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The late-Paleozoic Uralides represent one of the largest lode-gold metallogenic provinces in the world. In the southern Urals, gold distribution is heterogeneous and is confined mainly to two tectonostratigraphic zones, namely the Main Uralian fault and the East Uralian zone. The important lode-gold districts within and in the immediate hangingwall of the first-order crustal suture of the Main Uralian fault are characterized by a complex tectonic history of earlier compressional tectonics involving thrusting, folding and reverse faulting and later transcurrent shearing. Gold mineralization is hosted by second- and third-order brittle to brittle–ductile strike-slip faults that developed late during the kinematic history of the Main Uralian fault. Strike-slip reactivation of earlier compressional structures was related to the late-stage docking of the passive margin of the East European platform with island-arc complexes of the southern Urals, an event that is tentatively related to changes in plate motion during the final stages of terrane accretion during the upper Permian and lower Triassic. Gold mineralization was controlled by the permeability characteristics of the hydrothermal conduits, as well as by competence contrasts and geochemistry of the mainly volcanic host rocks. Mineralization occurred at relatively shallow crustal levels (2–6 km) and largely post dates peak-metamorphism of the host rocks. The large and very large (up to 300 to Au) gold deposits of the East Uralian zone are hosted by upper-Paleozoic granitoid massifs. Gold mineralization is temporally associated with the main phase of regional-scale compressional tectonics and granite plutonism during the upper Carboniferous and lower Permian. Controlling structures have a dominantly east–west strike and occur as hybrid shear-tensional vein systems in competent granitoids subjected to east/west-directed regional shortening. Deformation textures and alteration mineral assemblages indicate lower-amphibolite-facies conditions of mineralization close to peak metamorphic conditions that are associated with the mid-Permian regional metamorphism and tectonism. Gold deposits in the southern Urals are, therefore, polygenetic and are temporally and genetically distinct in each of the two major mineralized tectonostratigraphic zones of this well-preserved collisional orogenic belt. The different timing of ore fluid generation and fluid discharge is interpreted to be the result of the different tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic evolution of terranes in the southern Urals.  相似文献   

甲壳素是一种天然的生物高分子 ,是仅次于纤维素的第二大可再生资源。系统介绍了提取甲壳素的原料来源及提取方法。对国内外甲壳素制取壳聚糖的方法和工艺条件作了详细的介绍 ,着重阐述了壳聚糖及其衍生物的生产方法以及在医药、食品、日化、农业、化工、环保、造纸、纺织等许多领域的应用现状和开发前景  相似文献   

海洋深处可看成是一个自然的巨大的等静压机,可对超大型工件进行冷等静压和热等静压的加工和处理。可对一般工件进行连续和大批量的生产。  相似文献   

The oceanic earth's crust has mainly grown from magmatic productivity in spreading meridional ridges during the past 100–200 million years. The specific rock formed from these magmas is the ocean ridge tholeiitic basalt (ORT). From both melting experiments on peridotites and relative abundances of incompatible elements (La, Ce, Th, Rb etc.) the tholeiitic magmas can be explained as products of about 15% partial melting of abundant upper mantle rocks. A mobilization of incompatible elements very late in the mantle history has formed the different source rocks for magmas and ORT basalts depleted or slightly enriched in incompatible elements.  相似文献   

苏锡常地区城市化进程中的环境地质问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在前几年地质大调查和地质专项研究成果的基础上,总结了长江三角洲苏锡常地区城市化进程中出现的环境地质问题及其危害性。主要表现在:水土污染、区域地下水位下降、地面沉降、软土变形与地基失稳等方面。  相似文献   

分析简单地拉伸、压缩和扭转的情况时,应力状态能容易地被确定.但是,实际上在金属加工过程中材料是承受复杂的应力状态,在模具——工件接触面上增加有摩擦力.而且,这些应力和摩擦力一般地沿着接触面变化.准确的计算或预测载荷、力、应力和温度,不但对设计适宜的设备是重要的,而且对研究工艺期间材料的变化过程也是重要的.本文将讨论材料变形过程中所运用的主要分析方法及其优缺点.  相似文献   

The averaged distribution of the extinction coefficient, including its diurnal variation, in southern California is shown for commonly occurring winter and summer wind field patterns. The wind field patterns were generated by an objectively based method using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of the vector wind, similarity criteria and cluster analysis. For the days assigned to each pattern, averaged extinction coefficient fields were calculated for six diurnal periods. Three main winter and three main summer patterns were identified. Associated with the wind field patterns were distinctly differing extinction coefficient patterns. Transport of visibility reducing aerosols can be inferred by comparing the wind and extinction fields and their diurnal variation. Transport of visibility reducing pollutants from the Los Angeles Basin and San Joaquin Valley into the Mojave Desert and the south-western U.S. was shown to be highly persistent in summer, while only sporadic in winter. The San Joaquin Valley was identified as having a significant potential for additional visibility impacts in the southwest with higher emissions of visibility affecting pollutants associated with the increasing urbanization of the valley. The analysis illustrated a technique for organizing large wind data sets into a reasonable number of patterns. The clear and consistent relationship between the extinction and wind fields demonstrates the usefulness of this technique in air pollution analysis.  相似文献   

Research on the agricultural impacts of global change frequently emphasizesthe physical and socioeconomic impacts of climate change, yet globalchanges associated with the internationalization of economic activity mayalso have significant impacts on food systems. Together, climate change andglobalization are exposing farmers to new and unfamiliar conditions.Although some farmers may be in a position to take advantage of thesechanges, many more are facing increased vulnerability, particularly in thedeveloping world. This paper considers the dynamics of agriculturalvulnerability to global change through the example of southern Africa. Wedemonstrate that the combination of global and national economic changesis altering the context under which southern African farmers cope withclimate variability and adapt to long-term change. We find that farmers whoformerly had difficulty adapting to climatic variability may become lessvulnerable to drought-related food shortages as the result of tradeliberalization. At the same time, however, removal of national credit andsubsidies may constrain or limit adaptation strategies of other farmers,leaving them more vulnerable to climate variability and change.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the evaluation of the present state of ISO 14001 implementation, as determined by the penetration of certifications and of certification agencies within industries in Greece. After identifying nearly all certified enterprises by the end of year 2004, a large cluster of 153 enterprises (circa 80.5% of all certifications), for which published information was available, are analysed. The data used concern both individual enterprises and demographic averages for respective industrial activities (determined by industry and sector). Analysis reveals ISO 14001 to be mainly accepted in manufacture, with both services and commerce to seriously lag behind. Analysis by sector, a more detailed activity indicator, shows marked ISO 14001 penetration differences between sectors, suggesting the influence of activity-related practices as a major certification driver. Evidence is also provided for the existence of a sector-related certification culture associating ISO 14001 certification decisions with ISO 9000 sector penetration levels. In addition, relatively larger enterprises, but not necessarily more profitable, seem to seek ISO 14001 certification in most sectors. Finally, analyses of all main certification agencies identified in Greece demonstrate that, with one exception, the choice of agency is mostly independent of industrial activity as well as certified enterprise size and profitability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the notion of ‘sustainability’ is strategically framed in the context of Dutch infrastructure governance in the Netherlands. By conducting a frame analysis (based on policy documents, websites and semi-structured interviews), the paper discerns six sustainability frames. These frames concern substantive (e.g., more focus on ecology), process (activating new networks) and organizational (e.g., new practices of work) aspects. The paper also illustrates how these sustainability frames relate to the changing institutional context of infrastructure policy and governance more broadly. The paper discusses some of the productive and challenging implications of the dynamics of sustainability in today’s complex and multi-dimensional world of governance.  相似文献   

董文茂 《环境》2005,(7):20-21
作为一项基本国策,环境保护在中国一度有非常强烈的计划色彩,然而在环境保护的外围,市场化程度不断深入,要达到环境治理的整体效果,环境保护在一些具体领域的技术性突破和制度性创新在所难免。  相似文献   

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