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪(CF)、6种维生素(VA、VE、VD、VB1、VB2和VB6)以及4种微量元素(Fe、Zn、Cu和Mn).结果表明,大熊猫排泄的粘液营养物质含量丰富,尤其是含有很高的蛋白质、丰富的维生素和微量元素.粘液排泄频繁和排泄量大的大熊猫将从粘液排泄中损失很多的营养物质.因此,一方面必须给粘液排泄频繁和排泄量大的大熊猫补充营养,另一方面有必要采取切实可行的措施降低大熊猫的粘液排泄量及其频率.表4参5  相似文献   

佛坪三官庙地区大熊猫种群数量的DNA指纹分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用同位素标记大熊猫基因指纹探针F2ZGP96060801,以秦岭南坡中段佛坪国家级大熊猫自然保护区三官庙范围内采集的大熊猫粪便样品作材料,进行了DNA指纹检测.(1)在相同或不同时间、领域采得的粪便样品,显现出相同或不同的DNA指纹图谱,达到个体认定的目的,进一步表明了大熊猫的尽量新鲜的粪便,可以作为DNA指纹分析材料,进行野生种群数量调查.(2)根据检测21个粪便样品的结果,无误地认定了三官庙地区有13只大熊猫个体.其中有3个家系.(3)大熊猫粪便样品的DNA指纹图,通过微机识别的个体数,准确可靠,能获得大熊猫在野外的真实个体数量.  相似文献   

圈养大熊猫乳汁营养成分分析及育幼营养对策初探   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
连续测定了1只10a大熊猫产后1mo内12个乳汁样品中水份、粗蛋白(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)、粗灰分(CA)、乳糖(Lac)、17种氨基酸(AA)、10种矿物元素、6种维生素的含量.结果表明,大熊猫产后前6d乳汁中多数营养素含量与6d后含量差异明显.产后d1乳汁中w(CP)=6.34%,d5~15在5%左右;w(EE)在2.50%~7.33%范围内变动;乳糖含量皆在1%左右;大多数维生素和微量元素含量远高于常见的家畜乳和人乳中相应成分的含量.在分析大熊猫乳汁营养成分含量特点的基础上,探讨了育纳营养对策.  相似文献   

佛坪三官宙庙地区大熊猫种群数量的DNA指纹分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用同位素标记大熊猫基因指纹探针F2ZGP960680801,以秦岭南坡中段佛坪国家级大熊猫自然保护区三官庙范围内采集的大熊猫粪便样品作材料,进行了DNA作指纹检测,(1)在相同或不同时间,领域采粪便样品,呈出现相同或不同的DNA指纹图谱,达到个体认定的目的,进一步表明了大熊猫的尽量新鲜的粪便,可以作为DNA指纹分析材料,进行野生生种群数量调查;(2)根据检测21个粪便样品的结果,无误地定了三官庙  相似文献   

大熊猫与熊类动物性别的分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已知动物的性别决定因子基因序列设计引物,以非性别特异性的脑源性神经营养因子基因片段(BDNF)作为正对照,用于扩增大熊猫、浣熊、天山棕熊和马来熊个体的SRY(sexdeterminingregiononYchromosome)基因片段并对其进行凝胶电泳分析,由此建立了一套简单、快速、可靠的动物性别分子鉴定方法.该方法不仅有利于尽快确定大熊猫等珍稀濒危动物的性别,而且也可以用于野外种群的性别比例调查.  相似文献   

Abstract: The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), is one of the world's most endangered species. Habitat loss and fragmentation have reduced its numbers, shrunk its distribution, and separated the population into isolated subpopulations. Such isolated, small populations are in danger of extinction due to random demographic factors and inbreeding. We used least‐cost modeling as a systematic approach to incorporate satellite imagery and data on ecological and behavioral parameters of the giant panda collected during more than 10 years of field research to design a conservation landscape for giant pandas in the Minshan Mountains. We identified 8 core habitats and 4 potential linkages that would link core habitats CH3, CH4, and CH5 with core habitats CH6, CH7, and CH8. Establishing and integrating the identified habitats with existing reserves would create an efficient reserve network for giant panda conservation. The core habitats had an average density of 4.9 pandas/100 km2 and contained approximately 76.6% of the giant panda population. About 45% of the core habitat (3245.4 km2) existed outside the current nature reserves network. Total estimated core habitat decreased between 30.4 and 44.5% with the addition of residential areas and road networks factored into the model. A conservation area for giant panda in the Minshan Mountains should aim to ensure habitat retention and connectivity, improve dispersal potential of corridors, and maintain the evolutionary potential of giant pandas in the face of future environmental changes.  相似文献   

With growing levels of human-activity and frequent natural disturbances throughout the world, it is increasingly important that both research and management efforts take into account the widespread landscape fragmentation and its consequences for biodiversity conservation. The magnitude 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake in China caused dramatic impacts on giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the nature reserves within Minshan and Qionglai mountains. With the combined stresses of the natural disaster and the extensive human activities during postquake reconstruction, giant panda habitat in this region may become more fragmented in the future. In order to preserve the giant panda population after the earthquake and protect the species against habitat fragmentation, this article explores a method of identifying giant panda migration corridors involving habitat suitability assessments and a least-cost path model. Focusing on postquake Wolong Nature Reserve, our results demonstrate that it contains 430.3 km2 of suitable habitat (21.1% of total area), 463.8 km2 of marginally suitable habitat (22.8%) and 1141.9 km2 of unsuitable habitat (50.1%). We further show that several giant panda dispersal corridors exist in the reserve, including four corridor groups that cross the provincial highway and five corridors that do not intersect areas of human activity. This study will contribute to management and conservation efforts in Wolong Nature Reserve and beyond after the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

In November 1928, Theodore Jr. and Kermit Roosevelt led an expedition to China with the expressed purpose of being the first Westerners to kill the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). The expedition lasted 8 months and resulted in the brothers shooting a giant panda in the mountains of Sichuan Province. Given the concurrent attention in the popular press describing this celebrated expedition, the giant panda was poised to be trophy hunted much like other large mammals around the world. Today, however, the killing of giant pandas, even for the generation of conservation revenue, is unthinkable for reasons related to the species itself and the context, in time and space, in which the species was popularized in the West. We found that the giant panda's status as a conservation symbol, exceptional charisma and gentle disposition, rarity, value as a nonconsumptive ecotourism attraction, and endemism are integral to the explanation of why the species is not trophy hunted. We compared these intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics with 20 of the most common trophy-hunted mammals to determine whether the principles applying to giant pandas are generalizable to other species. Although certain characteristics of the 20 trophy-hunted mammals aligned with the giant panda, many did not. Charisma, economic value, and endemism, in particular, were comparatively unique to the giant panda. Our analysis suggests that, at present, exceptional characteristics may be necessary for certain mammals to be excepted from trophy hunting. However, because discourse relating to the role of trophy hunting in supporting conservation outcomes is dynamic in both science and society, we suspect these valuations will also change in future.  相似文献   

Abstract: To address the complex interactions between humans and wildlife habitat, we developed a conceptual framework that links human factors with forested landscapes and wildlife habitat. All the components in the framework are integrated into systems models that analyze the effects of human factors and project how wildlife habitat would change under different policy scenarios. As a case study, we applied this framework to the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province (southwestern China), the largest home of the giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ). We collected ecological and socioeconomic data with a combination of various methods ( field observations, aerial photographs, government documents and statistics, interviews, and household surveys) and employed geographic information systems and systems modeling to analyze and integrate the data sources. Human population size has increased by 66% and the number of households in the reserve has increased by 115% since 1975, when the reserve was established. During the same period, the quality and quantity of the giant panda habitat dramatically decreased because of increasing human activities such as fuelwood collection. Systems modeling predicted that under the status quo, human population in the reserve would continue to grow and cause more destruction of the remaining panda habitat, whereas reducing human birth rates and increasing human emigration rates would lower human population size and alleviate human impacts on the panda habitat. Furthermore, our simulations and surveys suggested that policies encouraging the emigration of young people would be more effective and feasible than relocating older people in reducing human population size and conserving giant panda habitat in the reserve.  相似文献   

Patterns of Genetic Diversity in Remaining Giant Panda Populations   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract: The giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) is among the more familiar symbols of species conservation. The protection of giant panda populations has been aided recently by the establishment of more and better-managed reserves in existing panda habitat located in six mountain ranges in western China. These remaining populations are becoming increasingly isolated from one another, however, leading to the concern that historic patterns of gene flow will be disrupted and that reduced population sizes will lead to diminished genetic variability. We analyzed four categories of molecular genetic markers (mtDNA restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms [RFLP], mtDNA control region sequences, nuclear multilocus DNA fingerprints, and microsatellite size variation) in giant pandas from three mountain populations (Qionglai, Minshan, and Qinling) to assess current levels of genetic diversity and to detect evidence of historic population subdivisions. The three populations had moderate levels of genetic diversity compared with similarly studied carnivores for all four gene measures, with a slight but consistent reduction in variability apparent in the smaller Qinling population. That population also showed significant differentiation consistent with its isolation since historic times. From a strictly genetic perspective, the giant panda species and the three populations look promising insofar as they have retained a large amount of genetic diversity in each population, although evidence of recent population reduction—likely from habitat loss—is apparent. Ecological management to increase habitat, population expansion, and gene flow would seem an effective strategy to stabilize the decline of this endangered species.  相似文献   

采用固定样方法和定位观察法连续测定了2003~2007年间卧龙自然保护区大熊猫野化培训圈内及其附近区域的拐棍竹无性系种群数量和生长发育特性等参数,运用收获法与非破坏性重量估测法建立了不同龄级和残桩的竹子种群和分株生物量估测模型,进而利用最佳模型计算并评估了野化培训大熊猫采食和人为砍伐对拐棍竹无性系种群生物量和植株个体生物量的影响.结果表明:在环境条件、种群密度、生长发育特征和种群生物量等基本相似的基础上,大熊猫采食和人为砍伐不仅降低实验期间的竹子生物生产力,而且影响到后期阶段实验种群的恢复与发展.大熊猫采食样方中的竹子种群生物量虽然较对照样方低,就竹笋生物量而言,约为对照的57.79%,这与野化培训圈的面积较小、竹种单一而使采食比重(67.07%)较大有关,但其各龄级植株个体生物量均能达到大熊猫的取食利用标准(仅2004年生竹除外),具有持续供给大熊猫食物资源的潜力;而人为砍伐措施与大熊猫采食相比,影响效果极为强烈,它严重降低了拐棍竹无性系的种群生物量,尤其是竹笋重量更是如此,仅为对照样方的14.69%,且植株个体鲜重远低于大熊猫的觅食条件.因此,竹笋和无性系植株的生物量是大熊猫采食标准的主要因素.  相似文献   

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is notoriously difficult to study in the wild, but its interesting reproductive ecology makes the effort worthwhile. Perhaps more than most species, the panda is energy-limited, which alters the cost/benefit analysis of its reproductive ecology. Using global positioning system/very high frequency radiocollars to locate mating aggregations, we used behavioral observations and fecal testosterone assays to gain insight into male panda reproductive effort and strategies, and test theories relating to reproductive competition. Male pandas initially competed fiercely for access to females that were about to be fertile, but once male competitive status was determined, aggression rates declined. Contact aggression was only observed during the first 2 days of mating aggregations; thereafter, it was replaced with noncontact aggression and avoidance. Agonistic interactions were highly asymmetrical, with contest losers (subordinates) showing less aggression and more avoidance than contest winners (dominants), both before and after contest outcome was established. The competitively superior male displayed mate-guarding tactics and secured all observed copulations. Contrary to theoretical predictions, testosterone levels did not predict aggression levels or contest winners and also were not affected by winning or losing a contest. Body size appeared to be the primary determinant of contest outcome. We discuss our findings in light of theoretical predictions, such as those arising from the “challenge hypothesis,” in the context of the giant panda’s foraging and nutritional ecology.  相似文献   

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