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综述了农药污染对蚯蚓个体毒性、种群毒性及复合毒性3个方面的研究进展,认为农药污染对蚯蚓的毒理学研究将会取得更大的发展。  相似文献   

复合人工湿地对有机污染物的去除效果初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了由不同植物配置(驯化和未驯化)的两组下行和上行植物床组成的复合人工湿地对生活污水的净化效果。结果表明,CODCr和BOD5的去除率达67.3%,68.1%,总氮(TN)的去除率为26.9%,总磷(TP)的去除主要发生在上行床,去除率为81.6%。环芳烃(PAHs)中苊(Ace)、荧蒽(Flu)、芘(Py)、苯并[a]蒽(BaA)、屈(Chr)、苯并[b]荧蒽(BbF)、苯并[a]芘(BaP)、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘(InP)和苯并[g,h,i](BPR)经下行床后,去除率超过80%,上行床去除较少。驯化床和未驯化床对PAHs的去除效果差异不显著。邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)中邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)和邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DiBP)经驯化床后,质量浓度显著升高,经未驯化床后邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯(DEHP)含量显著降低。蚕豆根尖微核实验表明,不同植物配置对微核率影响差异并不显著,毒害物质经下行床后大部分被去除。  相似文献   

红树林生态系统多环芳烃的污染研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王萍  王学东  张勇 《生态环境》2010,19(2):466-471
多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类广泛存在于天然环境中的持久性有机污染物,对生态环境和人类健康造成严重的潜在威胁。文章介绍了红树林生态系统PAHs污染的研究现状;总结了红树林生态系统PAHs的污染分布及其来源,以及PAHs污染胁迫对红树植物生长的影响;评述了红树植物对PAHs的直接吸收、红树林湿地微生物对PAHs的降解等研究;最后,对红树林生态系统PAHs污染的研究趋势进行了分析和展望,提出了今后可能的研究方向,主要包括:(1)综合应用多学科交叉研究典型PAHs在红树林生态系统中的环境行为;(2)结合双光子激光共焦扫描显微技术等原位研究手段,开展红树植物对典型PAHs的吸收、存赋形态、转运等相关研究;(3)结合激光诱导时间分辨荧光光谱测定系统,实现对现场红树林生态系统中PAHs等有机污染物的原位检测。  相似文献   

As a major ecosystem type, wetland provides invaluable ecological services. Environmental pollution, especially pesticides pollution should be paid more attention to keep wetlands healthy. Based on the risk quotient method, coupled with a probabilistic risk assessment model, this paper proposed a methodology suitable for ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues for wetland ecosystems. As an important industrializing and ecologically vulnerable area in China, the Taihu Lake wetland was chosen for the case study. The risks of eight pesticides in Taihu Lake wetland were assessed, as single substances and in mixtures. The assessment indicates that risks of the representative species are not significant. In general, the herbicide is found to be more toxic for algae, whereas insecticides pose more risks to zooplankton, insect and fish. For each pesticide in the wetland, the ecological risk it poses is acceptable. But the combined ecological risk posed by mixture can harm more than 10% of species of the wetland ecosystem, mainly dominated by dichlorvos, dimethoate and malathion contributions. These results imply that pesticide residues have been posing pressures on the ecosystem of the Taihu Lake wetland. It is recommended that proper countermeasures should be implemented to reduce the risks.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are important greenhouse gases (GHGs). The objective of this study is to quantify the aggregate GHG (CH4, N2O and CO2) emissions and estimate economic losses of three ecosystems (marsh, paddy field and upland) in the Sanjiang Plain, excluding the Muling-Xiangkai Plain, south of Wanda Mountain. The results indicate the economic losses from GHG emissions of marshes were from 6.40 to 7.75?×?10CNY (Chinese Yuan), those of paddy fields were from 1.41 to 3.20?×?10CNY; and from uplands were from 0.26 to 0.49?×?10CNY. Using linear trend analysis, the economic losses through GHG emissions of marshes fell between 1982 and 2005, but those from paddy fields and uplands increased. In our study, the sequence in magnitude of the economic losses from GHG emissions was: marshes > paddy fields > uplands. In fact, the economic value of GHG emissions was negative because of these adverse impacts on the environment. This article could provide a reference for calculation of GHG exchange. The results suggest that improvement of fertiliser use efficiency for more precise agricultural management and returning straw to cropland could mitigate GHG emissions and would help to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

近地层O3污染对陆地生态系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全球气候变化对生态环境的影响日益增加,近地层臭氧(O3)污染的环境生态效应备受人们关注.现有研究表明,陆地生态系统的温室气体NOx和CH4释放、矿质能源消耗和机动车辆尾气排放量的增加将加剧近地层O3污染.O3污染通过降低植物叶片气孔导度、光合速率和净同化作用,改变同化物的分配,进而抑制植物生长和加速植物老化,导致作物和林木减产.O3污染导致植物-土壤系统碳积累和周定降低势必影响未来全球碳动力学和碳预算,而植物和根系生长受到抑制则不利于土壤养分、水分的吸收进而影响植物-土壤系统养分循环,但目前报导极少,尚无法准确判断对全球碳和养分循环的影响,亟待深入研究.由于环境因素间具有互作效应,目前模拟研究过多集中O3与CO2增加对陆地生态系统的复合效应方面,而与其它环境因子(如O3与NO、SO2、水分、温度等)的复合效应研究偏少,不利于在全球气候变化背景下深入了解与预测O3污染对陆地生态系统的影响程度与趋势.基于研究现状,未来应加强:(1)地表O3监测网络建设和监测,结合田间试验和建模加强草地、森林和农田生态系统对O3污染的响应研究;(2)长期定位研究,侧重陆地生态系统对O3污染连合其它温室气体、温度增加等模拟未来气候情景下的环境响应研究;(3)O3污染下土壤.植物系统碳循环和固定研究;(4)O3污染条件下优势植物和农作物在不同时空条件下的土壤.植物系统养分利用研究;以期为判断和预测全球气候变化背景下陆地生态系统对近地层O3污染加剧的响应程度与趋势提供数据资料和科学依据.  相似文献   

对昆明地区土壤中Cd、Cu、Pb、As、Cr、Hg6种重金属和六六六、DDT、甲胺磷、乐果4种农药含量进行了调查监测,并就其来源及污染状况进行了评价,结果表明:Cd、Cu、As、Hg等重金属对土壤均存在不同程度的污染,其中Cd污染最为严重,其后依次为Cu、Hg、As、Pb、Cr,土壤重金属综合评价为中度污染,土壤有机氯农药仍有部分残留,有机磷农药残留量很低。  相似文献   

翅碱蓬对盐碱湿地重金属污染消减作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究翅碱蓬对盐碱湿地重金属污染的消减作用和生态修复能力,采用现场监测与高盐水培试验相结合的方法,测定不同浓度Zn2+、Cu2+和Pb2+混合污染下,翅碱蓬对重金属的吸收消减作用.结果表明,在高盐环境下,翅碱蓬对重金属锌、铜和铅均具有消减作用,生物富集系数BCFSh-Zn>BCFSh-Cu>BCFSh-Pb.当重金属离...  相似文献   

地沟式污水土地处理+人工湿地中植物对磷的去除效果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用盆栽实验和中试实验系统,研究了地沟式土地处理系统和人工湿地中不同植物对磷的去除效率。选取贵州省典型的7种植物——美人蕉、芋头、八仙花、小玉竹、杜鹃、菖蒲、岩豆藤作为供试物。结果表明,7种试验植物对生活污水中的磷均有很高的净化率,其中以芋头、菖蒲和岩豆藤等3种植物对磷的净化效率最高。文章同时还对中试各处理槽的不同位置和深度的土壤中的微生物种类和数量进行了分析,进一步阐述了地沟式土地处理系统和人工湿地中植物的除磷机理。  相似文献   

It is well known that whilst wetlands deliver a wide range of services vital for human well-being, they are being rapidly degraded and lost. Losses tend to be higher where human populations are increasing most and demands for economic development are greatest. Multidisciplinary management approaches that integrate conservation and development objectives in wetlands are therefore urgently requested for by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. This paper describes the evaluation of 10 wetland management case studies from Asia, Africa and South America that adopted such an integrated approach. The evaluation assessed the outcomes of these integrated initiatives to identify conditions and processes for linking conservation and poverty reduction objectives in wetlands. The findings are also compared with other assessments of integrated approaches, particularly in terms of their effectiveness in optimizing conservation and poverty reduction outcomes. The results from our studies suggest an ongoing evolution of such integrated interventions, which also implies cycles of learning from past mistakes. Overall, our results highlight the significant variation between wetlands in types and quantities of services they provide and emphasize the need to view many ecological issues as social challenges for equitable solutions to both wetlands and people. The analysis further shows that the positive on-ground results owe much to the interdisciplinary problem analysis, whereby interventions can move from treating symptoms to addressing root causes. while no blueprint emerged on how to successfully integrate conservation and poverty reduction in wetlands, important lessons for future interventions were drawn.  相似文献   

我国农业非点源污染研究概况与展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张乃明 《生态环境》2002,11(1):101-103
农业非点源污染因其对水体污染的普遍性而日益受到重视,本文综述了我国农业非点源污染研究现状及近年来研究方法特别是定量化研究的最新进展,并结合我国实际提出今后这一领域的研究重点。  相似文献   

Twenty-one organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured in the muscle of six predominant waterbird species from Jianghan Plain, Hubei Province, Central China. Among OCPs, DDTs were the most prevalent compounds, with average concentration ranging from 31.1 to 1445 ng/g lipid weight. Little egrets (Egretta garzetta) and Chinese pond herons (Ardeola bacchus) showed significantly higher concentrations of OCPs (p < 0.05) due to their dietary habits and migratory patterns. There were no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) for most OCPs between sex and age groups. The accumulation profiles of HCHs and DDTs suggested that these OCPs in Jianghan Plain were largely derived from historical usage. Risk assessment indicated that heptachlor could be likely to pose adverse health effects on people consuming ducks in Jianghan Plain.  相似文献   

Non-point source (NPS) pollution simulation in the high-precipitation coastal areas of China is difficult because varying annual typhoon incidence leads to highly contrasting rainfall patterns in dry years and wet years. An IMPULSE (Integrated Model of Non-point Sources Pollution Processes) based NPS model of the Changtan Reservoir watershed, which is a typical high-precipitation coastal area in China, was established based on the analysis of point and NPS pollution data, a digital elevation model, and data on land-use, soil, meteorology, economy, and agricultural management practice. Pre-processed pre-rain- fall soil moisture levels were introduced during the simulation to model the effects of typhoons on hydrology. Rainfall events were simulated sequentially through the year and the model was calibrated and verified using hydrological and water quality data. Accuracy of the simulated rainfall runoff and water quality in the Changtan watershed was found to be acceptable. The study showed that the NPS modeling system could be applied to the simulation and prediction ofNPS loadings in the Changtan Reservoir watershed.  相似文献   

By linking provincial pesticide usage reports from several Chinese statistical yearbooks (1998-2011) with the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (1998-2011), this study provides new evidence that pesticides adversely affect health outcomes via drinking water exposure. We follow a difference-in-difference-in-differences framework to compare health outcomes between people who drink surface water and ground water in regions with different intensities of rice pesticide use before and after 2004, when China shifted from taxing agriculture to subsidizing agricultural programs. The results indicate that a 10% increase in rice pesticide use unfavorably alters a key medical disability index (Activities of Daily Living or ADL) by 1% for rural residents 65 and older. This is equivalent to 2.13 and 0.64 million dollars in medical and family care costs, respectively. Further, we provide suggestive evidence of an intergenerational transfer of caring burden by showing pesticide use reduces out-migration of the offspring in affected households. The results are robust to a variety of robustness checks and falsification tests.  相似文献   

This paper presents the study carried out for controlling agricultural non-point source pollution (NSP) in a medium-sized watershed covering 1.47 × 104 km2 in Southeast China using quantitative analysis coupled with geographic information system (GIS), universal soil loss equation (USLE), soil conservation service-curve number (SCS-CN), nutrient loss equations, and annualized agricultural nonpoint source model (AnnAGNPS). Based on the quantitative results derived from GIS and environmental models, five control division units were generated for NSP control in Jiulong River watershed, namely, controlling unit for soil losses, controlling unit for livestock breeding and soil losses, controlling unit for excessive fertilizer use and livestock breeding, controlling unit for soil losses and fertilizer use, and controlling unit for excessive fertilizer use and soil losses. This study proved that integrating GIS with environmental models can be adopted to efficiently evaluate major sources and contributors of NSP, and identify the critical source areas of NSP, which enables adjusting measures to local conditions by further control division units developed through such study for control and management of water quality degradation induced by NSP in the Jiulong River watershed.  相似文献   

● A global snapshot of plastic waste generation and disposal is analysed. ● Effect of plastic pollution on environment and terrestrial ecosystem is reviewed. ● Ecotoxicity and food security from plastic pollution is discussed. Plastic is considered one of the most indispensable commodities in our daily life. At the end of life, the huge ever-growing pile of plastic waste (PW) causes serious concerns for our environment, including agricultural farmlands, groundwater quality, marine and land ecosystems, food toxicity and human health hazards. Lack of proper infrastructure, financial backup, and technological advancement turn this hazardous waste plastic management into a serious threat to developing countries, especially for Bangladesh. A comprehensive review of PW generation and its consequences on environment in both global and Bangladesh contexts is presented. The dispersion routes of PW from different sources in different forms (microplastic, macroplastic, nanoplastic) and its adverse effect on agriculture, marine life and terrestrial ecosystems are illustrated in this work. The key challenges to mitigate PW pollution and tackle down the climate change issue is discussed in this work. Moreover, way forward toward the design and implementation of proper PW management strategies are highlighted in this study.  相似文献   

Ecologists increasingly use plot-scale data to inform research and policy related to regional and global environmental change. For soil chemistry research, scaling from the plot to the region is especially difficult due to high spatial variability at all scales. We used a hierarchical Bayesian model of plot-scale soil nutrient pools to predict storage of soil organic carbon (oC), inorganic carbon (iC), total nitrogen (N), and available phosphorus (avP) in a 7962-km2 area including the Phoenix, Arizona, USA, metropolitan area and its desert and agricultural surroundings. The Bayesian approach was compared to a traditional approach that multiplied mean values for urban mesic residential, urban xeric residential, nonresidential urban, agricultural, and desert areas by the aerial coverage of each land-use type. Both approaches suggest that oC, N, and avP are correlated with each other and are higher (in g/m2) in mesic residential and agricultural areas than in deserts or xeric residential areas. In addition to traditional biophysical variables, cultural variables related to impervious surface cover, tree cover, and turfgrass cover were significant in regression models predicting the regional distribution of soil properties. We estimate that 1140 Gg of oC have accumulated in human-dominated soils of this region, but a significant portion of this new C has a very short mean residence time in mesic yards and agricultural soils. For N, we estimate that 130 Gg have accumulated in soils, which explains a significant portion of "missing N" observed in the regional N budget. Predictions for iC differed between the approaches because the Bayesian approach predicted iC as a function of elevation while the traditional approach employed only land use. We suggest that Bayesian scaling enables models that are flexible enough to accommodate the diverse factors controlling soil chemistry in desert, urban, and agricultural ecosystems and, thus, may represent an important tool for ecological scaling that spans land-use types. Urban planners and city managers attempting to reduce C emissions and N pollution should consider ways that landscape choices and impervious surface cover affect city-wide soil C, N, and P storage.  相似文献   

In this study, the environmental fate of thymol, including hydrolysis, aqueous photolysis, soil sorption and soil degradation, was studied under conditions that simulated the tropical agricultural environment. This study was undertaken to supply basic information for evaluating the environmental risks of applying this new botanical pesticide to tropical crop production. The results showed that the hydrolysis of thymol was pH-dependent and accelerated by acidic conditions and high temperatures. However, the hydrolysis rate was far lower than the aqueous photolysis rate, indicating that direct photolysis is an important dissipation pathway for thymol in water. The sorption of thymol by three tropical soils was consistently well described by the Freundlich model, and the sorption coefficients increased in the order sandy soil < loamy soil < clay soil, a characterization that depended on the organic carbon contents of the soil. The soil degradation rate of thymol decreased in the order sandy soil > loamy soil > clay soil, which has a negative correlation with the sorption of thymol in soils. We concluded that the degradation rates of thymol in tropical soil and water are fast: thymol in water is photodegraded (50%) by sunlight within 28 h, and the thymol in soils is degraded (50%) within 8.4 d. Therefore, the environmental risk to the surrounding soils and water of thymol application for tropical crop production is low.  相似文献   

向海湿地河道上下游土壤重金属污染程度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以向海湿地河道上、下游土壤沉积物为研究对象,以Al元素作为标准化元素,通过对重金属元素富集因子的分析,研究了Cu、Ni、Mn、Fe、Ba、Cr等6种重金属元素的人为污染状况及分级。结果表明,该区土壤沉积物中重金属元素均受到不同程度的人为污染影响,部分层面Ni、Ba等重金属元素污染程度达到显著水平,造成这种现象的主要原因是富含重金属的霍林河上游矿源物质的沉积及人类对湿地开发活动的历史变迁过程;此外,径流淹没频率不同造成了两断面土壤沉积类型和沉积效果的不同,使得受水文影响较大的上游断面的人为污染程度大于受影响较小的下游断面,说明向海湿地对人为污染具有一定的缓冲能力,或向海湿地具有较强的净化和过滤功能。  相似文献   

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