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Including the forestry sector as a mitigation option is critical to successful implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Since emissions trading and other related economic instruments are likely to be used to meet the treaty's goals, integrating carbon credits from the forestry sector in an emissions trading system and into the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation is necessary if the GHG mitigation potential of the forestry sector is to be fully realized.Some of the concepts presented in this paper build on a discussion paper prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Challenge Office, preparatory to a sinks workbook. The sinks workbook is designed to help Australian companies measure carbon sequestration from projects undertaken to fulfill their pledges as part of the Australian government's voluntary Greenhouse Challenge initiative. The ideas presented in the original discussion paper (as well as in this paper) were intended to stimulate discussion and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Australian government.This paper outlines some of the methodological questions raised in determining how to generate credits from forestry projects in the context of the Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation and national emissions trading programs. These include baseline determination, which carbon pools to count, leakage issues, carbon accounting methods and the fate of wood products.  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - The allocation of carbon emission rights via auctioning has gradually become an irreplaceable part of the emissions trading system. However,...  相似文献   

本文从生物质热电联产的必要性作为切入点,从经济、社会、生态效益三个方面分析了内蒙古发展生物质能热电联产的综合效益.  相似文献   

开发和利用秸秆生物质能对促进社会经济的发展和改善生态环境具有重大意义.内蒙古是农作物秸秆资源蕴含丰富的省区,本文通过对内蒙古秸秆生物质资源现状分析的基础上,简单介绍了生物质热电产业状况和良好的政策环境,探讨内蒙古发展秸秆生物质热电产业的优势.  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Cities can be severely affected by climate change. Hence, many of them have started to develop climate adaptation strategies or implement...  相似文献   

The agricultural sector and primarily its cotton subsector are of great importance for Greece, due to the intensive agricultural activities. The wastes from cotton ginning plants are also considerable and can be valorized for bioenergy production. The substitution of conventional by green fuels, which can be produced from cotton ginning wastes, is a step towards: (a) economic and environmental sustainability for the textile industry and (b) the development of alternative energy supplies, contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Furthermore, it consists an especially attractive opportunity to invest in rural areas. The present paper concerns the feasibility study for energy recovery from cotton ginning waste with GHG emissions reduction in a textile plant located in Northern Greece. The aim was to replace part of heavy fuel oil used for the thermal needs of the plant by biomass. The results showed that the most economically interesting energy option for a bioenergy unit in the above textile plant is 5 MW for the coverage of the 52% of the plant's thermal requirements.  相似文献   

In this paper a multibox model is applied to investigate how power plant emissions and industrial emissions affect the O3 levels in a leeward urban area and a farther downwind rural area. Apart from a detailed consideration of one specific situation, the effect of advection is described and the influence of emission reductions on ozone formation is analyzed. The results prove that the characteristics of upstream emissions is of great significance for the O3 levels. In particular, a reduction of hydrocarbon emissions was proved to be beneficial in all considered cases, while a reduction of primarily NOx emissions may lead to an enhanced O3 formation.  相似文献   

以上海某城市生活垃圾焚烧发电厂为例,采用上游-操作-下游(UOD)表格法,分析了生活垃圾焚烧发电过程中不同环节的温室气体排放贡献,及影响其排放的主要因素.结果表明,目前我国生活垃圾焚烧发电过程是温室气体排放源,以吨垃圾净CO2排放量计,达166~212kg.生活垃圾中自含化石碳对温室气体排放的贡献最大,CO2排放量为257kg/t;因焚烧发电上网而获得的净减排量为120kg/t;垃圾收运、辅助物料消耗及焚烧灰渣处理等引起的排放量总计为27~45kg/t.生活垃圾沥出渗滤液后续处理过程的温室气体排放量为7.7kg/t.节省焚烧过程辅助物料使用和改变焚烧灰渣处置方式能够减少温室气体排放量,但是减排效果有限.我国各地区电能基准线排放因子存在差异,对焚烧过程温室气体排放的影响为0~13%.降低生活垃圾含水率、提高垃圾可发电量是我国生活垃圾焚烧发电过程温室气体排放源汇转换的关键途径.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1337-1348
Eco-effectiveness and cradle-to-cradle design present an alternative design and production concept to the strategies of zero emission and eco-efficiency. Where eco-efficiency and zero emission seek to reduce the unintended negative consequences of processes of production and consumption, eco-effectiveness is a positive agenda for the conception and production of goods and services that incorporate social, economic, and environmental benefit, enabling triple top line growth.Eco-effectiveness moves beyond zero emission approaches by focusing on the development of products and industrial systems that maintain or enhance the quality and productivity of materials through subsequent life cycles. The concept of eco-effectiveness also addresses the major shortcomings of eco-efficiency approaches: their inability to address the necessity for fundamental redesign of material flows, their inherent antagonism towards long-term economic growth and innovation, and their insufficiency in addressing toxicity issues.A central component of the eco-effectiveness concept, cradle-to-cradle design provides a practical design framework for creating products and industrial systems in a positive relationship with ecological health and abundance, and long-term economic growth. Against this background, the transition to eco-effective industrial systems is a five-step process beginning with an elimination of undesirable substances and ultimately calling for a reinvention of products by reconsidering how they may optimally fulfill the need or needs for which they are actually intended while simultaneously being supportive of ecological and social systems.This process necessitates the creation of an eco-effective system of “nutrient” management to coordinate the material flows amongst actors in the product system. The concept of intelligent materials pooling illustrates how such a system might take shape, in reality.  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - The mitigation of climate change demands a transition to low-carbon power generation systems. To identify effective transition strategies...  相似文献   

为探明当前滨海电厂冷却系统热冲击和加氯对浮游植物的影响程度,于室内对采自乐清湾的浮游植物进行短期(15、30 min)温升(0、4、8、12℃)和加氯(O、1.0、1.8、3.2 mg·L-1)胁迫的模拟研究.结果表明,加氯、暴露时间、加氯和温升间的交互作用对叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度有显著影响(P<0.01).但温升对Chl-a浓度无显著影响(P>0.05).热冲击和加氯胁迫后.浮游植物细胞活性显著降低(P<0.05).加氯对Chl-a浓度及浮游植物细胞活性影响最大.目前,滨海电厂浓度为1-2 mg·L-1的加氯处理对浮游植物影响较大,但温升8-12℃的热冲击对浮游植物影响不大.  相似文献   

通过系统的模型试验,以色水为示踪剂模拟热水,探讨排、取水口分列式布置的三维时间连续点源如何采用工程设施转换成无限长二维面源,以利用水面热交换解决火电厂冷却池热污染的治理问题。给出了出流近区流速分布及流量沿程变化的近似计算式。此研究成果对挖掘冷却池散热潜力,增加电厂装机容量具有实用推广价值  相似文献   

The resource basis of industrial energy production is still, to a large extent, in non-renewable fossil fuels, the use of which creates emissions that the ecosystem has difficulty in tolerating. The goal of industrial ecology is to substitute the non-renewable stocks with renewable flows. In this paper, a regional industrial ecosystem that relies on a power plant as its key organisation, as an anchor tenant, is considered in the context of energy production and consumption. The co-production method of heat and electricity (CHP, co-production of heat and power) is implemented in the local power plant. This method uses the waste energy from electricity production for district heat and industrial heat/steam. The fuel basis in a CHP plant can include heterogeneous waste fuels. The method has been applied, to a large extent, in only three countries in the world; Denmark, The Netherlands and Finland. Examples of CHP-based industrial ecosystems from Finland are considered. CHP is reflected upon from the viewpoint of industrial ecosystem principles.  相似文献   

Improving the quantification of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from agricultural land has become an issue of major concern due to its strong contribution to the greenhouse effect and to the fact that N2O is now the most significant ozone-depleting emission to the atmosphere. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of a new field-scale, simple and empirical model that simulates monthly nitrogen (N) flows in cropping systems based on site characteristics and management practices. We explored its sensitivity for a Basque region of Spain growing winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under humid Mediterranean conditions to varied weather conditions and different scenarios of: (i) fertiliser rates, (ii) soil texture, (iii) organic/mineral fertilisation, (iv) slurry injection/no injection and (v) tillage/no tillage. The model showed sensitivity to most of the changes in the tested parameters. On average, simulated N2O emissions decreased: (i) with the decrease in N fertiliser rates, (ii) in lighter textured soils, (iii) with organic fertilisation, (iv) after non-injecting slurry and (v) under no-tillage. The model showed that it could be useful to simulate some of the potential trade-offs that may occur after implementation of specific N pollution mitigation measures (e.g. trade-offs in crop productivity and ammonia (NH3) volatilisation after implementation of measures that target a reduction in N2O emissions). In a validation exercise, simulated and measured yield and soil moisture showed reasonable agreement. Although the model showed discrepancies for monthly-averaged N2O fluxes, the peak after fertilisation application was reasonably well simulated. These results and the simplicity and user-friendliness of the model suggest that its structure is appropriate and, if properly calibrated for different soil types and weather conditions, it could be a useful model to be used in carbon footprint studies or to develop site-specific emission factors for current or future climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

中国燃煤电厂汞的物质流向与汞排放研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究中国燃煤电厂中汞的去向,基于2010年中国各省份燃煤中的汞含量、燃煤消耗量、燃煤电厂大气污染控制设备的安装比例以及粉煤灰、脱硫石膏的二次利用方式,计算了我国燃煤电厂2010年向大气、水体、土壤中排放汞的量.2010年我国电厂燃煤共输入汞271.7t (147.1~403.6t).煤炭在电厂燃烧一次排放到大气中的汞为101.3t (44.0~167.1t),进入燃煤副产物、水体的汞分别为167.4t (84.3~266.3t),3.0t (1.2~5.0t).燃煤副产物二次利用过程向大气排放的汞为32.7t (12.5~56.1t),进入土壤中的汞为58.6t (33.6~103.9t),还有76.1t (30.3~108.6t)汞留在了产品中.结果表明,粉煤灰用于水泥生产和粉煤灰制砖是副产物向大气中二次排放的重要源,分别占总二次排放量的81.7%和15.3%.  相似文献   

机动车比功率在高排污车辆鉴别中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
机动车尾气遥感监测是I/M制度的有益补充.以2004年广州市机动车尾气遥感监测实验为基础,对实验数据作了深入分析.结果表明,占全体车辆10%的高排污车辆所排放的一氧化碳(CO)、碳氢化合物(HC)和氮氧化合物(NOx)分别占当日该污染物总量的36.81%,41.80%和48.52%,证明了高排污车辆是造成机动车排放污染的最主要污染源.进一步引入机动车比功率概念研究了机动车比功率与污染物排放之间的关系,并对15次实验结果进行了对比研究.结果表明,在不同测量中,CO、HC和NOx的排放与机动车比功率区间分布具有较好的一致性.分布规律还表明,在遥感监测中,在机动车比功率区间高值部分,机动车的CO或者HC的高排放为瞬间高排放,此时,不能将其判别为高排污车辆.将此结论用于基于神经网络的高排污车辆鉴别模型中,使高排污车辆的正确判断率达到95%.  相似文献   

A material and energy flow model for co-production of heat and power   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Co-production of electricity, district heat and industrial heat/process steam (heat and power, CHP) has been applied to a large, national scale, in only a few countries in the world, Denmark, The Netherlands and Finland. In this production method, the waste energy from electricity production is used in two quality levels. First, industrial process steam requirements can be met with this residual energy. Second, the waste energy is used in local district heating networks for households and other buildings in a city. In this integrated production method, a total fuel efficiency of 85% can be achieved. Through the technique of fluidized bed combustion, modern CHP plants can use coal and oil, and in addition, heterogeneous fuels such as biomass, industrial wastes and recycled fuels from households. In this paper, the CHP method is considered in terms of four categories of material and energy flows. For the purpose of considering the potential environmental gains and the difficulties of this production method when applied to integrated waste management and energy production, the four suggested categories are: matter (biomass) (1), nutrients (2), energy (3) and carbon (4). Corporate environmental management inventory tools, decision-making tools, management, organisational and administrative tools as well as information management tools that could be used in CHP-related material and energy flow management are shortly discussed. It is argued that for CHP energy and environmental management, it can be important to adopt an approach to networks of firms, rather than to an individual firm. The presented material and energy flow model may contribute to assessing, planning and implementing of CHP-based waste management and cleaner energy production.  相似文献   

To reduce GHG emissions, the 27 European Union Member States committed themselves in 2007 to reduce emissions from 1990 levels by 20% by 2020. In January 2008, the EU Commission gave the first country-specific proposals to reduce emissions in sectors outside the EU emission trading system (non-ETS). In this study, we looked at several ways of sharing emission reductions in the non-ETS sector. We considered population and economic growth as significant drivers of the development of emissions. In particular, we analyzed development in GHG intensity of economies. Reduction requirements vary greatly among countries depending on the principle of effort sharing. The results of our calculations can be perceived as examples of how effort sharing between the EU Member States could look like when certain assumptions are made. Generally they illustrate the sensitivity of the results to data used, assumptions made, and method applied. The main strength of simple top-down approaches is transparency. A major weakness is a very limited ability to consider national circumstances. Political negotiations are ultimately crucial; an analysis like this provides material for negotiations and makes a contribution to solving the effort-sharing problem. As future development is partly unpredictable, implementation of some kind of subsequent adjustment could be considered during the process.  相似文献   

人类生产生活中产生的大量废热对城市环境中的温度、城市边界层结构、空气质量及人类健康都有着重要的影响.然而目前人为热排放清单的计算方法存在所需基础资料种类繁多、计算过程复杂,空间分布和排放量有较大偏差等不足.本研究采用统计回归法基于CO和NOx污染源清单计算了 2007-2015年珠江三角洲地区的人为热排放清单,对其排放...  相似文献   

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