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鉴于城市规划在环境保护方面的局限性,本文以武汉市九峰城市森林保护区环境保护规划为例,提出了环境保护规划的技术路线、环境规划目标以及结论等,指出了城市大气、水体、声、固体废物和生态环境综合整治规划,并探讨环境保护规划与武汉的城市生态建设。  相似文献   

城市声环境综合整治规划方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述城市声环境综合整治规划方法和程序,即从城市声环境的质量评价分析,城市噪声污染趋势分析,结果城市总体规划原则,提出声环境规划目标,城市噪声综合整治规划的内容及实施规划的支持与保证。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济社会的快速发展和社会主义新农村建设的推进,农村河道治理日益成为水利工作的重点内容之一。开展农村河道整治生态环境效益评估,及时发现治理过程中以及实施后存在的问题,对于指导下一步集中连片农村河道综合整治具有重要意义。根据农村河道的功能和特点,结合《全国中小河流治理重点县综合整治和水系连通试点规划》项目目标及治理措施,构建了状态-响应-效益(SRB)评估体系;从河道连通性、水质状况、河岸带状况、水生生物、河道景观以及管理状况6个方面筛选确定18个评估指标,构建了多指标、多层次的生态环境效益评估模型,并确定了评估标准、指标权重和评估分级。该评估体系可为深入研究农村河道综合整治生态环境效益评估方法以及实践应用提供重要参考。  相似文献   

为梳理总结乡村全域土地综合整治与生态修复功能分区技术方案,通过综合研究,提出开展修复功能分区的总体思路和研究方法。选取大连为实践案例,在摸清底数和生态问题识别的基础上,对大连市乡村全域土地综合整治与生态修复进行了功能分区,共划分为5个功能区,规划了6项重点工程,从6个方面提出了需要建立健全的保障措施。研究成果可作为构建全域土地综合整治和区域生态修复理论体系的有益补充。  相似文献   

城市大气污染综合治理规划方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京市2008年三种主要大气污染物PM10、SO2及NOx环境空气质量达标方案的设计为案例,从城市大气污染综合治理规划方法学角度,提出并发展了一套包括环境空气质量的模拟、城市背景浓度的确定、优化模型、传输矩阵、分区规划、等效排放、措施信息库等方法在内的城市大气污染综合治理规划问题的整体解决的技术方案,为全国其它类似城市进行大气污染综合治理规划提供一种实例与参考,同时,研究的结果对北京市2008年大气污染控制对策的制定提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

为了弥补以往农村环境综合整治规划存在的一体化和系统化缺陷,构建了自上而下分层链接的系统规划方法框架,该框架总体上以城市总体规划和环境规划为顶层控制框架,其下分为县(市)域层次、乡镇域层次和行政村域层次3个层次。在顶层控制框架下,逐层控制可以克服规划上下层脱节、有效性降低的弊病,从而提高规划的整体性、系统性和有效性,为进一步推进农村环境综合整治、提升农村环境质量发挥积极的作用。农村环境综合整治规划的重点在于乡镇域层次和行政村域层次,其主要内容应包括:乡镇和行政村的农村饮用水水源地保护、农村生活污水和垃圾处理、畜禽养殖污染治理、水产养殖污染防治、历史遗留的农村工矿污染治理、农业面源污染和土壤污染防治、景观生态规划,以及其他与村庄环境质量改善密切相关的环境综合整治措施等。规划中应以乡镇为基本规划单元,规划实施要分期分批。为此,提出了乡镇类型划分及分期分批整治原则,为农村环境综合整治规划提供指导。  相似文献   

本文根据霍县区域环境质量评价的结果,探讨了各种污染源治理方案,从经济—环境协凋的原理,根据上游水质条件的变化,确定与地方经济发展相协调的环境质量目标,提出相应的分期、分级和分区治理的优选方案。本文以综合水质指数为环境质量目标,以年综合费用为经济目标,探讨了区域水污染控制策略,是污染控制规划的决策分析尝试。  相似文献   

农村人居环境综合整治技术管理政策不足及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析我国农村人居环境综合整治的技术管理政策现状,指出现行技术管理政策的不足,包括技术政策方面存在针对性和前瞻性不足、评价政策方面缺乏严格的技术评价和审查制度以及支持政策方面存在研发支持和示范推广体系不健全等。在此基础上提出了强化技术政策的系统协调性,建立健全技术评价和审查制度,加大研发支持、健全示范推广体系及技术服务市场等对策建议。  相似文献   

试论城市环境综合整治与环境目标管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市环境综合整治与城市污染单项治理和综合防治不同,它是把城市看作一个包括经济、社会和环境要素的大系统,力求在城市的发展过程中使其经济、社会与环境协调发展。由于城市人群是该系统的核心,因此城市环境综台整治必然要以城市生态系统原理作为基本的指导理论。在制定城市环境综合整治规划中,必须根据城市生态系统结构、功能的分析,对城市大系统进行总体调控。  相似文献   

厌氧发酵技术在有机垃圾处理方面的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据有机垃圾(可生物降解)的特点及厌氧发酵工艺过程,论述了厌氧发酵技术在有机垃圾处理方面的实际应用价值,说明运用厌氧发酵技术处理有机垃圾是实现固体废弃物资源化、减量化、无害化的新趋势。  相似文献   

我国城市垃圾及其处理的现状、问题与对策   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
分析了我国城市垃圾产生和处理的现状,探讨了城市垃圾处理的主要方法及其特点,指出了当前城市垃圾处理中存在的体制、资金和技术等问题,并提出了相应的管理对策。  相似文献   

In India, the traditional methods are used for urban solid waste management. These practices are associated with degradation of the urban environment Hence, an environmentally sound garbage management system is required for the urban waste management. The concept of waste minimization needs to be adopted in such systems. It is possible to implement certain corrective measures at collection, storage, transport and disposal of urban solid waste to minimize the adverse impacts on the environment The present investigations are emphasized on generation, characterzation and ecofriendly disposal of solid waste generated in Jalgaon city, Maharashtra. In the present study the waste generation at source was studied in the various income groups of the city. The per capita waste generation was studied by sampling the waste directly from the source of generation. The study reveals that the waste generation is large in the high-income group followed by middle and low-income group public. Further the physicochemical characterization of the waste was also studied. The data generated will help to develop environmentally sound and economically feasible solid waste management system for Ihe city.  相似文献   

With the lack of space for new landfills, municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration is playing an increasingly important role in municipal solid waste management in China. The literatures on certain aspects of incineration plants in China are reviewed in this paper, including the development and status of the application of MSW incineration technologies, the treatment of leachate from stored MSW, air pollution control technologies, and the status of the fly-ash control method. Energy policy and its promotion of MSW-to-energy conversion are also elucidated.  相似文献   

In recent years, with control of the main municipal and industrial point pollution sources and implementation of cleaning for some inner pollution sources in the water body, the discharge of point source pollution decreased gradually, while non-point source pollution has become increasingly distressing in Dianchi Lake catchments. As one of the major targets in non-point source pollution control, an integrated solid waste controlling strategy combined with a technological solution and management system was proposed and implemented based on the waste disposal situation and characteristics of rural solid waste in the demonstration area. As the key technology in rural solid waste treatment, both centralized plant-scale composting and a dispersed farmer-operated waste treating system showed promise in rendering timely benefits in efficiency, large handling capacity, high quality of the end product, as well as good economic return. Problems encountered during multi-substrates co-composting such as pathogens, high moisture content, asynchronism in the decomposition of different substrates, and low quality of the end product can all be tackled. 92.5% of solid waste was collected in the demonstration area, while the treating and recycling ratio reached 87.9%, which prevented 32.2 t nitrogen and 3.9 t phosphorus per year from entering the water body of Dianchi Lake after implementation of the project.  相似文献   

The hazardous waste management (HWM) practice at Tehran University of Medical Sciences Central Campus, Iran, was investigated in this study. Four schools were selected and the required information such as type and amount of wastes, temporary storage methods, waste discharge frequency, and final waste disposal methods using sampling, questionnaires, interviews with laboratory staff, and reference to available documents were gathered. The quantity of hazardous waste generation per year excluding the uncontrolled wastewater was found to be 2.072 tons per year. The obtained results show that wastes having features of being infectious, toxic, ignitable, carcinogenic, corrosive, and reactive were present at 32%, 28%, 16%, 14%, 8%, and 2%, respectively. In the central campus, hazardous solid wastes managed with household solid wastes and hazardous liquid waste were discharged into the sinks without any kind of control; improper HWM practices are evident from the point of waste production to final disposal.  相似文献   


The global amount of solid waste has dramatically increased as a result of rapid population growth, accelerated urbanization, agricultural demand, and industrial development. The world's population is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, while solid waste production will reach 2.59 billion tons. This will deteriorate the already strained environment and climate situation. Consequently, there is an urgent need for methods to recycle solid waste. Here, we review recent technologies to treat solid waste, and we assess the economic feasibility of transforming waste into energy. We focus on municipal, agricultural, and industrial waste. We found that methane captured from landfilled-municipal solid waste in Delhi could supply 8–18 million houses with electricity and generate 7140 gigawatt-hour, with a prospected potential of 31,346 and 77,748 gigawatt-hour by 2030 and 2060, respectively. Valorization of agricultural solid waste and food waste by anaerobic digestion systems could replace 61.46% of natural gas and 38.54% of coal use in the United Kingdom, and could reduce land use of 1.8 million hectares if provided as animal feeds. We also estimated a levelized cost of landfill solid and anaerobic digestion waste-to-energy technologies of $0.04/kilowatt-hour and $0.07/kilowatt-hour, with a payback time of 0.73–1.86 years and 1.17–2.37 years, respectively. Nonetheless, current landfill waste treatment methods are still inefficient, in particular for treating food waste containing over 60% water.


城市垃圾管理综合体系改革探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以漳州为例,分析我国城市垃圾政策体系,管理体制、资金状况、产业市场调控机制的现状,提出城市垃圾管理改革的方向和目标应以“谁污染谁治理”为原则,以实现城市可持续发展为目标,应用生命周期评价理论,在环境可持续性、经济可负担性、社会可接受性的基础上,以清洁生产、最小量化、资源化、无害化和产业化为指导思想,加强立法和政策制定;按政企分开、政事分开原则,建立适应社会主义市场经济的垃圾管理新体制;依靠市场和政府双重动力,全方位、全过程、开放垃圾产业;建立多元化项目投资机制。  相似文献   

• Implication of COVID-19 on medical waste and MSW generation is studied. • Challenges and effective strategy of solid waste generation is reviewed. • 2.9 million tons of COVID-19 related medical waste has been generated until Sep. 22. • The pandemic has postponed policies related to the reduction of plastic use. • Blockade resulted in a significant drop in waste generation in some regions. It has been over ten months since the beginning of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-2019), and its impact on solid waste management, especially medical waste, is becoming clearer. This study systematically reviews the potential influences of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical waste, personal protection equipment waste and municipal solid waste (MSW), and discusses the corresponding measures and policies of solid waste management in typical countries. The results show that the generation of medical waste from the pandemic increased significantly, with 18%‒425% growth. It is estimated that the daily output of COVID-19 medical waste increased from 200 t/d on Feb. 22 to over 29000 t/d at the end of September 2020 throughout the world. The use of personal protective equipment will continue to grow in the long-term, while the blockade and isolation measures greatly reduced the volume of commercial waste, especially for tourist cities, and part of this waste was transferred to household waste. Residents’ attitudes and behavior toward food waste have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the pandemic, international organizations and several countries have issued new policies and guidelines and adjusted their management strategies for medical waste and MSW treatment. The pandemic has brought specific challenges to the disposal capacity of medical waste worldwide. It has also brought about the stagnation of policies related to the reduction of plastic products and waste recycling. This study will provide some useful information for managers and governmental officials on effective solid waste management during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

As species we humans generate excessive amounts of waste and hence for sustainability we should explore innovative ways to recover them. The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate an efficient and optimum way to recover chromium and iron from chromite ore processing residues (COPR) for the production of chrome steel and stainless steel. In Hudson County, New Jersey, there are more than two million tons of leftover COPR. Part of COPR was used as fill materials for construction sites, which spread the problem to a larger area. With high solubility along with their toxicity leached chromate from COPR is threatening the environment as well as human health. In this research, COPR was thermally treated to recover iron with chromium by applying techniques used in steel manufacturing. An extensive experimental program was performed using a Thermo-Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) and bench scale tests to thermally treat the processed chromium contaminated soils with carbon and sand at varying temperatures and under reducing environment. The optimum chemical composition of COPR and additives to be used in the melts were evaluated based upon the thermodynamic properties of the mixture to ensure good phase separation, least amounts of iron and chromium oxides in the slag and minimum variability of final product (steel or iron with chromium). The impact of other oxides on the steel making process was evaluated to minimize the adverse impact on the process. The research demonstrated the feasibility of recovering a valuable construction material (chrome steel) from a waste (COPR).  相似文献   

我国的固体废物管理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对 国固体废物的管理现状分析,对我国固体废物管理的出路进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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