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The objective of this article is to present a method for developing collision risk indicators applicable for autonomous remotely operated vehicles (AROVs), which are essential for promoting situation awareness in decisions support systems. Three suitable risk based collision indicators are suggested for AROVs namely, time to collision, mean time to collision and mean impact energy. The proposed indicators are classified into different thresholds; low, intermediate and high. An AROV flight path is simulated to gather input data to calculate the proposed indicators and three collision targets are established, i.e., subsea structure, seabed and a cooperating AROV. The proposed indicator development method together with the case study show a proof-of-concept that the combination of mean time to collision and mean impact energy indicators can identify risk prone waypoints in the AROV path. The method results in an overall risk picture for a given AROV path. The results may provide useful input in replanning of mission paths and for implementation of risk reducing measures. Even though the method focuses on collision risk, it can be used for other accident scenarios for AROVs.  相似文献   

基于风险优先的分级监察研究   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
本文提出了安全生产分级监察的思路和方法,并进一步论述了安全生产分级监察的内容与特点。将部分工业发达国家的先进安全生产监察经验总结为三种监察方法,即单纯循环法、事故跟进法和风险优先法。通过与安全生产分级监察进行比较后,得出了安全生产分级监察是适合我国安全生产监察现状和安全生产发展需求的新途径的研究结论。  相似文献   

基于RBI方法原理,实施化工装置压力管道风险评估。在风险评估过程中,将装置内各腐蚀回路中的压力管道按照管径、材质及用途等因素进行分组,以得到各压力管道组的风险等级,在此基础上确定其抽检比例,制订在线检验策略。以某厂环氧乙烷/乙二醇〖JP2〗(EO/EG)装置为对象,应用壳牌S-RBI软件完成装置内274组(共458条)压力管道风险评估工作,根据风险评估结果共抽取178条压力管道实施在线检验,考虑到该装置存在的减薄机理,在线检验技术手段以测厚和宏观检查为主,并对部分中高风险等级以上的压力管道进行数字射线检测。检验结果表明:基于RBI技术的压力管道在线检验策略能够有效发现压力管道系统中存在的安全隐患,并节约检验成本。  相似文献   

In refineries and processing plants, the enormous amount of piping is more complex in distribution than other types of equipment. In general, compared with other types of equipment in these industries, more difficulty in inspection planning is encountered.

However, under-inspection or over-inspection can occur due to the lack of jurisdictional requirements on the inspection interval and method for piping, or the inspection interval being based only on piping service classifications in the existing regulations, such as API 570. This can result in unacceptable risks, along with costly loss of resources.

To lessen the piping risk level, more and more companies have adopted and applied risk based inspection (RBI) methodology, leading to risk reduction and cost benefits since the last decade. This study applied RBI methodology to optimize the inspection strategy of the piping in a refinery and petrochemical plants in Taiwan. Two actual case studies were corroborated better with quantitative RBI methodology than without the methodology in terms of risk and cost reductions.  相似文献   

为解决铁路客运站旅客安检用时久、效率低等问题,分析国内铁路客运站安检服务流程现状,研究基于旅客风险等级分类的差异化安检流程,提出安检排队优化策略。根据旅客不同的风险等级将其划分为高风险旅客与低风险旅客,并设定对应的重点安检通道和常规安检通道。运用Anylogic软件构建安检模拟场景,采用2种安检方案仿真模拟实际安检流程,分析旅客风险阈值和2类通道的配置数对旅客平均安检时长的影响,并找出最优化的风险阈值和安检通道配置数。结果表明:当风险阈值μ为0.7时,总通道的平均安检时长达到最小值,通过设定的合理风险阈值及配置适当的安检通道数量可有效提升安检效率。  相似文献   

生产安全事故风险分级与分级监察研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
针对我国安全生产形势严峻现状,为进一步提高安全生产监察效率和质量,强化行政执法力度,提出了在我国建立生产安全事故风险分级与分级监察系统,其方法是首先确定行业相对风险度,再计算企业职业伤害风险系数,据此对企业风险进行分级,根据监察力量和监察计划对不同风险级别的企业进行分级监察,为实行集约型安全生产监察工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Petrochemical facilities and plants require essential ongoing maintenance to ensure high levels of reliability and safety. A risk-based maintenance (RBM) strategy is a useful tool to design a cost-effective maintenance schedule; its objective is to reduce overall risk in the operating facility. In risk assessment of a failure scenario, consequences often have three key features: personnel safety effect, environmental threat and economic loss. In this paper, to quantify the severity of personnel injury and environmental pollution, a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) method is developed using subjective information derived from domain experts. On the basis of failure probability and consequence analysis, the risk is calculated and compared against the known acceptable risk criteria. To facilitate the comparison, a risk index is introduced, and weight factors are determined by an analytic hierarchy process. Finally, the appropriate maintenance tasks are scheduled under the risk constraints. A case study of a continuous catalytic reforming plant is used to illustrate the proposed approach. The results indicate that FMEA is helpful to identify critical facilities; the RBM strategy can increase the reliability of high-risk facilities, and corrective maintenance is the preferred approach for low-risk facilities to reduce maintenance expenditure.  相似文献   

海上平台压力容器检验周期的计算方法通常会产生过少或过度检验的问题,确定合理的检验周期对平衡压力容器的安全操作和检验成本具有重大意义。采用改进的RBI技术,对2种泄漏类型的压力容器系统分别设定不同的可接受风险,并将渐变模型引入压力容器检验周期计算方法中,计算了某海上生产平台上的51台压力容器的检验周期。结果表明,共有22个压力容器部位的检验周期得到调整,验证了改进的方法可以使检验周期数值更真实合理地反映设备风险,但对腐蚀率较小的损伤机理,采用渐变模型改进容器部位的检验周期效果不明显。  相似文献   

基于可靠度理论的RBI修正模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于风险的检测技术包括定性RBI判断和定量RBI计算,定性判断得到风险相对的高低,风险相对较低者则不必进行定量RBI计算,风险高者再进行下一步定量RBI计算。在API581中,国外风险分析统计表明,石化企业的风险分布范围有一个所谓的"二八"现象,即"80%的风险是由20%的设备引起",中高风险以上的设备范围一般在20%左右。但我国十套装置风险分析结果发现,这个结论在我国并不适用,我国中高风险设备往往在40%左右。论文分析了API581在中国应用的局限性,引入可靠度理论计算设备失效概率,预估未来的失效概率或可靠度,可以完整地以RBI方法在得知失效后果和失效概率下,评估出此设备在整个系统中所处的地位,从而适当地分配检测、维修资源,在RBI完成后再进行风险评价进而完成风险评估过程。  相似文献   

为解决我国公共安全风险沟通中存在的“平时风险沟通缺位、战时危机沟通失灵”的问题,探索1种基于情景构建的风险沟通策略。在分析情景构建和风险沟通的技术框架关联性的基础上,发现情景构建既可以扩展为相关方风险沟通的扁平化组织模式;又可以为相关方的风险沟通过程提供模式化的聚焦载体,即情景(风险规律)、任务(责任定位)和能力(能力评估);实现风险信息共享、危机规律分析、最坏后果推演和基于既有能力的措施研究;以LG化工园区情景构建为例对风险沟通策略进行诠释。结果表明:情景构建是适合我国公共安全风险沟通的有效策略。  相似文献   

The overall objective of the maintenance process is to increase the profitability of the operation and optimize the total life cycle cost without compromising safety or environmental issues. Risk assessment integrates reliability with safety and environmental issues and therefore can be used as a decision tool for preventive maintenance planning. Maintenance planning based on risk analysis minimizes the probability of system failure and its consequences (related to safety, economic, and environment). It helps management in making correct decisions concerning investment in maintenance or related field. This will, in turn, result in better asset and capital utilization.

This paper presents a new methodology for risk-based maintenance. The proposed methodology is comprehensive and quantitative. It comprises three main modules: risk estimation module, risk evaluation module, and maintenance planning module. Details of the three modules are given. A case study, which exemplifies the use of methodology to a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, is also discussed.  相似文献   

对液化石油气站选址风险进行定量分析,判断风险的可接受性,从而确定选址是否合理.拟建液化石油气站的F/N曲线未知,辨识液化石油气站可能发生的最严重事故,并应用风险积分参数确定液化石油气站的风险.经判断,液化石油气站可能发生的最严重事故为沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸(BLEVE),应用BLEVE火球模型对事故后果进行评价并确定事故影响范围,进而确定影响范围内的最大人数及事故发生频率,在此基础上对LPG站的风险积分参数进行计算.将计算结果与英国安全卫生执行局应用ALARP准则制定的风险可接受标准进行比较.结果表明,该液化石油气站的风险处于合理可接受区.采取一定风险减缓措施后,可考虑在此地点建设液化石油气站.  相似文献   

Due to rapid industrialization, with high population density and constraints of land, it is expected that level of risks arising from the hazardous industries will increase in India in the coming decades. However, 30 years after the Bhopal accident (1984), except a few discrete regulations, there is as yet no integrated system for assessing and managing risks arising out of these hazardous industries in India. The gravity of aspects related to the management of industrial risk still remains crucially important. In particular, there is no standard guideline on risk analysis methodology, acceptability or tolerability criteria, nor is there an accident database or a risk reduction strategy for the areas where risk levels are already high. On top of this, there are technical and legislative gaps in the institutional framework to implement any of the above mentioned issues. With the backdrop of the Bhopal gas tragedy, the objective of this paper is therefore to evaluate the effectiveness of a comprehensive risk assessment framework for the emerging economy of India, in order to control and/or to reduce the risk level that exists. In this context, regulations and policies pertaining to industrial risk assessment were reviewed.  相似文献   

为了能够客观、科学的对煤矿开采过程中煤自燃火灾进行有效的预防,综合运用系统工程理论、层次分析法和模糊数学方法建立了煤自燃的危险性综合评价模型。从"人-机-环-管"系统原理角度出发,建立了多层次的煤自燃危险性评价指标体系,并采用层次法对各层次评价指标的权重进行了计算,确定了5类判断指标用于评价煤自燃的危险等级。并在实践中进行应用,评价结果和煤矿实际开采过程中煤自燃发生情况基本吻合,表明了该模型是合理可行的,能够实现对矿井煤自燃危险性进行评价。  相似文献   

从风险分析角度分析台风灾害给渔业造成的影响.首先应用风险分析模型,从灾损度、脆弱度及防灾系数3方面定性分析了台风灾害对渔业的影响.研究对象为宁波、舟山的渔业.在收集相关数据后,应用模糊综合评判模型分别计算出宁波、舟山10个区(县)的灾损度、脆弱度以及防灾系数并制成台风灾害综合评判表,应用SPSS软件的聚类分析功能对宁波、舟山10个区(县)进行聚类分析.取组间距离为10,将数据分为3类:舟山4县为第1类,受台风灾害影响最大;奉化,宁海、象山为第2类,受台风影响次之;宁波市区、慈溪市,余姚市为第3类,受台风影响最小.最后结合这几个地区实际情况,分析了聚类分析结果的原因.  相似文献   

对液化石油气站选址风险进行定量分析,判断风险的可接受性,从而确定选址是否合理。拟建液化石油气站的F/N曲线未知,辨识液化石油气站可能发生的最严重事故,并应用风险积分参数确定液化石油气站的风险。经判断,液化石油气站可能发生的最严重事故为沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸(BLEVE),应用BLEVE火球模型对事故后果进行评价并确定事故影响范围,进而确定影响范围内的最大人数及事故发生频率,在此基础上对LPG站的风险积分参数进行计算。将计算结果与英国安全卫生执行局应用ALARP准则制定的风险可接受标准进行比较。结果表明,该液化石油气站的风险处于合理可接受区。采取一定风险减缓措施后,可考虑在此地点建设液化石油气站。  相似文献   

为客观评价机务人员上肢职业性肌肉骨骼损伤风险,选取作业姿势、肌肉负载和暴露时间作为评估工作过程中机务人员肌肉骨骼损伤的指标,结合工效学和仿真技术,建立机务维修中肌肉骨骼损伤风险仿真评价方法,定量评估工作过程中机务人员肌肉骨骼损伤程度。采用动素理论分解A330飞机六号肋改装作业任务,对作业人员、工作场景、维修动作进行建模,使用JACK软件中的人因分析工具(TAT)分别对选取指标进行分析评估。研究结果表明:在六号肋改装作业中,机务人员存在严重的上肢职业性肌肉骨骼损伤的隐患,此研究方法可客观高效评估机务人员上肢职业性肌肉骨骼损伤的程度。  相似文献   

Test case based risk predictions using artificial neural network   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTION: The traditional fuzzy-rule-based risk assessment technique has been applied in many industries due to the capability of combining different parameters to obtain an overall risk. However, a drawback occurs as the technique is applied in circumstances where there are multiple parameters to be evaluated that are described by multiple linguistic terms. METHOD: In this study, a risk prediction model incorporating fuzzy set theory and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) capable of resolving the problem encountered is proposed. An algorithm capable of converting the risk-related parameters and the overall risk level from the fuzzy property to the crisp-valued attribute is also developed. Its application is demonstrated by a test case evaluating the navigational safety within port areas. RESULTS: It is concluded that a risk predicting ANN model is capable of generating reliable results as long as the training data takes into account any potential circumstance that may be met. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This paper provides safety assessment practitioners with a novel and flexible framework of modelling risks using a fuzzy-rule-base technique. It is especially applicable in circumstances where there are multiple parameters to be considered. The proposed framework also enables the port industry to manage navigational safety in a rational manner.  相似文献   

对企业实施分级监察的基础是企业监察级别的确定。分级监察是以“风险优先”为基本的原则风险管理思想。本文在对我国现有的安全生产法规政策和安监部门的部分执法文书以及企业违法处罚情况进行分析总结的基础上,建立了企业违法处罚情况的量化模型,并以企业职业伤害风险和企业违法处罚结果为影响因素,建立了二元分级监察模型。运用所建立的模型对辽宁省某市的159家调研企业的监察级别进行了划分,并对分级结果进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

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