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城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场恶臭的防治技术进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
恶臭污染已成为垃圾处理和处置过程中的严重公害。在分析中,介绍了填埋场各区域恶臭的控制措施,综述了卫生填埋场恶臭的常规防治技术,重点讨论了生物技术在填埋场脱臭中的应用,这些防治技术对各类环境卫生设施,如垃圾收集站、中转站、焚烧场、堆肥厂及粪便处理厂的臭气治理均有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场苍蝇和恶臭污染控制技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫生填埋是中国垃圾处置的主流方式,填埋处置过程中会产生一系列次生污染问题,其中苍蝇孳生和恶臭污染问题一直是关注和研究的重点。分别对垃圾填埋场苍蝇灭杀控制和恶臭气体抑制消除的研究和技术应用进行总结,其中主要包括物理、化学及生物技术方法;结合垃圾填埋场管理对苍蝇和恶臭控制的要求,对不同技术的污染控制原理及应用优势和不足进行描述,最后综合现有技术的研究现状提出垃圾填埋场苍蝇和恶臭污染控制的新思路。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾以其特有的分散、巨量、恶臭、肮脏等特性,使环境污染问题显得更加突出、复杂,因此建造垃圾填埋场势在必行。本文以城市垃圾卫生填埋场址的环境影响评价为基础,对垃圾填埋场恶臭气体产生量及其影响强度进行科学的分析与探讨,为垃圾场废气的治理及环境管理提供科学依据。1 垃圾卫生填埋废气产生量分析1.1 废气污染物的产生及特征根据有关实验及文献资料〔1,2〕,填埋场中废气大致由50%~60%的CH4,40%~50%的CO2和一定量的NH3、N2、H2S等物质组成。填埋场产生的废气成份应根据生产过程来确定,在填埋初期两周内氮、氧的含量比…  相似文献   

由化工厂、制药厂、垃圾填埋场、污水处理厂以及家庭装修等产生的恶臭,严重影响人们的生活和健康,迫切需要加以治理。上海乾瀚环保公司开发成功具有自主知识产权的低温等离子体空气净化设备,对各类恶臭气体、烟尘、废气、细菌等都具有很好的处理效果。低温等离子体被称作物质的第四形态,其原理是利用螺旋微波温冷光技术产生的高能离子束和电子束形成的低温等离子体,以每秒300万~3000万次的速度反复轰击恶臭气体分子,激活、电离、裂解废气中各种成分,  相似文献   

混合生活垃圾恶臭特性及评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了不同区域、不同时段生活垃圾的恶臭特性,发现恶臭特性受垃圾组分、处理处置工艺等因素影响较大,垃圾中转站的主要恶臭组分为乙酸乙酯、甲苯、乙苯等挥发性有机物(VOCs)及氨气,填埋场恶臭组分中含硫化合物和含氧化合物浓度高,堆肥场恶臭组分中苯系物和烃类浓度较高,焚烧厂恶臭组分主要为苯系物。基于复杂多变的生活垃圾恶臭特性,采用综合评分法评价恶臭的环境影响程度,对已报道的生活垃圾恶臭组分进行综合评价,发现生活垃圾降解过程释放的恶臭组分中,二甲二硫、硫化氢、甲硫醇、萘、1,3,5-三甲苯、甲硫醚、甲苯、乙苯、对二甲苯和α-蒎烯等是混合生活垃圾优先控制的恶臭污染物。  相似文献   

随着污水处理厂规模的不断扩大,污泥产量持续增加。虽然“重水轻泥”现象已有所改变,但污泥处理处置技术仍面临各种挑战。污泥处理处置过程中的恶臭污染会对周围环境和人群健康造成不利影响,极易引发民众投诉,是提高污泥处理效率、实现污泥资源化利用的难点之一。污泥释放的恶臭物质组分复杂,且影响污泥恶臭释放的因素较多,目前针对污泥处理处置过程中恶臭产生机制和释放规律的研究尚不深入,导致污泥控臭除臭处理的效果仍不理想。因此,在归纳总结污泥常见恶臭物质及其产生来源的基础上,详细阐述了不同处理处置方式下污泥的恶臭污染特征与产生机制,从源头减排、过程控制、末端治理、排放管理4个方面评述了污泥恶臭减排控制措施的原理和发展前景,讨论了污泥恶臭污染防治的复杂性和挑战,以期为污泥恶臭污染防控提供参考。  相似文献   

恶臭与恶臭污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就环境大气中恶臭物质的来源、恶臭污染的形成、恶臭污染的特点与规律进行了讨论,并就国内外恶臭污染状况的演变及对恶臭污染采取的综合防治对策进行了详述,在此基础上,探讨了开展我国恶臭污染方面的调查研究及逐步完善污染防治体系的目标和途径.  相似文献   

生物过滤技术在恶臭污染治理中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用生物技术治理恶臭污染是一项有效经济的环境友好技术,生物技术目前正成为一种处理各种废气的有效的选择.研究了生物过滤技术在不同恶臭环境中的应用效果,分析了应用过程中出现的一些问题,介绍了生物过滤技术治理恶臭气体的原理和过程.研究结果表明,生物过滤设备在生活污水厂和垃圾压缩站具有理想的恶臭净化效果,但不能满足挥发性有机废气的净化需求,仍然需要工艺的改进和完善.  相似文献   

恶臭,是一种发生源众多、污染面积广的公害,直接影响到人体健康.近年来,已经引起了国内外环境科技工作者的关注.我们参阅有关文献,对大气中的恶臭及其气相色谱测定法加以介绍. 大气中的恶臭物 Hoshika在10m~3不锈钢恶臭实验室,应用气相色谱技术,对大气中可能存在的四  相似文献   

在对长春市某垃圾填埋场进行野外调查的基础上 ,于室内进行了垃圾淋滤模拟实验。分析了垃圾渗滤液污染组分的自然衰减规律 ,建立了垃圾填埋场地下水污染的数值模型 ,采用FEFLOW软件对其进行模拟和预报 ,并取得了较好的效果 ,最后提出防止和防治垃圾填埋场污染地下水的若干措施。  相似文献   

随着中国长江流域水电开发进入高峰期,大量的建设人员进入水电站施工营地,导致施工区的生活垃圾处理处置问题日益凸显。通过对金沙江HPS1水电站、雅砻江HPS2水电站和HPS3水电站、大渡河HPS4水电站施工区生活垃圾状况的调查表明,水电站施工生活区生活垃圾人均产量平均值约为0.68kg/d;以厨余、渣土、纸类塑料和橡胶为主,电池等危险废物含量甚微;容重、低位热值、生物可降解物质量分数的平均值分别为358kg/m3、5 234kJ/kg、43.22%。结合施工区所处的环境条件和周围的市政设施现状,采用层次分析法和最小成本法,构建了长江流域水电站施工区生活垃圾处理处置决策模型,可为大型水电站开发过程中施工区生活垃圾全过程管理提供指导。根据决策模型计算得出,HPS1、HPS2、HPS4水电站施工区生活垃圾最优处理处置技术为卫生填埋,HPS3水电站以外运综合处理最优。  相似文献   

模拟成藏地质填埋及诱导填埋有机质生气的理论初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
填埋处理和垃圾生物气的开发利用是实现城市生活垃圾资源化、无害化、减量化处理的有效途径,引入模拟生物气成藏和含气系统的思路,开展地质填埋与诱导填埋有机质生气研究是对能源地质学和填埋设计理念的新探索.通过对比研究地质填埋结构与地质学中生物气藏系统的异同点、生气机理和影响因素的共性与差异,初步论证了将模拟生物气藏理论引入地质填埋设计、优化地质填埋结构、提高填埋有机质生物气化效率和抽排利用效率的可行性;探讨了生物气藏理论在构建地质填埋结构中的可能应用和启示.研究表明:模拟生物气藏地质填埋设计和非常规生物气开发理念具有理论依据和现实基础;生物气藏生、储、盖要素和运、圈、保过程的模拟可应用于垃圾地质填埋场的构建,微生物地球化学理论有助于对诱导填埋有机质生气条件优化的认识.  相似文献   

生活垃圾可持续化填埋   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对中国填埋场现状分析,提出了"可持续填理"的概念.认为生活垃圾填埋场将从单纯的最终处置场所演变为填埋与中转相结合的场所.填埋场的可持续发展也将从两方面得到体现:一为垃圾降解过程及其副产品处理中以能量形式得到利用,另一方面为稳定化后的垃圾及填埋场本身空间得到再一次的利用.  相似文献   

以重庆某非规范填埋场为例,针对西南地区已封场非规范垃圾填埋场的稳定化进程进行了分析。按照场地布局选取4个采样点,在垃圾体上进行钻孔取样,分析不同深度的垃圾样pH值、有机质、含水率、生物可降解度以及垃圾样浸出液和填埋气组成以及各个指标随着填埋深度的变化规律,确定不同深度垃圾体的稳定化程度。结果表明,场内垃圾已呈现矿化垃圾特征;有机质、BDM、浸出液COD以及填埋气CH4含量等4个指标与填埋深度均较好地符合一级降解反应,可以预测垃圾体稳定化临界填埋深度。根据有机质、BDM、浸出液COD以及填埋气CH4含量等4个指标与填埋深度一级降解反应函数预测临界稳定化深度为15 m,与实测值判定的稳定化填埋深度相一致性。在对非规范垃圾填埋场场地利用过程中,需要先对未稳定的上层垃圾进行清理,并在已稳定的底层垃圾体上充填其他稳定介质后利用该地块。  相似文献   

In this paper, methane emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Jordan for 1994 have been estimated using the methodology developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For this purpose, the 14 domestic wastewater treatment plants in the country were surveyed. Generation rates and characterization of MSW components as well as dumping and landfilling practices were surveyed in order to estimate 1994 CH4 emissions from these sites. Locally available waste statistics were used in cases where those of the IPCC guidelines were not representative of Jordan's statistics. Methane emissions from domestic wastewater in Jordan were estimated at 4.66 gigagrams (Gg). Total 1994 CH4 emissions from MSW management facilities in Jordan are estimated at 371.76 Gg--351.12 Gg (94.45%) from sanitary landfills, 19.83 Gg (5.33%) from MSW open dumps, and 0.81 Gg (0.22%) from raw sewage-water dumping ponds. Uncertainties associated with these estimations are presented.  相似文献   

Landfilling is a dominant municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal method in most developing countries. In China, approximately 85% of the generated MSW is being disposed of in the landfills. The amount of MSW is growing rapidly with the rate of approximately 8-10% annually, which contains a high quantity of moisture and organic matters. The problems of leachate treatment and landfill gas (LFG) emissions are increasing gradually. Reducing the hazard before emplacement, pretreatment of MSW before landfilling has become very important for the conventional landfill. In this study, aerobic pretreatment of mixed MSW was used, and much attention has been given to the natural convection of air in the mixed and unshredded MSW for bioconversion of organic matter (OM). This study is an attempt to investigate aerobic pretreatment suitability for the mixed and unshredded MSW at Beijing. A pilot-scale aerobic pretreatment simulator (APS) was developed at Beishen Shu Landfill in Beijing. To work out the biodegradation of the OM in the APS, fresh and pretreated MSW samples were collected and analyzed for OM, moisture content, temperature, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, lignocelluloses, and biochemical methane potential at various stages of the pretreatment. Furthermore, results of the fresh and pretreated MSW are compared. Significant reduction in the observed parameters of the pretreated waste samples is observed. This work demonstrates that pretreatment is significantly effective in reducing the landfill emissions that is leachate and LFG.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill leachate contains a number of aquatic pollutants. A specific MSW stream often referred to as household hazardous waste (HHW) can be considered to contribute a large proportion of these pollutants. This paper describes the use of the LandSim (Landfill Performance Simulation) modelling program to assess the environmental consequences of leachate release from a generic MSW landfill in receipt of co-disposed HHW. Heavy metals and organic pollutants were found to migrate into the zones beneath a model landfill site over a 20,000-year period. Arsenic and chromium were found to exceed European Union and US-EPA drinking water standards at the unsaturated zone/aquifer interface, with levels of mercury and cadmium exceeding minimum reporting values (MRVs). The findings demonstrate the pollution potential arising from HHW disposal with MSW.  相似文献   


In this paper, methane emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Jordan for 1994 have been estimated using the methodology developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For this purpose, the 14 domestic wastewater treatment plants in the country were surveyed. Generation rates and characterization of MSW components as well as dumping and landfilling practices were surveyed in order to estimate 1994 CH4 emissions from these sites. Locally available waste statistics were used in cases where those of the IPCC guidelines were not representative of Jordan's statistics.

Methane emissions from domestic wastewater in Jordan were estimated at 4.66 gigagrams (Gg). Total 1994 CH4 emissions from MSW management facilities in Jordan are estimated at 371.76 Gg—351.12 Gg (94.45%) from sanitary landfills, 19.83 Gg (5.33%) from MSW open dumps, and 0.81 Gg (0.22%) from raw sewage-water dumping ponds. Uncertainties associated with these estimations are presented.  相似文献   

Dramatic increases in the development of oil and natural gas from shale formations will result in large quantities of drill cuttings, flowback water, and produced water. These organic-rich shale gas formations often contain elevated concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), such as uranium, thorium, and radium. Production of oil and gas from these formations will also lead to the development of technologically enhanced NORM (TENORM) in production equipment. Disposal of these potentially radium-bearing materials in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills could release radon to the atmosphere. Risk analyses of disposal of radium-bearing TENORM in MSW landfills sponsored by the Department of Energy did not consider the effect of landfill gas (LFG) generation or LFG control systems on radon emissions. Simulation of radon emissions from landfills with LFG generation indicates that LFG generation can significantly increase radon emissions relative to emissions without LFG generation, where the radon emissions are largely controlled by vapor-phase diffusion. Although the operation of LFG control systems at landfills with radon source materials can result in point-source atmospheric radon plumes, the LFG control systems tend to reduce overall radon emissions by reducing advective gas flow through the landfill surface, and increasing the radon residence time in the subsurface, thus allowing more time for radon to decay. In some of the disposal scenarios considered, the radon flux from the landfill and off-site atmospheric activities exceed levels that would be allowed for radon emissions from uranium mill tailings.

Implications: Increased development of hydrocarbons from organic-rich shale formations has raised public concern that wastes from these activities containing naturally occurring radioactive materials, particularly radium, may be disposed in municipal solid waste landfills and endanger public health by releasing radon to the atmosphere. This paper analyses the processes by which radon may be emitted from a landfill to the atmosphere. The analyses indicate that landfill gas generation can significantly increase radon emissions, but that the actual level of radon emissions depend on the place of the waste, construction of the landfill cover, and nature of the landfill gas control system.  相似文献   


The investigation of municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment in China is rare due to its sensitivity and difficulty in terms of access. We chose Beijing, the capital of China, as an example to identify the characteristics of MSW landfill treatments using a 2-month investigation with 20 participants. MSW landfill treatments account for nearly 70% of the annual MSW disposal in Beijing; the landfill processes are equipped with many kinds of technologies and consume a large amount of energy and produce a variety of contaminants. The cover method (the most obvious difference in landfill tamping) mainly includes high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes with loess and soil alone (i.e., loess or sandy soil). We investigated the actual conditions of landfills and collected data on leachate and landfill gas (LFG) emissions and energy consumption during 2009–2011. The results indicated that the cover method employed by landfills was related to treatment quantity, operation, and especially landfill location. Early large-scale landfills located in plains were covered with HDPE geomembranes, and newly built landfills covered with soil tended to be equipped with HDPE covers. Using HDPE cover also contributed greatly to LFG production due to its impermeability but had no remarkable effect on leachate yield reduction due to the dry climate in Beijing. The potential was reinforced by the potentials of decrement and reuse. The disposal method of LFG can be optimized, and the power generated by the LFG process can meet the landfill demand. The gray water recycled from the leachate could be used in the landfill process.


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