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Eldar R 《Disasters》1981,5(2):112-119
From a review of the literature, it can be concluded that it is always advantageous and usually necessary to distribute the casualties of a disaster to several hosp-hospitals rather than allowing 1 hospital, the nearest to the scene, to bear the whole load. The potential of these hospitals would be enhanced if their preparedness and planning included anticipation of their functioning as part of a framework of the entire capacity of the medical services of an entire small country, or a region of a larger one. For the smooth functioning of this framework, central co-ordination and control of the distribution of the load, the movements within it, the strengthening of its various component parts is necessary and services other than medical (transport, communications, etc.) are essential. The establishment of a multihospital system for disaster situations for a whole region is suggested. This would integrate all medical facilities and services of the region, as well as promoting additional services, first horizontally integrated and later vertically, and would have a central governing body with full authority to prepare the system for the calamity and to execute the implementation of the plan when disaster occurs. This body may find it useful to base some of its decision in the planning as well as the implementing stage, on an assumed population of casualties that is characteristic for the region and on implications that may be drawn from the population.  相似文献   

The natural disasters which have so far dominated world attention are the least important in terms of number of victims. By far the most important problems, affecting tens of millions of people in non-industrialized countries, are the creeping and recurrent disasters, generally made and/or aggravated by man. Subsequent deprivations frequently lead to the process of uprooting. While a well organized and economically strong community can suffer severe set-backs from a disaster it will not be permanently disrupted. On the other hand, an uprooted community is by definition seriously disrupted by upheaval or crushing of its social system, leading to disorganization, disheartedness and dependence. This affects, to varying degrees, communities which have fled across ethnic or political borders and found themselves in a minority situation; as well as communities whose mode of life has been made obsolete or impossible by abrupt or slow ecological etc changes destroying their economy. The phenomenon of uprooting poses particular problems demanding particular attention. It is especially important to stop and reverse the process. This calls for adequate preparedness, and for relief and rehabilitation without delays and frustrations which will aggravate the uprooting. The planning should normally aim for balanced integration, and always avoid over- and under-aid. Also, in order to make the victimized communities self-reliant, it is crucial to assist them in the reconstruction of their social systems. Finally, the planning necessary for disaster preparedness coincides closely with what is needed for planning of development activities.  相似文献   

中国的海啸灾害   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从海啸的物理和发生条件分析了中国海啸的危险性:渤海、黄海和东海发生本地海啸的可能性很小;中国东部沿海受来自太平洋方面海啸的影响也很小;对中国东南沿海有较大影响的海啸发源地主要在南方,它们是菲律宾西侧的大地震、印度尼西亚巽他海峡的火山喷发以及中国南海的大型海底滑坡。虽然中国的海岸受海啸影响的可能性不大,但对于浪高5m的2级海啸而言,受到威胁的沿海地区的GDP占全国近1/4。从成灾的角度来看,小海啸大灾难的情况是有可能的。  相似文献   

中国农村地震灾害特点及减灾对策   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
致灾因子强度和承灾体的脆弱性共同决定了灾情的大小.中国农村乡镇发生地震的概率远远高于大中城市,西藏、新疆、云南、宁夏、青海、甘肃等西部农村乡镇是我国地震灾害最为严重的地区.地震灾害对农村乡镇造成的损失,主要是农村居民住房的破坏,约占总损失的80%以上;其它的20%损失中,又以农村水利工程的破坏损失为主.目前我国农村乡镇居民的住房仍以抗震性能较差的土木、砖木结构为主,开展农村住房地震保险、农村低息住房贷款并加强农村建房的监督管理,是降低农村地震风险、减轻农村地震灾害损失的主要对策.  相似文献   

综述了第6届国际IIASA-DPRI综合灾害风险管理论坛的主要内容,并就中国综合灾害风险管理对策提出了具体的建议。本届论坛的主题是:风险与商业和产经界面临的挑战。论坛除主题报告外,共设置了16个分会场,就综合灾害风险信息共享平台(DRH)的建设、产经界如何迎对灾害风险、地震与洪水灾害风险的综合管理、灾害风险教育与减灾意识的养成、综合灾害风险管理的理论与方法论探讨,以及土耳其国家综合灾害风险管理的经验与教训等进行了深人的研讨。针对上述进展,从我国减灾工作现状,提出从三个方面加强我国综合减灾与灾害风险管理工作,即:各级政府在加强应急管理工作的同时,要高度重视从综合的角度完善减灾战略、规划和能力建设;全面改进产经界迎对灾害风险的能力,特别是非国有中小企业防御灾害风险的能力,以及大型国有企业灾害自保或参保机制的完善;加强综合灾害风险管理研究。  相似文献   

西藏公路水毁灾害   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
位于我国西南边陲、青藏高原西南部的西藏,由于特殊的地质地貌条件和气候影响,公路水毁灾害十分严重。本文就西藏公路水毁灾害的基本特点、类型、主要因素和发展趋势进行了剖析。  相似文献   

江西省自然灾害链实例分析及综合减灾对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对2002年江西省自然灾害进行综合实例分析,提出了大部分自然灾害是以气候变化和气象灾害为始发源头,并以灾害链形式演变发展的成灾规律,在此基础上探讨了自然灾害的成灾机制,并提出了综合防灾减灾对策.  相似文献   

关于灾害、灾害学和灾害研究方法若干问题的浅见   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
对灾害、灾害学和灾害研究方法等问题做了简短的讨论,提出了一些个人的看法。笔者认为,灾害可以分为两大类,即自然灾害与人为灾害。对两类灾害的可能的研究方法做了概述和评论。  相似文献   

棉铃虫灾害的长期性及性信息素的减灾控害作用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
简要分析了我国棉铃虫灾害的长期性,并较全面地介绍了性信息素在减灾控害中的作用。这些作用可分为:帮助识别对象害虫、监测种群状态、迅速普及虫情信息、直接诱杀雄虫以及提前1周开展减灾行动等。直接诱杀雄虫后,引起雌雄比上升,雌蛾产卵量下降,孵化率降低,幼虫及为害量减少,其中幼虫量一般减少20%-50%。根据在新疆、山东等地的试用经验,作者在首次指出性信息帮助识别害虫和迅速普及虫情信息对减灾的关键作用,并讨论了性信息素的干扰交配和诱杀雌虫的可能作用,以及使用性信息素与农业可持续发展的关系。  相似文献   

Disasters have the potential to act as focusing events, which can increase the amount of attention on disaster‐related problems and encourage policy action. Understanding of the political characteristics of disaster policymaking is underdeveloped, yet it is known that these features may be dissimilar to those of non‐disaster policy areas, especially concerning the coalitions of policy actors engaged in the disaster policy process. Coalitions in the realm of disaster policy processes may be less likely to form, may look very different, and may have different goals than those in non‐disaster domains. Knowledge of the emergence, composition, and purpose of coalitions in disaster policy is lacking. This paper draws on prior theory and case observations to define and describe the characteristics of a disaster policy subsystem and to build a typology of coalitions that may appear within such a subsystem, providing a foundation upon which scholars can work to study coalition dynamics in disaster policy subsystems.  相似文献   

我国农业灾害统计中存在的问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
农业灾害统计作为认识和分析农业灾害问题的主要环节,对实现我国农业的可持续发展具有十分重要的作用。在分析我国农业灾害统计资料的基础上,指出当前我国农业灾害统计工作中主要存在的统计指标体系设置不合理、统计规范性差、统计方法落后和统计组织管理不完善等问题。  相似文献   

In this study we use a cross-sectional survey to evaluate the nutritional response to the 1998 Bangladesh Flood Disaster by 15 relief agencies using standards developed by the Sphere Project. The Sphere Project is a recent attempt by agencies around the world to establish universal minimum standards for the purpose of ensuring quality and accountability in disaster response. The main outcomes measured were resources allocated to disaster relief types of relief activities and percentage of agencies meeting selected Sphere food aid and nutrition indicators. Although the process of nutritional response was measured, specific nutritional and health outcomes were not assessed. This review found that self-reported disaster and nutritional resources varied widely between implementing agencies, ranging from US $58,947 to $15,908,712. The percentage of resources these agencies allocated to food aid and nutritional response also varied, ranging from approximately 6 to 99 per cent of total resources. Agencies met between 8 and 83 per cent of the specific Sphere indicators which were assessed Areas in which performance was poor included preliminary nutritional analysis; beneficiary participation and feedback; disaster preparedness during non-emergency times; monitoring of local markets and impact assessment. Agencies were generally successful in areas of core humanitarian response, such as targeting the vulnerable (83 per cent) and monitoring and evaluating the process of disaster response (75 per cent). The results here identify both strengths and gaps in the quality of humanitarian response in developing nations such as Bangladesh. However, they also raise the question of implementing a rights-based approach to disaster response in nations without a commitment to meeting positive human rights in non-disaster times.  相似文献   

台风灾害是浙江省的主要自然灾害之一。根据实地考察数据与分析资料,通过对沿海现有农房防灾能力分析,指出了造成部分农房避灾能力薄弱的原因,然后从农房防御强风能力建设、农房防灾减灾保障体系、农房规划建设管理体系、农村避灾安置场所建设、农房救助体系等方面探讨了构建农房防灾避险体系所要采取的应对措施。  相似文献   

中国大都市区主要分布在大江大河的中下游地区,由于区域土地利用格局的巨大变化,特别是较多的水域和湿地因城市化而被占据,因此,一方面大都市区面临严重的洪水危险,另一方面为了使大都市区尽可能减轻洪水灾害,而加强了防洪能力的建设.然而,近50年的减灾实践证明,洪水灾害却在波动中趋于上升,即大都市区对洪水的脆弱性在增大.在对中国大都市区洪水灾害的区域分析基础上,以广东省为例,构造了综合水灾致灾因子和承灾体为一体的风险评估模型体系,以此提出了平衡大都市区水灾致灾强度与脆弱性的基本土地利用模式,和"政府-企业(社区)-保险公司"相结合的企业风险管理模式.  相似文献   

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