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The ability of many animals and insects to track a plume to its source is a particularly impressive feat when the fluid dynamics is considered. Inspired by this observation this research seeks to identify the information in a passive scalar plume suitable for developing robust and efficient plume tracing algorithms. The subject of this study is a scalar plume emanating from a point source in a turbulent boundary layer which has been modeled in a laboratory facility built specifically for this purpose. A coupled PIV-LIF technique is used to measure the velocity and scalar field in a time resolved fashion. This data set is analyzed and the convergence rates of five single-point statistics, suitable as kernels of plume tracing algorithms, are investigated. The experimental data shows that the scalar fluctuations over long downstream distances from the source are characterized by filamentary structures that lead to relatively slow convergence rates for any statistic that is based on mean concentrations. The scalar intermittency, however, converges rapidly toward its true value, in fact converging to a testable hypothesis for source location direction faster than the time scale of the larger scale plume meander.  相似文献   

A variety of animals use olfactory appendages bearing arrays of chemosensory neurons to detect chemical signatures in the water or air around them. This study investigates how particular aspects of the design and behavior of such olfactory appendages on benthic aquatic animals affect the patterns of intercepted chemical signals in a turbulent odor plume. We use virtual olfactory `sensors' and `antennules' (arrays of sensors on olfactory appendages) to interrogate the concentration field from an experimental dataset of a scalar plume developing in a turbulent boundary layer. The aspects of the sensors that we vary are: (1) The spatial and temporal scales over which chemical signals arriving at the receptors of a sensor are averaged (e.g., by subsequent neural processing), and (2) the shape and orientation of a sensor with respect to ambient water flow. Our results indicate that changes in the spatial and temporal resolution of a sensor can dramatically alter its interception of the intermittency and variability of the scalar field in a plume. By comparing stationary antennules with those sweeping through the flow (as during antennule flicking by the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus), we show that flicking alters the frequency content of the scalar signal, and increases the likelihood that the antennule encounters peak events. Flicking also enables a long, slender (i.e., one-dimensional) antennule to intercept two-dimensional scalar patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract: Due to the structuring forces and large-scale physical processes that shape our biosphere, we often find that environmental and ecological data are either spatially or temporally—or both spatially and temporally—dependent. When these data are analyzed, statistical techniques and models are frequently applied that were developed for independent data. We describe some of the detrimental consequences, such as inefficient parameter estimators, biased hypothesis test results, and inaccurate predictions, of ignoring spatial and temporal data dependencies, and we cite an example of adverse statistical results occurring when spatial dependencies were disregarded. We also discuss and recommend available techniques used to detect and model spatial and temporal dependence, including variograms, covariograms, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation plots, geostatistical techniques, Gaussian autoregressive models, K functions, and ARIMA models, in environmental and ecological research to avoid the aforementioned difficulties.  相似文献   

不同尺度下耕地土壤Cr含量的空间自相关性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以山东省禹城市耕地土壤重金属铬(Cr)元素为例,采用Moran’s I统计量对县级和镇级两个不同取样尺度下Cr含量的空间自相关关系、空间相关尺度和空间分布规律进行了对比研究.结果表明:1)随着研究尺度的增大,Cr含量的变异系数增加,块基比(C0/Sill)减小,空间结构性增强;2)两个尺度下Cr含量Moran’s I指数都大于0,表明研究区内两个尺度下的Cr含量都存在空间正自相关,且Moran’s I指数随着研究尺度的增加而增大;3)Lisa聚类图表明,两个尺度下Cr含量都存在空间聚集区和空间孤立区,其中"高—高"空间聚集和"低—高"空间孤立区域存在潜在Cr污染风险.研究表明小尺度下能够观察到大尺度下观察不到的细微差别,研究可为土壤重金属环境质量评价和重金属污染防治提供重要参考.图4表2参23  相似文献   

洱海流域水质时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据2009年洱海流域62个样点的水质调查数据,应用聚类分析对洱海流域水质时空变化特征进行分析,将样点在空间上分为4组,分别为无干扰的苍山林区源头溪流(A1)、受到一定程度人类干扰的流经农业区和城镇区溪流的中上游段及湖泊(A2)、干扰较严重的流经农业区和城镇区溪流的下游段(A3)以及干扰最为严重的洱海岸边带(A4),判别分析结果表明聚类准确率达95.2%。应用主成分分析方法得到影响洱海流域水质的4个主成分为:第1主成分,Alk、Ca2+、Mg2+、HS;第2主成分,TP;第3主成分,TN和NO3--N;第4主成分,DOC和TOC,这些主成分空间差异明显。在时间尺度上,Alk表现为丰水期高于枯水期;Ca2+表现为枯水期高于丰水期;TP没有表现出明显的季节性变化规律;TN在A1和A3组表现为丰水期高于枯水期。  相似文献   

吉林省城市大气降水pH值时空分异及成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对吉林省8个代表城市1992-1997年大气降水观测数据的统计分析,对大气降水PH值的时空分异进行了探讨。结果表明:吉林省中西部城市大气降水基本呈中性;东部的图们,珲春两市大气降水酸化亚得,多年平均降水PH分别为5.12和5.38;全省碱性降水多集中在吉林市。  相似文献   

通过土壤耕层养分特征分析,论述了不同农田利用和管理措施下不同土壤类型的土壤养分时空变异特征及硝态氮的累积特性。由于“重氮磷,轻有机肥,忽视钾素补给”,土壤养分变化以退化趋势为主,钾素耗竭性明显。硝态氮累积表现为从上向下递减、由上至下递增和相对积累于土体某一深度3种变化趋势。提出了土壤持续利用途径。  相似文献   

京津冀地区大气NO2污染特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
京津冀都市圈作为全国主要的重化工业基地,区域性大气污染问题成为关注的焦点。NO2作为二次颗粒物及光化学污染物的重要前体物,了解其在时空尺度的污染特征对于保护公众康健及大气污染综合治理具有重要意义。本研究主要基于OMI遥感反演数据并结合部分地面监测数据,研究了2005—2013年京津冀NO2区域污染特征。结果表明:京津冀NO2柱浓度总体呈现逐年升高的趋势,年平均增长速率可达5.69%。在空间格局上呈东南平原区高、西北山区低的特征,平原的年均柱浓度是山区的3倍多;平原区存在两大NO2高值区域,分别为北京-天津-唐山区域和石家庄-邢台-邯郸区域;9年内, NO2高值范围不断扩大,且呈现明显的连片趋势。各城市大气 NO2在9年内的增长趋势也表现出明显的空间差异性。其中石家庄、唐山、邢台等 NO2重度污染区域的增长速率最大,衡水、沧州、秦皇岛、廊坊等中度污染区域的增长速率次之,承德、张家口等轻度污染区域的增长速率最小。京津冀NO2柱浓度具有显著的季节变化特征,总体表现为秋冬高、春夏低,但山区与平原区差异较大。人口密度、能源消耗、机动车排放等人为因素与京津冀 NO2污染密切相关,不同城市的首要影响因素却不同。北京 NO2柱浓度变化主要受机动车排放影响,天津、唐山、石家庄、邯郸、邢台地区主要受工业燃煤的影响,其次为机动车排放。人为因素对平原区NO2柱浓度的影响作用始终占据主导地位,对山区的主导作用从2006年开始突显。此外,京津冀平原区NO2重污染中心的形成还受到特殊地形和不利的气象条件影响。2008奥运年,京津冀空气质量得到迅速且有效的改善,说明北京及周边省市联合开展大气污染治理及监管工作的有效性及必要性。  相似文献   

We explored the utility of odor-gated rheotaxis (OGR) with a biomimetic robot. OGR is a widely accepted biological plume-tracing strategy that uses mean flow and chemical detection for guidance. In experiments which contrasted the `classic' single-sensor formulation of the strategy against one which used two sensors and against another which combined the use of two sensors and memory of past stimulation patterns we quantified the relative advantages of each. The use of two, spatially separated, chemical sensors confers a significant advantage and still greater performance is obtained with rudimentary memory. The performance of the American lobster under the same turbulent dispersal regime leads us to conclude that significantly more effective plume tracing strategies remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

High Spatial and Temporal Variability of Dry Deposition in a Coastal Region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A real meteorological situation characterized by strong spatial and temporal variability of the meteorological fields in a coastal region of eastern Denmark is examined in view of the transport of a passive tracer and dry deposition. Model simulations using a full mesoscale NWP model (COAMPSTM) at different horizontal resolutions are performed. A realistic simulation showed that the differences in the amount of dry deposited matter can reach one order of magnitude and larger, during the period of one afternoon, depending on the model horizontal resolution. In addition, the results of an idealized experiment with straight coastline indicate that the horizontal model resolution alone is responsible for most of the differences. This study confirms the importance of high spatial and temporal resolution modelling for environmental applications.  相似文献   

在厦门市环境大气污染物中,PM10是其首要的大气污染物。厦门市大气中的PM10浓度受天气和气候以及土地利用类型、交通排放、工业状况等诸多自然因素和人为因素的共同影响而呈现出一定的时空变化规律,文章对厦门市2001年至2002年PM10浓度的空间变化和时间变化特点进行了分析,揭示了影响厦门市环境大气中PM10浓度空间变化和不同尺度的时间变化的影响因素。  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial changes in seston, (POC), particulate organic carbon, (PON) particulate organic nitrogen and chlorophyll-a concentrations were studied on a monthly basis in a Mediterranean shallow coastal area (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily) in order to gather information on factors controlling particulate organic matter distribution and composition. Seston concentration and composition were connected to the main physicochemical and biological driving factors, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, wind-speed and biomass of submerged vegetation. the Stagnone di Marsala is characterized by high temperatures with strong seasonality (range: 11-28°C), while values ranged from 33 to 45 salinity. Total suspended organic matter concentrations (by ignition loss) ranged from 2 mg l-1 (in summer) to 12mgl-1 (in winter) and chlorophyll-a concentrations from 0.02 to 2 μgl-1. Despite a low POC/PON ratios (ranging from 5 to 11), the ratio of POC to chlorophyll (CHL-a) displayed very high values (annual average of 647). the data reported in this study, highlighting the oligotrophy of the Stagnone di Marsala area, indicate that the trophic state of the basin was controlled by different degrees of wind exposure (mean monthly wind velocity at exposed sites ranged between 4.2 and 6.7 m s-1) and by gradients in vegetation cover. These two factors induced clear changes in the concentration and composition of the suspended particles, but played a different role in exposed and sheltered areas. Exposed areas with limited vegetation were characterized by large resuspension processes and wide temperature and salinity fluctuations caused by wind induced turbulence. in these areas, autotrophic biomass (as chlorophyll-a), due to phytoplankton and/or re-suspended microphytobenthos, appeared to play an important  相似文献   


Seasonal and spatial changes in seston, (POC), particulate organic carbon, (PON) particulate organic nitrogen and chlorophyll-a concentrations were studied on a monthly basis in a Mediterranean shallow coastal area (Stagnone di Marsala, Western Sicily) in order to gather information on factors controlling particulate organic matter distribution and composition. Seston concentration and composition were connected to the main physicochemical and biological driving factors, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, wind-speed and biomass of submerged vegetation. the Stagnone di Marsala is characterized by high temperatures with strong seasonality (range: 11–28°C), while values ranged from 33 to 45 salinity. Total suspended organic matter concentrations (by ignition loss) ranged from 2 mg l?1 (in summer) to 12mgl?1 (in winter) and chlorophyll-a concentrations from 0.02 to 2 μgl?1. Despite a low POC/PON ratios (ranging from 5 to 11), the ratio of POC to chlorophyll (CHL-a) displayed very high values (annual average of 647). the data reported in this study, highlighting the oligotrophy of the Stagnone di Marsala area, indicate that the trophic state of the basin was controlled by different degrees of wind exposure (mean monthly wind velocity at exposed sites ranged between 4.2 and 6.7 m s?1) and by gradients in vegetation cover. These two factors induced clear changes in the concentration and composition of the suspended particles, but played a different role in exposed and sheltered areas. Exposed areas with limited vegetation were characterized by large resuspension processes and wide temperature and salinity fluctuations caused by wind induced turbulence. in these areas, autotrophic biomass (as chlorophyll-a), due to phytoplankton and/or re-suspended microphytobenthos, appeared to play an important  相似文献   

2012年7月-2012年12月,采用LI—COR-8100测定了柳树、圆柏和杏树3种北京绿化树木的土壤呼吸速率,并分析了生物因子和非生物因子对土壤呼吸的影响。结果表明:3个树种的土壤呼吸速率平均值为:柳树3.53μmol/(m2·s),圆柏2.68μmol(m2·s),杏树2.38μmol/(m2·s);3种树木土壤呼吸速率呈现相似的月动态,与温度呈极显著指数相关,而与土壤水分相关性不显著。8月柳树和圆柏的土壤呼吸显著高于杏树;9月柳树的土壤呼吸显著高于圆柏和杏树;10—11月3种树木之间差异性不显著。8—9月土壤呼吸速率和温度、树木胸径、总碳、总氮、有机碳及硝态氮显著相关,而与碳氮比、叶面积指数呈极显著负相关。逐步回归分析表明,8—9月间3种树木的土壤呼吸主要受到树木胸径和叶面积指数的影响,模型解释率为42.0%(p=0.001)。  相似文献   

川西亚高山白桦林小气候的时空动态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对川西亚高山白桦林(海拔2 540 m)内太阳辐射、空气温湿度以及土壤5 cm和15 cm层温度等进行了连续的定位观测.结果表明:1)林冠下的太阳辐射日进程与林冠上的不同,但辐射强度随着太阳高度角的变化而变化;林冠下太阳辐射日总量不仅受林冠上辐射日总量的影响,也受森林群落生长季节的影响;春、夏和秋季,林冠下平均辐射日总量分别占林冠上平均辐射日总量的53.1%、39.4%和55.8%.2)夏季,白天空气温度高于土壤温度,而夜间则相反;空气温度和土壤温度的日极端温度出现的时间不同步,空气温度对太阳辐射强度的敏感性比土壤温度的敏感性高.3)春季,土壤表层>4℃的积温高于空气和土壤底层>4℃的积温;夏季,>4℃的积温由高到低的次序为:林冠下空气>土壤5 cm层>土壤15 cm层,而秋季的比较结果与之相反;空气日平均温度与土壤日平均温度有显著的线性关系(P<0.001).4)林冠下的空气相对湿度(RH)比林冠上的高,林冠下的空气RH日变幅和季节性变幅比林冠上的小.图7表1参19  相似文献   

A large-eddy simulation with transitional structure function(TSF) subgrid model we previously proposed was performed to investigate the turbulent flow with thermal influence over an inhomogeneous canopy, which was represented as alternative large and small roughness elements. The aerodynamic and thermodynamic effects of the presence of a layer of large roughness elements were modelled by adding a drag term to the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations and a heat source/sink term to the scalar equation, respectively. The layer of small roughness elements was simply treated using the method as described in paper (Moeng 1984, J. Atmos Sci. 41, 2052–2062) for homogeneous rough surface. The horizontally averaged statistics such as mean vertical profiles of wind velocity, air temperature, et al., are in reasonable agreement with Gao et al.(1989, Boundary layer meteorol. 47, 349–377) field observation (homogeneous canopy). Not surprisingly, the calculated instantaneous velocity and temperature fields show that the roughness elements considerably changed the turbulent structure within the canopy. The adjustment of the mean vertical profiles of velocity and temperature was studied, which was found qualitatively comparable with Belcher et al. (2003, J Fluid Mech. 488, 369–398)’s theoretical results. The urban heat island(UHI) was investigated imposing heat source in the region of large roughness elements. An elevated inversion layer, a phenomenon often observed in the urban area (Sang et al., J Wind Eng. Ind. Aesodyn. 87, 243–258)’s was successfully simulated above the canopy. The cool island(CI) was also investigated imposing heat sink to simply model the evaporation of plant canopy. An inversion layer was found very stable and robust within the canopy.  相似文献   

太湖湖区敏感水域水质时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2010年1-10月在太湖主要湖口区与饮用水源地共10个湖区采集80个水样,分析水体NH3-N、TN、TP和CODMn含量的时空变化特征,并进行水质评价.结果表明,随时间变化,敏感水域NH3-N浓度较为稳定,TN浓度表现为4月较高,TP浓度表现为7月最高,CODMn浓度在1和3月(2月未测)明显高于其余月份.太湖西北部敏感水域NH3-N、TN、TP和CODMn浓度明显高于其余敏感水域.水质评价结果显示,太湖湖区部分敏感水域出现NH3-N、TN、TP和CODMn超标现象,其中TN和TP超标较为严重,超标率分别为91.7%和82.5%.各样点中以大浦港入湖口湖区污染最为严重,NH3-N、TN、TP和CODMn单项污染指数平均值分别为2.20、14.73、6.85和1.33.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Gully, the largest submarine canyon off the coast of eastern Canada, is currently under consideration as a marine conservation area, primarily because of the increasing interest in oil and gas production on the Scotian Shelf. Cetaceans, as a guild of abundant, large organisms that are relatively sensitive to such threats, provide a reliable means to determine the boundaries for a conservation area in this region. We compared the abundance of cetaceans between the Gully and other parts of the Scotian Shelf and Slope and found that abundance was higher in the Gully. We also assessed cetacean distribution and relative abundance within the Gully relative to search effort for several spatial and temporal parameters: depth, slope, sea surface temperature, and month. Distribution within the Gully was most strongly correlated with depth, but was also significantly correlated with sea surface temperature and month. Five of the 11 cetacean species commonly found in the Gully, and all those for which the Gully formed significant habitat on the Scotian Shelf, were concentrated in the deep (200–2000 m) mouth of the canyon. We suggest that a year-round marine protected area is necessary for the Gully. A core protection zone should be defined in the Gully based on depth and bounded by the 200-m isobath. A buffer zone around the core zone should be defined to provide protection from activities with further-reaching effects, such as noise, dredging, and chemical pollution.  相似文献   

红壤丘岗坡地土地利用与土壤水分的时空变化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用连续2a土壤水分定位观测数据,对红壤丘岗坡地不同土地利用类型与土壤水分时空关系的研究结果表明:(1)生长季(3—10月)不同土地利用类型之间0—90cm深土壤平均含水量差异显著,丰水年的差异比平水年大。(2)不同水文年同一土地利用类型土壤水分季节变化差异明显。丰水年土壤水分含量较高,年内变化较平稳,土壤基本处于湿润状态;而平水年土壤水分先升高后显著降低再缓慢升高,出现明显的干湿交替。(3)从丰水年到平水年土壤水分的剖面结构类型没有发生改变,湿地松区属波动型,其他4种土地利用类型属增长型。(4)土壤水分沿坡位的年内变化始终是坡上大于坡下,持续干旱能减少土壤水分沿坡位分布的变化幅度。  相似文献   

李广宇  陈爽  余成  王肖惠 《生态环境》2014,(7):1102-1107
随着我国城镇化进程的快速推进,城镇密集区城市扩张带来的负面生态环境问题得到广泛关注。森林生态系统具有固碳释氧等多种生态服务功能,对减小城市化的负面效应、改善生态环境具有积极作用。近年来我国植树造林成效明显,森林资源总量和质量持续提升,科学评估森林生物量动态对理解碳源汇变化及制定森林保护政策具有重要的意义,但当前对快速城市化地区长时期生物量变化及影响因素研究较少。苏南地区处于我国最大的城镇密集区长江三角洲的中心,近年来该地区森林面积和质量不断增加,而受中低卫星遥感数据分辨率影响,以往对该地区生态系统生物量研究未探测到这种变化。利用1990、2005年江苏省森林资源调查数据及2010年江苏省森林覆盖监测数据,采用换算因子连续函数法和平均生物量法等计算苏南地区三个时期森林生物量,研究20年来苏南快速城市化地区森林植被生物量的时空变化,并结合社会经济数据探讨了生物量变化与经济人口的关联。结果表明:20年来,苏南地区森林植被面积、生物量和生物量密度总体呈显著增加趋势,生物量从7.15 Tg增长到16.72 Tg,乔木林的生物量密度由29.32 t&#183;hm-2上升至39.82 t&#183;hm-2,但远低于同期全国的均值;各市生物量分布不均匀,2010年生物量总量从大到小依次是南京、无锡、镇江、常州和苏州;各市森林生物量总量主要由森林面积和地形决定,森林面积增加是生物量增加的主要因素,阔叶林比例和林龄的增长也促进了生物量增加,随着区域森林林龄不断增长,森林生物量仍将不断增加;政府政策和经济利益等影响下的森林建设是区域森林生物量增加的主要原因,较高的经济发展水平促进了各市森林资源数量增长,而高人口密度未对森林面积和生物量未产生显著负面?  相似文献   

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