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The IPCC recommends the use of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies in order to achieve the Kyoto environmental goals. This paper sheds light on this issue by assessing the optimal strategy regarding the long-term use of CCS technologies. The aim is to analyze the optimal CCS policy when the sequestration rate is endogenous, being therefore one specific tool of the environmental policy. We develop a simple growth model to identify the main driving forces that should determine the optimal CCS policy. We show that, under some conditions on the cost of extractions, CCS may be a long-term solution to curb carbon emissions. We also show that over time the social planner will choose to decrease the rate of capture and sequestration. We then derive the decentralized equilibrium outcome by considering the programs of the fossil resource-holder and of the representative consumer. Finally, we determine the optimal environmental policy, i.e. the carbon tax scheme, as well as the dynamics of the fossil fuel price needed to implement it.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) aims to determine if the environmental effect of an activity or project complies with standards and regulations. A primary component of the environment to evaluate is air and the effect that various activities can have on its quality. To this end, emission factors (EFs), which are empirical coefficients or mathematical relationships, are normally used. The present research critically analyzes the implications and consequences of using imported EFs in environmental impact studies (EISs), taking as case of study the situation in Chile. Among the main results, the widespread use of EFs in EISs in the country and the lack of assessments of their actual applicability stand out. In addition, the official guidelines related to emissions estimation that are used for EIA in the country mostly include EFs derived elsewhere, without considering the recommendations or restrictions that the original sources indicate for their use. Finally, the broad use of default values defined for the Metropolitan Region in Central Chile, is highly questionable for a country that extends north-south along more than 35° of latitude, with wide variability in climate, traffic conditions, population, soil types, etc. Finally, it is very likely that situations similar to those observed in the present work occurs in other countries with young environmental impact assessment systems, and therefore, that the results herein presented should be of general interest and relevance.  相似文献   

By now it has become a widespread, consistent practice in the European Union to consider very carefully and to regard as fundamental the basic needs of man, such as health and safety, in relation to all productive activities which may be regarded as a possible source of environmental deterioration. At the national legislative level, factors and elements regarding the environment (water, atmosphere, soil, subsoil, landscape, etc.) have been pointed out which require the state of quality to be characterised and vulnerability to the pressures caused by man's activities to be evaluated.This has brought about an evolution in the concept itself of environmental quality, which is understood more and more as actual satisfying of man's needs through the proper use of resources and the maintaining of an environmental equilibrium.Environmental quality can be pursued, therefore, by studying the most appropriate usage of the territory and by considering quality no longer as a hindrance, rule or imposition, but as a goal shared by all in improving the quality of life.In this study a few instruments are proposed for evaluating the overall capacity of a given environmental element or group of elements to withstand deterioration caused by outside pressure, which in this specific case is pollution from farming and livestock waste and sewage.Territorial vulnerability can thus be evaluated through a decision support tool (fuzzy logic), which allows different categories of people (researchers, politicians, planning technicians, citizens, etc.) to be involved in the evaluation process.For this study, the vulnerability evaluation was applied to a complex, homogenous territorial system, the Tiber watershed, where there are environmental resources which are particularly sensitive, owing both to their intrinsic characteristics as well as to the pressures stemming from livestock production activities, which is one of the major pollution risks along the regional drainage pattern.The use of GIS software has allowed the method of analysis and prioritising to be applied to environmental factors (weighting) as well as the rapid management of initial territorial data, also of differing types (qualitative and quantitative).The resulting product is a vulnerability map where the territory is classified on the basis of the evaluations of the degree of response to stresses induced by the livestock production activities.  相似文献   

This study applies a process of detailed assessment to summarize the potential impact of a proposed construction or other activity on the environment before implementation of an investment plan. The aim of the study was to develop a general methodology for analysis and evaluation of environmental issues connected with planned activities and proposed projects (especially buildings and engineering constructions, required implementation of environmental impact assessment process) using a risk analysis method, thus enabling the best option among the proposed activities to be chosen. The methodology was developed for conditions in Slovakia but could be arranged for any other country considering national conditions, requirements, standards and legislative. Application of the developed methodology in environmental impact assessment could create preconditions for more effective implementation of the EIA process. This paper provides a framework for the risk analysis component of the scoping phase within the EIA process. The process outlined in this paper will assist with determination of an estimation of risks to environmental and health of proposed activities.  相似文献   

环境空气质量标准中各种污染物的浓度限值是评价、考核空气质量状况的基本依据。为了保证在不同时空、不同环境状况下监测数据的可比性,各个国家或组织在制定的空气质量标准中对标准状态(温度和压力)进行了定义。但是,由于标准状态定义不同,即使是同一环境状况下的同一实测结果进行标化计算后的污染物浓度也不相同,达不到可比性的基本原则。因此,建议中国在未来修订空气质量标准所采用的标准状态,进一步与国际接轨。  相似文献   

We consider an environmental–economic game where players face not only Cournot competition but also coupling environmental and individual capacity constraints. Under the complementarity problem framework, we study the existence of the (normalized) Nash equilibrium, computability of the equilibria, and the closed form expressions of the optimal weights. We also report numerical results of two examples as well as the insights gained from them.  相似文献   

环境监测中确定最佳点位的关键技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境监测网络设计的关键问题是确定最佳的环境监测点位 ,而最优的监测点位必须既能代表所在区域环境质量的平均水平 ,又能反映该区域环境质量的变化状况。为此提出一个兼容样本贴近与相似程度的统计量——近似度 ,不仅在理论上证明了其合理性 ,而且在厦门的应用中得到满意的结果 ,从而解决了如何确定环境监测中最佳点位的问题  相似文献   

We are interested in the impact of pollution permits on wages and profits. We analyze important consequences of introducing a market of pollution permits. A fundamental issue concerns the initial allocation of such permits: should they be allocated freely by grandfathering or be auctioned. The international symmetric case allows us to capture the essence of the problem on income factor. We show that allocating permits to factors in proportion of their contribution to production leads to an efficient (neoclassical) distribution. Considering the international asymmetric case, we show that a permit market does not modify the competitive world equilibrium without permits when the total allocation is large enough. When it is not, if allocation of permits is not proportional to the emissions in the world without permits, there is a reduction factor of emissions that results from the equilibrium allocation of capital.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of quality choice in the case of credence goods, i.e., when consumers cannot observe quality even after purchase. It shows that firms may voluntarily overcomply, i.e., produce high quality, even when doing so implies giving up short-run profits. This generalizes results on reputation effects derived in the IO literature for the case of experience goods. The crucial assumptions of the model are that there is a positive degree of monitoring of firms’ claims and a positive probability that the firm is of an “honest type,” i.e., always prefers to produce high quality. The result also helps explain why we see phenomena such as firms voluntarily overcomplying with environmental standards, food safety laws, etc. It is shown that overcompliance is more likely when consumers learn about all (positive and negative) monitoring results than when consumers only find out about firms that have been found cheating, as is often the case in practice. I further show that even firms that pretend to be producing high quality while really producing low quality may have an incentive to lobby for stricter monitoring. This helps explain, for example, why firms in Europe and the United States lobby for the implementation of voluntary environmental audits, third-party labeling agencies or other disclosure strategies.  相似文献   

简述了环境保护新特征的系统诊断,指出面对环境保护呈现的新特征,环境监测管理及建设存在环境监测的各项技术、标准、规范、管理措施滞后于社会经济基本现代化的发展要求,体制机制滞后于环境保护的发展要求,服务能力滞后于公共服务的需求,质量管理滞后于严格的环境管理需求等问题。提出,应从传统的环境监测向资源环境承载力监测预警转变,从条块管理向垂直管理的体制转变,从监测信息相对封闭向监测信息主动公开转变,由单纯依靠自身监测向依靠各部门和全社会监测转变,从污染物总量监测为主向污染物总量,环境质量监测并重转变,从实验室质控为主向全过程质控转变,从以生态,环境为核心的环境监测向以人为本的环境监测转变。  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of optimal timing, when to adopt an environmental policy in a strategic framework is considered. Using real options theory and some basic tools of game theory, we show that, under certain assumptions, a country behaving strategically should wait longer before adopting such a policy than if it behaves unstrategically or within a larger entity. Such a postponed decision is sub-optimal as regards to the environment protection.  相似文献   

The quality of public service transportation highly depends on the country's context, including investment, infrastructure development, and technology-based innovation in the transport sector. The core innovation of the present study is the asymmetric impacts of the airline, railway, waterway, and road on environmental pollution in China. This research analyzed and highlighted the most susceptible transportation system in China, using the newly developed Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model from 1985 to 2018. The results of the NARDL are positive shock and negative shock between CO2 emission and four mode-specific transportation development that led to an increase in environmental cost in the short run. The study findings divulged that airline, road, and waterway operational mileage per capita of both positive and negative transportation shocks had worsened the environmental pollution in China. On the other hand, the railway is successfully improving environmental quality in China. In order to enforce policies, local authorities should be supportive of urban public services (e.g., buses and metro) and improve public transportation services. Simultaneously, policymakers may also introduce new creative ideas for a sharing economy, such as shared bicycles and automobiles to reduce the use of private vehicles. These insights of the study could assist policymakers to improve policies for the four specific modes of transportation to better adapt to climate change and associated environmental stressors in China.  相似文献   

Several integrated assessment studies have concluded that future learning about the uncertainties involved in climate change has a considerable effect on welfare but only a small effect on optimal short-term emissions. In other words, learning is important but anticipation of learning is not. We confirm this result in the integrated assessment model “model of investment and technological development” for learning about climate sensitivity and climate damages. If learning about an irreversible threshold is included, though, we show that anticipation can become crucial both in terms of necessary adjustments of pre-learning emissions and resulting welfare gains. We specify conditions on the time of learning and the threshold characteristic, for which this is the case. They can be summarized as a narrow “anticipation window.”  相似文献   

This work studies the strategic impact of a region’s investment in adaptation measures on the equilibrium outcomes of a transboundary pollution dynamic game played in finite horizon. We incorporate adaptation as a region-specific capital stock that decreases local damages and study the feedback (subgame perfect) equilibrium of the non-cooperative game between two regions. In order to discern the impact of adaptation, we compare the equilibrium solutions of three scenarios, which differ in the regions’ ability to invest in adaptation measures. The results show that investing in adaptation gives regions an incentive to increase their emissions, which causes an inverse strategic response in the other region. The anticipation of a rise in pollution makes the other region respond by cutting its emissions and investing more in adaptation. The equilibrium trajectories of the stocks of pollution and adaptation capital follow the highest path over time when both regions adapt. When there is an asymmetry between regions in their adaptation capabilities, the region that does not (or cannot) adapt becomes worse off due to lower emissions and higher damages, while the adapting region finishes the game better off than the no-adaptation case.  相似文献   

Long-term water quality monitoring is of high value for environmental management as well as for research. Artificial level shifts in time series due to method improvements, flaws in laboratory practices or changes in laboratory are a common limitation for analysis, which, however, are often ignored. Statistical estimation of such artefacts is complicated by the simultaneous existence of trends, seasonal variation and effects of other influencing factors, such as weather conditions. Here, we investigate the performance of generalised additive mixed models (GAMM) to simultaneously identify one or more artefacts associated with artificial level shifts, longitudinal effects related to temporal trends and seasonal variation, as well as to model the serial correlation structure of the data. In the same model, it is possible to estimate separate residual variances for different periods so as to identify if artefacts not only influence the mean level but also the dispersion of a series. Even with an appropriate statistical methodology, it is difficult to quantify artificial level shifts and make appropriate adjustments to the time series. The underlying temporal structure of the series is especially important. As long as there is no prominent underlying trend in the series, the shift estimates are rather stable and show less variation. If an artificial shift occurs during a slower downward or upward tendency, it is difficult to separate these two effects and shift estimates can be both biased and have large variation. In the case of a change in method or laboratory, we show that conducting the analyses with both methods in parallel strongly improves estimates of artefact effects on the time series, even if certain problems remain. Due to the difficulties of estimating artificial level shifts, posterior adjustment is problematic and can lead to time series that no longer can be used for trend analysis or other analysis based on the longitudinal structure of the series. Before carrying out a change in analytic method or laboratory, it should be considered if this is absolutely necessary. If changes cannot be avoided, the analysis of the two methods considered, or the two laboratories contracted, should be run in parallel for a considerable period of time so as to enable a good assessment of changes introduced to the data series.  相似文献   

The impact of the investment in absorptive capacity on transboundary pollution is studied by considering two countries, each of them regulating a firm. Firms can invest in inventive research and in absorptive research to lower their pollution intensity. The absorptive research enables a firm to capture part of the inventive research made by the other one. We show that by means of adequate emission taxes, original and absorptive research and development (R&D) subsidies, regulators can reach the non-cooperative social optimum. Interestingly, we show that the investment in absorptive research enables non-cooperating regulators to better internalize transboundary pollution. The higher is the learning parameter of absorption, the greater is the proportion of transboundary pollution internalized. Therefore, it is recommended for the international community to make the patent laws more flexible and enabling learning from the research made by others more interesting. Moreover, the investment in absorptive R&D may lead to multiple equilibria necessitating non-cooperating countries to coordinate on an equilibrium, which constitutes an incentive for them to cooperate.  相似文献   

The approaches used for setting or reviewing air quality standards vary from country to country. The purpose of this research was to consider the potential to improve decision-making through integration of HIA into the processes to review and set air quality standards used in Australia.To assess the value of HIA in this policy process, its strengths and weaknesses were evaluated aligned with review of international processes for setting air quality standards.Air quality standard setting programmes elsewhere have either used HIA or have amalgamated and incorporated factors normally found within HIA frameworks. They clearly demonstrate the value of a formalised HIA process for setting air quality standards in Australia.The following elements should be taken into consideration when using HIA in standard setting. (a) The adequacy of a mainly technical approach in current standard setting procedures to consider social determinants of health. (b) The importance of risk assessment criteria and information within the HIA process. The assessment of risk should consider equity, the distribution of variations in air quality in different locations and the potential impacts on health. (c) The uncertainties in extrapolating evidence from one population to another or to subpopulations, especially the more vulnerable, due to differing environmental factors and population variables. (d) The significance of communication with all potential stakeholders on issues associated with the management of air quality.In Australia there is also an opportunity for HIA to be used in conjunction with the NEPM to develop local air quality standard measures. The outcomes of this research indicated that the use of HIA for air quality standard setting at the national and local levels would prove advantageous.  相似文献   

It is significant to arrange suitable design and placement of best management practices (BMPs) for reaching the aim that can not only satisfy environmental quality standards, but also decrease the total cost of BMPs. This study applied WinVAST model to predict watershed responses. The objective of this work was to discuss both the economic costs and benefits of BMPs and the control efficiency of discharge and pollutant exports, and to create some suitable standards for the optimal BMPs placement strategies. It is significant to find an optimal number and location of BMPs. In the case study herein, the number of BMPs including a detention pond and a grassy swale would be better to be given by four. The number of BMPs should also be determined by the environmental standards. Moreover, the result shows that the optimal location of BMPs placement is in the downstream area near the outlet and on the mainstream of the catchment. When the BMPs are set in these regions, it cannot only reduce the peak flow and peak pollutant exports, but also have slow time to peak watershed responses.  相似文献   

目前 ,我国重点城市都在开展环境空气质量日报或预报工作 ,开展这一工作的基本条件之一是必须建立环境空气质量自动监测系统。由于我国目前的研制水平有限 ,空气质量自动监测系统基本上是靠引进国外技术及设备来完成的。而引进设备往往与我国的具体实际结合不够 ,尤其是在系统结构、数据采集、远程控制与诊断方面同我们的实际要求相去甚远。为此本文将围绕国内环境监测共同关注的环境空气质量自动监测系统及其设计的问题展开讨论 ,内容包括目前国内自动监测系统的现状 ;国外发展情况及趋势 ;自动监测系统结构与要求  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the impacts of the vagueness about the transfer of the harvest right on the use of a natural resource. We develop one-period non-cooperative game frameworks to examine whether the choice of the resource owner to be hazy about the transmission of the harvest contract is optimal. In the perfect information situation, we show that it is optimal for the resource owner to forbid the transfer of the harvest right instead of being hazy about it when the transfer fees are lesser than the collected net punishment fines of the monitoring costs even though the resource would be inefficiently used. In particular, we find in this case that the government’s announcement to forbid the transfer of the right should be public. We further show that there are subgame Nash equilibria in the perfect information context and a unique Nash equilibrium in the imperfect information setting. Specifically, we show that, when the transfer fees are greater or equal to the (net) punishment fines, there is a Nash equilibrium both in perfect and imperfect information situations, precisely when the owner chooses to allow the transfer of harvest title and the resource harvester transfers it.  相似文献   

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