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O. Fukuhara 《Marine Biology》1988,99(2):271-281
Morphological and behavioural aspects in larval development need to be studied in detail to understand the early life history better, and to gain a comprehensive knowledge on early life stages for fish species important in aquaculture and fisheries. In the present study, larvae of Limanda yokohamae (Günther) were reared to observe their behavioural development, and to obtain specimens for studying the morphological features and the intestinal development at Ohno, Hiroshima, Japan, in 1987. Swimming activity was monitored at several larval stages, and swimming speed was recorded until settlement and after-feeding behaviour was initiated. A slight increment of swimming speed was observed with larval growth. Larvae changed their swimming behaviour from surface waters to the bottom of the rearing tank when their eyes began to move. Morphological development of pigmentation patterns, fin development, squamation and the development of the digestive tract were described and illustrated in detail to characterize development stages, especially those relating to metamorphosis. During metamorphosis, growth ceased and rapid changes in allometric growth were accompanied by differentiation of the digestive tract. After metamorphosis there was steady growth, allometric growth achieved a constant value, and both the scales and digestive organs were fully formed. Metamorphosis was therefore a crucial developmental milestone, including a critical phase during which survival potential was lowered.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at Wanlitung, southern Taiwan, in 1986–1089, to determine the reproductive cycle, development mode, growth rate and population dynamics of the small seastar Patiriella pseudoexigua (Dartnall), which occurs in highly stressful and disturbed intertidal pools in this area. An inverse relationship between gonad index and pyloric-caccum index was only recorded immediately prior to spawning. A short, well-synchronized seasonal spawning occurs in October. When reared at 25 °C, lecithotrophic larvae develop directly, lack a bipinnaria stage, and metamorphose completely on the seventh day after fertilization. The growth curves of field juveniles are linear, those of laboratory-reared juveniles are sigmoid. Juveniles appear in tide pools in spring-early summer of each year. Adults spawn mainly in late fall, enabling spawning to occur in time for the larvae to benefit from the environmentally favorable winter season. Populations in high-tidal pools decrease in later summer, but remain more stable in lowtidal pools and lagoons.  相似文献   

D. Margulies 《Marine Biology》1993,115(2):317-330
The nutritional condition of first-feeding and late larval/early juvenile scombrids was investigated in waters of the northwestern Panamá Bight from May through early November 1988. Wild-caught larvae and juveniles of three taxa, black skipjack tuna (Euthynnus lineatus), bullet and/or frigate tuna (Auxis spp.) and sierra (Scomberomorus sierra), were examined histologically to determine nutritional condition. The incidence of malnourishment in wild-caught preflexion (first feeding—prior to notochord flexion) larvae of all taxa was high. Starvation rates for E. lineatus and Auxis spp. preflexion larvae ranged from 62 to 63% d-1, while the percentage of larvae actually dying of starvation was estimated at 41 to 43% d-1. The nutritional point-of-no-return for preflexion larvae was estimated at 1 to 2 d maximum. The cellular condition of liver hepatocytes, particularly the relative amount of vacuolation related to storage of glycogen and lipid, proved to be a sensitive indicator of nutritional condition. In laboratory trials, late larval (postflexion) and early juvenile black skipjack exhibited a nutritional point-of-no-return of 2 to 3 d. Although postflexion larvae were moderately vulnerable to malnourishment in laboratory trials, <13% of wild-caught postflexion larvae exhibited even mild nutritional stress, and no postflexion larvae or juveniles showed signs of severe malnourishment. This pattern of starvation incidence suggests that tropical scombrids undergo stagespecific starvation mortality. Preflexion larvae can suffer significant daily losses due to starvation, while postflexion larvae and early juveniles seem to experience a rapid improvement in feeding ability and/or food availability.  相似文献   

This study aims at describing the diversity and composition of larval and juvenile fish assemblages in coastal areas of New Caledonia, southwest Pacific, and identifying the environmental factors that influence the seasonal and spatial patterns of these assemblages. A total of 97 taxa belonging to 7 orders and 26 familis were captured in three bays near Nouméa by light trapping every month between January 2002 and June 2003. The assemblages were dominated by Clupeiform larvae and juveniles (96.4% of total abundance) and followed by Perciform larvae (3%). The number of taxa per sample varied from less than five in July–August to more than ten in October–November and abundances followed the same seasonal pattern. Analyses of similarity showed significant differences in the assemblages caught in the three bays and analyses of contribution to the dissimilarity revealed that these differences were due to the most abundant families. The constant part of the relationship between environmental variables and the composition of assemblages was assessed by the partial triadic analysis STATICO, a statistical approach that takes into account the strong seasonality of the data. Rainfall, wind direction and thermal stratification of the water column were found to play a major role in the structure of the assemblages, although tidal amplitude and wind speed became important when Clupeidae and Engraulididae were excluded from the analyses. The richness, relative abundances and seasonal variations of the assemblages caught in three bays under study are close to what has been observed elsewhere in the tropics. This study shows the efficiency of the STATICO analysis for identifying the environmental factors that have a permanent effect on assemblages and sorting them out from those which act temporally or on specific locations. The high abundances and diversity of coral-reef fish larvae observed in coastal zones of New Caledonia suggest that further studies are needed to fully explore the role of the coastal zones of New Caledonia as nurseries.  相似文献   

B. W. Molony 《Marine Biology》1993,116(3):389-397
Young Ambassis vachelli (Richardson) 40 to 50 d old, were used in a laboratory experiment to test the effects of starvation and subsequent re-feeding on body constituents and growth. Fish in three laboratory treatments (fed continuously; fed for 9 d and then starved for 15 d; starved for 9 d and fed for 15 d), were compared to fish from a local field population. Different body stores were mobilised at different times and rates during starvation. Carbohydrates were mobilised from the onset of starvation and were depleted after 3 d. Lipid and protein were mobilised at an increasing rate from the onset of starvation. The mortality in starved fish was relatively high (up to 70%) until re-feeding. Upon feeding, all body stores were restored rapidly in fish that were starved, with carbohydrate levels displaying an overshoot (carbohydrate level exceeding normal levels) in comparison to the levels in continuously fed fish. After 15 d of feeding, the starved fish had levels of constituents similar to those in continuously fed fish. Fish that were fed and subsequently starved were able to maintain themselves for at least 15 d prior to death, indicating a better degree of starvation resistance than fish without a history of feeding. This implies that feeding history in the early life of a fish is important in growth and survival but that young fish may have growth regimes flexible enough to survive relatively long periods of starvation.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction and direct comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences from a cytochrome b gene fragment were used to identify two morphologically distinct larval types ofXyrichtys, a genus of tropical wrasse (Pisces: Labridae). Both larval types were collected during ichthyoplankton surveys on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf in the summer of 1988. DNA sequence comparisons indicated that both types were larvae ofXyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus). Back-calculated birthdate distributions for those larvae collected on the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf demonstrated that the two larval types formed two distinct cohorts indicating a biological difference. The two distinct larval types may be a consequence of an ecophenotypic effect, or they may represent offspring from genetically distinct populations. These results emphasize that important biological and oceanographic information can be gained through the use of the polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing for larval identificaiton.  相似文献   

Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) and sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) larvae were collected from 10 monthly cruises (June–October 2003 and 2004) across the Straits of Florida to test (1) whether growth differed between the more productive western region near the Florida shelf, and the less productive eastern region toward the Bahamas, and (2) whether growth was related to prey consumption. Examination of larval sagittal otoliths revealed that instantaneous growth and daily growth during the first 2–3 weeks of life did not vary significantly between the two regions for either species. However, recent growth during the last two full days prior to collection was greater in the west for blue marlin larvae. Recent growth of blue marlin larvae <9 mm SL (primarily zooplanktivorous) was significantly related to prey composition (faster growth when higher proportions of Farranula copepods were consumed). Western larvae grew faster and had higher proportions of Farranula in their guts. Trends for sailfish larvae were not significant. In both species, comparison of early growth between <9 and ≥9 mm SL size groups indicated that growth trajectories diverged around 5–8 mm SL, the time when billfish larvae become capable of piscivory. Significantly faster growth of larger (older) larvae suggests that mortality was selective for fast growers and that the transition to piscivory may be a critical point in the early life of billfish.  相似文献   

Since 2007, the ecosystem of the Gulf of Lions has shifted to a different regime, characterised by a low anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) biomass and a remarkably high sprat (Sprattus sprattus) biomass. Surprisingly, the abundance and recruitment of anchovy and sardine remained high. To understand which processes (bottom-up or top-down control, etc.) could have caused this shift, we studied the changes in body condition, growth and size and age of anchovy, sardine and sprat over 1984–1985 and 1992–2012, using data from scientific surveys. The annual age structure of anchovy and sardine was estimated using Bayesian mixture models based on size frequency data with priors on the age–length relationship derived from independent otolith readings. The results indicated periods during which anchovy and sardine were in an average (1992–2004), good (2005–2007) or poor (2008–2012) overall state of condition. For sardine, the shift towards smaller fish observed during these past 4 years was explained by a combination of slower growth and the disappearance of older individuals (ages 2+). Despite the increase in biomass of sprat since 2008, indications were found that sprat was also smaller than in the past. As growth and condition decreased and overexploitation has not been documented or suspected for those three species in this area, we propose that the current decline in sardine and anchovy biomass could be due to qualitative and/or quantitative modifications in the planktonic production (i.e. a bottom-up control) or mass mortalities of adults due to an epidemic disease.  相似文献   

K. Anger 《Marine Biology》1996,126(2):283-296
Larvae of the northern stone crab, Lithodes maja L., were reared in the laboratory from hatching to the second crab stage. complete larval development (at constant 9°C) lasted about 7 wk, invariably consisting of three pelagic zoeal stages and a semibenthic Megalopa; only two zoeal stages have been described in the literature. All larval stages are lecithotrophic. First feeding was consistently observed only after metamorphosis, in the first juvenile crab stage. In short intervals (every 1 to 5 d), developmental changes in biomass, B (expressed as: dry weight, W; carbon, C; nitrogen, N; hydrogen, H) and oxygen consumption (respiration, R) were measured in larvae and early juveniles; additionally, protein and carbohydrates were measured, but only in the zoeal stages and early Megalopa. Unusually high C contents (varying between 56 and 61% of W in eggs and freshly hatched Zoea I larvae from 12 different females) and high C:N weight ratios (8 to 11) indicate enhanced initial lipid stores, which are utilized as the major metabolic substrate during both embryonic and lecithotrophic larval development. Predominant degradation of lipids is shown indirectly; the C:N ratio decreased significantly, from 10 (at hatching) to 6 (at metamorphosis), while larval protein decreased only little, from ca. 55% of W (at hatching) to 48% (in the Megalopa). From hatching to metamorphosis, about 27% of the initially present W, 48% of C, 18% of N, and 52% of H were lost. This decrease in larval biomass can be described as an exponential function of development time. The major part of these losses were associated with metabolic energy requirements, while exuvial losses were comparably small. In each of the zoeal stages, only about 1 to 2% of late premoult (LPM) B was shed with the exuvia. The Megalopa, which produces a much thicker, calcified exoskeleton, lost 20% of LPM W, but only 5 to 8% of organic constituents (C, N, H). Much higher exuvial losses were measured in the Crab I stage (51% in W, 21% in C, 5% in N, and 7% in H). Maximum respiration was found in the actively swimming zoeal stages, a minimum in the predominantly benthic, mostly inactive Megalopa. The Crab I stage exhibits also a sluggish behaviour and low R, in spite of beginning food uptake and growth. Immediately after metamorphosis, the juvenile crab gained rapidly in W, in particular in its C fraction. A transitorily steep increase in the C:N ratio indicates a replenishment of partially depleted lipid stores, but also a rapid initial increase of inorganic C in the heavily calcified exoskeleton. Instantaneous rates of growth, assimilation, and net growth efficiency (K 2) were high during the initial (postmoult) phase in the first juvenile crab stage (C-specific growth rate: 6% d-1; K 2:70%), but decreased towards zero values during laterstages of the moulting cycle; metabolism remained practically constant during the Crab I stage. Entirely lecithotrophic larval development from hatching to metamorphosis in L. maja is considered an adaptation to seasonally short and limited planktonic food production in subarctic regions of the northern Atlantic.  相似文献   

The spider crabHyas araneus (L.) was collected from the North Sea in winter 1986–1987 and reared in the laboratory from hatching of the Zoea I (ZI) through the first juvenile instar (CI). Within a given moult cycle, individuals of the same age were sampled in intervals of 2 (ZI, ZII, CI) or 3 d (megalopa) for analysis of dry weight (W), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), protein, DNA, and RNA. Lipid was calculated from C. Biomass, growth rate and nucleic acid contents showed high variability during each moult cycle and between instars. Instantaneous growth rates of C were high in postmoult and intermoult, and low in the premoult period of each moult cycle. A shift was observed from high rates of lipid accumulation in the postmoult and intermoult stages to proportionally increasing protein accumulation during late premoult (ZI), or throughout a major part of the remaining moult cycle (in all other instars). DNA was accumulated throughout the ZI and ZII instars, but decreased in late premoult megalopa. It increased again from late intermoult through intermediate premoult in juveniles. RNA increased continuously during ZI and ZII, and decreased in the megalopa, almost to levels that had been found immediately after hatching. In juveniles, variation in RNA followed closely those in DNA. Cell multiplication (expressed by DNA increase) dominated over increase in cell size (defined by the C/DNA ratio) during the zoeal instars and in postmoult through early intermoult in the megalopa and CI. When specific (C-related) RNA values and RNA/DNA ratios were compared with instantaneous growth rates in C and N, no general correspondence was detected. The only significant relationship between specific RNA values and instantaneous C or N growth rates was found in the megalopa. The same held for the relationship between the RNA/DNA ratio and growth. Here, in addition to the megalopa, a correspondence with C growth was also found in the CI instar. Our results suggest that variation in nucleic acids may provide useful insights into mechanisms of growth on the cellular level (cell multiplication vs cell enlargement). However, lack of general correlation with variation in growth rates ofH. araneus larvae shows that the use of nucleic acids as a measure of growth is probably based upon too simplistic assumptions; it may not yield reliable predictions, when growth is associated with developmental events.  相似文献   

K. Anger  G. Moreira 《Marine Biology》2002,141(4):733-740
In a semiterrestrial and estuarine tropical crab, Armases angustipes Dana (Grapsoidea: Sesarmidae), changes in biomass (measured as dry mass, W; carbon, C; nitrogen, N; and hydrogen, H; per individual) and relative elemental composition (C, N, H, in percent of W; C:N mass ratio) were studied during development from an early egg stage through hatching, the complete larval phase, metamorphosis and the first juvenile crab stage (CI). In the megalopa and CI, growth was measured also within the moulting cycle, and biomass and elemental composition were determined in cast exuviae. From an early egg stage to the freshly hatched larva, A. angustipes lost about 20% of W, 29% of C, 5% of N and 32% of H. Proportionally higher losses in C than in N were reflected also in a significantly decreasing C:N mass ratio (from 5.02 to 3.74). These results indicate that lipids mobilised from yolk reserves represented the principal metabolic substrate for embryonic energy production, while proteins were catabolised at a much lower rate. The present data of growth and exuviation are compared with previously published data from a congener, A. miersii Rathbun, which has an abbreviated and facultatively lecithotrophic mode of larval development (with three instead of four zoeal stages; stages I and II in principle independent of food). When growth is measured as an increase in the final (premoult) biomass of successive developmental stages, both species show an exponential pattern. Within the moulting cycles of the megalopa and the first juvenile, both species show parabola-shaped growth curves, with a rapid biomass increase in postmoult and intermoult stages, and losses in the premoult phase. Thus, the two Armases species show, in general, similar patterns of larval and early juvenile growth. However, the initial size of eggs and larvae is about four times larger in A. miersii, and its biomass remains higher throughout the period of larval and early juvenile development. A. angustipes is able to partially make up for this difference, as it has an additional zoeal stage, and its megalopa and CI stages show higher relative biomass increments (in percent of initial values). Due to this compensatory growth pattern, A. angustipes reaches in its CI stage about half the biomass of a juvenile A. miersii. When exuvial losses of megalopae and juveniles are compared between these two species, A. miersii shows higher biomass losses per individual (corresponding with its larger size), but lower relative losses (C, N, H, in percent of late premoult body mass or in percent of previously achieved growth increments). Differences in larval and early juvenile growth and in the exuvial losses of megalopae and juveniles of these two congeners are discussed in relation to their differential ecology, life history and reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic variances and covariances were estimated for shell length of the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) at three larval stages (prodissoconch I, 2 d and 10 d post-fertilization) in 1987 and in 1988 after ca. 9 mo of growth. At each sample interval additive genetic variance was a highly significant component of the total size variation. Narrow sense heritability estimates for shell length ranged between 0.58 (±0.10) for prodissoconch I and 1.08 (±0.29) for 2-d-old larvae. There was significant and positive genetic covariance in prodissoconch I and 2-d larval shell length which resulted in a highly significant genetic correlation (r g=0.74) between these two traits. This covariance is not surprising since the prodissoconch I comprises the majority of the larval shell of a 2-d-old larvae. The genetic covariances between 2-d-old and 10-d-old larvae and between 10-d-old larvae and 9-mo-old juveniles were low and not significantly different from zero. These results indicate that there is substantial genetic variation for shell growth in M. mercenaria but this variation is not stable during development; the genetic variation in shell growth at one stage of development is not strongly related to the genetic variation in growth during other ontogenetic periods. In this study there were no evident constraints to natural selection for increased shell growth rate during development, which coupled with the high levels of genetic variation may suggest that in nature high rates of larval growth may not be normally subject to significant selective pressure.  相似文献   

A study of otolith aging and growth-rate variation in the flyingfish Hirundichthys affinis (Günther) was conducted in the eastern Caribbean (10–16°N; 58–62°W) in 1987–1989. Daily otolith-increment formation was validated in laboratory-reared larvae, confirming the usefulness of otolith-increment counts for age determination of H. affinis juveniles (<150 mm fork length, FL). A mark-recapture programme to validate increment formation in wild adults was unsuccessful due to tetracycline-linked mortality and insufficient tetracycline uptake in slow-growing adult otoliths. A von Bertalanffy growth curve fitted to juvenile size-at-age data gave preliminary growth-curve parameters of t 0=2.85 d and k=0.00854 on a daily basis, with an asymptotic length, L, of 245 mm FL, for eastern Caribbean flyingfish. Juvenile growth rate in H. affinis is sensitive to spatial and temporal variation in temperature. Growth rates were higher where sea-surface temperatures were higher, and were higher for juveniles hatched in warmer months (April–July) than in colder months (November–March). Growth rates were also higher near islands than at more oceanic locations. Variation in juvenile growth rates may influence the spatial and temporal variation in spawning frequency observed in H. affinis.  相似文献   

Genetic surveys of reef fishes have revealed high population connectivity within ocean basins, consistent with the assumption that pelagic larvae disperse long distances by oceanic currents. However, several recent studies have demonstrated that larval retention and self-recruitment may be higher than previously expected. To assess connectivity in tropical reef fishes, we contribute range-wide mtDNA surveys of two Atlantic squirrelfishes (family Holocentridae). The blackbar soldierfish, Myripristis jacobus, has a pelagic juvenile phase of about 58 days, compared to about 71 days (~22% longer) in the longjaw squirrelfish, Holocentrus ascensionis. If the pelagic duration is guiding dispersal ability, M. jacobus should have greater population genetic structure than H. ascensionis. In comparisons of mtDNA cytochrome b sequences from 69 M. jacobus (744 bp) and 101 H. ascensionis (769 bp), both species exhibited a large number of closely related haplotypes (h=0.781 and 0.974, π=0.003 and 0.006, respectively), indicating late Pleistocene coalescence of mtDNA lineages. Contrary to the prediction based on pelagic duration, M. jacobus has much less population structure (φST=0.008, P=0.228) than H. ascensionisST=0.091, P<0.001). Significant population partitions in H. ascensionis were observed between eastern, central and western Atlantic, and between Brazil and the Caribbean in the western Atlantic. These results, in combination with the findings from 13 codistributed species, indicate that pelagic larval duration is a poor predictor of population genetic structure in Atlantic reef fishes. A key to understanding this disparity may be the evolutionary depth among corresponding taxonomic groups of “reef fishes”, which extends back to the mid-Cretaceous and encompasses enormous diversity in ecology and life history. We should not expect a simple relationship between pelagic larval duration and genetic connectivity, among lineages that diverged 50–100 million years ago.  相似文献   

Previously published mtDNA cytochrome b sequences for Xyrichtys novacula (Linnaeus) and two morphologically distinct types of Xyrichtys larvae (Pisces: Labridae) included human cytochrome b sequence, presumably due to sample contamination and/or poor preservation of sample DNA. Those sequences had been used to identify the two types of Xyrichtys larvae as X. novacula, but owing to the contamination, the identifications are invalid. Fresh specimens were collected: X.␣martinicensis (Cuvier and Valenciennes), X. novacula, X. splendens (Castelnau), and Xyrichtys sp. larvae of each of the two morphotypes (dorsal-forward eye and ventral-forward eye). The cytochrome b fragment was amplified from each specimen using the polymerase chain reaction. Comparison of the sequences with human cytochrome b sequence confirmed that the new sequences were not contaminated. The interspecific differences in Xyrichtys sequences were less than previously reported, but still greater than observed in many fish genera. Distance and parsimony analyses indicated that X. novacula and X. martinicensis were more closely related to each other than to X. splendens. This conclusion differs from our previous conclusion that X. martinicensis and X. splendens were more closely related to each other than to X. novacula. Distance and parsimony analyses also demonstrated that both larval morphotypes were X. novacula and, thus, our previous conclusions regarding larval ecology and oceanographic transport remain unchanged. Received: 12 March 1997 / Accepted: 24 October 1997  相似文献   

Light traps were used to capture larval fishes, immediately before settlement, at two localities 500 km apart on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in December, 1987. Samples from Lizard Island, in the northern GBR, and Davies Reef, in the central GBR, were dominated by two species of damselfish:Chromis atripectralis andPomacentrus coelestis. Analysis of otoliths revealed significant differences in both size and age at settlement between the two localities forP. coelestis, but not forC. atripectoralis. Growth rates determined for pre- and post-settlementP. coelestis suggested a sigmoidal growth trajectory through the larval life, with growth slowing as fishes approached the time of settlement. Post-settlement growth rates were faster than growth prior to settlement in both species. Growth in both species was, however, similar between localities. The relationship between fish size and otolith size was complex, varying both between pre- and post-settlement fishes, and among localities. This emphasizes the need to validate the relationship between fish size and otolith size before otoliths may be used to back-calculate individual growth trajectories.Contribution No. 500 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

The ontogeny of behaviour relevant to dispersal was studied in situ with reared pelagic larvae of three warm temperate, marine, demersal fishes: Argyrosomus japonicus (Sciaenidae), Acanthopagrus australis and Pagrus auratus (both Sparidae). Larvae of 5–14 mm SL were released in the sea, and their swimming speed, depth and direction were observed by divers. Behaviour differed among species, and to some extent, among locations. Swimming speed increased linearly at 0.4–2.0 cm s−1 per mm size, depending on species. The sciaenid was slower than the sparids by 2–6 cm s−1 at any size, but uniquely, it swam faster in a sheltered bay than in the ocean. Mean speeds were 4–10 body lengths s−1. At settlement size, mean speed was 5–10 cm s−1, and the best performing individuals swam up to twice the mean speed. In situ swimming speed was linearly correlated (R 2=0.72) with a laboratory measure of swimming speed (critical speed): the slope of the relationship was 0.32, but due to a non-zero intercept, overall, in situ speed was 25% of critical speed. Ontogenetic vertical migrations of several metres were found in all three species: the sciaenid and one sparid descended, whereas the other sparid ascended to the surface. Overall, 74–84% of individual larvae swam in a non-random way, and the frequency of directional individuals did not change ontogenetically. Indications of ontogenetic change in orientated swimming (i.e. the direction of non-random swimming) were found in all three species, with orientated swimming having developed in the sparids by about 8 mm. One sparid swam W (towards shore) when <10 mm, and changed direction towards NE (parallel to shore) when >10 mm. These results are consistent with limited in situ observations of settlement-stage wild larvae of the two sparids. In situ, larvae of these three species have swimming, depth determination and orientation behaviour sufficiently well developed to substantially influence dispersal trajectories for most of their pelagic period.  相似文献   

Larvae of Clyde spring-spawning Clupea harengus L. and hatchery-produced Scophthalmus maximus (L.) were reared from hatching through metamorphosis in 1980 and 1981 in laboratory tanks and in large enclosures under various light, temperature, and feeding regimes in order to study otolith ring deposition and growth under different conditions. Ring deposition and growth rates were significantly affected by rearing conditions in both species. The ring deposition rates observed under the conditions tested ranged from 0.34 to 0.92 rings d-1 in herring larvae, and from 0.07 to 1.0 rings d-1 in turbot larvae. Growth rates ranged from 0.11 to 0.42 mm d-1 in herring and from 0.05 to 0.27 mm d-1 in turbot. The number of otolith rings was dependent on the growth rate of the individual larva. At the population level, higher ring deposition rates were observed in faster growing populations. In herring larvae, the relationship between average growth rate and average ring deposition rate was logarthmic, reaching an asymptote at 1 ring d-1 for growth rates approaching 0.40 mm d-1. The relationship was linear for turbot larvae for the range of growth rates observed.  相似文献   

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