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针对当前对建设社会主义新农村的各种看法,认为,这个建设过程不仅是一系列的方法创制,它的真实含义是一种生产关系和社会形态的创制,其直接针对是打破责任制以及各种权宜性或过渡性措施的局限,在城乡统筹的意义上谋求共同富裕。社会主义新农村是20世纪50年代以来社会主义理念在农村现代化建设方面的延续,更是社会主义自身创新的一个重要内容;这种既延续又改革的原创特性主要体现为,它的建设内容和可能途径始终是互为因果和互为表里的;新农村建设的创制必须依据社会主义原则,而新农村的建设成效将确证和充实着社会主义自身的创新发展。  相似文献   

城市化过程中土地利用总体规划与城市规划协调的思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
如何处理好城市规划和土地利用总体规划的协调衔接以更好地指导我国的城市化建设是当前一个重要课题。论文从土地利用总体规划与城市规划的研究内容和实质等方面阐述两者应协调的原因.从两者的研究角度、出发点、编制的基数和依据等方面阐述了两者不协调的原因。并分析其对规划实施的影响.最后.提出应从人口预测基数的选取、建设用地规模控制目标的统一、用地布局的宏微观协调、规划实施强调两者一致有效等方面寻求两者协调的途径和方法。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,上亿农村劳动力实现了向城镇非农产业大规模转移,而我国沿袭至今的劳动就业统计制度突出的缺陷是将三部分人--在农村从事纯农的农民,在城镇从事非农工作但户口在农村的农民工,游移于乡城间"亦工亦农"的农村劳动力--排除于劳动统计计量之外.不解决这部分劳动力就业的统计计量的问题,则很难准确回答"中国的失业率究竟有多高?".为此,确定严格的、便于与国际接轨的劳动就业标准,从而构建我国统一的、规范的劳动就业市场至关重要.本文着重探讨了游移于农村与城市之间、就业岗位、就业时间不固定的农村劳动力就业、失业不充分的计量问题.作者在对国内外就业和失业定义和计量标准进行比较和评价基础上,结合我国实情提出了以法定劳动力年工时为核心的劳动力流动性就业的调查和计量方法,并通过调查案例证实了它的有效性与可行性.  相似文献   

The overall regional development planning pattern has been considered to be a new and effective pattern as for development of provincial economy. The article analyzed the current conditions of the west of Shandong Province and tried to find the generation mechanisms of current non-balanced economic development of Shandong Province. And then approaches to regional development were put forward according to the theory of regional development pattern as a whole.  相似文献   

The overall regional development planning pattern has been considered to be a new and effective pattern as for development of provincial economy. The article analyzed the current conditions of the west of Shandong Province and tried to find the generation mechanisms of current non-balanced economic devel- opment of Shandong Province. And then approaches to regional development were put forward according to the theory of regional development pattern as a whole.  相似文献   


Urbanization is one of the driving forces for the land use change in type and structure, and its prominent effect is to convert rural land to urban land. This paper takes Shandong Province as an example to analyze the current situation of the mutual conversion between the urban and rural areas from the aspects of the structure of land use, the decreasing tendency of the cultivated land, the changes of land use in urban and rural residential areas. It points out that cultivated land is converted to residential area land, industrial and/or mining area land. The relationship between the urban area land and the cultivated land is more direct; meanwhile, the changes of rural residential area lag behind obviously. The decrease of the cultivated land and the decline of soil quality will be the two difficult problems in the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

Urbanization is one of the driving forces for the land use change in type and structure, and its prominent effect is to convert rural land to urban land. This paper takes Shan-dong Province as an example to analyze the current situation of the mutual conversion between the urban and rural areas from the aspects of the structure of land use, the decreasing tendency of the cultivated land, the changes of land use in urban and rural residential areas. It points out that cultivated land is converted to residential area land, industrial and/or mining area land. The relationship between the urban area land and the cultivated land is more direct; meanwhile, the changes of rural residential area lag behind obviously. The decrease of the cultivated land and the decline of soil quality will be the two difficult problems in the process of urbanization.  相似文献   

城市绿色廊道的生态规划是当今国际上重要的城市可持续发展途径之一。本文界定了绿色廊道的概念、特征、类型与作用;然后概述了城市绿色廊道在中西方的发展历程,重点分析了西方绿色廊道各发展阶段的表现形式和规划思想;最后,在此基础上探讨性地提出一套切实可行的适用于当前我国城市绿色廊道的生态规划方法。绿色廊道的生态规划将利于构筑城市绿色生态网络,有效改善城市环境并引导城市健康发展,促进城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

It is the major purpose of the paper to present the urban land-banking planning and its functions of promoting the urban land-banking system and land use administration. The urban land-banking system has the potential attribute of acting as an irreplaceable role in urban land administration, but its unexpected function-deviation has impacted its implementation effect in China. A few city governments are attempting to deal with the problem by the urban land-banking planning which is expected to contribute to the extension of urban function, optimization of urban patterns, promotion of urban core competitiveness and overall construction of the urban value chain. In this paper, we primarily discuss the necessity, functions, purposes and main contents of the urban land-banking planning. Subsequently, the implementing situation of the urban land-banking system in Nanjing is analyzed, including its integrated mode, spatio-temporal quantitative distribution and main characteristics. Finally, the background and targets including total, compositions, space, and regulation points are gradually introduced to present the Nanjing land-banking planning version 2.  相似文献   


It is the major purpose of the paper to present the urban land-banking planning and its functions of promoting the urban land-banking system and land use administration. The urban land-banking system has the potential attribute of acting as an irreplaceable role in urban land administration, but its unexpected function-deviation has impacted its implementation effect in China. A few city governments are attempting to deal with the problem by the urban land-banking planning which is expected to contribute to the extension of urban function, optimization of urban patterns, promotion of urban core competitiveness and overall construction of the urban value chain. In this paper, we primarily discuss the necessity, functions, purposes and main contents of the urban land-banking planning. Subsequently, the implementing situation of the urban land-banking system in Nanjing is analyzed, including its integrated mode, spatio-temporal quantitative distribution and main characteristics. Finally, the background and targets including total, compositions, space, and regulation points are gradually introduced to present the Nanjing land-banking planning version 2.  相似文献   

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