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The aim of this article is to analyze the extent to which environmental management systems are really integrated with the quality and other standardized management systems implemented in organizations. To this end, an empirical study was carried out on 435 companies that were registered to multiple management system standards, including ISO 14001: 2004 and ISO 9001: 2000 at the minimum. Overall, 362 of those organizations indicated that they had integrated all or at least some of their standardized management systems. Results from the cluster analysis show three types of organizations in function of their level of integration of management system goals, documentation and human resources, as well as procedures. The results also illustrate which particular management system components are integrated and to what degree.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze how the implementation of the environmental management system (EMS) in accordance with the ISO 14001: 2004 standard has been carried out in organizations having more than one standardized Management System (MSs). In particular, four implementation aspects will be discussed, namely the different management system standards (MSSs) used for registration, for example ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 27001 and SA 8000, the order in which they were implemented, the time required for each implementation, as well as the scope of integration of these MSSs into a single Integrated Management System (IMS).In order to do so, some of the results of a survey carried out in 176 organizations registered to, at a minimum, both ISO 14001: 2004 and ISO 9001: 2000 standards for environmental and quality management, respectively, are presented. As one of the few existing empirical studies regarding the integration of multiple MSs, this research reveals the importance of the different possibilities which organizations can opt for when considering EMS implementation. For example, while most respondents implemented ISO 9001 before ISO 14001, others did so simultaneously or even applied ISO 14001 first. Furthermore, although a large majority of organizations integrated their EMS with additional standardized MSs, a small percentage did not. Apart from illustrating the survey outcomes, the article contains a detailed case analysis of four specific organizations with high environmental awareness that have implemented quality and other standardized MSs.  相似文献   

1IntroductionChinahasalongcoastalline.Since1980’,economyincoastalareashasbeendevelopingfast,alongwiththeincreasingpopulation....  相似文献   

With more than 130,000 organizations worldwide certified according to ISO requirements, business people, regulatory authorities and other stakeholders have reason to wonder whether the purpose of ISO 14001, which is to help improve environmental performance, is being fulfilled. There is a growing body of literature attempting to answer this question. The results, however, are inconclusive.This meta-study analyzes a pool of 23 studies connecting environmental performance to environmental management systems. It shows that the reason that earlier studies arrived at mixed conclusions is twofold. Firstly, there is no agreement on what environmental performance is or how to measure it. Secondly, there is neither clarity nor agreement about how or why environmental management systems are expected to aid performance. It is therefore unclear whether the mechanisms that lead to improvement are expected to be the same for all companies or dependent on each implementation.The authors conclude that it is more fruitful to research how environmental management systems affect performance, rather than whether they do so or not. The recommended starting point for such studies is environmental performance as each organization defines it. This in turn implies a case by case approach and a need for much more research in the field.  相似文献   

Integration of occupational health and safety matters into environmental management systems can bring many benefits to industrial companies. They can avoid duplicated measures and find optimal solutions, because the principles of prevention are similar in environmental protection and safety management. However, the methods currently used in environmental management and engineering such as life-cycle assessments, best available technology reports, and the models of industrial production can hinder this integration, because they take into account occupational risks only to a limited extent. People can also consider occupational safety risks more easily than environmental risks as a natural part of their work. This can lead to the situation where occupational risks are underestimated.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the combined effects of stakeholder pressure and the implementation of environmental management systems on organizations’ environmental behaviors. Beyond their individual effects, the implementation of an environmental management system should enhance the effect of stakeholder pressure on environmental imbalance, defined as the divergence between what the organization does and what it should do. Information collected from 3748 industrial plants in seven countries provides empirical evidence that supports the study propositions. Therefore, this study contributes to both the debate about the effectiveness of environmental management systems and the effort to explain the complex relationship between organizations and their stakeholders in environmental matters.  相似文献   

环境监测是环境保护的支撑,文章分析了基层环境监测单位质量管理工作存在的问题,探讨其改进方法.  相似文献   

环境监测是环境保护的支撑,文章分析了基层环境监测单位质量管理工作存在的问题,探讨其改进方法。  相似文献   

环境监测是环境保护工作的眼睛,监测结果对于把握污染现状和预测污染发展趋势起着非常重要的作用,因此加强环境监测过程中的质量管理非常重要。文章指出了县级环境监测站质量管理过程中的问题及解决问题的办法。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze how internal and external audits of standardized management systems are conducted, with specific focus on the actual integration of audits performed against different management system standards. The research is based on a survey of 435 organizations registered to, at a minimum, both the ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001: 2004 standards. A multivariate cluster analysis is applied in order to obtain distinctive typologies of the organizations participating in the study. The results show that the majority of organizations registered to multiple standards integrate their internal audits and are also externally audited in a similar manner. In addition, three distinct groups of organizations are detected, characterized and compared with respect to their audit conduct and integration.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(11-12):1063-1075
Since the revision of EMAS (EMAS II), a central role within this EU-regulated environmental management system has been assigned to the assessment of significant environmental aspects as the basis for identification of an organisation's environmental targets. However, EMAS only provides some general guidelines on the assessment of environmental aspects. To comply with the requirements of EMAS II, Volkswagen AG initiated the development of a comprehensive systematic approach which is now to be applied throughout Volkswagen's production sites. This article describes the elements of this approach. A methodological section discusses issues concerning the scientific assessment of environmental aspects, taking into account reproducibility, scientific acceptance and geographical representativeness of existing methods as well as time consumption and understandability for decision-makers. In addition, practical procedures to define environmental targets were worked out during two audits of Volkswagen's production sites, focusing on collaborative workshops with environmental experts, process experts and decision-makers to identify production-integrated improvements and enhance environmental sensitivity throughout the company.  相似文献   

An exploratory field study conducted in Europe and the U.S. examines the challenges of managing environmental quality at the enterprise level. The results show that effective environmental quality management depend to a considerable degree on the ability to deal with the multidisciplinary organizational, technical, social, and cultural issues involved in the integration of environmental cost accounting at the enterprise level. The study suggests that the tools and techniques of modern project management can provide an important framework for developing and implementing environmental quality control systems. The recommendations put considerable emphasis on the human side, focusing on the criteria under which environmental quality is best achievable. Strong senior management leadership, people skills, organizational linkages, and alliances, all are critical for dealing with the complexities of managing responsibly toward sustained developments in today’s organizations.  相似文献   

The wine growing industry is increasingly important to the New Zealand economy and increasingly its marketing is associated with the country's ‘clean and green’ image. Over 60% of New Zealand's wine companies have adopted at least one of three main environmental management systems: Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand, ISO 14001 and Bio-Gro. We undertook a qualitative, survey based, comparative evaluation of these systems within 15 wine companies. The key findings are that while each system appears to have its own strengths, in general, no one environmental management system is better than the other. However, implementation of an industry specific system, for example SWNZ, in combination with a generic process-based system, for example ISO 14001, aids in the development of a more sustainable wine industry.  相似文献   

Since the release of ISO 14001 in 1996, China has witnessed a surge in the number of ISO 14001 certification. As an international environmental standard, ISO 14001 has two basic functions: one is playing as an environmental management instrument, while the other as a signal of firms’ better environmental performance to stakeholders. Based on the stakeholder theory, we have examined the effects of community, regulatory and some organizational stakeholders on the diffusion of ISO 14001 certification at Chinese provincial levels. Using a panel data of ISO 14001 certification from each province for the period of 2004-2008 in China, empirical evidence of such relations is found. The finding reveals that signaling to foreign customers and community stakeholders plays a dominant role in encouraging diffusion of ISO 14001 certification. However, as an important organizational stakeholder, foreign investors have shown no significant effect on the diffusion of ISO 14001 in China.  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,智慧环保体系已经成为推动环境治理能力和治理体系现代化的重要理论支撑,建立完善的智慧环保体系更是我国进一步提高环境治理效率的必然要求和重要举措。将当前快速发展的物联网技术应用到环境治理中,建立智能的环境数据获取和处理分析系统,做出合理的决策,进而提高环境管理效率是建立和完善智慧环保体系的关键措施。智慧环保体系与城市环境治理的结合能实时高效地监测城市污染源、生态管理等多领域环境问题,并对可能出现的环境问题做出应急反应及决策。系统地介绍了智慧环保体系的总体架构及支撑整个系统的标准体系,同时提出了智慧环保体系建设过程中遇到的困难,分析了智慧环保体系在环境治理与保护不同领域的应用,以期为未来智慧环保体系应用于环境治理和管理提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

A census of 925 U.S. colleges and universities offering masters and doctorate degrees was conducted in order to study the number of elements of an environmental management system possessed by small, medium and large institutions. A 30% response rate was received with 273 responses included in the final data analysis. Overall, the number of environmental management system elements implemented among the 273 institutions ranged from 0 to 16, with a median of 12. The proportion of U.S. colleges and universities that reported having implemented a structured, comprehensive environmental management system is discussed. Stratified analyses were performed by institution size, Carnegie Classification and job title.  相似文献   

水质监测全程序质量控制检查是质量管理的一项重要手段,是提高分析结果总体可靠性、了解或证实各实验室提供优质数据的能力的有力措施。本文对地表水监测质量检查情况进行了论述,分析总结所发现的问题,并根据具体情况提出解决的办法和建议,旨在为水质监测质量水平的提高起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The shift in policy towards prevention and towards making producers responsible for the pollution they cause has lead corporations to limit environmental liabilities through the improvement of environmental performance. The implementation of an Environmental Management System integrates the precautionary and polluter pays principles into a firm's operations and demonstrates commitment to sustainable development. This research aims at assessing the factors influencing the implementation of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in developing countries taking the Food Industry in Lebanon as a case example. For this purpose, primary data were collected using a field survey questionnaire that was administered to a representative sample of facilities. The results revealed that the food industry is generally more concerned with safety and quality issues rather than environmental issues. Following international food sector trend, improving environmental performance and enhancing company image are the most salient drivers to adopt ISO 14001. The lack of government support and stakeholder demand as well as the fact that ISO 14001 is not a legal requirement constitute the most salient factors hindering the adoption of the standard. Economical and organizational factors are the most significant incentives required to motivate the food industry to adopt ISO 14001. The industry is less likely to voluntarily consider adopting ISO 14001 before acquiring a quality management certification or until ISO 14001 certification gain more recognition in the international food sector. The study defines the foundations for developing strategies, policy reforms and incentive schemes to reduce the barriers of implementing ISO 14001.  相似文献   

对基层环境监测站的环境质量评价现状进行了分析,并对存在的问题提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

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