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降低地下矿深孔爆破落矿大块率的技术措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
降低深孔爆破落矿大块率是矿山凿岩中的一个重要课题。笔者对地下矿深孔爆破落矿中大块产生位置及原因进行分析;探讨在炸药单耗、孔网布置、装药结构、堵塞长度、微差间隔、起爆方式等方面对其产生影响的规律;提出地下矿深孔爆破落矿中通过优化爆破参数降低大块率的技术措施。该优化技术措施主要有:减少地质构造对深孔落矿的影响,合理确定炸药单耗的方法,使用大孔距小抵抗线落矿技术,采用多种装药结构技术,采用多排微差起爆技术,加强深孔的施工管理和加强爆破施工的现场管理。这些措施在工程实践中获得了良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

施工爆破产生的地震效应往往影响周围建筑物的安全,为了找出控制爆破地震产生的有害效应的有效措施,本文分析了爆破振动地震效应原理,指出了爆破振动速度是导致建构筑物结构破坏的一个重要物理量,它可使建筑物的正常工作受到影响。同时研究了怎样合理确定爆破地震质点振动速度,使预报更为准确。论述了控制爆破振动强度、减小振动效应的措施。  相似文献   

路堑施工中的爆破在我国目前的工程爆破中占很大的比例,施工中存在很多安全隐患,一旦发生事故,将会导致人员伤亡和财产损失.针对具体的路堑工程,选择合理的爆破设计参数,设计爆破网络,进行爆破施工的设计,然后确定爆破方案,进行安全校核,并运用安全评价的方法辨识施工中存在的危险有害因素,提出适当的合理的安全对策措施.  相似文献   

在京珠高速公路江夏段500kV高压线下的路堑开挖深孔爆破的工程实例中,通过选用合理的爆破方案及爆区规划,针对复杂环境采取了一系列的安全控制技术,有效地控制了飞石和爆破地震的危害,同时也保证了边坡的平整度和稳定性。  相似文献   

通过总结综采工作面坚硬顶板深孔爆破强制放顶成功案例,得出以爆破裂隙区半径为强制放顶爆破参数设计的不合理性,提出以爆破损伤范围为依据进行爆破参数计算。研究以国投新集二矿210108工作面为依托,通过爆破振动监测,回归得到综采面深孔爆破振动速度传播衰减规律,由此导出炮孔周围岩体内的质点振动峰值速度衰减规律。计算结果表明,炮孔直径75mm、装药直径63mm的深孔爆破可以在周围岩体中形成半径为7.631m重度损伤区,解释了炮孔间距大于10m仍能有着良好爆破效果的原因;设计最大孔底间距15.2m的爆破参数,并成功进行了现场应用,验证了计算方法的可靠性,为类似工程爆破参数设计提供了一个新方法。  相似文献   

为有效应用深孔控制爆破技术防治煤与瓦斯突出等事故,首先利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件建立有控制孔和无控制孔2种数值模型,进行煤层爆破数值模拟;其次在实验室建立有控制孔和无控制孔2种物理模型,开展爆破模拟试验;然后通过理论分析爆炸应力波入射控制孔的反射规律,揭示深孔控制爆破控制孔的作用机制。数值模拟、爆破模拟试验和理论分析等研究共同表明:增设的控制孔在煤层深孔控制爆破中将入射的压缩应力波反射为拉伸应力波而产生拉伸作用,有明显的控制导向作用和对其他方向裂隙发育的抑制作用。  相似文献   

为了解决五阳煤矿3#煤层采掘工作面瓦斯涌出量大、瓦斯超限、抽采效果差等问题,提出了深孔预裂爆破预抽煤层瓦斯的治理方法,并在试验矿井7603采煤工作面进行了现场试验;同时确定了五阳煤矿深孔预裂爆破的钻孔布置参数,并对爆破前后的抽采瓦斯浓度、抽采量进行现场考察分析。现场实践表明,深孔预裂爆破能够有效提高煤层的透气性、瓦斯抽采浓度和抽采量,减少抽采时间,为矿井开展深孔预裂爆破预抽瓦斯技术措施提供实践经验和技术支持。  相似文献   

介绍了深孔预裂爆破技术的工艺流程及现场试验情况.研究表明,在大倾角薄煤层应用深孔预裂爆破技术,可有效地消除激发突出的应力和煤体结构的不均匀性,提高煤体强度和煤层透气性,明显提高瓦斯的抽采效果,有效预防和消除在掘进过程中煤与瓦斯突出的危险性,且提高巷道掘进速度2-3倍.  相似文献   

基于理论分析和数值模拟,探究深孔控制爆破技术在深埋低透高瓦斯煤层防突方面的适用性。考虑爆炸波、爆生气体、煤层原始瓦斯压力、煤层地应力对裂隙的作用。研究深埋低透高瓦斯煤层深孔控制爆破裂隙的扩展的过程、机理及防突效果。对比了理论分析结果和典型的现场试验结果。得出的结论是,煤层深孔控制爆破致裂,是在爆炸波的动态冲击震裂和爆生气体及煤层瓦斯压力的尖劈压裂作用下共同完成的;深埋高应力煤层深孔控制爆破机理与常规浅孔采掘爆破机理不同;控制孔在高应力煤层中的导裂作用并不显著,其主要起到卸压孔和抽放孔的作用。几个典型的高应力低透突出煤层的工程实践表明,采用深孔控制爆破技术后,均获得良好的增透效果,且均未发生煤与瓦斯突出事故。  相似文献   

为解决低透气性回采工作面采煤过程中,瓦斯抽采困难、施工周期长等问题,提出了利用深孔预裂爆破技术,增加煤层裂隙,提高煤层透气性的方法,并研究了深孔预裂爆破技术的作用机理,阐述了深孔预裂爆破技术的工艺流程,对增透效果进行了现场考察.研究表明:深孔预裂爆破后与爆破前相比,平均瓦斯抽采量提高了2.32倍,平均煤层透气性系数提高了5.6倍,最大提高了11.5倍,有效提高了瓦斯抽采率;工作面回采周期大幅度缩短,为安全、快速回采提供了保障.  相似文献   

以我国210起典型危险化学品火灾爆炸事故为样本,对造成事故的不安全动作进行归类统计,应用云模型云发生器算法计算大类不安全动作的云模型参数值并绘制隶属云图,得出了危险化学品火灾爆炸事故中不安全动作类型和发出者分布规律及特点。结果表明:造成火源型火灾爆炸事故的违规型不安全动作平均发生次数最多,分布不均匀且不稳定,其中现场工作缺乏指导或监护发生次数最多,发出对象为监理;蓄热型火灾爆炸事故中技术型不安全动作分布表现出较大的随机性,其中物料添加不当和隐患排查不彻底发生次数最多,发出对象分别为基层人员和监理。  相似文献   

In 2011, a large petrochemical complex in Taiwan incurred several fire and explosion accidents, which had considerable negative impact for the industry on both environmental and safety issues. Reactive substances are widely used in many chemical industrial fields as an initiator, hardeners, or cross-linking agents of radical polymerization process with unsaturated monomer. However, the unpredictable factors during the process having risk to runaway reaction, thermal explosion, fire, and exposure to harmful toxic chemicals release due to the huge heat and gas products by thermal decomposition could not be removed from the process. This study used differential technology of thermal analysis to characterize the inherent hazard behaviors of azo compounds and organic peroxides in the process, to seek the elimination of the source of the harmful effects and achieve the best process safety practices with zero disaster and sound business continuity plan.  相似文献   

为了进一步梳理和分析开敞空间可燃云爆炸冲击波超压传播规律及灾害动力响应方面的各项研究成果,推进可燃气体爆炸安全防控,减少人员伤亡和经济损失。在分析现有研究的基础上,总结开敞空间可燃气云爆炸冲击波超压传播规律及灾害动力响应研究等方面存在的不足,提出开敞空间多元混合气体爆炸冲击波超压传播规律研究、多影响参数下可燃气云爆炸冲击波超压传播规律定量分析、基于可燃气云爆炸冲击波超压作用下的承载体动力响应等未来研究的关键技术问题。  相似文献   

为研究民居内可燃气体爆炸规律及特点,预防燃气泄漏爆炸案/事件发生,提高案/事件现场勘验与侦破效率,综述受限空间内燃气爆炸的形成机理和传播特性、现场结构和障碍物对爆炸的影响规律以及爆炸后现场勘验和重建技术方法,阐述数值仿真技术在气体爆炸案件现场勘验和重建中发挥的作用。研究结果表明:民居内燃气爆炸现场特征明显异于传统爆炸类案件现场,尤其是炸点特征存在差异;数值仿真可有效揭示燃气泄漏爆炸的形成、传播和作用机理;目前,燃气爆炸实验研究方法和体系需进一步统一,以提高研究结论普适性。研究结果可为民居内燃气爆炸现场勘验和重建提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为了在矿井瓦斯爆炸灾变发生后,快速确定瓦斯爆炸冲击波的压力、温度、有毒有害气体等致灾因子在井巷网络中的传播情况。利用CFD数值模拟或爆炸实验获得瓦斯爆炸冲击波的压力、温度、有毒有害气体等致灾因子传播大数据,将影响瓦斯爆炸传播的因素以及观测点等参数作为人工神经网络的输入节点,压力、温度等致灾因子作为输出节点,建立瓦斯爆炸致灾因子传播快速预测机器学习模型,解决CFD数值模拟的建模、计算及数据分析处理等过程耗时大、不适应灾变应急的快速响应等问题。研究结果表明:在给定爆炸位置和爆炸当量的均直巷道,获得任一点的爆炸冲击波压力、温度以及有毒有害气体所需时间是瞬时的,人工神经网络平均训练误差为6.92 %,有训练样本的验证误差为5.24 %,无训练样本的验证误差为6.88 %。  相似文献   

Either in the chemical process plants or in the underground infrastructures, the isolation seal is regularly used to separate the working sections and inactive sections, or to isolate the possible explosion sites in order to avoid any domino effects. Due to differences in accumulation space or ignition point locations, pressure on the seal can vary when an explosion occurs. Thus, the safety and reliability of seals are crucial to maintaining safety in process industry. This paper focuses on seals constructed with concrete and loess materials, and examines the dynamic response characteristics of the gas explosion wave on the seal through sample experiments and numerical simulation metods. The study proposes an optimized design for the explosion-proof structure of the wedge-shaped and spherical seal, which can provide a technical basis for the explosion-proof and anti-explosion measures of various sealed walls. These research findings can also serve as a basis for improving the construction quality of seals.  相似文献   

采用哈特曼管式爆炸测试装置和20L球爆炸测试装置对小麦淀粉粉尘爆炸特性参数进行评估,对粒度小于75μm的样品的爆炸危险性参数进行测试,得出了一定条件下的小麦淀粉对静电火花的敏感程度以及其爆炸的猛烈程度,进而对其爆炸危险性程度进行分级。结果表明,温度在25℃,喷粉压力为0.70MPa,小麦淀粉的最小点火能量在40~80mJ;在点火能量为10 kJ时,最大爆炸压力为0.60MPa,最大爆炸指数为7.87MPa.m/s,其粉尘爆炸危险性为Ⅰ级。  相似文献   

在多层金属丝网结构对瓦斯爆炸传播的抑制作用机理上建立了多层丝网结构抑燃抑爆的数学模型,表述了火焰传播参数、爆炸反应波参数与丝网结构参数之间的关系.  相似文献   

In this paper, experimental investigations were performed for the mitigation via an ultra-fine water mist of methane/coal dust mixture explosions in the presence of obstacles to reveal the effects of the obstacles in this scenario. Two PCB piezo-electronic pressure transducers were used to acquire the pressure history, a Fastcam Ultima APX high-speed video camera was used to visualize both the process of the mixture explosion and its mitigation. The diameters of the coal dust, the types of obstacles and the volumes of ultra-fine water mist were varied in the tests. The parameters of the explosion overpressure and the range of critical volume flux of the ultra-fine water mist for explosion mitigation were determined. The results show that the mixture explosion and its mitigation are primarily influenced by the number, shape and set locations of the obstacles. When the volume flux of the water mist is larger than a certain amount, the mixture explosions and the effects of obstacles can be completely mitigated with the ultra-fine water mist.  相似文献   

A laneway support system provides an available way to solve problems related to ground movements in underground coal mines, but also poses another potential hazard. Once a methane/air explosion occurs in a laneway, inappropriate design parameters of the support system, especially the support spacing, likely have a negative influence on explosion disaster effects. The commercial software package AutoReaGas, a computational fluid dynamics code suitable for gas explosions, was used to carry out the numerical investigation for the methane/air explosion and blast process in a straight laneway with different support spacing. The validity of the numerical method was verified by the methane/air explosion experiment in a steel tube. Laneway supports can promote the development of turbulence and explosion, and also inhibit the propagation of flame and shock wave. For the design parameters in actual laneway projects, the fluid dynamic drag due to the laneway support plays a predominant role in a methane/air explosion. There is an uneven distribution of the peak overpressure on the same cross section in the laneway, and the largest overpressure is near the laneway walls. Different support spacing can cause obvious differences for the distributions of the shock wave overpressure and impulse. Under comparable conditions, the greater destructive effects of explosion shock wave are seen for the laneway support system with larger spacing. The results presented in this work provide a theoretical basis for the optimized design of the support system in coal laneways and the related safety assessments.  相似文献   

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