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向中小企业发放商业贷款的环境风险思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境思考还没有被大多数商业关注看做是主流业务问题,但是,令人鼓舞的趋势已经出现了,向中小企业提供债务资金的银行越来越重视环境,就像在他们的信贷评审过程中所反映的那样,可以不必与潜在借款人相比较。  相似文献   

Coyle.  R 《产业与环境》1997,19(4):45-47
中东欧和前苏联有非常多的大规模工业区正在发生重大转变与重建,欧洲复兴与开发银行(EBRD)的投资项目业务日益增多地包括这样的地点,向银行提出了与其规模、复杂性和历史有关的环境挑战,为了解决环境问题以及健康与安全问题,既需要技术改善,也需要管理结构上的变革,欧洲复兴与开发银行需要在其所有正在编制的项目上有“环境上适当努力”,因每个项目的性质而异,要求也各不相同。  相似文献   

在拉丁美洲及加勒比地区,有75%的人口居住在城市中,因此无论从经济角度还是从社会效益及可持续环境方面来看,城市交通服务都是至关重要的.巴西的库里蒂巴市,启用了一种高效、经济、有效利用土地的公共交通系统.并由美国国际发展银行出资,将库里蒂巴的综合方法尽力推广到该地区的其他大、中城市.在厄瓜多尔的昆卡市,专业的技术协作已经给当地的交通服务领域带来了许多变化.  相似文献   

2007年4月20日,安捷伦科技在北京宣布正式启用其中国总部大厦,并同时宣布启用安捷伦生命科学与化学分析卓越客户中心(以下简称“卓越客户中心”),新的大楼坐落在北京望京科技园区,集中了安捷伦在北京的研发、销售、市场、技术支持及售后服务部门.卓越客户中心坐落于新总部大厦内,是安捷伦科技在中国设立的第一所卓越客户中心,将为中国的生命科学与化学分析领域的业界人士提供一流的全方位服务。  相似文献   

参考COSTANZA以及谢高地等提出的生态系统服务价值系数,制定了符合城市生态系统的服务价值系数.基于重庆市主城区1993、2000和2004年3期土地利用/覆被(LUCC)变化数据,对重庆市主城区的生态系统服务价值进行了估算.结果表明:重庆自1997年成为直辖市后,耕地、林地大量向城市建设用地转化,城市生态系统服务价值急剧降低.1993年重庆市主城区生态系统总服务价值为564.75×106元,2004年为387.71×106元,下降了31.3%.生态服务价值系数的变化对重庆城市生态系统总服务价值的影响缺乏弹性.水域和林地面积变化对重庆市主城区生态系统总服务价值影响明显.  相似文献   

随着中国《环境空气质量标准》正式向全社会第二次公开征求意见,PM2.5的概念开始成为社会普遍关注的热点话题.赛默飞世尔科技(以下简称:赛默飞)多年来致力于PM2.5监测技术的研究,可提供多种监测方法满足客户对数据多样化的需求.依靠长期积累的丰富经验和始终如一的高效服务,凭借通过美国环保署(u.S.EPA)认证的高品质产...  相似文献   

金融危机中的电子商务的发展机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从金融危机席卷全球,很多的实体企业遭受重创.而电子商务的降低成本,提高效率,增加市场机会、提高客户忠诚度等优势被认为是应对金融危机的"杀手锏".描述了全球金融危机的影响,研究了中国电子商务的发展现状,对比了电子商务与传统商务模式的差异,进一步总结了电子商务在金融危机中的优势.得出了金融危机是促进电子商务的大力发展良好机遇的结论.图1,参4.  相似文献   

生态系统服务是生态系统功能中有利于人类福祉的部分,生态系统功能向服务的转化研究成为未来生态系统服务评估的重要发展方向.以大气环境污染较为严重的北京市和陕西省关中地区的城市森林生态系统为例,利用气溶胶再形成法,研究不同树种和污染区城市森林生态系统滞纳空气颗粒物能力,探讨其向服务的转化率问题.结果表明,城市森林生态系统中不同树种滞纳空气颗粒物功能向服务的转化率存在差异,雪松最高,达95%,而白皮松最低,仅为47%,树种滞纳颗粒物能力与转化率没有必然联系,电镜扫描结果显示与叶表微观结构特征如气孔大小或多少、绒毛长短、蜡质层有无等有关.空气污染强度不同的多个城市中,转化率为宝鸡西安咸阳韩城杨凌渭南铜川,空气污染严重的城市转化率较高,空气质量优越且颗粒物含量少的城市,转化率相对较低.因此,叶片表面结构和树种所处地区的空气污染程度共同决定了城市森林生态系统滞纳空气颗粒物功能向服务的转化率;空气质量较差地区应增加绿地面积、提高植被覆盖率,有针对性地选择转化率较高的树种.  相似文献   

为推进西南地区市场的拓展、更快地响应并服务西南地区客户,沃特世科技(上海)有限公司于2011年8月在成都设立了新的分公司,这是沃特世公司(Waters)继上海总部、北京、广州分公司之后在中国大陆成立的第三家分公司,这也意味着沃特世公司对中国及西南地区的长期承诺及投资信心.  相似文献   

2007年4月20日,安捷伦科技在北京宣布正式启用其中国总部大厦,并同时宣布启用安捷伦生命科学与化学分析卓越客户中心(以下简称“卓越客户中心”).新的大楼坐落在北京望京科技校园区,集中了安捷伦在北京的研发、销售、市场、技术支持用售后服务部门.卓越客户中心坐落于新总部大厦内,是安捷伦科技在中国设立的第一所卓越客户中心,将为中国的生命科学与化学分析领域的业界人士提供一流的全方位服务.  相似文献   

土壤种子库研究的几个热点问题   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
王俊  白瑜 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1372-1379
土壤种子库是指存在于土壤表层凋落物和土壤中全部活性种子的总和。土壤中有活性的种子是植物群落的一部分,是新植株的来源。土壤种子库可以分为瞬时土壤种子库和持久土壤种子库。随着群落生态学的发展,土壤种子库的研究已经成为植物生态学重要的一部分,研究内容主要包括:(1)土壤种子库的组成和分布;(2)土壤种子库的动态;(3)地上植被与土壤种子库的关系;(4)干扰对土壤种子库的作用;(5)土壤种子库在生态恢复中的作用。文章在对目前土壤种子库的研究方法、主要研究内容方面总结的基础上,认为土壤种子库在合适的干扰作用下对退化生态系统的恢复以及植被更新发挥重要的作用,同时需进一步加强对这一过程中种子萌发、幼苗建立限制因素的研究。  相似文献   

随着因特网的发展,越来越多的人在网上使用邮件与朋友,家人聊天,甚至利用它在网上做生意.现在没有一种通讯方式能与之相比.使用E-mail邮件效率高,费用低,省时间.论述了如何正确地写好商务英语E-mail邮件.掌握这些技巧是商务活动成功的关键之一.参4.  相似文献   

高职院校学生职业能力培养研究的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然教育部在中等职业教育的培养目标中就提出了“综合职业能力”这个概念,且各类职业学校对如何培养学生综合职业能力也做了一些探索,但由于综合职业能力培养毕竟是近几年世界职教界研究的新课题,对我国职业教育实践来说更是全新的理论,因而对其进行研究具有理论和实践上的意义.参7.  相似文献   

Individual-based and state variable-based adaptive agents (AA) are discussed regarding their relevance to different types of ecosystems. Individual-based AA proved applicable to a spatially explicit simulation of highly simplified terrestrial food webs. State variable-based AA with evolutionary computation (EC) embodied are suggested for the simulation of aquatic food webs and plankton species interactions. Embodiment of EC in AA can be achieved by evolving predictive rules (ER), differential equations (EDE) or artificial neural networks (ANN) derived from a diverse lake database. In order to provide ecosystem simulation with resilience to environmental change, agent banks can be created containing alternative agents for same species or functional groups from different lakes. State variable-based AA are currently tested for aquatic ecosytem simulation by means of a diverse lake database. It promises to overcome constraints by the rigidity of traditional lake ecosystem models.  相似文献   

在商业竞争日益激烈的现代,出现了发展与环境、经济与生态的恶性循环,在此背景下西方蕴育而生了“绿色会计”,这是一门强调现代会计人在企业进行经济活动时,正确、及时、合理地对企业耗用环境资源的程度进行核算的科学.本文就我国传统林业会计存在的缺陷进行分析,提出建立绿色会计制度,对推动我国林业可持续发展具有特别重要的意义.  相似文献   

传统的管理会计更多地关注现有的经营对象与目标,而战略管理会计把这种管理活动提高到对企业在其市场的竞争地位的关注,这是一种质的飞跃,它把作为企业经营管理一部份的财务管理从源头上拉近了实现企业经营目标的距离。战略管理会计从关注自已的内部管理到关注竞争对手、关注市场和关注未来以培养理性的、全局的思维观,从注重企业财务数据数量增减到注重财务数据属性.总之,这是一种战略的高度.  相似文献   

Status of Species Conservation Banking in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  Receiving financial gains for protecting habitat may be necessary to proactively protect endangered species in the United States. Species conservation banking, the creation and trading of "credits" that represent biodiversity values on private land, is nearly a decade old. We detail the biological, financial, and political experience of conservation banking in the United States. We contacted agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and bank owners and compiled comprehensive accounts of the experiences of current banks. There are 76 properties identified as conservation banks in the United States, but only 35 of these are established under a conservation banking agreement approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The 35 official conservation banks cumulatively cover 15,987 ha and shelter a range of biodiversity, including more than 22 species listed under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Financial motives drove the establishment of 91% of conservation banks, and the majority of for-profit banks are breaking even or making money. With credit prices ranging from $3,000 to $125,000/0.41 ha (1 acre), banking agreements offer financial incentives that compete with development and provide a business-based argument for conserving habitat. Although the bureaucracy of establishing an agreement with the USFWS was burdensome, 63% of bank owners reported they would set up another agreement given the appropriate opportunity. Increasing information sharing, decreasing the time to establish agreements (currently averaging 2.18 years), and reducing bureaucratic challenges can further increase the amount of private property voluntarily committed to banking. Although many ecological uncertainties remain, conservation banking offers at least a partial solution to the conservation versus development conflict over biodiversity.  相似文献   

森林土壤种子库研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜有新  曾平生 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1557-1563
土壤种子库与物种多样性存在密切相关性,森林土壤种子库是植被天然更新的物质基础。文章阐述了森林土壤种子库的内涵、森林生态系统土壤种子库的基本特征及其主要研究方法,探讨了影响种子库的基本因素及当前极为关注的热点问题。在受损森林生态系统目标树种培养、植被群落快速恢复和生态系统科学管理等领域仍存在一些理论和实践急待解决的问题,如随着群落进展演替土壤种子库种子数量在增加而质量却在逐渐下降,面临如何解决生态系统健康稳定发育和物种多样性长期维持问题。文章认为今后应加强土壤种子库与生物多样性保护、防止外来物种入侵乡土物种利用及对全球变化的响应等领域的研究工作,以期为从事森林土壤种子库研究和退化森林植被群落恢复实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Modifying the traditional production system and the culture of consumption is necessary to achieve a sustainable society. The product-service system (PSS) business model allows companies to progressively add services to physical products, thus promoting more pro-sustainable business outcomes. The purpose of this work is to verify how a PSS model can contribute to sustainability by analyzing two electric car-sharing projects using a set of five factors. As a methodological strategy, a Systematic Literature Review and a case study of the two projects (VAMO and EMOTIVE) were performed. Findings show benefits generated by both projects as to environmental aspects, mainly related to gases emission. It was also possible to observe social benefits due to income development and environmental awareness. This paper thus contributes to the discussion of the potential of the PSS models and how they can leverage business models toward a more sustainable society. Although the results are applicable only in this case, this article can motivate new projects and contribute to enriching the debate about sustainable solutions, as the literature in this field still provides few case studies showing these types of applications.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat corridors can be essential for persistence of wildlife populations in fragmented landscapes. Although much research has focused on identifying species and places critical for conservation action, the conservation literature contains surprisingly few examples of corridors that actually have been protected and so provides little guidance for moving from planning through implementation. We examined a case study from southern California that combines monitoring of radio‐collared mountain lions (Puma concolor) with an assessment of land‐protection efforts to illustrate lessons learned while attempting to maintain ecological connectivity in a rapidly urbanizing landscape. As in many places, conservation scientists have provided science‐based maps of where conservation efforts should focus. But implementing corridors is a business decision based not solely on ecological information but also on cost, opportunity cost, investment risk, and other feasibility considerations. Here, the type and pattern of development is such that key connections will be lost unless they are explicitly protected. Keeping pace with conversion, however, has been difficult, especially because conservation efforts have been limited to traditional parcel‐by‐parcel land‐protection techniques. The challenges of and trade‐offs in implementation make it clear that in southern California, connectivity cannot be bought one parcel at a time. Effective land‐use plans and policies that incorporate conservation principles, such as California's Natural Communities Conservation Planning program, are needed to support the retention of landscape permeability. Lessons from this study have broad application, especially as a precautionary tale for places where such extensive and intensive development has not yet occurred. Given how limiting resources are for biodiversity conservation, conservationists must be disciplined about where and how they attempt corridor protection: in rapidly fragmenting landscapes, the opportunity for success can be surprisingly fleeting.  相似文献   

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