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The removal characteristics of trace compounds and moisture in raw landfill gas (LFG) were studied. The LFG from the extraction well was saturated with water and moisture was eliminated by physical methods including cyclone-type dehydrator and compressor. The moisture removal efficiency of dehydrator and compressor was above 80%. As the moisture contents of LFG decreased, the toxic compounds like aromatics and chlorinated compounds were effectively removed by using the granular activated carbon. The breakthrough time and adsorption capacity of benzene, toluene, and ethyl benzene decreased rapidly when the relative humidity is over 60%. The effect of moisture was more pronounced at lower adsorbate concentrations tested than at higher concentrations. The breakthrough curves for multi-component mixtures show displacement effects. In the course of competing adsorption, adsorbates with strong interaction force to displace weakly bounded substances. Adsorption by activated carbon is in descending order of xylene, ethylbenzene, toluene, tri or tetrachloroethylene, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform in LFG, respectively.  相似文献   

The surface emission of landfill gas (LFG) was studied to estimate the amount of LFG efflux from solid waste landfills using an air flux chamber. LFG efflux increased as atmospheric temperature increased during the day, and the same pattern for the surface emission was observed for the change of seasons. LFG efflux rate decreased from summer through winter. The average LFG efflux rates of winter, spring and summer were 0.1584, 0.3013 and 0.8597 m3 m−2 h−1 respectively. The total amount of surface emission was calculated based on the seasonal LFG efflux rate and the landfill surface area. From the estimates of LFG generation, it is expected that about 30% of the generated LFG may be released through the surface without extraction process. As forced extraction with a blower proceeded, the extraction well pressure decreased from 1100 to –100 mm H2O, and the LFG surface efflux decreased markedly above 80%. Thus, the utilization of LFG by forced extraction would be the good solution for global warming and air pollution by LFG.  相似文献   

传统生物反应器填埋场长期以来存在酸化阶段过长和能源回收利用率低等问题。上层垃圾好氧处理可有效实现垃圾快速降解与集中甲烷化。为探究好氧处理阶段不同曝气频率对生物反应器填埋场运行效果的影响,设置厌氧生物反应器A1作为对照,曝气频率不同的上层曝气式生物反应器C1和C2为实验组进行实验。结果表明,上层垃圾好氧处理可有效改善填埋柱内高浓度挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)累积现象,缩短酸化阶段,促进甲烷化环境建立。至曝气结束,C1和C2填埋柱内渗滤液COD低于30 000 mg/L,VFA浓度降也降低到10 000 mg/L以下。好氧处理阶段,增大曝气频率可提高填埋垃圾对渗滤液pH的缓冲作用,扩大甲烷化面积,促进高浓度甲烷化过程的快速发生。与C1相比,曝气频率较高的C2反应器提前15 d达到pH为7的预处理要求,曝气阶段氨氮浓度经历先上后下,填埋柱日产甲烷量700 mL,约为C1产气能力的2倍。但考虑到实际氧气利用率与经济性能问题,曝气频率的选择不宜过大。  相似文献   

Landfill gas (LFG)-to-energy plants in Turkey were investigated, and the LFG-to-energy plant of a metropolitan municipal landfill was monitored for 3 years. Installed capacities and actual gas engine working hours were determined. An equation was developed to estimate the power capacity for LFG-to-energy plants for a given amount of landfilled waste. Monitoring the actual gas generation rates enabled determination of LFG generation factors for Turkish municipal waste. A significant relationship (R = 0.524, p < 0.01, two-tailed) was found between the amounts of landfilled waste and the ambient temperature, which can be attributed to food consumption and kitchen waste generation behaviors influenced by the ambient temperature. However, no significant correlation was found between the ambient temperature and the generated LFG. A temperature buffering capacity was inferred to exist within the landfill, which enables the anaerobic reactions to continue functioning even during cold seasons. The average LFG and energy generation rates were 45 m3 LFG/ton waste landfilled and 0.08 MWhr/ton waste landfilled, respectively. The mean specific LFG consumption for electricity generation was 529 ± 28 m3/MWhr.

Implications: The paper will be useful for local authorities who need to manage municipal waste by using landfills. The paper will also be useful for investors who want to evaluate the energy production potential of municipal wastes and the factors affecting the energy generation process mostly for economical purposes. Landfills can be regarded as energy sources and their potentials need to be investigated. The paper will also be useful for policymakers dealing with energy issues. The paper contains information on real practical data such as engine working hours, equation to estimate the necessary power for a given amount of landfilled waste, and son on.  相似文献   

A long-term monitoring of composition of landfill gases in the region with high rainfall was conducted using an argon assay in order to discuss air intrusion into the dump site. Gas samples were taken from vertical gas monitoring pipes installed along transects at two sections (called new and old) of an abandoned waste dump site in Sri Lanka. N2O concentrations varied especially widely, by more than three orders of magnitude (0.046–140 ppmv). The nitrogen/argon ratio of landfill gas was normally higher than that of fresh air, implying that denitrification occurred in the dump site. Argon assays indicate that both N2 and N2O production occurred inside waste and more significantly in the old section. The Ar assay would help for evaluations of N2O emission in developing countries.

Implications: A long-term monitoring of composition of landfill gases in the region with high rainfall was conducted using an argon assay in order to discuss air intrusion into the dump site. Argon assays indicate that both N2 and N2O production occurred inside waste and more significantly in the old section.  相似文献   

The composition of landfill gas (LFG) was analyzed for vapor-phase mercury (Hg) (primarily in its elemental form, Hg0) and relevant environmental parameters from 42 out of 106 ventpipes placed across two different sectors of the Nan-Ji-Do (NJD) landfill site in Seoul, Korea during September/October 2000. Results of our studies showed that large quantities of Hg emanated through these ventpipes which were infiltrated deep into the waste layer. The mean concentration of Hg, computed using the data sets collected from 42 ventpipes, was 420 ng m−3 with a range of 3.45–2952 ng m−3. Because large differences were apparent in its concentration levels not only between the two sectors of 1 and 2 but also between the plain and slope areas, evaluation of the data was made by dividing them into four different categories, namely plain areas of sectors 1 and 2 and slope areas of sectors 1 and 2. By categorizing the data in such a manner, the emission fluxes of ventilated Hg were estimated for each data group at the NJD site. The flux values of Hg for each data group were distinguished so that the enhanced fluxes were observed in plain compared to slope areas. The computed LFG fluxes of Hg from the whole NJD site were on the order of 23 g on an annual basis. The overall results of our study suggest that the vent emission of Hg from the study site is comparable in magnitude to those reported previously (e.g., the Florida landfill sites in US), while the LFG emissions of Hg may not necessarily be the most dominant source in the NJD site.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of trace gases in simulated landfill soil cover systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The attenuation of methane and seven volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was investigated in a dynamic methane and oxygen counter gradient system simulating a landfill soil cover. The VOCs investigated were: Tetrachloromethane (TeCM), trichloromethane (TCM), dichloromethane (DCM), trichloroethylene (TCE), vinyl chloride (VC), benzene, and toluene. Soil was sampled at Skellingsted landfill, Denmark. The soil columns showed a high capacity for methane oxidation, with oxidation rates up to 184 g/m2/d corresponding to a 77% reduction of inlet methane. Maximal methane oxidation occurred at 15-20 cm depth, in the upper part of the column where there were overlapping gradients of methane and oxygen. All the chlorinated hydrocarbons were degraded in the active soil columns with removal efficiencies higher than 57%. Soil gas concentration profiles indicated that the removal of the fully chlorinated compound TeCM was because of anaerobic degradation, whereas the degradation of lower chlorinated compounds like VC and DCM was located in the upper oxic part of the column. Benzene and toluene were also removed in the active column. This study demonstrates the complexity of landfill soil cover systems and shows that both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria may play an important role in reducing the emission of trace components into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

生活垃圾填埋场填埋气中挥发性有机物释放规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2007年2月在上海老港垃圾填埋场选取10个不同填满年限的填埋单元进行填埋气的采样分析,用色谱-质谱技术检测了填埋气中的挥发性有机物(VOCs).检测到脂肪烃、卤代脂肪烃、单环芳烃、醚和酮等5类22种化合物,其中11种为美国环境保护署优先控制污染物,甲苯、乙苯和间,对二甲苯的浓度较高.填满时间距采样时间较近(1~2年)的填埋单元检出的VOCs种类较多,脂肪烃和单环芳烃的浓度随填满时间的增加呈现较明显的衰减特征,而卤代脂肪烃、醚和酮的浓度与填满时间的相关性不显著.检出的5种化合物中,1,1,1三氯乙烷、甲苯和间,对-二甲苯的浓度均低于美国加利福尼亚州环保局推荐的健康阈值,氯乙烯和苯则超过该阈值.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a methodology to evaluate the feasibility of using landfill gas (LFG) as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel source for heavy-duty refuse trucks operating on landfills. Using LFG as a vehicle fuel can make the landfills more self-sustaining, reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, and reduce emissions and greenhouse gases. Acrion Technologies Inc. in association with Mack Trucks Inc. developed a technology to generate LNG from LFG using the CO2 WASH process. A successful application of this process was performed at the Eco Complex in Burlington County, PA. During this application two LNG refuse trucks were operated for 600 hr each using LNG produced from gases from the landfill. The methodology developed in this paper can evaluate the feasibility of three LFG options: doing nothing, electricity generation, and producing LNG to fuel refuse trucks. The methodology involved the modeling of several components: LFG generation, energy recovery processes, fleet operations, economic feasibility, and decision-making. The economic feasibility considers factors such as capital, maintenance, operational, and fuel costs, emissions and tax benefits, and the sale of products such as surplus LNG and food-grade carbon dioxide (CO2). Texas was used as a case study. The 96 landfills in Texas were prioritized and 17 landfills were identified that showed potential for converting LFG to LNG for use as a refuse truck fuel. The methodology was applied to a pilot landfill in El Paso, TX. The analysis showed that converting LFG to LNG to fuel refuse trucks proved to be the most feasible option and that the methodology can be applied for any landfill that considers this option.  相似文献   

针对大气式燃烧器在燃烧垃圾填埋气时的火焰稳定特性进行了实验研究,设计了一种结构简单、效果明显的填埋气火焰稳定装置.这种装置对于低热值燃气的稳定燃烧能起到较好的作用.  相似文献   

针对大气式燃烧器在燃烧垃圾填埋气时的火焰稳定特性进行了实验研究,设计了一种结构简单、效果明显的填埋气火焰稳定装置。这种装置对于低热值燃气的稳定燃烧能起到较好的作用。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Pb, Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, and Hg in the white and fruit parts of commercially available yogurts (n = 30) from Nitra markets (Slovak Republic). The results were correlated to determine their relationships. Three yogurt fruit flavors were chosen and tested, strawberry (n = 10), blueberry (n = 10), and cherry (n = 10). The elements were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Higher concentrations of toxic elements, such as Cd and Pb, were found in the fruit parts of the yogurt, and in some cases, the tolerable limit was exceeded. The white part of the yogurt was not contaminated by toxic elements. White yogurt is a good source of nutrients for humans, but the fruit part in yogurt requires detailed monitoring and improvements in the processing techniques.  相似文献   

为了理清北京固废系统潜在的环境影响及相关机制发展状况,本研究基于填埋气逸出模拟对北京市固废系统中的填埋气排放和CDM项目进行研究分析。将中国垃圾填埋气模型应用到北京市,预测其潜在垃圾填埋气排放总碳当量达0.97亿t,2026年左右迎来产气高峰,排放量为54 367 m3/h,碳当量达228万t,2015—2040年间的碳当量占比约53.3%;北京市CDM数据分析显示,2010年以来北京市CDM项目发展良好,但较全国水平稍显滞后,其垃圾填埋气回收利用项目占北京市获批CDM项目总量的11.1%,签发数比例约33.3%,远低于全国水平的41.82%。研究表明:北京市固废系统即将步入产气高峰期,潜在碳排放量巨大,势必将给北京市的温室气体减排工作带来切实压力,但是相关CDM项目发展不适应当前的减排需求,急需加强和改善北京市的城市固体废物管理,推进相关CDM项目在北京的良性发展。  相似文献   


The increase in solid waste generation has been a major contributor to the amount of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) present in the atmosphere. To some extent, a great chunk of these GHGs in the atmosphere is from landfill. This study assesses two theoretical models (LandGEM and Afvalzorg models) to estimate the amount of landfill gas (LFG) emitted from Thohoyandou landfill site. Also, the LFGcost Web model was used to estimate the cost and benefits of the implementation of an LFG utilization technology. The Thohoyandou landfill started operations in the year 2005 and it is proposed to reach its peak at approximately in the year 2026. The LandGEM calculates the mass of landfill gas emission using methane generation capacity, mass of deposited waste, methane generation constant and methane generation rate. Meanwhile, the Afvalzorg model determines the LFG emissions using the Methane correction factor, yearly waste mass disposal, waste composition, Degradation Organic Carbon, methane generation rate constant, LFG recovery efficiency. The study findings indicate that the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from the landfill estimated from LandGEM will peak in the year 2026 with values of 3517 Mg/year and 9649 Mg/year, respectively. Results from the Afvalzorg model show that CH4 emission will peak in the year 2026 (3336 Mg/year). The LandGEM model showed that the total LFG, CH4 and CO2 emitted from the landfill between 2005 and 2040 are 293239.3 Mg/year, 78325.7 Mg/year and 214908.6 Mg/year, respectively. The simulation from the Afvalzorg model found that the CH4 emitted from the years 2005– 2040 is 74302 Mg/year. The implementation of an LFG utilization technology was economically feasible from consideration of the sales of electricity generated and Certified Emission Reductions (CER) (carbon credits).  相似文献   

Landfill gas (LFG) generation is predicted by a first-order decay (FOD) equation that incorporates two parameters: a methane generation potential (L0) and a methane generation rate (k). Because non-hazardous waste landfills may accept many types of waste streams, multiphase models have been developed in an attempt to more accurately predict methane generation from heterogeneous waste streams. The ability of a single-phase FOD model to predict methane generation using weighted-average methane generation parameters and tonnages translated from multiphase models was assessed in two exercises. In the first exercise, waste composition from four Danish landfills represented by low-biodegradable waste streams was modeled in the Afvalzorg Multiphase Model and methane generation was compared to the single-phase Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Model and LandGEM. In the second exercise, waste composition represented by IPCC waste components was modeled in the multiphase IPCC and compared to single-phase LandGEM and Australia’s Solid Waste Calculator (SWC). In both cases, weight-averaging of methane generation parameters from waste composition data in single-phase models was effective in predicting cumulative methane generation from -7% to +6% of the multiphase models. The results underscore the understanding that multiphase models will not necessarily improve LFG generation prediction because the uncertainty of the method rests largely within the input parameters. A unique method of calculating the methane generation rate constant by mass of anaerobically degradable carbon was presented (kc) and compared to existing methods, providing a better fit in 3 of 8 scenarios. Generally, single phase models with weighted-average inputs can accurately predict methane generation from multiple waste streams with varied characteristics; weighted averages should therefore be used instead of regional default values when comparing models.

Implications: Translating multiphase first-order decay model input parameters by weighted average shows that single-phase models can predict cumulative methane generation within the level of uncertainty of many of the input parameters as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which indicates that decreasing the uncertainty of the input parameters will make the model more accurate rather than adding multiple phases or input parameters.  相似文献   

我国城市中尚有大量非规范生活垃圾填埋场存在,对其进行污染整治消除填埋气导致的环境安全隐患刻不容缓.以重庆某垃圾填埋场为例,研究重庆市主城区的非规范生活垃圾填埋场填埋气的横向迁移问题,在垃圾场周边区域布设36个监测井,对监测井中的填埋气进行分析监测,以填埋气特征组分CH4气体的体积浓度变化研究填埋气的横向迁移规律.结果表明,监测井到填埋场边界的距离为监测井中CH4气体浓度的主要影响因素;垃圾场周边距离填埋场场界50 m以外的区域,填埋气的横向迁移已经相当微弱;但是距离填埋场边界50 m以内区域的填埋气的横向迁移明显,需要在距离填埋场边界50 m范围内采取措施与场内填埋气的导排措施配合,进行填埋气的污染控制.  相似文献   

生活垃圾填埋场不同填埋方式填埋气特性研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
对于国内外在传统的厌氧填埋和新型的准好氧填埋两种不同运行方式下对填埋气的特性研究作了简介。通过比较分析,传统的厌氧填埋结构中填埋气的甲烷含量比较高(40%~60%),而准好氧填埋中填埋气的甲烷含量只有10%~20%。对于中小型的填埋场,由于技术和成本的制约,建立准好氧填埋场,不仅有利于加快垃圾的稳定化进程,还可以减少甲烷的生成量,减轻对环境所造成的污染。  相似文献   

Well testing procedures, such as the Tier 3 methodology specified in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subtitle D, are commonly used for directly estimating landfill gas (LFG) emissions at municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. Similar procedures are also used to estimate LFG generation rates for the design of LFG-to-energy projects. These methodologies assume that the LFG generation rate equals the extraction rate of a test gas well within its radius of influence (ROI). The ROI is defined as the distance from the extraction well at which the induced pressure drop is immeasurable by some standard of precision. Based on fluid dynamic principles, Tier 3 and similar methodologies are demonstrated to be incapable of providing reliable estimates of the LFG generation rate. These tests may either over- or underestimate the LFG generation rate depending on the precision with which the ROI is determined, but they will only coincidentally produce an estimate that accurately represents the actual LFG generation rate. Fluid dynamic principles dictate that the actual LFG generation rate can only be estimated if the pneumatic properties of the refuse and cover materials as well as the excess pressure in the refuse caused by LFG generation are known or can be estimated.  相似文献   


The quantitative assessment of landfill gas emissions is essential to assess the performance of the landfill cover and gas collection system. The relative error of the measured surface emission of landfill gas may be induced by the static flux chamber technique. This study aims to quantify effects of the size of the chamber, the insertion depth, pressure differential on the relative errors by using an integrated approach of in situ tests, and numerical modeling. A field experiment study of landfill gas emission is conducted by using a static chamber at one landfill site in Xi’an, Northwest China. Additionally, a two-dimensional axisymmetric numerical model for multi-component gas transport in the soil and the static chamber is developed based on the dusty-gas model (DGM). The proposed model is validated by the field data obtained in this study and a set of experimental data in the literature. The results show that DGM model has a better capacity to predict gas transport under a wider range of permeability compared to Blanc’s method. This is due to the fact that DGM model can explain the interaction among gases (e.g., CH4, CO2, O2, and N2) and the Knudsen diffusion process while these mechanisms are not included in Blanc’s model. Increasing the size and the insertion depth of static chambers can reduce the relative error for the flux of CH4 and CO2. For example, increasing the height of chambers from 0.55 to 1.1 m can decrease relative errors of CH4 and CO2 flux by 17% and 18%, respectively. Moreover, we find that gas emission fluxes for the case with positive pressure differential (?Pin-out) are greater than that of the case without considering pressure fluctuations. The Monte Carlo method was adopted to carry out the statistical analysis for quantifying the range of relative errors. The agreement of the measured field data and predicted results demonstrated that the proposed model has the capacity to quantify the emission of landfill gas from the landfill cover systems.


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