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环境——经济系统协调度及其指标体系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以可持续发展理论为核心,借助系统工程多目标优化的思想,建立了新型环境--经济系统协调度模型。模型分为三个部分;功效函数、协调度函数和环境系统指标体系。  相似文献   

环境经济系统整合模型的研究将环境的、经济的、社会的因素整合在可持续发展框架中.模拟、分析经济系统与环境系统之闻的相互作用和反馈关系。本文在分析环境经济系统整合模型构建的背景、理论与方法的基础上.设计了环境经济系统整合模型开发的技术路线.提出了环境经济系统整合模型的主要内容。  相似文献   

长江中游防洪减灾系统可持续性评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江中下游平原地区是我国经济发达地区,也是我国洪涝灾害最严重地区之一,根据长江流域可持续发展要求,提出两个问题,一是长江中下游平原区要走可持续发展之路,如何使区内社会经济发展与洪涝灾害相协调,这属于地区可持续发展问题,二是防洪减灾系统能否持久地发挥作用,为社会经济可持续发展提供保障,即防洪减灾系统可持续性评价问题,首先讨论了防洪减灾系统可持续性评价的基本涵义,提出了可持续性评价的5个准则,即功能持久性,风险最低性,经济可行性,环境可承受性及社会可接受性,其次,以长江中游平原分蓄洪工程为例,提出了相应的评价指标体系;最后,选择有效蓄洪量,蓄洪面积,围堤长度,耕地面积,区内人口,区内安全台面积等为指标,建立了分蓄洪工程可持续性评价模型-均衡规划模型,并进行了实例分析探讨。  相似文献   

面向可持续发展的经济系统环境分析及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先集中论述了经济系统可持续发展所面临的主要环境,然后提出了其可持续发展的基本对策建议,以期为我国全面实施可持续发展战略提供参考。  相似文献   

环境—经济系统协调度模型及其指标体系   总被引:46,自引:2,他引:46  
本文以可持续发展理论为核心,借助系统工程多目标优化的思想,建立了新型环境—经济系统协调度模型。模型分为三个部分:功效函数、协调度函数和环境系统指标体系。  相似文献   

经济系统与生态系统的类比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业生态学的基本问题之一是对生态系统与经济系统类比关系的研究,通过类比可以对重组经济系统的思想、理论和方法的研究提供借鉴。该文首先分析了对两个系统进行类比分析的必要性,进而采用类比分析的方法,论述了生态系统和经济系统的相同和差异。指出:两个系统的相似性为经济系统向生态系统学习提供了基础,而差异则蕴含着经济系统重组的方向。  相似文献   

基于SEE-2R模型的可再生能源开发的可持续性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发可再生能源是应对能源安全与气候变化压力的需要。由于面临能量密度低、开发成本高、政策不完善、市场失灵等挑战,可再生能源开发面临较大风险。在这种情况下,进行可持续性评价是保障可再生能源可持续开发的重要前提。该文在充分考虑可再生能源的特性、能源替代,特别是资源的可利用量及再生性等因素的前提下,提出了评价可再生能源开发可持续性的SEE-2R模型,以区别传统化石能源评价方法。SEE-2R模型主要采用情景分析法、层次分析法、德尔菲法、可持续发展评价等多种目前比较成熟的研究工具及研究方法,以确保该模型的可靠性及可操作性。该文还以浙江丽水市为案例,利用SEE-2R模型对丽水市可再生能源开发的可持续性进行评价,以论证SEE-2R模型的科学性与合理性。通过SEE-2R模型的评价,得到的主要结论是:丽水市在光伏发电方面,属于弱可持续;在太阳能热水器方面,属于弱可持续;在沼气方面,属于弱可持续;在生物质发电方面,属于弱可持续;在小水电方面,属于可持续;在风能方面,接近不可持续。  相似文献   

本文运用物质流分析( MFA)和IPAT分析方法,对海南省环境经济系统1990 -2008年间的物质输入与输出进行研究,并与同期广东省数据进行对比分析.结果表明:1990 - 2008年间,海南省环境经济系统直接物质输入呈上升趋势,1990 - 2007年间增长速度平缓,年均增长6.88%,而区域过程排放呈下降趋势,年均降低0.95%;19年间,除个别年份外,海南省物质输入强度、输出强度及物质输入效率均低于同期广东省水平,1994年以前,海南省物质输出效率明显低于同期广东省水平,1995年开始逐渐接近同期广东省水平.对以上结果进行分析,可揭示我国唯一的热带岛屿省份——海南省的物质流特征与演变规律,能够为区域循环经济与可持续发展提供科学决策,促进海南生态省、新型工业省和国际旅游岛的建设.  相似文献   

中国经济系统物质减量化与经济增长的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源紧缺已经成为制约中国经济迅速发展的瓶颈,"物质减量化"是从根本解决这一问题的关键。本文以欧盟物质流核算指标为基础,对中国1981-2008年的物质投入量与经济增长水平的关联程度进行了分析,并拟合了环境库兹涅茨曲线。结果表明,在1981-2008年间,中国单位经济增长所需的物质量在减少,实现了相对物质减量化,且减量化的速度于2005年后开始逐年加快。但中国的物质消耗总量仍在逐年增加,并没有出现绝对物质减量的趋势,中国经济仍然承受着巨大的环境压力。最后,本文根据测算结果提出了相关建议,认为应制定输入方政策,直接预防污染的发生,给予人们自发提高物质利用效率的激励;污染物排放标准的设定需着眼于整个经济系统;中国应关注隐流对环境造成的巨大压力;发展循环经济核算账户、提高人们对物质减量化的认识、推动中国对经济系统物质流核算及物质减量化的研究;物质流核算把经济系统作为"黑箱"模型,在未来应结合其他方法对物质流出现变化的原因作进一步研究。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的四川省生态经济系统可持续性评估   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
运用能值分析方法,对四川省1998~2003年生态经济系统的净能值产出率、能值投入率、能值利用强度、可持续发展指数等指标及其变化趋势进行了定量分析,并与其它国家和地区进行了比较分析。研究表明:①四川省的可持续发展指数曲线呈现先升后降趋势,波动在3.35~1.97之间,曲线的走势与能值/货币比率、人口承载力基本一致。表明四川省经济的发展在人口资源的压力下,仍处于依靠本地资源的欠发达不稳定阶段;②四川省1998~2003年的净能值产出率和能值投入率呈现相异的发展走势,表明资源的利用效率、经济活动的竞争力逐渐降低,而环境资源负载程度、能值使用强度逐渐增强,经济活动加剧;③1998~2003年四川省人均能值使用量总体稳定的上升趋势和电力等高能质能值的缓慢增长趋势,体现了四川省人民生活水准的提高,但相对发达国家和地区还有一定的差距,发展的空间还很大。  相似文献   


Due to the increasingly serious environmental pollution and destruction, especially humans’ unreasonable activities, the ecological and economic system (EES) issues of Northwest region in China have attracted more and more attention of the researchers. Aiming at evaluating its ecological and economic system health, a multi-objective evaluation framework called Pressure- State-Response (PSR) was established to describe the ecological and economic health situations. Meanwhile, an integrative set pair model combining set pair analysis (SPA) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) was proposed to assess the ecological and economic system. Then the EES status of five northwest provinces (Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang) of Northwest region in China was evaluated during 1985 to 2009. The EES development trends of five provinces are obtained. In general, the health values of five provinces showed a rising trend. The health values of five provinces grew rapidly during 1985 to 2000. After 2000, the health values of five provinces still followed the present growth trend, but the growth is relatively smooth. The results show that the method proposed is effective for assessing the health of ecological and economic system.  相似文献   

Due to the increasingly serious environmental pollution and destruction,especially humans’ unreasonable activities,the ecological and economic system(EES) issues of Northwest region in China have attracted more and more attention of the researchers.Aiming at evaluating its ecological and economic system health,a multi-objective evaluation framework called PressureState-Response(PSR) was established to describe the ecological and economic health situations.Meanwhile,an integrative set pair model combining set pair analysis(SPA) and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(FAHP) was proposed to assess the ecological and economic system.Then the EES status of five northwest provinces(Shanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Ningxia and Xinjiang) of Northwest region in China was evaluated during 1985 to 2009.The EES development trends of five provinces are obtained.In general,the health values of five provinces showed a rising trend.The health values of five provinces grew rapidly during 1985 to 2000.After 2000,the health values of five provinces still followed the present growth trend,but the growth is relatively smooth.The results show that the method proposed is effective for assessing the health of ecological and economic system.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the dynamic mechanism of urban expansion and its role. Based on the economic model of urban spatial structure and applying panel data in Shandong Province, the paper concludes. Economic growth and transition of economic structure have played the most powerful role in urban expansion. An increase in population helps the core to extend. Increasing agricultural productivity can provide a countervailing force. An increase in transportation costs will limit urban expansion. An increase in the marginal productivity of land in housing production will increase urban expansion. Fiscal and taxation policies also have encouraged the extensive shift of cultivated land into build-up area. This paper also suggests that if high rate increasing GDP is needed, the urban core will continue to expand. The government should take measures to improve the rapid growth of the city.  相似文献   

Urban agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modem cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

The article establishes the patterns of urban snow disaster system and disaster chain based on the theory of regional disaster system. The patterns indicate that urban snow disaster is exacerbated mainly through the traffic system. In addition, the paper sets up the vulnerability assessment index system and synthetically vulnerability assessment model of urban snow disaster which are mainly based on traffic system, and applies them in Chenzhou City. The results of assessment indicate that obvious geographical differences exist in the vulnerability of snow disaster bearing bodies: vulnerability of Chenzhou section of the Beijing-Zhuhai expressway is the highest in Chenzhou City, and the southeastern counties are more vulnerable than the northwest region. Furthermore, according to the snow disaster vulnerability dynamic process analysis, the vulnerability of Chenzhou City obviously increased in 2008 winter compared with that in 2007. Finally, the paper presents some suggestions for the locations of the emergency commands and the reserves of relief materials based on the evaluation results, and points out that disaster monitoring and relevant technical level should be strengthened for the minimization of traffic system's vulnerability.  相似文献   

城市是一个开放的、复杂的巨系统,洪涝灾害对该系统中的自然、基础设施、社会经济等要素产生直接或间接影响,理清洪涝灾害与城市系统的交互关系,并评估预测其应对洪涝灾害的韧性能力,有助于韧性城市的规划建设。通过分析洪涝灾害与城市系统要素间的反馈关系,构建了城市洪涝韧性仿真模型,并以南京市为例,设定了现状延续型、经济优先型、规划发展型、韧性发展型4种发展情景,模拟在4种情景下2009~2025年南京市洪涝韧性的动态变化。结果表明:(1)构建的城市洪涝韧性仿真模型能够反映洪涝灾害与城市系统要素间的交互关系,用于预测城市洪涝韧性变化;(2)城市系统中建成区绿化覆盖面积、雨水管网设计标准对城市洪涝韧性影响显著;(3)根据现有城市发展规划,南京市洪涝韧性将不断提升,且优于现状延续发展情景,但与世界典型韧性城市还有一定差距,建议南京市从城市绿化、雨水管网设计标准、经济结构、人口素质等方面提升其洪涝韧性能力。研究结果可为南京市及其它城市韧性城市发展规划制定提供理论与科学依据。  相似文献   

A conceptual framework is generated through systems principles to explain sustainability’s wide diversity of interpretation and contextual application. Sustainability is reduced to a literal interpretation as the ability to sustain, and then expressed in simple systems as the ability of one system to sustain another system over time. This reinforces the importance of time in the sustainability debate, and suggests the concept can be legitimately applied to timeframes that have absolute limits. The framework is expanded to complex systems as the changing ability of one or many systems to sustain the changing requirements of one or many systems, over time. This accommodates multiple relations and system dynamics, and hints at the extraordinary complexity encompassed by the sustainability concept. Practical implications relate to the evolving meaning of sustainability, the need for continual change to remain sustainable, and that the sustainability concept can be validly applied to virtually any context or situation that exhibits a dimension of continuity. Derived criteria useful for clarifying contextual applications of sustainability include stating the how, what, why, who and for how long of sustainability, along with indicating the most appropriate hierarchical tier at which the concept is being applied.  相似文献   

以南京为例,研究我国城市在现代化和国际化进程中的特色化战略问题。根据战略管理和系统工程理论,运用层次分析、目标-手段链和城市形象识别等方法,对南京特色化战略目标、模式、方案和保障措施等进行一体化分析和设计,构建了南京城市特色化战略的层次结构模型。在该模型的框架下,通过研究国内外古城发展模式,提出了南京城市发展的综合协调模式;在对南京城市形象识别系统进行总体设计的基础上,具体设计了"6元素南京城市名片";最后,构建了城市特色化战略实施的保障体系。研究表明,只有协调好城市的历史文化和现代生活、经济发展和生态环境、远景规划与眼前利益等各种关系,才能有效实现城市的特色化战略。  相似文献   

Modem economics is necessary knowledge for people a market economic theory and a to understand market economy. However, when modem economic science puts in a "great economic system", modem economic science seems to be little convincing and even deviates from the science of sustainable development. This shows that modem economic science has relativity, and must be transformed by the idea of sustainable development.  相似文献   

A new approach for evaluating water sustainability is introduced by comparing physical and economic sustainability. To achieve physical sustainability, water should be available in sufficient quantity and of good quality and used efficiently. The economic sustainability can be achieved by balancing between costs and values of water. The objectives of this study were to estimate the physical and economic sustainability of surface water in the Big Lost River, south–central Idaho. The study used a Bayesian network by building a graphical diagram of nodes representing all significant variables related with the sustainability, such as water demand, water quality, and the different costs and values of water. The study showed that the likelihood of the physical sustainability is less than that of the economic sustainability, which is attributed to the scarcity of water in the Big Lost River. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

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