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上海地区年产生工业废物量达百万吨,纳入管理系统的仅十多万吨。工业废物在一定的范围内可以做到资源化利用。因其是流动性污染源,产生量为非连续源,废物的组分不稳定,且工业园区又没有设置垃圾收集点。所以。工业废物的控制指标与其他环保控制指标不同。文章分析了上海现行的可再生资源收集、利用工作存在的问题及建立可再生资源收集,利用系统的意义;并就工业废白土、含汞废灯管,废旧铅酸蓄电池、工业电子废物等固体废物的产生、回收、利用,探讨了建立上海市可再生资源收集,利用系统的可行性。  相似文献   

我国工业危险废物产生特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
工业生产是危险废物的主要来源,工业危险废物是世界各国固体废物管理的重要方面.以我国历年环境统计数据为基础,全面分析了我国工业危险废物产生现状和特点.研究了工业危险废物产生量、利用量和处置量、工业危险废物区域和行业分布特点、工业危险废物与工业固体废物的关系、工业危险废物产生量与工业产值的关系及工业危险废物产生的变化趋势等.提出今后我国既要重视对传统的石油化工、化学工业和冶金工业等行业产生的危险废物管理,又要重视对高新技术产业和西部资源省份产生工业危险废物的管理.  相似文献   

上海市工业固体废物处理处置现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了上海市一般工业固体废物及工业危险废物的产生及处理处置现状,提出:一般工业固废主要以资源化利用为主,危废处置企业实行末位淘汰,实现清洁生产;加强国家提倡的"三位一体"综合处理项目建设,实现集中处理、集中监管,降低运营成本;加强工业危废产生企业申报登记及转移的网络信息化管理,杜绝监管盲区。  相似文献   

为了提升我国工业园区绿色发展水平,对目前我国工业园区发展历程、现状特征进行了分析,对工业园区绿色发展政策进行了梳理和对比,并结合工业园区绿色发展中存在的问题提出了对策建议.研究表明:①我国工业园区经历了快速发展、调整发展和科学发展等阶段,在经济发展、资源与能源优化利用、污染减排等方面成效显著.②我国工业园区绿色发展的相关政策主要体现在国家生态工业示范园区创建、园区循环化改造、国家低碳工业园区试点、绿色园区建设和UNIDO绿色工业园区创建等工作中,这些政策在推动主体、实施路径、侧重方向上各不相同又各有特色,对推动工业园区节能减排绩效明显.③目前,我国工业园区绿色发展存在的问题主要表现在重视程度有待提升、风险防范意识有待加强、创新能力有待提高等方面.为此,提出了我国工业园区绿色发展对策建议:积极践行绿色发展理念,推进园区绿色化、生态化、低碳化建设,实现经济环境双赢;注意环境风险防控,确保环境安全;创新管理机制,强化监督管理.   相似文献   

Industrial symbioses (ISs) and eco-industrial parks (EIPs) are key concepts of industrial ecology (IE). The aim of ISs and EIPs is to minimise inefficient material and energy use by utilising local by-product and energy flows. Industrial symbioses tend to develop through spontaneous action of economic actors, for gaining of economic benefit, but these systems can be designed and promoted via policy instruments as well. A literature review showed that national programmes for eco-industrial parks can be found in different parts of the world. In the action programmes and other sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policy documents of the EU, on the other hand, industrial symbioses gain less recognition as a path to enhanced sustainable production. In this article, we consider this and also analyse how the evolution and environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis system centred on a Finnish pulp and paper mill have been affected by SCP policy instruments. With regard to the system forming the subject of the case study, and Finnish industrial systems in general, policy instruments have succeeded in reducing emissions but not in systematically encouraging operators toward symbiosis-like activities. All in all, few studies exist on the overall impact of policy instruments promoting design of eco-industrial parks. It is not self-evident that symbiosis-like production systems would be sustainable in every case, as the background assumptions for political promotion of EIPs suggest. We concluded that industrial symbioses should be analysed and developed on a life cycle basis, with documentation of the real environmental benefits due to efficient resource use and decreased emissions in comparison to standalone production. ISs can then bring eco-competitiveness to companies in relation to SCP tools, such as environmental permits, ecolabels, and future product regulation based on the Ecodesign Directive in Europe. Indirect encouragement of symbiosis through land-use regulation and planning, in such a way that material fluxes between companies are possible both in operations and in financial terms, may prove effective. The same holds for waste policies that encourage increased reuse of a company’s waste by other enterprises.  相似文献   

对全国抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情期间的医疗废物收集与管理现状进行分析,总结其存在的问题主要包括收集设施缺乏环境生物安全控制标准、基层人员对医疗废物管理不规范、医疗废物应急管理体系不完善等问题.为补齐防范重大公共事件中环境生物风险控制的短板,在现有收集技术、管理趋势的基础上进行分析,提出以下建议:①鼓励研究多种可广泛应用于一般生活垃圾、一般医疗垃圾以及高传染医疗废物,并对人类和生态环境无害的分类收集设施,可将生物安全控制技术融合至废物分类设施.②医疗废物合理规范管理是城市、乡村环境管理中的重点,但对于民用防疫废物的收集和处置方面仍有漏洞,应尽快制订新型冠状病毒类传染病重大公共事件的民用医疗废物管理应急标准.③为了对医废管理流程进行实时监管,可参考“工业互联网”“智慧环保”和“互联网+”,与“5G”技术结合构建“数据闭环-及时监管”数据库来提升收集与管理效率.   相似文献   

通过对重庆市2008年-2012年连续5年大宗一般工业固体废物的产生、利用和处置现状进行统计分析,指出了重庆市大宗一般工业固体废物污染控制中存在的问题.针对重庆市大宗一般工业固体废物产生特征、综合利用现状以及环境管理需求,从推动企业清洁生产审核、开展工业共生项目、综合整治现存污染源、强化环境管理等方面,提出大宗一般工业固体废物污染控制对策和建议,为重庆市工业固体废物的全过程环境管理提供参考.  相似文献   

近年来,我国在固体废物管理领域出台了一系列政策措施,如修订《固体废物污染环境防治法》、创建"无废城市"建设试点等。末端治理已不能满足固体废物管理需求,科学、全面和系统地管理固体废物应提上日程。当前我国固体废物管理仍面临一系列难题,如绿色生产和生活方式尚未形成,资源化利用水平不足,固体废物环境风险大等。在此背景下,物质流分析方法可以成为我国提升固体废物管理水平的一个重要抓手。基于欧美国家已有经验,以及国内外学者的广泛实证研究,本文主要以固体废物管理源头减量、资源化利用、环境影响最小化三个方面目标为导向,梳理物质流分析方法应用的具体领域,并对未来物质流分析在固体废物管理领域的应用提出如下展望:基于地区经济、环境实际情况,探索物质流分析与投入产出分析、生命周期评价等方法相结合的混合政策工具;加强对物质流动驱动因素的识别与机理分析;推动中小尺度经济系统固体废物数据收集与应用。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济发展和城镇化进程,固体废物产生呈强度高、利用不充分的状态,造成了严重的资源浪费和环境污染. 随着风险意识的加强,准确评估固体废物的环境风险,已经成为确定固体废物管控目标、边界、优先序的重要基础. 由于固体废物的特性复杂、处理链条长、流动过程受区域发展特征的影响,其环境风险呈现风险因子多元、空间异质性强、不确定性高、易产生长期累积性风险等规律. 现有的固体废物环境风险评估大多基于源项分析,针对特定环节或设施开展定量或半定量的污染物暴露与健康风险评估,缺乏对全过程的系统性分析,无法从全局及区域上综合评估固体废物的环境风险水平. 因此,本文提出固体废物全过程精细化环境风险评估框架,包括固体废物全生命周期路径梳理及特征识别、风险因子及其释放转运过程辨析、受体的最大可接受环境风险水平评估、基于多评价指标的固体废物环境风险的量化,以期为实现固体废物环境风险精细化管控提供支撑.   相似文献   

In China many investments especially from foreign companies are located in industry parks. However, the general situation and management perspectives of developing Chinese industrial parks are not very clear to the westerners. With the rapid development, industrial parks will play a key role in China's economy, therefore, those issues relating with China's industrial parks need to be further discussed. This paper is one of such efforts. It will review the development of China's industrial parks, including characterizing industry parks in China and discussing the main site selection criteria and important aspects for foreign investors. The main focus of this paper is to discuss the current environmental management practices of industrial parks because such parks have been main sources of pollution. New development strategy for industrial parks, such as eco-industrial development, should be considered and implemented.  相似文献   

我国工业园区生态化改造的难题与对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国工业园区发展现状,围绕生态园区建设需求,为有效解决工业园区发展与资源环境约束之间的矛盾,提出园区生态化改造的有效对策,主要包括生态补链、提标改造、一体化管理等。进一步展望了工业园区生态化改造的前景,并开展了风险评估和效益分析。  相似文献   

我国许多工业园区在发展建设中片面追求经济增长速度,不重视环境监督管理,环境问题不断出现。介绍了近年来我国的推进工业生态园区建设概况,在分析工业园区环境管理现存问题及原因的基础上,探讨了工业园在环境管理中应采取的主要对策。  相似文献   

通过对重庆市2010年-2014年连续5年医疗卫生机构数量、医疗废物产生和处置现状进行统计分析,指出了重庆市医疗废物环境管理和无害化处置中存在的问题.并进一步针对重庆市环境保护要求和医疗废物环境管理需求,从规范分类收集和处置行为、开展分散收集和贮存试点、统筹规划处置设施和技术、完善处置收费制度等方面,提出了医疗废物集中处置对策和建议,为重庆市以及其它地区医疗废物全过程环境管理提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Executives are increasingly paying attention to the importance of supply chain management [Lambert DM, Cooper MC. Issues in supply chain management. Industrial Marketing Management 2000;29(1):65–83; Hagelaar GJLF, van der Vorst JGAJ. Environmental supply chain management: using life cycle assessment to structure supply chains. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2002;4:399–412]. The management of the supply chain can be a central aspect of a company's competitive advantage [Preuss L. Rhetoric and reality of corporate greening: a view from the supply chain management function. Business Strategy and the Environment 2005;14:123–139]. SCM also offers considerable opportunities to reduce a company's environmental impact. The supply chains of three small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in the Burnside Industrial Park in Nova Scotia, Canada were investigated to explore the opportunities to improve environmental performance of SMEs linked in supply chains. This study confirmed that time and, to a lesser degree, financial resources to address solid waste and energy issues are the greatest limiting factors. Small suppliers, and even to a certain degree medium-sized enterprises, have difficulties in allocating resources to initiatives that are not viewed as directly related to their core function, namely manufacturing the product or providing the service. This study clearly demonstrated that opportunities exist to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and solid waste. Although, the benefits that would be gained from the implementation of any of the individual actions in the supply chains explored in this study are individually small, the cumulative benefits that could be achieved among supply chains and within industrial parks are substantial, given the number of small- and medium-sized enterprises.  相似文献   

为适应经济发展和城市功能区调整的需要,工业园区成为近年来工业发展的的一种新型的产业集群模式。随着工业园区的发展,工业园区的环境管理问题日益突出,本文从环境管理的形成及基本特征入手,分析了工业园区的环境管理中出现的问题并提出相应的解决对策,为园区管理构建科学的管理体系,促进工业园区的科学发展。  相似文献   

江苏沿海化工区环境风险分级及优先管理策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以江苏沿海40家化工园区为例,综合考虑化工园区评价单元与环境风险区域性、系统性和行业性特征,构建了包括风险源、控制机制、风险受体3项一级指标、9项二级指标的环境风险分级综合模型,提出以指标贡献率作为优先管理策略的半定量筛选依据.结果表明,研究区域内共有江苏响水陈家港化工集中区、江苏连云港化工产业园区、如皋精细化学工业园等7个高风险园区,其风险产生与园区产业结构、园区地理布局紧密相关.根据指标贡献度将7个高风险化工园区划分为两类化工园区:一类是以受体敏感性为主控风险因素的化工园区;一类以风险源以及风险控制为主控因素的化工园区.针对这两类化工园区,分别从环境监管、提高清洁生产水平、化工企业数量总量控制、污水处理厂及配套管网建设等方面提出优先管理策略.  相似文献   

Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in China. In order to reduce the discharge of waste water per RMB 1000 Yuan of the industrial output value, the author offered a proposal on the development of low-and non-waste technologies as follows: 1. Changing distribution and structures of industrial production; 2. Innovation in techniques and eliminating industrial wastewater in the process of manufacture; 3. Comprehensive utilization of wastes and wastewater; 4. Strengthening environmental management and supervision of industrial enterprises.  相似文献   

江苏省案例地区牲畜养殖养分循环与环境效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
运用案例区域调查法和养分物质分析法,对江苏牲畜养殖场饲料、牲畜排泄物、土壤、地表及地下水体养分状况进行了调查、分析对牲畜规模养殖中的养分循环与管理及其环境效应进行了评价.研究表明,牲畜养殖中液体粪水的排放和露天堆放固体粪便的淋失易造成环境问题.地表水体之间的水力联系和地表径流是造成牲畜养殖废弃物环境问题的主要途径.虽然采取固体粪便与液体粪水相分离的方法在一定程度上减少了对环境的影响,但液体粪水仍是污染环境的主要来源.本文还对液体粪水的处理与利用、牲畜排泄物的利用与养分管理提出了建议.  相似文献   

The Solvay Process aims at the production of soda ash. The solid and liquid effluents from the soda ash production have been a target of investigation since decades or centuries, often attempting to make use of the wastes. In this paper, all sources of waste from the Solvay Process and their environmental impact are reviewed and possible applications are discussed. It could be shown that, upon disposal into waterways, solid and insoluble wastes have a much higher environmental impact than salt solutions. The results of this study allow the conclusion, that cleaner production in this field can be achieved primarily by the use of cleaner raw materials or by technologies aiming at the avoidance of (solid) wastes or at the increase of the conversion rate of the raw material sodium chloride, whereas the utilization of by-products made from the industrial wastes often faces technical or economical problems.  相似文献   

工业园区内企业众多,副产品和固体废物排放量犬,生产过程也复杂,采用生命周期对固体废物进行管理显得也复杂很多。该文从构建工业园区固体废物生命周期管理边界模型出发,并以电子信息产业园区为例,试着将固体废物与不同的企业或生产过程紧密耦合,构建可行的较稳定的生命周期管理边界模型。  相似文献   

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