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This paper presents the eco-efficiency of energy intensity, material consumption, water use, waste generation, and CO2 emission in terms of production value in net sales (US$) per environmental influence using empirical evaluation. Evaluation has been considered only within production process boundary of iron rod industry. Evaluation of eco-efficiency tried to couple the economic and environmental influences of industry to know economic and environmental excellence. Eco-efficiency of iron rod industry was quantitatively analyzed and determined that energy, material consumption, water use, waste generation, and CO2 emission eco-efficiency have been increased gradually along with increased production during analysis period of five years (2001–2005). It was possible due to installing heat recovery unit along with innovative processes modification. While comparing each year's eco-efficiency of all above-mentioned parameters, eco-efficiencies were increased that indicates less resource use and less waste released. As a general statement of overall comparison and characterization of eco-efficiencies of five years duration, iron rod industry was eco-efficient in all aspects. Eco-efficiency being an emerging trend has not yet been implemented in Nepal. It is further recommended to adopt the eco-efficiency evaluation in other industries. In addition, it is high time to augment the provision of eco-efficiency concepts in industrial policy and legislation concerned.  相似文献   

运用数据包络分析(DataEnvelopmentanalysis,DEA)的方法,从环境污染和资源消耗两个方面,建立了工业生态效率评价的指标体系,评价了2008年上海市非中心城区各区县的工业生态效率。结果表明,松江区处于上海市工业生态效率的前沿面,9个区县中有2/3区县的工业生态效率优于上海市平均水平。其中,崇明、嘉定和青浦处于规模报酬递增阶段,奉贤、闵行、浦东、金山、宝山则处于规模报酬递减阶段。最后,基于C2R模型对各区县的投入产出情况进行了优化调整,认为削减SO2的排放量和减少能源的消耗应是各区县提高工业生态效率的关键。  相似文献   

Eco-efficiency and SMEs in Nova Scotia,Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a study undertaken by the Eco-Efficiency Centre of the levels of eco-efficiency demonstrated by small and medium enterprises in Nova Scotia. The history of eco-efficiency is described and several definitions of the term put forward by the many agencies and organizations promoting it are discussed. Emphasis is placed on definitions used in Canada, particularly those of Industry Canada and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. After reviewing a large number of environmental management and eco-efficiency tools, the Centre determined that none of these were appropriate for small businesses in Nova Scotia and opted to develop its own checklist. The study concludes that levels of eco-efficiency are quite low among businesses in different sectors and furthermore, that more work is needed to find appropriate tools for micro and small businesses that can be more widely used.  相似文献   

深圳江碧工业区地下水污染及其原因分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过实地踏勘和钻探采样的方法调查了深圳江碧工业区地下水质状况,用单因子评价法对其水质进行了评价,着重分析了地下水污染的途径,并提出了该地区地下水污染控制的对策.结果表明:工业区内地下水受到不同程度的重金属和有机物污染,其污染不是来自工业区内污染物下渗,而是源于其附近已污染的茅洲河与洋涌河.   相似文献   

越南的养虾业正处在对生产体系的基础改造,使其转变成一个重要产业的过程中.该地区其他国家的经验,特别是高投入生产体系占主导地位的泰国的经验表明,现在正是通过干预使养虾业改道进入在生态、社会和经济上更可持续的道路.在泰国,实施强化的体系和复杂的产业组织的多年经验并没有获得可持续的解决办法.这里所面临的任务是使社会重新赢得控制并沿着更有效和良性发展的道路改变改革的发展方向.我们的分析结果表明,这两个国家的现行方法不可能使养虾业可持续的发展,需要对整个对虾的生产、喂养、加工、供销及管理的方式进行全面改革.  相似文献   

南京市江北工业区降水酸性及化学成分分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
于2005年9月─2006年8月在南京市江北地区南京信息工程大学校园内采集降水样品共59个,测定pH和电导率,用离子色谱仪检测样品的阴、阳离子浓度.结果表明:pH为4.17~8.34,酸雨频率为49.2%,电导率为1.1~42.5 mS/m;阴离子为F-,Cl-,NO2-和NO3-,SO42-,阳离子为Na+,K+,Mg2+,Ca2+和NH4+;主要阴、阳离子分别为SO42-,NO3-, NH4+和Ca2+,并存在季节性变化.ρ(SO42-)/ρ(NO3-)的年均值为4.21,表明酸雨仍为硫酸型.南京市工业区的大气污染物主要是燃煤过程中排放的SO2等气体.   相似文献   

工业区铺设道路的扬尘估算与地理信息系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以上海市的吴淞工业区为研究对象,借鉴美国EPA提出的AP-42方法,利用动力学粒径谱仪的颗粒物粒径分析对公式系数进行修正,估算吴淞工业区2004年铺设道路不同粒径的扬尘量,并用Visual Basic语言和MapObjects2.0组件建立了道路扬尘的管理信息系统.结果表明,2004年吴淞工业区铺设道路的扬尘排放量为1.07万吨,其中PM2.5和PM10分别占15.1%和47.5%.  相似文献   

含水层降解能力是石油类污染场地监控自然衰减需获取的重要参数.通过测定某石油污染场地地下水电子供体(苯系物、化学耗氧量)和电子受体/产物(DO、NO3-、Mn2+、Fe2+、SO42-和HCO3-)等地球化学指标,分析了电子供受体分布规律,确定了电子受体背景值,采用传统地球化学评估法,计算了所有单井降解能力;在此基础上,引入累积概率曲线法,更科学的评估了场地含水层降解能力,结合地下水更新能力,估算了污染物降解速率;同时,划分了含水层降解能力强弱区.结果显示:该场地单井降解能力为36.49~70.05mg/L,其累积概率拟合曲线符合F(x)=0.008e0.07x指数模型,以此评估含水层降解能力为57.83mg/L.以径流量132m3/d估算地下水更新能力,估算污染物降解速率为2790kg/a;强降解能力区位于下游源区,面积约为5100m2,占场地总面积的5.3%;地下水中硫酸盐、硝酸盐消耗严重,强化硫酸盐还原和反硝化作用可能是该场地管理修复的一个有效方法.  相似文献   

Italy is an important producer of ceramic tiles, with a high production share in Europe (50%) and worldwide (16%). Since early 1990s, fabric filters have been installed to reduce emissions of dust, lead, fluorine, etc. from firing kilns. Such end-of-pipe technologies can increase energy consumption and production costs. This paper presents a simplified LCA to assess the overall environmental effects of fabric filters in Italian ceramic tiles production. We also calculate the eco-efficiency of such filters, the additional cost per unit reduction of emissions. The results indicate that the environmental drawbacks of the filter are small and that, in comparison to existing eco-efficiency reference values, this air pollution abatement technique can be seen as an eco-efficient technique. These results can be useful in the identification of best available techniques (BAT), which is required under environmental regulations such as EC directive 96/61 (IPPC directive).  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison analysis of eco-efficiency in the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) of Venezuela. The research can be divided into three parts: the first part reviews similar studies in the literature on the level of eco-efficiency exhibited by the companies of Venezuela and other countries. In the second place, the findings of a survey conducted on Venezuelan SMEs allowed the definition of 54 eco-efficiency profiles. Thirdly, six national experts in cleaner production and eco-efficiency were interviewed. The interview was based on a questionnaire similar to that used in the survey of the Venezuelan SMEs. At a second meeting, the experts were asked to discuss on the similarities and differences between their answers and those of the company's managers.The findings of the survey allow us to conclude that Venezuelan SMEs understand the legal environmental regulations that affect them but they do not perceive the influence of external driving forces like customers demand for green products or institutional incentives. The adoption of eco-efficiency practices is not perceived as an incentive to improve competitiveness so that the environmental strategies adopted generally aim at reducing costs or avoiding non-compliance sanctions and negative effects on the company image. Materials recycling and reuse, especially packaging materials, are common practices; however, other environmental tools or practices have not been implemented yet, e.g. environmental management systems (EMS), process, product and services design tools based on the product life cycle, renewable energy resources or green marketing. There are also differences among the eight industrial sectors analyzed, food and chemical industries having the higher index of eco-efficiency practices, and plastic and wood industries the lower.  相似文献   

安乐 《海洋环境科学》2017,36(2):303-306, 312
对紫外分光光度法测定海水中石油类浓度进行了不确定度评定。通过对标准溶液、标准工作曲线拟合、前处理过程等影响测定结果的不确定度分量进行分析,计算出测定结果的扩展不确定度,并找出影响该不确定度的主要因素。结果表明,紫外分光光度法测定海水中石油类浓度的不确定度的主要来源是实验中前处理过程的不确定度,本次实验所测海水中石油类浓度的不确定度报告为19.98±1.326 mg/L。  相似文献   

生态效率分析在制浆造纸工业项目环境影响评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要阐明生态效率的基本思想,提出资源效率、新水效率、能源效率和环境效率4个生态效率指标的意义和具体计算方法,探讨将工业生态效率分析理论与方法应用到制浆造纸项目环境影响评价的清洁生产分析、生产方案优化设计、环保措施经济技术可行性论证等方面,旨在为同类项目的环境影响评价开拓新的工作思路和方法,为项目的建设和环保管理提供具体和科学的指导.  相似文献   

In this paper we explain how a shift from culture of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) to the Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) took place during 2002–6 in Thailand. We use system innovation theory to help explain how niche substitution led to a regime change within a Thai aquaculture industry trying to maintain international competitiveness but under pressures from a global landscape in which consumers are increasingly concerned with health and ecological sustainability. Support from a vertically integrated major firm, an extensive foundation of learning networks within the industry, and early profitability made the scaling-up and embedding of the experiment with white shrimp very rapid once the formal ban on import of exotic broodstock was lifted. Disease management with domesticated, specific pathogen-free strains of white shrimp has proven much easier than with black shrimp still dependent on capture of wild broodstock. Moreover relative production costs are lower. The switch in species had significant consequences for the environment and firms. Using life cycle analysis we found that rearing white shrimp requires less resource and produces less waste than black shrimp. The shift in regime, however, also made it more difficult for small farms and hatchery businesses.  相似文献   

日本电力企业环境效率指标应用及借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以日本电力企业东京电力为案例,详细地介绍、分析了电力企业环境效率指标的定义、计算、实现对策等.在此基础上指出了对我国企业特别是电力企业的借鉴意义,主要表现在增强环境效率意识,开发并公开环境效率指标,改变环境对策投入的观念,扩大环境对策领域等方面.  相似文献   

流域水环境质量空间分布特征分析是推进流域精细化管理的基础.本研究基于流域特征指标与水质的关联性,以子流域为分析单元,利用自组织映射人工神经网络模型(SOM)对苕溪流域水质数据聚类分析为3类后与随机森林模型(RF)进行耦合,对全流域水质进行了空间差异性评估.研究结果显示,上游山地区域水质较好,而平原河网人口集聚区的CODMn、NH3-N及TP浓度较高,山地与平原过渡地带水质则主要受到CODMn和TN的影响.采用自然环境、社会经济及土地利用/覆盖指标作为流域特征进行水质分级模式识别,SOM与RF模型耦合模型的准确率稳定在80%左右;在对强相关性特征进行筛选识别后,将蒸发蒸腾量、坡度、人口密度、大于10℃积温、旱地占比、城镇用地占比及景观多样性指数为作为输入特征,准确率可达83%,可以有效地开展全流域水质分级评估.  相似文献   

This study aims to perform a life cycle analysis of the environmental benefits and limitations of using ethanol as an alternative transportation fuel in Thailand. In particular, the analysis compares the life cycle fossil energy use, air emissions and social costs of cassava-based gasohol E10 with those of gasoline. The results of the study show that, along its whole life cycle, E10 consumes less fossil oil (6.3%) and produces lesser amounts of CO2 (6.4%), CH4 (6.2%), CO (15.4%) and NOx (15.8%) than CG. Including externalities substantially changes the cost performance in favor of ethanol. After environmental costs are added, the cost of E10 and of gasoline become equal to each other whilst before that, E10 is more costly.  相似文献   

Noroviruses are the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis associated with bivalve shellfish consumption. This study aimed to detect and characterize noroviruses in three bivalve shellfish species: oysters (Saccostrea forskali), cockles (Anadara nodifera), and mussels (Perna viridis). The virus concentration procedure (adsorption-twice elution-extraction) and a molecular method were employed to identify noroviruses in shellfish. RT-nested PCR was able to detect known norovirus GII.4 of 8.8 × 10?2 genome copies/g of digestive tissues from oyster and cockle concentrates, whereas in mussel concentrates, the positive result was seen at 8.8 × 102 copies/g of digestive tissues. From August 2011 to July 2012, a total of 300 shellfish samples, including each of 100 samples from oysters, cockles, and mussels were collected and tested for noroviruses. Norovirus RNA was detected in 12.3 % of shellfish samples. Of the noroviruses, 7.7 % were of the genogroup (G) I, 2.6 % GII, and 2.0 % were mixed GI and GII. The detection rate of norovirus GI was 2.1 times higher than GII. With regards to the different shellfish species, 17 % of the oyster samples were positive, while 14.0 and 6.0 % were positive for noroviruses found in mussels and cockles, respectively. Norovirus contamination in the shellfish occurred throughout the year with the highest peak in September. Seventeen norovirus-positive PCR products were characterized upon a partial sequence analysis of the capsid gene. Based on phylogenetic analysis, five different genotypes of norovirus GI (GI.2, GI.3, GI.4, GI.5, and GI.9) and four different genotypes of GII (GII.1, GII.2, GII.3, and GII.4) were identified. These findings indicate the prevalence and distribution of noroviruses in three shellfish species. The high prevalence of noroviruses in oysters contributes to the optimization of monitoring plans to improve the preventive strategies of acute gastroenteritis.  相似文献   

为探讨石油污染对广东沿岸海域水产品食用安全的影响,探索建立了石油残留风险分级方法,用荧光法测定了2001~2010年广东沿岸海域近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)体石油烃,推测了同期该海域鱼虾石油烃残留水平。结果表明,牡蛎体石油烃含量(按湿重计)为 < 0.2×10-6~36×10-6,不会产生石油气味。平均含量9.4×10-6在国内沿岸海域牡蛎体中属较低水平,但高于本海域1989~1992年6.7×10-6的平均含量。石油烃在99.3%的牡蛎样本中检出,在16.7%的样本中达到或略超过我国15×10-6的限量值。牡蛎体石油烃年均含量、超标率在2001~2006年均呈下降趋势,但2007年之后略有上升,在珠江口和珠三角产业转移区牡蛎中上升更明显。推测该海域鱼虾石油烃含量大多低于15×10-6,较高者一般不超过30×10-6,超标或产生石油气味的风险极小。  相似文献   

中老缅泰交界地区土地利用变化信息挖掘与国别对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于Landsat TM/ETM数据,从土地利用空间分布特征、时空变化规律、土地利用程度三个方面,对中老缅泰交界地区1990-2010年土地利用变化特征进行分析。研究表明:① 橡胶园、茶园为增幅最大的土地利用类型,轮歇农地、建设用地、长期性农地也有一定幅度的增加,有林地、灌木林、草地、水域有所减少。② 有林地、灌木林之间的转移及其与长期农地、轮歇农地、橡胶园之间的转移,决定着中老缅泰交界地区土地利用变化特征。中老缅泰交界地区土地利用变化本质上受到市场经济、国家政策、人口迁移、基础设施建设等因素的影响。③ 橡胶园和茶园的时空变化基本表现为面积净值增加,空间位置交换变化非常小。长期农地面积变化不大,但存在较大幅度的空间位置转变;水域、轮歇农地变化以空间位置交换为主。草地、灌木林、有林地、建设用地交换变化和净变化比例相当。④ 1990-2010年,中老缅泰交界地区土地利用程度有所增加,其中,泰国境内土地利用程度最高,老挝和缅甸境内的土地利用程度最低。2000年后中老缅泰交界地区土地利用程度增幅明显加大。其中,中国和缅甸境内土地利用程度后期增幅减小,泰国境内土地利用程度后期增幅变大,老挝境内土地利用程度实现了由前期减少到后期增加的转变。  相似文献   

In the 1980s, when PCs were first introduced, a vision arose of the “paperless office.” Yet, it did not yield the anticipated environmental benefits. Nowadays, such optimism about the implications of information technology, and in particular, E-commerce continues to proliferate today. But will E-commerce turn out to be a success story, or another unrealised utopia? Drawing on content analysis and concept development methods, this paper discusses a number of observations of interest in the literature that, taken together, point out that eco-efficiency is not sufficient to be the leadership strategy of choice for forecasting and reducing environmental damage arising from the implementation of E-commerce. Rather, utilizing an emerging concept of eco-effectiveness together with eco-efficiency may offer a model for managing the environmental consequences of E-commerce. Yet, to wield more influence, the current concept of eco-effectiveness needs to be expanded in order to complement – and not to replace – eco-efficiency.  相似文献   

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