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Aggregations of individual animals that form for breeding purposes are a critical ecological process for many species, yet these aggregations are inherently vulnerable to exploitation. Studies of the decline of exploited populations that form breeding aggregations tend to focus on catch rate and thus often overlook reductions in geographic range. We tested the hypothesis that catch rate and site occupancy of exploited fish‐spawning aggregations (FSAs) decline in synchrony over time. We used the Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) spawning‐aggregation fishery in the Great Barrier Reef as a case study. Data were compiled from historical newspaper archives, fisher knowledge, and contemporary fishery logbooks to reconstruct catch rates and exploitation trends from the inception of the fishery. Our fine‐scale analysis of catch and effort data spanned 103 years (1911–2013) and revealed a spatial expansion of fishing effort. Effort shifted offshore at a rate of 9.4 nm/decade, and 2.9 newly targeted FSAs were reported/decade. Spatial expansion of effort masked the sequential exploitation, commercial extinction, and loss of 70% of exploited FSAs. After standardizing for improvements in technological innovations, average catch rates declined by 90.5% from 1934 to 2011 (from 119.4 to 11.41 fish/vessel/trip). Mean catch rate of Spanish mackerel and occupancy of exploited mackerel FSAs were not significantly related. Our study revealed a special kind of shifting spatial baseline in which a contraction in exploited FSAs occurred undetected. Knowledge of temporally and spatially explicit information on FSAs can be relevant for the conservation and management of FSA species.  相似文献   

The deterministic models applied in economics of fisheries are extended to comprise price uncertainty and risk aversion among the fishing units. It is proved that in the open-access fishery both the total fishing effort and the number of fishing units are reduced as the variance of the price increases; that the total fishing effort may be smaller in the open-access fishery than in the optimal fishery at a high variance; that only a fixed producer price system can create a first-best optimum, and that a tax on revenue is more efficient than both fishing unit quotas or tax on catch.  相似文献   

In the management of a fishery with many year-classes, a standard objective is to maximize the biomass yield. If the fishing effort is fixed, this objective can be attained by prescribing an optimum size limit. This implies that only fish which are larger than the optimum size limit should be caught. The theory for computing the optimum size limit when fishing is carried out continuously is well established. In contrast the theory for computing the optimum size limit when the fishing season is limited to the same period in each year has not been developed in spite of the fact that many fisheries are exploited in this manner. A fishing season may be limited because the weather or the migration patterns of the fish population permits fishing only during a certain period in the year. A fishing season may also be limited because it is necessary to reduce the fishing mortality in order to conserve the fish population.A theory for computing the optimum size limit when the fishing season is limited is developed in this paper. It is applied to a hypothetical fishery. The data for this example comes from the North Sea plaice fishery. It is found that for a given fishing effort the optimum size limit is 44.5 cm if fishing is carried out continuously, 41.3 cm if fishing is limited to 6 months in a year and 28.7 cm if fishing is limited to a period of one tenth of a year in each year.  相似文献   

Quantifying long-term size-selective harvest patterns is necessary for understanding the potential evolutionary effects on exploited species. The comparison of fishery selection patterns on the same species subject to different gear types, in different areas, and over multi-decadal periods can reveal the factors influencing selection. In this study we quantified and compared size-selective harvest by nine Alaskan sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) fisheries to understand overall patterns. We calculated length-specific linear selection differentials (the difference in average length of fish before vs. after fishing), which are produced by different combinations of exploitation rates and length-selectivity values, and nonlinear standardized differentials, describing disruptive selection, across all years for each fishery. Selection differentials varied among years, but larger fish were caught in 73% of years for males and 84% of years for females, leaving smaller fish to spawn. Disruptive selection was observed on female and male fish in 84% and 92% of years, respectively. Linear selection was stronger on females than males in 77% of years examined, and disruptive selection was stronger on males in 71% of years. Selection pressure was influenced by a combination of factors under and beyond management control; analyses using mixed-effects models indicated that fisheries were less size selective in years when fish were larger than average and had lower exploitation rates. The observed harvest of larger than average sockeye salmon is consistent with the hypothesis that size-selective fishing contributes to decreasing age and length at maturation trends over time, but temporal variability in selection and strong disruptive selection suggests that the overall directional pressure is weaker than is often assumed in evolutionary models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the optimal tax to achieve maximum economic yield (MEY) exploitation in a rational expectations model of a competitive open-access fishery. To analyze the dynamic evolution of resource use a structural model which explains the relationship between the firm and the industry is presented. The unregulated equilibrium is contrasted with the potential MEY. Conditions under which the unregulated equilibrium will be MEY are explored. In addition, a tax is devised which will cause non-MEY competitive exploitation to become MEY when the tax is implemented.  相似文献   

A Bioeconomic Model of Marine Reserve Creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper employs a dynamic and spatial model of renewable resource exploitation to investigate the effects of marine reserve creation. The model combines a metapopulation model incorporating resource patch heterogeneity and dispersal with a behaviorally based spatially explicit harvesting model that assumes that fishermen choose location in a manner that eliminates spatial arbitrage opportunities. The combined spatial bioeconomic model is used to simulate the effects of reserve creation under various ecological structures. We identify parameter configurations and ecological dispersal processes that give rise to a double-payoff in which both aggregate biomass and harvest increase after an area of the fishery is set aside and protected from exploitation.  相似文献   

For many decades, fisheries research has focused on stock assessment and the impact of the fishery effort on resources. Although this knowledge remains necessary, a more integrated analysis of the joint dynamics of resource and operational activities is needed to provide more useful advice for the management of fishery systems. Since 1994 a new approach to fishery science has been carried out for Cameroonian small-scale fisheries, the aim being the incorporation into fishery science of research on fishery management, fishing processes and fishermen's behaviour. This paper presents a more systemic data approach which combines biological parameters and operational factor analyses with the goal of sustainable development. From two years of data collected on the purse seine fishing units operating in the Bay of Biafra (2002 and 2003), a set of three correspondence analyses is applied: (1) to the length frequency distribution of Ethmalosa fimbriata, (2) to the number of visits per fishing ground, and (3) to the species appearance frequency in the landings. These three analyses were plotted per month-year period. The results are presented in the form of an annual exploitation cycle, linking fishing grounds, the main species caught, and corresponding fishing period.  相似文献   

Economics of the fishery has focused on the wastefulness of common pool resource exploitation. Pure open access fisheries dissipate economic rents and degrade biological stocks. Biologically managed fisheries also dissipate rents but are thought to hold biological stocks at desired levels. We develop and estimate an empirical bioeconomic model of the Gulf of Mexico gag fishery that questions the presumptive success of biological management. Unlike previous bioeconomic life history studies, we provide a way to circumvent calibration problems by embedding our estimation routine directly in the dynamic bioeconomic model. We nest a standard biological management model that accounts for complex life history characteristics of the gag. Biological intuition suggests that a spawning season closure will reduce fishing pressure and increase stocks, and simulations of the biological management model confirm this finding. However, simulations of the empirical bioeconomic model suggest that these intended outcomes of the spawning closure do not materialize. The behavioral response to the closure appears to be so pronounced that it offsets the restriction in allowable fishing days. Our results indicate that failure to account for fishing behavior may play an important role in fishery management failures.  相似文献   

The awareness of the harm caused by pollutants to natural environments has led the political and legislative authorities of industrially-developed countries to introduce or review regulations to protect the environment. However, in recent years, all over the world and particularly in many countries in Africa, there has been a remarkable population growth, accompanied by an intense urbanization, an increase of industrial activities and a higher exploitation of cultivable land. These transformations have brought about a huge increase in the quantity of discharges and a wide diversification in the types of pollutants that reach river waters and have undesirable effects on fish and on the potential for fishery exploitation.  相似文献   

Queen conch, Strombus gigas, is a commercially important gastropod that has been exploited throughout the Caribbean islands for thousands of years. Shell middens in the region are the physical record of a long-term fishery and their study can provide valuable information on selectivity patterns followed by fishermen and on resulting morphological shifts reflected by shells. In this study, we surveyed 27 middens located at Los Roques, Venezuela, to assess pre-Columbian and modern fisheries and measure their impact on local populations of queen conch. Pre-Columbian middens, covering a period of approximately 350 years of exploitation (1160–1540 A.D.), were mostly composed of adult shells (89%) and mean length of catch was estimated at 22.4 ± 0.2 cm (mean ± SE). A decrease in mean length of catch was observed throughout the modern fishery regime, estimated at 22.2 ± 0.3 cm in 1950–1971 and 20.0 ± 0.3 cm in 1990–1995. Higher proportions of immature individuals ranging from 48 to 67% were found in modern middens. Additionally, a decrease in mean length of mature individuals was detected throughout the modern fishery regime. The appearance of younger and smaller specimens is considered as a sign of heavy exploitation of local populations of queen conch during modern fisheries. Pre-Columbian middens in contrast, permitted to establish a relative baseline from which to compare values registered throughout modern times.  相似文献   

Between 1986 and 2009 nine submersible and remote-operated vehicle expeditions were carried out to study the population biology of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae in the Comoro Islands, located in the western Indian Ocean. Latimeria live in large overlapping home ranges that can be occupied for as long as 21 years. Most individuals are confined to relatively small home ranges, resting in the same caves during the day. One hundred and forty five coelacanths are individually known, and we estimate the total population size of Grande Comore as approximately 300–400 adult individuals. The local population inhabiting a census area along an 8-km section of coastline remained stable for at least 18 years. Using LASER-assisted observations, we recorded length frequencies between 100 and 200 cm total length and did not encounter smaller-bodied individuals (<100 cm total length). It appears that coelacanth recruitment in the observation areas occur mainly by immigrating adults. We estimate that the mean numbers of deaths and newcomers are 3–4 individuals per year, suggesting that longevity may exceed 100 years. The domestic fishery represents a threat to the long-term survival of coelacanths in the study area. Recent changes in the local fishery include a decrease in the abundance of the un-motorized canoes associated with exploitation of coelacanths and an increase in motorized canoes. Exploitation rates have fallen in recent years, and by 2000, had fallen to lowest ever reported. Finally, future fishery developments are discussed.  相似文献   

A numerical approach involving dynamic programming and computer simulation is used to examine the socially optimal exploitation of a single-cohort fishery under risk, with specific reference to the Exmouth Gulf Prawn Fishery in Western Australia. Best management strategies for given investment levels are sought before optimizing investment. The results for this industry show that time of year is much more important then level of biomass in determining best fishing policies, and that the timing of the catch is sensitive to natural fluctuations in some biological variables. Employing a “closed season” policy for part of the year appears an attractive way of reconciling private and social objectives under commonality. Under or overcapitalization does not reduce benefits markedly.  相似文献   

The optimal exploitation of a two-species predator-prey system is considered, using Lotka-Volterra-type equations. Due to the density-dependence of ecological efficiency, both species should be harvested simultaneously over a range of relative prices. Beyond the limits of this price range, either the prey species should be utilized indirectly by harvesting the predator, or the predator should be eliminated to maximize the prey yield. Neglecting harvesting costs, the simultaneous harvest of prey and predators requires that a unit of prey biomass increase in value by being “processed” by predators. Certain results from single-species fishery models are shown not to apply to multispecies models. These are as follows: (i) Optimal regulation of a free access fishery may call for subsidizing instead of taxing the harvest of predator species. (ii) Increasing the discount rate may, at “moderate” levels, imply that the optimal standing stock of biomass increases instead of decreasing. (iii) A rising price or a falling cost per unit fishing effort of a species may raise and not lower the optimal standing stock of that species.  相似文献   

A simple fishery model is developed with legal and illegal markets for fish, the latter market being combated by enforcement efforts put forth by a social regulator. In response to enforcement, violators undertake avoidance activities to escape detection. The possible impacts of illegal activity on optimal fishery management are then explored, and some policy implications are suggested. Concurrently, optimal regulation is calculated when: (a) only legal surplus is maximized versus (b) when both legal and illegal surplus is maximized. The rationale for these two regimes and their divergence in optimal management policies is outlined.  相似文献   

The analysis of a simple model shows that exploitation of fish stocks can entrain in the long run the substantial decline or even the collapse of the stock, as well as difficulties in stock recovery, loss of fishery resilience, and reduction of the mean fish size. The results are in agreement with numerous observations, even though they are obtained with a simple model in which the harvesting fleet and the fish stock are considered as unstructured predator and prey. The study is carried out for the typical case of fleet dimension not too sensitive to the year-to-year fluctuations of the stock and assuming that the sole cause of evolution is technological innovation. The analysis is performed by means of Adaptive Dynamics, an approach born in theoretical biology which is used here in the context of technological change. Although the results are qualitatively consistent with those obtained long ago through the principles of bioeconomics, it is fair to stress that the underlying assumptions are different. In fact, in the bioeconomic approach fleet technology does not evolve and fishing effort varies to produce economic optimization, while in the Adaptive Dynamics approach technological innovation is the key driver. The paper is purely theoretical and the proposed model can hardly be tuned on any real fishery. No practical guidelines for managers can therefore be drawn, if not the general conclusion that long-term sustainability of exploited fish stocks can only be achieved if strategic parameters influencing technological change are kept under strict control.  相似文献   

Mark–recapture experiments can be used to estimate the exploitation rate of a fishery; however, the estimate is influenced by the tag reporting-rate by the fishers. We present two methods to estimate the reporting rates in high/low reward ($100 and $10 CAD respectively) long-term cod tagging experiments. We fit two binomial logistic mixed-effect models, one with temporal auto-correlation in the reporting-rate year-effects and one with independent year-effects. We estimate reporting-rates separately for recreational and commercial fishers, and test for spatial variation using fixed-effects for spatial regions. Due to the complexity of the fishery, our models account for factors such as recapture-fishery type, fish-size and time-at-liberty. Our results indicate that the recreational fishers reporting-rate was constant at 0.51 across all regions and years. The commercial fishery showed more spatial and temporal variation, with the reporting-rates estimates lying between 0.67 and 0.87 for the independent year-effect model, and between 0.57 and 0.84 for the random walk model. Furthermore, we assessed the model performance as well as the coverage probability of nominal 95 % confidence intervals using simulations. We found that the models performed adequately; however, the nominal 95 % confidence intervals tended to be too narrow.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fishing has led to local extirpations of reef fishes. For conservation and management purposes, it is important to identify all those species that are vulnerable to fishing, but this cannot be done using a priori assessments or by describing trends in abundance because the necessary scientific resources are not available. Thus the predictions of vulnerability that provide the basis for conservation action will have to be made with existing data or data that can be acquired rapidly before further extirpations occur. The life histories of species may determine their responses to exploitation, and we describe how an easily measured parameter, maximum observed size, is related to population trends of exploited fishes on coral reefs. Using a phylogenetic comparative approach, we demonstrated that species of grouper (Epinephelinae), snapper (Lutjanidae), and parrotfish (Scaridae) that decreased in abundance more than their nearest phylogenetic relative had greater maximum size. Our results suggest that one can predict the vulnerability of reef fishes to exploitation based on responses of their relatives. The quality of the prediction was good for the intensively fished groupers and snappers but poor for the lightly fished parrotfishes. Our approach may help proactive conservationists and fishery managers identify and conserve vulnerable species in new, developing, or lightly exploited fisheries, thereby reducing their reliance on reactive management methods.  相似文献   

The growth of 24 species of demersal fish caught off the Sinaloa-Nayarit coast and in the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Mexican Pacific Ocean) was determined by means of length-frequency analysis. Fishes constitute an important bycatch of the penaeid shrimp fishery, and 235 species were identified in catches made on research cruises in both areas in 1989 to 1992. Growth rates (cm yr-1) ranged from 0.13 cm for lutjanids and serranids to 0.95 cm for the carangid Selene peruviana; the other species displayed growth rates within this range. Growth varied seasonally, with minimum growth in spring, and is probably related to seasonal changes in the waters of the area. By means of length-frequency analysis, we determined von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the primary species of this multispecies fishery. Such data is fundamental for the future commercial exploitation of these fishes.  相似文献   

The cephalopod trawl fishery in Greek waters is reviewed in relation to fishing effort for 1964–1981. The mean annual (1964–81) catch of cephalopods amounted to 1348 tons. Total landings of cephalopods are very well described by the exponential9 and linear29 surplus yield models, according to which optimum fishing effort, maximum sustained yield and optimum catch per unit of fishing effort range between 120000–150000HP, 1586–1630 tons and 10–13kgr/HP respectively. In addition, the analysis revealed that cephalopod resources were slightly overfished (according to the linear model) during 1975–1981. Hence, authorities must take immediate measures for the protection and rational management of cephalopod resources in Greek waters. Possible alternative measures are discussed in the text.  相似文献   

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