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Here we analyze herbarium records, surveys, and studies of fungal plant pathogens in tropical natural systems in order to establish a framework to study plant-pathogen interactions from a life-history perspective. We looked at how life-history traits of pathogens and their host plants affect the distribution of pathogens in different tropical habitats, and the importance of host phylogeny in determining the habitat associations of obligate fungal pathogens. Our study reveals that plant-pathogen interactions are prevalent and widespread in the tropics. Phylogenetic analysis of the distribution of obligate pathogens among plant families did not suggest a strong overall pattern of higher-level host phylogeny in pathogen host range, except that smut pathogens are particularly dominant on Poaceae and Asteraceae, and rusts are most common on Fabaceae, families that dominate disturbed areas in the tropics.  相似文献   

● Abundance of MAGs carrying ARG-VF pairs unchanged in rivers after WWTP upgrade. ● Upgrade of WWTPs significantly reduced diversity of pathogenic genera in rivers. ● Upgrade of WWTPs reduced most VF (ARG) types carried by potential pathogens in rivers. ● Upgrade of WWTPs narrowed the pathogenic host ranges of ARGs and VFs in rivers. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with additional tertiary ultrafiltration membranes and ozonation treatment can improve water quality in receiving rivers. However, the impacts of WWTP upgrade (WWTP-UP) on pathogens carrying antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors (VFs) in rivers remain poorly understood. In this study, ARGs, VFs, and their pathogenic hosts were investigated in three rivers impacted by large-scale WWTP-UP. A five-year sampling campaign covered the periods before and after WWTP-UP. Results showed that the abundance of total metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) containing both ARGs and VFs in receiving rivers did not decrease substantially after WWTP-UP, but the abundance of MAGs belonging to pathogenic genera that contain both ARGs and VFs (abbreviated as PAVs) declined markedly. Genome-resolved metagenomics further revealed that WWTP-UP not only reduced most types of VFs and ARGs in PAVs, but also effectively eliminated efflux pump and nutritional VFs carried by PAVs in receiving rivers. WWTP-UP narrowed the pathogenic host ranges of ARGs and VFs and mitigated the co-occurrence of ARGs and VFs in receiving rivers. These findings underline the importance of WWTP-UP for the alleviation of pathogens containing both ARGs and VFs in receiving rivers.  相似文献   

Allan E  van Ruijven J  Crawley MJ 《Ecology》2010,91(9):2572-2582
By attacking plants, herbivorous mammals, insects, and belowground pathogens are known to play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in grasslands. Foliar fungal pathogens are ubiquitous in grassland ecosystems, but little is known about their role as drivers of community composition and diversity. Here we excluded foliar fungal pathogens from perennial grassland by using fungicide to determine the effect of natural levels of disease on an otherwise undisturbed plant community. Importantly, we excluded foliar fungal pathogens along with rabbits, insects, and mollusks in a full factorial design, which allowed a comparison of pathogen effects along with those of better studied plant enemies. This revealed that fungal pathogens substantially reduced aboveground plant biomass and promoted plant diversity and that this especially benefited legumes. The scale of pathogen effects on productivity and biodiversity was similar to that of rabbits and insects, but different plant species responded to the exclusion of the three plant enemies. These results suggest that theories of plant coexistence and management of biodiversity in grasslands should consider foliar fungal pathogens as potentially important drivers of community composition.  相似文献   

The combined impact of multiple plant parasites on plant performance can either be additive (the total damage equals the sum of the individual effects) or nonadditive (synergistic or antagonistic damage). Two statistical models are available for testing the independent (=additive) effects of two factors. Here we suggest that the natural history of the plant-parasite system should motivate the choice of a statistical model to test for additivity. Using in-field, manipulative experiments, we examined the interactions between the herbivorous mite Calacarus flagelliseta Fletchmann, De Moraes and Barbosa (Acari: Eriophyidae), the fungal pathogen Oidium caricae F. Noack (a powdery mildew), and their host plant Carica papaya L. in Hawaii. First, we found that herbivorous mites had a moderate negative effect on powdery mildew: when mites were absent, powdery mildew colonies were larger and more numerous. Second, we showed that each plant parasite, when evaluated alone, significantly reduced several measures of plant performance. Third, we found that the combined impact of mites and mildew on plant performance is mostly additive and, for a few variables, less than additive. Finally, we explored compensatory responses and found no evidence for nonlinearities in the relationship between plant performance and cumulative parasite impact. Plants are almost universally subject to attack by multiple herbivores and pathogens; thus a deeper understanding of how multiple plant parasites shape each other's population dynamics and plant performance is essential to understanding plant-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Plant translocation is a useful tool for implementing assisted gene flow in recovery plans of critically endangered plant species. Although it helps to restore genetically viable populations, it is not devoid of genetic risks, such as poor adaptation of transplants and outbreeding depression in the hybrid progeny, which may have negative consequences in terms of demographic growth and plant fitness. Hence, a follow-up genetic monitoring should evaluate whether the translocated populations are genetically viable and self-sustaining in the short and long term. The causes of failure to adjust management responses also need to be identified. Molecular markers and fitness-related quantitative traits can be used to determine whether a plant translocation enhanced genetic diversity, increased fitness, and improved the probability of long-term survival. We devised guidelines and illustrated them with studies from the literature to help practitioners determine the appropriate genetic survey methods so that management practices can better integrate evolutionary processes. These guidelines include methods for sampling and for assessing changes in genetic diversity and differentiation, contemporary gene flow, mode of local recruitment, admixture level, the effects of genetic rescue, inbreeding or outbreeding depression and local adaptation on plant fitness, and long-term genetic changes.  相似文献   

Plant conservation initiatives lag behind and receive considerably less funding than animal conservation projects. We explored a potential reason for this bias: a tendency among humans to neither notice nor value plants in the environment. Experimental research and surveys have demonstrated higher preference for, superior recall of, and better visual detection of animals compared with plants. This bias has been attributed to perceptual factors such as lack of motion by plants and the tendency of plants to visually blend together but also to cultural factors such as a greater focus on animals in formal biological education. In contrast, ethnographic research reveals that many social groups have strong bonds with plants, including nonhierarchical kinship relationships. We argue that plant blindness is common, but not inevitable. If immersed in a plant‐affiliated culture, the individual will experience language and practices that enhance capacity to detect, recall, and value plants, something less likely to occur in zoocentric societies. Therefore, conservation programs can contribute to reducing this bias. We considered strategies that might reduce this bias and encourage plant conservation behavior. Psychological research demonstrates that people are more likely to support conservation of species that have human‐like characteristics and that support for conservation can be increased by encouraging people to practice empathy and anthropomorphism of nonhuman species. We argue that support for plant conservation may be garnered through strategies that promote identification and empathy with plants.  相似文献   

Coastal environments host plant taxa adapted to a wide range of salinity conditions. Salinity, along with other abiotic variables, constrains the distribution of coastal plants in predictable ways, with relatively few taxa adapted to the most saline conditions. However, few attempts have been made to quantify these relationships to create niche models for coastal plants. Quantification of the effects of salinity, and other abiotic variables, on coastal plants is essential to predict the responses of coastal ecosystems to external drivers such as sea level rise. We constructed niche models for 132 coastal plant taxa in Great Britain based on eight abiotic variables. Paired measurements of vegetation composition and abiotic variables are rare in coastal habitats so four of the variables were defined using community mean values for Ellenberg indicators, i.e. scores assigned according to the typical alkalinity, fertility, moisture availability and salinity of sites where a species occurs. The remaining variables were the canopy height, annual precipitation, and maximum and minimum temperatures. Salinity and moisture indicator scores were significant terms in over 80 % of models, suggesting the distributions of most coastal species are at least partly determined by these variables. When the models were used to predict species occurrence against an independent dataset 64 % of models gave moderate to good predictions of species occurrence. This indicates that most models had successfully captured the key determinants of the niche. The models could potentially be applied to predict changes to habitats and species-dependent ecosystem services in response to rising sea levels.  相似文献   

Assessing species’ extinction risk is vital to setting conservation priorities. However, assessment endeavors, such as those used to produce the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, have significant gaps in taxonomic coverage. Automated assessment (AA) methods are gaining popularity to fill these gaps. Choices made in developing, using, and reporting results of AA methods could hinder their successful adoption or lead to poor allocation of conservation resources. We explored how choice of data cleaning type and level, taxonomic group, training sample, and automation method affect performance of threat status predictions for plant species. We used occurrences from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to generate assessments for species in 3 taxonomic groups based on 6 different occurrence-based AA methods. We measured each method's performance and coverage following increasingly stringent occurrence cleaning. Automatically cleaned data from GBIF performed comparably to occurrence records cleaned manually by experts. However, all types of data cleaning limited the coverage of AAs. Overall, machine-learning-based methods performed well across taxa, even with minimal data cleaning. Results suggest a machine-learning-based method applied to minimally cleaned data offers the best compromise between performance and species coverage. However, optimal data cleaning, training sample, and automation methods depend on the study group, intended applications, and expertise.  相似文献   

本文介绍济钢"九五"期间实施以优化工艺结构、产品结构和提高资源、能源利用率为核心内容的炼铁全精料、炼钢全精炼、全连铸、轧钢全一火成材和增加高炉喷煤量的"四全一喷",钢渣和含铁尘泥闭路利用、煤气闭路利用、工业用水闭路利用、余热蒸汽闭路利用的"四闭路",实现节能、降耗、减污、增效的有机统一和实际成果.提出了济钢在今后五年创建"节能清洁型工厂"的基本思路和目标,以及实现目标的主要措施.  相似文献   

Study of marine organisms for their bioactive potential, being an important part of marine ecosystem, has picked up the rhythm in recent years with the growing recognition of their importance in human life. Investigation was carried out to isolate 32 strains of endo and epiphytic bacteria in 2 seagrass species viz., Syringodium isoetifolium and Cymodocea serrulata. Morphologically different bacterial strains were tested against 5 antibiotic resistant human bacterial pathogens, of which 10 associated bacteria shown inhibitory activity against one or more bacterial pathogens. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and Minimum bacterial concentration (MBC) determination with extracellular bioactive compounds from the associated bacteria reveals that, the strain ENC 5 showed inhibitory activity against all the bacterial pathogens with the maximum sensitivity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa at the MIC value of 500 microg ml(-1).  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,200(1-2):189-192
We suggests that temperature response of plant productivity can be modeled by the Arrhenius function modified to describe the effect of temperature on enzyme activity: GA(T) = 2f(T)/(1 + f2(T)), where f(T) = exp(Ea/RTopt  Ea/RT), R the universal gas constant, Ea the activation energy and Topt is the optimal temperature. In common with other functions used for modeling the temperature response of plant productivity, the curve of function G is almost symmetrical and bell-shaped. The special convenience of GA is that it relates the width of the “bell” to thermodynamic concepts, such as activation energy of chemical reactions converting carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrates.  相似文献   

The data on plant growth conditions collected for 34 sites in the Barnsley and South Yorkshire Areas of the National Coal Board are analysed using methods of ordination and numerical classification in order to display the regional variations of plant growth characteristics. The potential value of such regional analyses and the manner in which such information could be used by reclamation agencies is discussed and a detailed example is presented for one site. The complete methodology and its limitations are reviewed and the implications for planning of reclamation projects discussed.  相似文献   

The status of plant growth modeling activities is reviewed for a general audience. Recently, excellent textbooks and review papers have been published which summarize past efforts in modeling plant physiological processes. Anyone interested in plant-growth modeling should be aware of this background material which describes the modeling tradition in the plant sciences. Presently, we need better critical evaluations of such models, including experimental techniques necessary for generating associated data. Such critiques should be aimed at users of large plant-growth models in other disciplines. Recent developments in the construction of cotton growth models are described. Modeling philosophy is discussed in relation to the above.  相似文献   

Interactions among plant defense compounds: a method for analysis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary. Plants contain an enormous diversity and quantity of secondary metabolites, some of which are toxic and deterrent to herbivores and pathogens. This impressive diversity of plant compounds suggests a high probability of interactions among them. Synergistic interactions are those in which the combined activity of two or more chemicals is greater than that expected given their individual activities. On the other hand, antagonistic interactions are those in which the combined activity of two or more chemicals is less than that expected given their individual activities. Synergistic interactions could increase plant fitness whereas antagonistic interactions could decrease plant fitness. Interactions are thus potentially very important, not only in explaining the diversity of defense compounds within individual plants, but also in providing insight into plant defense strategies. Although synergistic interactions have received increased attention in the ecological literature in the last decade, the number of documented cases of synergy remains small and antagonistic interactions are rarely considered. The primary reason for this scarcity may be the difficulty of detecting, analyzing and displaying such interactions. Analysis by ANOVA, though sometimes used, often is not appropriate. We introduce a simple technique, isobolographic analysis, that is used in pharmacology for detecting and rigorously quantifying synergy and antagonism and provide an example using the brine shrimp toxicity assay. More statistically sophisticated approaches, such as isobolographic analysis, will allow ecologists to effectively document the role of chemical synergy and antagonism in interactions between species. Such chemical interactions may ultimately provide insight into longstanding, ecological questions. Received 26 October 1998; accepted 24 March 1999.  相似文献   

Orrock JL  Witter MS  Reichman OJ 《Ecology》2008,89(4):1168-1174
Biological invasions can change ecosystem function, have tremendous economic costs, and impact human health; understanding the forces that cause and maintain biological invasions is thus of immediate importance. A mechanism by which exotic plants might displace native plants is by increasing the pressure of native consumers on native plants, a form of indirect interaction termed "apparent competition." Using experimental exclosures, seed addition, and monitoring of small mammals in a California grassland, we examined whether exotic Brassica nigra increases the pressure of native consumers on a native bunchgrass, Nassella pulchra. Experimental plots were weeded to focus entirely on indirect effects via consumers. We demonstrate that B. nigra alters the activity of native small-mammal consumers, creating a gradient of consumption that dramatically reduces N. pulchra establishment. Previous work has shown that N. pulchra is a strong competitor, but that it is heavily seed limited. By demonstrating that consumer pressure is sufficient to curtail establishment, our work provides a mechanism for this seed limitation and suggests that, despite being a good competitor, N. pulchra cannot reestablish close to B. nigra within its old habitats because exotic-mediated consumption preempts direct competitive exclusion. Moreover, we find that apparent competition has a spatial extent, suggesting that consumers may dictate the rate of invasion and the area available for restoration, and that nonspatial studies of apparent competition may miss important dynamics.  相似文献   

Disease due to waterborne pathogens, whether in outbreak or endemic form, continues to be a problem in both the developing and the developed world. Control of waterborne disease requires accurate assessment of the pathogen dose-response relation and of likely patterns of exposure. Heretofore, risk assessment of pathogen exposure has been done on the basis of several standard biologically plausible dose-response models. In this paper, the problem of estimating the long-term risk from waterborne pathogens is put into a rigorous mathematical and statistical framework. The implications of the biologic assumptions embedded in the dose-response models (e.g., heterogeneity in susceptibility) are fully considered, as are the likely patterns of long-term exposure (e.g., temporal correlations within individuals and heterogeneity of mean exposures). Two types of long-term risk are described, risk per person-time and risk per individual where the latter is the risk of infection at least once. The effects on these risks of heterogeneity in individuals susceptibilities and mean exposures and of temporal correlations of exposures are described, both theoretically and empirically using a sample of experimental data sets. Because different models with equal plausibility may give very different results in the low-dose range but fit the experimental data equally well, we apply the model uncertainty algorithm of Buckland et al. (1997) on example data sets. Finally, the computational aspects of the general problem, which are often challenging, are discussed along with the conditions under which simplifying approximations may be utilized.  相似文献   

Possibilities for greater variation in landscaping during the reclamation of derelict colliery spoil heaps and the potential of a regional approach to the survey of revegetation problems are introduced. A survey method for assessing plant growth problems is described which incorporates rapid measurement of physical and chemical constraints to plant growth and which uses bioassay trials as an index of plant growth potential. The use of the survey method on 34 closed and disused sites in the Barnsley and South Yorkshire areas of the National Coal Board is outlined and suggestions for the incorporation of such data in recommendations for the reclamation of individual sites are made.  相似文献   

Polluted soils of former coking plants are characterized by multiple organic contributions, e.g. coal tar, coal, coke, soot, and natural organic matter, that can either be sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) or act as sorption surfaces for pollutants. The contamination level is usually based on the quantification of 16 PAHs but it does not provide any information on PAH sources. We studied the aliphatic fractions of 25 soil samples from a former coking plant site by microscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The microscopic investigation allowed to identify four main organic contributions: coal tar, coal, coke, and natural organic matter. These isolated sources were analyzed and considered as reference materials. Although the PAH distributions were very similar in the 25 contaminated soils, alkanes and hopanes distributions were representative from various contributions characterizing the relative enrichment in coal, coal tars, or natural organic matter. Two principal component analyses based on n-alkanes and hopanes showed that three molecular indices, the carbon preference index, the low molecular weight/high molecular weight n-alkanes ratio, and the 18α(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane/(18α(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane+17α(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane) ratio allow to classify polluted soils according to various organic contributions.  相似文献   

Global models for predicting woody plant richness from climate: comment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hawkins BA  Montoya D  Rodríguez MA  Olalla-Tárraga MA  Zavala MA 《Ecology》2007,88(1):255-9; discussion 259-62

3种人工草地不同植被覆盖度实地测量方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植被覆盖度是植被垂直投影面积占统计区域面积百分比;理想覆盖度实地测量方法耗时短,工具简单,结果准确,受人为因素影响小.以结缕草(Zoysia japonica)、白三叶(Trifolium repens)和雀稗(Paspalum thunbergii)人工草地为研究对象,以照相法测量值为参考,比较样线法、目估法、样针法...  相似文献   

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