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Development of early warning indicators to prevent major accidents – to ‘build safety’ – should rest on a sound theoretical foundation, including basic concepts, main perspectives and past developments, as well as an overview of the present status and ongoing research. In this paper we have established the theoretical basis for development of indicators used as early warnings of major accidents. Extensive work on indicators have been carried out in the past, and this could and should have been better utilized by industry, e.g., by focusing more on major hazard indicators, and less on personal safety indicators. Recent discussions about safety indicators have focused on the distinction between leading and lagging indicators; however, a discussion on terms should not impede the development of useful indicators that can provide (early) warnings about potential major accidents.  相似文献   

This article describes a new product life cycle model that can be used by producers to improve safety and to prevent defective products from being placed on the market. The model has eight phases and the article describes and discusses the required safety-related issues in each phase. Analytical methods that should be used in the various phases are identified. Both consumer and industrial products are covered. The article outlines main product safety requirements with focus on European product safety legislation. The concept adequate safety is introduced as an acceptance criterion for the producer during the product development process, and factors that should be taken into account when deciding whether or not a product has adequate safety are discussed.  相似文献   

An indicator can be considered any measure – quantitative or qualitative – that seeks to produce information on an issue of interest. Safety indicators can play a key role in providing information on organizational performance, motivating people to work on safety and increasing organizational potential for safety. We will describe the challenges of monitoring and driving system safety. Currently, the same lead indicators are used – explicitly or implicitly – for both purposes. The fact that the selection and use of safety performance indicators is always based on a certain understanding (a model) of the sociotechnical system and safety is often forgotten. We present a theoretical framework for utilizing safety performance indicators in safety–critical organizations that incorporates three types of safety performance indicators – outcome, monitor and drive indicators. We provide examples of each type of indicator and discuss the application of the framework in organizational safety management. We argue that outcome indicators are lag indicators since outcomes always follow something; they are the consequences arising from multiple other situational and contextual factors. Monitor and drive indicators are lead indicators. The main function of the drive indicators is to direct the sociotechnical activity in the organization by motivating certain safety-related activities. Monitor indicators provide a view on the dynamics of the organization: the practices, abilities, skills and motivation of the personnel – the organizational potential for safety. We conclude that organizations should better acknowledge the significance of monitor and drive indicators in safety management.  相似文献   

Many causes for falls from ladders in construction are related to the user’s activities; however, the extent to which users comply with ladder use best practices is unknown and has not been well quantified before. We developed and tested an audit tool that assesses compliance with best practices guidelines for portable-ladder-use designed for applications in the construction industry. Implemented on a hand-held computer, the assessment tool consisted of a series of check-lists categorized in four groups; ladder condition, setup, moving on a ladder, and completing tasks from a ladder. For these four observational categories, the resulting tool contained 31 and 33 questions for step and extension ladders, respectively. Three individuals trained to use the tool scored a set of photographs and videos depicting 25 ladder conditions, 20 ladder setups, 10 users moving on ladders, and 13 users completing tasks from a ladder for a total of 78 observations. The assessment tool had good agreement across and within raters. For the three raters, agreement ranged from 79% to 97% across the questions. Within one subject, kappa coefficients for the intra-rater reliability ranged from 0.67 to 0.91. The tool offers a practical method to quantify best practices associated with ladder use that can ultimately inform targeted intervention efforts.  相似文献   


This report extends a control systems or cybernetic model of behavior to the behavior of groups of many individuals—organizations and institutions—operating together with technology as complex sociotechnical (ST) systems. The premise is that the level of quality in performance of a complex ST system is predicated upon the degree to which its organizational design incorporates elements of a closed-loop behavioral control system: control goals and objectives, sensory receptors, sensory feedback, learning and memory, effectors, and sensory feedback control. From a control systems perspective, ergonomics is essential to effective organizational self-regulation. If working conditions are poorly designed, work performance and safety and quality outcomes cannot be closely controlled. Conversely, as shown by field evidence, good design promotes synergism between ergonomics, safety, and quality as a closed-loop consequence of effective employee and organizational self-control of system performance, safety, and quality.  相似文献   

One of the dimensions treated as part of a company’s safety culture or climate is workers’ attitudes towards risk and safety. In the present study these personal aspects are defined as workers’ safety culture, which is understood as a way of acting focused on life and taking care of one’s health. A questionnaire on safety culture was filled out by 200 employees of a metallurgical enterprise. Factor analysis was used to determine empirical scales of the questionnaire, whereas variance analysis was used to test hypotheses. The results confirmed the hypotheses that people who experienced accidents, dangerous situations, and—to a lesser extent—health problems had a lower level of safety culture. Nevertheless not all of the scales determined during factor analysis turned out to be significant as far as all kinds of those undesirable situations are concerned. Proposals for future studies are formulated in the conclusion.  相似文献   

The significance of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) and nanotechnologies grows rapidly. Nanotechnology applications may have a positive marked impact on many aspects of on human every day life, for example by providing means for the production of clean energy and pure drinking water. Hundreds of consumer nano-based products are already on the market. However, very little is known of the risks of ENM to occupational safety and health (OSH), even though workers are likely to be at extra risk, as compared with other potentially exposed groups of people, because the levels of exposure are usually higher at workplaces than in other environments. However, knowledge of the exposure to, or effects of, ENM on human health and safety in occupational environments is limited and does not allow reliable assessment of risks of ENM on workers’ health. Several issues related to ENM in the workplaces require marked attention. The most topical issues include: (1) improved understanding of ENM metrics associated with ENM toxicity; (2) development of monitoring devices for ENM exposure assessment; (3) understanding the changes of ENM structure and state of agglomeration at different concentrations in aerosols; (4) understanding translocation of ENM in the human body; (5) identifying the key health effects of ENM including pulmonary toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic effects, and effects on circulation; (6) development of tiered approaches for testing of safety of ENM; and (7) utilizing these data for health risk assessment, with a special emphasis on occupational environment. Available data on several ENM – ability to enter the body and reach almost any organ, to cause pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis, and even to cause increased risk of mesotheliomas in animal models, call for immediate action. It is crucial to identify those ENM that may cause occupational health and safety risks from those ENM which are innocent, hence allowing prioritization of regulatory and preventive actions at workplaces at national, regional and global levels.  相似文献   

Quantifying reputation loss (RL) due to pipeline damage is commonly generalized based on the owner's definition. This one-way perspective of portraying RL is unfair and unrealistic and consequently miscalculates the impact assessment of pipeline damage; hence, inaccurate risk prediction. It is crucial to develop a model to quantify qualitative RL to avoid unpredicted risk. Thus, this article provides a framework for a procedure to calculate RL by utilizing the factors identified in a previous study. In this paper (Part 1), the prioritization of factors based on the stakeholders' perspectives is presented. The factors were grouped into stakeholder-influenced categories and prioritized by a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process based on the feedback gained from the stakeholders, i.e., investors, customers, employees and the public. The result shows that factor D3, “Accident severity”, was ranked highest by all stakeholders. The priority vector for each factor obtained was assigned as a weight of the factor. The pipeline owner's reputation loss model (RLM) is developed by applying the obtained priority vectors in the subsequent paper (Part 2). The developed model was verified by experts as a comprehensive, clear, objective, practical and moderately reliable model. The model was applied to a case study and eventually produced a lower risk value when compared with the currently used model. It is proven that RL factors can be quantitatively measured and can simultaneously improve pipeline damage impact assessment. Thus, a risk-based inspection schedule can be managed comprehensively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Safety teams have become a popular means to recognize and prevent injuries in the workplace. In fact, organizations, such as OSHA, NIOSH, NIEHS, DOE, and the Ohio BWC, not only encourage safety teams, but have implemented them in their organizations. However, safety teams may not be legal as defined by NLRB Act Sections 2(5) and 8(a)(2). OBJECTIVE: To determine whether safety teams are illegal labor organizations. METHODS: A review of government regulations, safety programs, and safety teams was performed to create a framework of what types of safety programs/regulations are requested and/or required by a variety of government agencies. Next, these requirements were compared to existing case law on illegal labor organizations as defined by the NLRB. RESULTS: Most safety teams and programs, even those implemented by the Federal Government, are illegal labor organizations as defined by NLRB Act Sections 2(5) and 8(a)(2). CONCLUSIONS: The Federal Government needs to amend existing legislation and develop a revision of the NLRB Act that would allow safety teams to function legally in organizations without having to meet intrusive, constricting guidelines that may inhibit the value of safety teams. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Organizations must be aware that safety teams may be valuable in reducing job-related accidents and injuries but they may be illegal labor organizations.  相似文献   

Globalization and technology transfer have led to the diffusion of risk communications to users from cultures that were not initially viewed as the target users. This study examined industry and trade workers’ overall impressions of symbols used to convey varying degrees of hazardousness. Six symbols, including symbols from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z535 Standard (ANSI, 1998) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3864:1984 Standard (ISO, 1984) were selected. With the exception of the SKULL symbol, results showed wide discrepancies between users’ perceptions of the symbols and their intended meanings. Implications for cross-cultural research on warning components and risk communications are discussed.  相似文献   

A new methodology for risk analysis, namely Laboratory Assessment and Risk Analysis – LARA, is proposed in the companion paper to assess risks in research/academia environment. The core of this methodology relies on defining the adequate role player factors to assess risks in research environment and their mathematical combination to quantify and assess the risk. Quantitative outcome of the analysis results in a Lab Criticity Index – LCI, constructed as a rather comprehensive function of probability, severity, risk worsening factors, research specificities and Hazard Detectability. Even though the LCI model can be used at this stage, its “surjective” and “linear” properties were outlined; the non differentiation between LCI factors remains to be solved.The present article addresses this problematic, bringing a solution based on a Multicriteria Decision Making – MCDM modeling, namely Analytic Hierarchy ProcessAHP. This leads to a refined criticity index being “bijective” and unique for every combination of factors.A preliminary risk assessment based on the LARA methodology is discussed for a research lab working with lasers.  相似文献   

Current available risk analysis techniques are well adapted to industry needs since they were developed for its purpose. All hazards present in industry are also met in research/academia, although quantities of some hazardous substances are smaller. Still, because of its characteristics e.g., high turnover of collaborators, rapid reorientation of research programs, freedom of research, equipment often in development stage, difficulty to obtain accidents statistics, not well described processes, etc., research/academia milieu is an environment whose risks are difficult to assess by available risk analysis techniques. In the present paper, a new methodology, Laboratory Assessment and Risk Analysis – LARA, for research and/or complex environment is proposed. When multiple hazards are analyzed, the result of assessment is a risk ranking calculated using a Lab Criticity Index – LCI, providing identification of critical areas and prioritization of safety actions. LCI is conceived through two approaches: the Risk Priority Number – RPN and the Analytic Hierarchy Process – AHP. It is suggested to estimate risk as a combination of severity, probability, detectability, worsening factors and research specificities.  相似文献   

Ammonium nitrate (AN) has been widely used as a fertilizer for almost a century because it is an excellent nitrogen source. However, AN related explosions continue to occur time and again, despite the fact that AN has been extensively investigated. There have been more than 70 AN-related incidents during the last century, which reemphasize the dire need for further research on AN reactive hazards. This research focuses on the alternatives to make AN safer as a fertilizer by reducing its explosivity, by studying the effect of inhibitors, confinement, and heating rate on AN thermal decomposition using the Reactive Systems Screening Tool (RSST). First, the thermal decomposition of AN in the presence of different types of additives, including sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, and ammonium sulfate, was studied under two concentrations, i.e., 2.8 wt.% and 12.5 wt.%. The results show that they are good inhibitors for AN. Second, the effect of confinement was tested by observing AN decomposition under five different initial pressures, varying from ambient pressure to 187 psig. It is concluded that confinement is dangerous to AN, which should be avoid in AN storage and transportation. Lastly, the effect of heating rate was studied by heating up AN under two heating rates of 0.25 °C min−1 and 2 °C min−1. The lower the heating rate, the lower the “onset” temperature detected.  相似文献   

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