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A high-resolution (2-9 year sampling interval) fossil pollen record from the Galápagos Islands, which spans the last 2690 years, reveals considerable ecosystem stability. Vegetation changes associated with independently derived histories of El Ni?o Southern Oscillation variability provided evidence of shifts in the relative abundance of individual species rather than immigration or extinction. Droughts associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly induced rapid ecological change that was followed by a reversion to the previous state. The paleoecological data suggested nonneutral responses to climatic forcing in this ecosystem prior to the period of human influence. Human impacts on the islands are evident in the record. A marked decline in long-term codominants of the pollen record, Alternanthera and Acalypha, produced a flora without modern analogue before 1930. Intensified animal husbandry after ca. 1930 may have induced the local extinction of Acalypha and Alternanthera. Reductions in populations of grazing animals in the 1970s and 1980s did not result in the return of the native flora, but in invasions by exotic species. After ca. 1970 the trajectory of habitat change accelerated, continuously moving the ecosystem away from the observed range of variability in the previous 2690 years toward a novel ecosystem. The last 40 years of the record also suggest unprecedented transport of lowland pollen to the uplands, consistent with intensified convection and warmer wet seasons.  相似文献   

Sonnenholzner JI  Lafferty KD  Ladah LB 《Ecology》2011,92(12):2276-2284
In the Galápagos Islands, two eulimid snails parasitize the common pencil sea urchin, Eucidaris galapagensis. Past work in the Galápagos suggests that fishing reduces lobster and fish densities and, due to this relaxation of predation pressure, indirectly increases urchin densities, creating the potential for complex indirect interactions between fishing and parasitic snails. To measure indirect effects of fishing on these parasitic snails, we investigated the spatial relationships among urchins, parasitic snails, commensal crabs, and large urchin predators (hogfish and lobsters). Parasitic snails had higher densities at sites where urchins were abundant, probably due to increased resource availability. Commensal crabs that shelter under urchin spines, particularly the endemic Mithrax nodosus, preyed on the parasitic snails in aquaria, and snails were less abundant at field sites where these crabs were common. In aquaria, hogfish and lobsters readily ate crabs, but crabs were protected from predation under urchin spines, leading to a facultative mutualism between commensal crabs and urchins. In the field, fishing appeared to indirectly increase the abundance of urchins and their commensal crabs by reducing predation pressure from fish and lobsters. Fished sites had fewer snails per urchin, probably due to increased predation from commensal crabs. However, because fished sites also tended to have more urchins, there was no significant net effect of fishing on the number of snails per square meter. These results suggest that fishing can have complex indirect effects on parasites by altering food webs.  相似文献   

For dioecious species, choosing a mate of the same sex can have reproductive costs. For sex-changing animals, however, a lack of sex recognition may not carry a reproductive cost, as pairs that were initially same-sex can become opposite-sex pairs as one partner changes sex. The strength of sex discrimination in sex changers, then, should depend on the duration of mating associations and whether the time of sex change is influenced by social situation (“flexible” sex change). We studied two species of marine snails that change sex from male to female, one with flexible sex change and long-term or permanent mating associations (Crepidula fornicata) and one with short-term pairings and relatively fixed time of sex change (Crepidula convexa), to determine whether either species exhibits sex recognition and whether members of C. convexa show stronger sex discrimination. In laboratory experiments, small males, the choosing animals, were placed with either a male or a female conspecific (no-choice experiments) or given a choice of a male or female (choice experiments). We controlled for shell length in all experiments, as relative size may influence sex change or choice. Males of both species paired more often with females than males, but, as predicted, males of C. convexa showed stronger discrimination: When given a choice, no C. convexa male paired with another male. In contrast, some C. fornicata males always chose other males even when given the choice of a female. These results suggest that sex recognition can be adaptive even for sex changers but demonstrate that the level of sex recognition will depend on other aspects of reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Two zooxanthellate, scleractinian species present in the equatorial eastern Pacific, Psammocora stellata and Psammocora profundacella, were examined in terms of their reproductive biology and ecology at four study sites, non-upwelling (Ca?o Island, Costa Rica, and Uva Island, Panamá), upwelling (Gulf of Panamá, Panamá), and seasonally varying thermal environments (Galápagos Islands). Both species were gonochoric broadcast spawners lacking zooxanthellae in mature ova. Mature gametes and spawned gonads are present around full moon; however, no spawning was observed naturally or in outdoor aquaria. Mature gametes occurred in P. stellata at Ca?o Island for nearly 6?months, and year round at Uva Island, both non-upwelling sites. Reproductively active colonies occurred mostly in the warmer months in the Gulf of Panamá and Galápagos Islands. In the Galápagos Islands, where collecting effort was greatest for P. profundacella, mature gametes were also most prevalent during the warm season. Annual fecundity was high in both species, 1.3–1.8?×?104?ova?cm?2?year?1 in P. stellata and 1.2–2.0?×?104?ova?cm?2?year?1 in P. profundacella. Compared to other eastern Pacific corals, P. stellata was relatively resistant to ENSO-related bleaching and mortality, especially populations inhabiting deep (12–20?m) coral communities. Rapid recovery and persistence of Psammocora spp. can be attributed to several factors: (a) relative resistance to bleaching, (b) deep refuge populations, (c) broadcast spawning, (d) protracted seasonal reproduction, (e) high fecundity, and (f) asexual propagation.  相似文献   

Summary. The capacity of benzoxazolinone metabolization of dicotyledonous species characteristic for the former vegetation classes Secalietea (grain field weed communities) and Chenopodietea (hoed vegetable communities) was estimated by the production of BOA-6-OH, BOA-6-β-O-glucoside, and BOA-N-glucoside. Except for Urtica urens, Galinsoga ciliata, and Polygonum aviculare (Chenopodietea), all species tested were able to synthesize BOA-6-OH, its glucoside, and BOA-N-glucoside, but effectiveness of BOA metabolism differed highly depending on species and plant organ. There was no correlation between bacterial phenoxazinone production and appearance of metabolites in the plants. Bioassays demonstrated that N-glucosylation is more efficient in BOA detoxification than O-glucosylation. The intermediate BOA-6-OH, however, is more harmful than BOA itself. It is therefore assumed that the ability to synthesize BOA-N-glucoside reduces the sensitivity to BOA strikingly. Since the detoxification capacity did not correlate with the taxonomic position, the affiliation of the species tested with the corresponding plant communities was taken into consideration. Evidently, the ecobiochemical potential of species to detoxify benzoxazolinone, regarded as an essential secondary compound in rye and wheat fields, reflects their occurrence in those plant associations. The ability to cope with the compound could be the result of co-evolutionary processes and presents a hidden aspect of allelopathic interaction. Received 4 January 1999; accepted 14 June 1999.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of Pavona gigantea Verrill and Gardineroseris planulata (Dana) was investigated in the equatorial eastern Pacific region from 1985 to 1994. These zooxanthellate scleractinian corals were adversely affected in this region during the 1982–1983 El Niño warming event. Both species were hermaphroditic, with individual colonies showing sequential cosexual development, thus resulting in dominantly outbreeding reproduction. Sexuality was mixed, with high percentages of gonochoric and hermaphroditic colonies in both species. Approximately 1:1 male-to-female gonad ratios were found in gonochoric and hermaphroditic colonies combined. Broadcast spawning was observed in P. gigantea in the Galápagos Islands, and the sudden disappearance of mature gametes and the presence of spent gonads suggest that G. planulata is also a broadcast spawner. Colonies of both species with 200 cm2 (10 cm diam) live tissue were nonreproductive. Estimated ages of the youngest reproductive colonies were 11 yr for P. gigantea and 20 yr for G. planulata. The percentage of all colonies of P. gigantea with gonads at nonupwelling sites (Caño Istand, Costa Rica and Uva Island, Panamá) ranged from 37 to 47%, respectively; colonies with gonads from upwelling environments (Saboga and Taboga Islands, Panamá) ranged from 31 to 39%, respectively, and reproductively active colonies from the thermally variable Galápagos islands comprised 40% of the collections. Compared with P. gigantea, the numbers of sexually active G. planulata colonies were roughly onehalf at nonupwelling Caño Island (20%) and Uva Island (25%) sites, or less (10%) at the upwelling Saboga Island site. Peak reproductive activity in P. gigantea occurred during the rainy season at all study sites. In the nonupwelling Costa Rican (Caño Island) and Panamainan (Uva Island) sites, mean monthly sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) were high (28 to 29°C), but slightly lower than in the dry season (29°C). In the upwelling Gulf of Panamá (Saboga and Taboga Islands), reproduction occurred after mean monthly SSTs increased from 24 to 28–29°C. In the Galápagos Islands, reproductive activity peaked during sea warming, when mean monthly SSTs reached 25°C. Sexually active colonies of G. planulata, present only at the main collection sites of Caño and Uva Islands, were also observed during the wet season. The presence of mature or spawned gonalds in both species mostly around new and full lunar phases suggests that spawning is at least weakly synchronized with moon phase. Fecundity estimates disclosed the following nonsignificant differences between sites for P. gigantea, expressed as egg production cm-2 colony surface surface yr-1: Galápagos (10 300 to 30 800), Uva Island (4900 to 9800), Caño Island (1800 to 7400), Saboga Island (600 to 1300) Taboga Island (1200 to 2400). Fecundity estimates for G. planulata were considerably lower: Uva Island (700 to 1400), Caño Island (500 to 1000). The sexual recruitment of P. gigantea into El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 1982–1983-disturbed, equatorial eastern Pacific coral communities has been low, with only moderate recovery evident since 1983. G. planulata has revealed no sexual recruitment where seed populations are absent or rare (Caño Island, Galápagos Islands), and only low recruitment (Panamá) in areas with colonies that survived the ENSO disturbance.  相似文献   

St John MG  Wall DH  Hunt HW 《Ecology》2006,87(5):1314-1324
Associations between plants and animals in aboveground communities are often predictable and specific. This has been exploited for the purposes of estimating the diversity of animal species based on the diversity of plant species. The introduction of invasive alien plants into an ecosystem can result in dramatic changes in both the native plant and animal assemblages. Few data exist at the species level to determine whether belowground animal assemblages share the same degree of association to plants. The hypotheses that soil mites (Acari) form assemblages specifically associated with different native grass species in an unmanipulated natural ecosystem and that invasive alien grasses will impact soil mite assemblage composition in this setting were tested. Soil mites sampled beneath five native and two invasive alien species of grasses at the Konza Prairie Biological Station, Kansas, USA, were similarly abundant, species rich, diverse, and taxonomically distinct. No mite species had affinities for a specific grass species. There was no evidence from analysis of similarity, canonical correspondence analysis, or a nonparametric assemblage analysis that the assemblage composition of soil mites was specific to grass species. Results suggest that soil mite assemblages were more related to characteristics of the plant assemblage as a whole or prevailing soil conditions. The most recent invasive alien grass did not support a successionally younger mite fauna, based on the ratio of mesostigmatid to oribatid mites, and neither of the two invasive grasses influenced mite assemblage structure, possibly because they had not yet substantially altered the soil environment. Our results suggest that extrapolations of soil mite diversity based on assumptions of plant specificity would be invalid.  相似文献   

Explaining the coexistence of species that basically depend on the same resources has been a brainteaser for generations of ecologists. Different mechanisms have been proposed to facilitate coexistence in plant communities, where space is an important resource. Using a stochastic cellular automaton simulation model we analyze - separately and in combination - the influence of different species traits and processes which alter local competition on the coexistence of plant species over a fixed time horizon. We show that different species traits operate on different time scales in competition. We therefore suggest the concept of weak versus strong traits according to short- or long-term exclusion of species differing in these traits. As a consequence, highly non-linear trade-offs between weak and strong traits can result in communities. Furthermore, we found that trade-offs based on physiological species traits such as plant lifetime, dispersal range and plant growth, did not support broad and long-term coexistence—further processes such as density-dependent mortality and light-dependent colonization were necessary. This suggests that coexistence in plant communities requires (stabilizing) local processes to support the (equalizing) trade-offs in species traits.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of the zooxanthellate reef coral Pavona clavus was investigated at several sites in Costa Rica, Panamá, and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador) over the period 1985–2009. Pavona clavus displayed stable gonochorism as only five hermaphrodites were found in 590 samples. At four of five locations, sex ratios were skewed toward female dominance; however, at Saboga Island (Panamá) male colonies predominated. In Panamá, sexual maturity was observed in an estimated eight-year-old female colony, and several colonies of 10–20 years of age demonstrated gametogenesis. Sexual activity was observed at all study sites, but gamete development occurred in only 14–31% of colonies sampled sporadically. Seasonality of gametogenic activity occurred predominantly during the warm/wet season, June to August, at mainland sites (Caño Island, Costa Rica, and Gulfs of Chiriquí and Panamá, Panamá). This pattern was repeated in the Galápagos Islands, but mainly from March to May when seasonally high sea temperatures and rainfall prevailed there. Histological sampling and field observations indicated that spawning was centered around the full moon, most frequently on lunar day 17, and near sunset (1,800 h). Mean fecundity (mature ova cm?2 live tissue) estimates were significantly different for two sites and ranged from ~1,780 (Saboga Island, Gulf of Panamá, seasonally upwelling) to ~4,280 (Uva Is, Gulf of Chiriquí, non-upwelling). Assuming three annual spawning events colony?1 (August, September, October), extrapolation of minimum and maximum fecundities yield 5,340 and 12,840 ova cm?2 year?1. Seasonal, lunar, and diel spawning patterns in nine zooxanthellate species at Uva Island indicate asynchronous coral community spawning.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of two eastern Pacific zooxanthellate coral species was examined as part of a continuing series of studies relating bleaching/mortality events caused by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation disturbance, and is described for study sites in Costa Rica, Panamá, and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). This study deals with the sibling agariciid species Pavona varians and Pavona sp.a over a 13?yr period (1985 to 1997). Both Pavona species are broadcast-spawners with some gonochoric, but mostly sequential hermaphroditic colonies. Minimum colony sizes (and ages) at first reproduction were 5?cm (5?yr) and 3?cm (2 to 3?yr), respectively, in P. varians and Pavona sp.a. In the Panamá and Galápagos populations, gonochoric colonies spawn eggs or sperm at least monthly. Six fecundity attributes were not significantly different in the two species, but the eggs of P. varians are white to beige and positively buoyant, and those of Pavona sp.a are dark green and neutrally to negatively buoyant. Eggs of both species lack zooxanthellae. Both species are reproductively active year-round, with maximum activity in the dry season in the nonupwelling Gulf of Chiriquí, and in the wet season in the upwelling Gulf of Panamá. Spawning is predominantly during full moon, and possibly also at new moon at most study sites. Spawning in P. varians and Pavona sp.a is 12?h out of phase, with the former species spawning ~1?h before sunrise and the latter about 1?h after sunset. The fecundity of Pavona spp. at Caño and the Galápagos Islands was much greater (19?900 to 27?900 eggs cm?2?yr?1) than at all Panamá sites (14?800 to 19?800 eggs cm?2?yr?1). Intraspecific crosses in both species resulted in swimming planula larvae after 25 to 36?h. Recruitment of P. varians was highest in Panamá, moderate in Costa Rica, and nil in the Galápagos Islands, matching, respectively, the contributions of P. varians to the pre-1982/1983 El Niño coral-population abundances in these areas. Recruitment success of P. varians at Uva Island was significantly related to maximum monthly positive sea surface-temperature (SST) anomalies that occurred in the year preceding recruitment over the period 1982 to 1996; recruitment failed when SST anomalies exceeded 1.6 to 1.9?C° during the severe ENSO events of 1982/1983 and 1997/1998.  相似文献   

First-best pricing or assignment of property rights for rival and non-excludable goods is often infeasible. In a setting where the social planner cannot limit total use, we show that common-property resources can be over or under-consumed. This depends on whether the external benefits of reallocating users to less congested resources outweigh the additional costs imposed by new entrants. Importantly, we show that it may be optimal to encourage consumption of some common property resources. Our results have important implications for settings ranging from fisheries and forestry to recreational demand and transportation.  相似文献   

Contrary to the assertions of many, the rotation which maximizes the net present value of timber receipts may be longer than the rotation which maximizes average annual physical yield. This circumstance may arise even in a very simple economic model once regeneration and management costs are recognized. The most interesting situations arise with short rotation, fast growing species. Along with a theoretical comparison of the two rotation criteria, an example using Pinus patula plantations in Tanzania demonstrates the potential practical importance of this conclusion.  相似文献   

Thomson DM 《Ecology》2007,88(12):3126-3134
Models of source-sink and other spatial patch dynamics have generated a number of ideas and predictions about species range expansion, the evolution of local adaptation, and the factors influencing population persistence, but relatively few empirical studies have applied these ideas due to the difficulty of measuring both patch-specific demography and movement rates. In this study, I used a combination of mark-recapture experiments, model fitting, and demographic approaches to ask how habitat-specific differences in population growth and dispersal affect spread of the invasive grass Aegilops triuncialis into serpentine environments. A. triuncialis germinated at lower rates but exhibited equivalent survival and greater growth in edge (extreme serpentine) than in core populations, even accounting for density differences between habitats. Estimated growth rates (lambda) for four of five edge subpopulations were strongly positive, ranging from lambda = 1.32 to 2.09 without propagule input from adjacent habitat. Local dispersal was best described by an exponential kernel, with a mean dispersal distance about twice as long on the edge (0.24-0.40 m) as in the core (0.18 m). Twenty-five percent of marked spikes in the edge were not relocated within the patch, suggesting greater rates of either seed predation or long-distance dispersal that reduced population growth. These results suggest that A. triuncialis can successfully spread into extreme serpentine habitats without sustained propagule input from adjacent populations. Further, asymmetric dispersal that may be both habitat- and density-dependent could slow growth rates on the edge. This pattern may also increase the importance of harsh edge patches as a source of long-distance dispersers.  相似文献   

Laird RA  Schamp BS 《Ecology》2008,89(1):237-247
Competitive intransitivity, a situation in which species' competitive ranks cannot be listed in a strict hierarchy, promotes species coexistence through "enemy's enemy indirect facilitation." Theory suggests that intransitivity-mediated coexistence is enhanced when competitive interactions occur at local spatial scales, although this hypothesis has not been thoroughly tested. Here, we use a lattice model to investigate the effect of local vs. global competition on intransitivity-mediated coexistence across a range of species richness values and levels of intransitivity. Our simulations show that local competition can enhance intransitivity-mediated coexistence in the short-term, yet hinder it in the long-term, when compared to global competition. This occurs because local competition slows species disaggregation, allowing weaker competitors to persist longer in the shifting spatial refuges of intransitive networks, enhancing short-term coexistence. Conversely, our simulations show that, in the long-term, local competition traps disaggregated species in unfavorable areas of the competitive arena, where they are excluded by superior competitors. As a result, in the long-term, global intransitive competition allows a greater number of species to coexist than local intransitive competition.  相似文献   

Pre-spawning reproductive biology and population structure of the sea cucumber Isostichopus fuscus were analysed at the Caamaño Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador on a monthly basis between January 1995 and June 1996. An average of 25 individuals of all sizes were collected each month. Using microscopic characteristics of the gonads three gonadal stages were described: (1) immature; (2) mature, and (3) spent. Mature individuals showed statistically different morphometric characteristics. I. fuscus was continuously sexually mature throughout the year independent of changes in sea water temperature. Mean oocyte diameter indicated planktotrophic larval development. Mean fecundity for this species was 567,884 (±95,528 SE) eggs per gonad. Size at first maturity was between 161.0 and 170.9 g drained weight and the smallest individual found with mature gonads had a drained weight between 121.0 and 130.9 g. The population sampled ranged between 13 and 31 cm (81.0–400.0 g) with less than 10% of the population of individuals ≥25 cm (≥300.0 g). No juveniles were recorded.  相似文献   

Lu M  Wingfield MJ  Gillette N  Sun JH 《Ecology》2011,92(11):2013-2019
Novel genotypes often arise during biological invasions, but their role in invasion success has rarely been elucidated. Here we examined the population genetics and behavior of the fungus, Leptographium procerum, vectored by a highly invasive bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, to determine whether genetic changes in the fungus contributed to the invasive success of the beetle-fungal complex in China. The fungus was introduced by the beetle from the United States to China, where we identified several novel genotypes using microsatellite markers. These novel genotypes were more pathogenic to Chinese host seedlings than were other genotypes and they also induced the release of higher amounts of 3-carene, the primary host attractant for the beetle vector, from inoculated seedlings. This evidence suggests a possible mechanism, based on the evolution of a novel genotype during the two or three decades since its introduction, for the success of the beetle-fungal complex in its introduced region.  相似文献   

In seasonal environments, vertebrates are generally thought to time their reproduction so offspring are raised during the peak of food abundance. The mismatch hypothesis predicts that reproductive success is maximized when animals synchronize their reproduction with the food supply. Understanding the mechanisms influencing the timing of reproduction has taken on new urgency as climate change is altering environmental conditions during reproduction, and there is concern that species will not be able to synchronize their reproduction with changing food supplies. Using data from five sites over 24 years (37 site-years), we tested the assumptions of the mismatch hypothesis in the Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), a widespread aerial insectivore, whose timing of egg-laying has shifted earlier by nine days since the 1950s. Contrary to the mismatch hypothesis, the start of egg-laying was strongly related to food abundance (flying insect biomass) during the laying period and not to timing of the seasonal peak in food supply. In fact, food abundance generally continued to increase throughout the breeding season, and there was no evidence of selection based on the mistiming of laying with the seasonal peak of food abundance. In contrast, there was selection for laying earlier, because birds that lay earlier generally have larger clutches and fledge more young. Overall, initial reproductive decisions in this insectivore appear to be based on the food supply during egg formation and not the nestling period. Thus, the mismatch hypothesis may not apply in environments with relatively constant or abundant food throughout the breeding season. Although climate change is often associated with earlier reproduction, our results caution that it is not necessarily driven by selection for synchronized reproduction.  相似文献   

Plant biomass partitioning is an important driver of whole-plant net carbon gain, as biomass allocation could directly affect plant's future growth and reproduction. Alpine meadow in the northwestern Sichuan was impressed by the abundant community structure and species diversity. This study on biomass allocation pattern of different functional types and lifeforms might help understand plant life-history strategy of alpine meadow plants. We investigated 72 dominant herbaceous species for their compartments, biomass, and morphological traits during 2012-2014. These plants were sampled from natural grassland, disturbed grassland, and wintergreen grassland; they belonged to three functional types (grass, sedge, and forb) and two lifeforms (annual and perennial). The scaling relationships between functional traits of these plants were analyzed using Model type II regression method to estimate the parameters of the allometric equations. (1) Biomass allocation proportion of components significantly differed among grasses, sedges, and forbs owing to phylogeny: grasses had the highest stem biomass percentage, sedges had higher root biomass percentage, and forbs had higher leaf biomass percentage, but the scaling relationships were not significantly different, and isometric scaling was noted between biomass components for the three functional types. (2) Moreover, plant lifeforms affected the biomass allocation proportion of components, owing to the shorter or longer turnover rate and investment strategy between annual and perennial species. Annuals allocated more biomass to the stem and reproduction organs, but perennials invested more biomass to the leaves and roots. (3) In addition, plants from different grassland types differed in both biomass and morphology traits. Moreover, forbs from natural grassland and wintergreen grassland had higher leaf and reproductive biomass, but those from disturbed grasslands had higher stem biomass. Our results suggest that the functional type and lifeform decide the inherent scaling relationships between components of plants, but anthropogenic disturbance significantly impacted the quantity of component biomass. This study has important theoretical and practical significance to understand the response of alpine plants to climate change and anthropogenic disturbance as well as to help in the scientific management of alpine meadow. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Coastal eutrophication is thought to cause excessive growth of epiphytes in eelgrass beds, threatening the health and survival of these ecologically and economically valuable ecosystems worldwide. Mesograzers, small crustacean and gastropod grazers, have the potential to prevent seagrass loss by grazing preferentially and efficiently on epiphytes. We tested the impact of three mesograzers on epiphyte biomass and eelgrass productivity under threefold enriched nutrient concentrations in experimental indoor mesocosm systems under summer conditions. We compared the results with earlier identical experiments that were performed under ambient nutrient supply. The isopod Idotea baltica, the periwinkle Littorina littorea, and the small gastropod Rissoa membranacea significantly reduced epiphyte load under high nutrient supply with Rissoa being the most efficient grazer, but only high densities of Littorina and Rissoa had a significant positive effect on eelgrass productivity. Although all mesograzers increased epiphyte ingestion with higher nutrient load, most likely as a functional response to the quantitatively and qualitatively better food supply, the promotion of eelgrass growth by Idotea and Rissoa was diminished compared to the study performed under ambient nutrient supply. Littorina maintained the level of its positive impact on eelgrass productivity regardless of nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

To provide information on reclamation of multi-heavy metal polluted soils with conception of phytostabilization, a field survey on the uptake and accumulation of potentially toxic elements such as antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in colonized plant species around the world’s largest antimony mine area, China, was conducted. Samples including leaves and shoots (including roots and stems) of colonized plants as well as rhizospheric soils were collected from eight sampling zones in the studied area. The results showed that the contents of Cu, Zn, and Pb in rhizospheric soils below plants were comparable to the corresponding background values of Hunan province, otherwise Sb, Cd, and As contents were extremely high (17–106, 17–87, and 3–7 times of the corresponding background values). The highest concentration of Sb was found in Aster subulatus (410 mg kg?1); Cd, As, and Zn were in Herba bidentis bipinnatae (10.9, 264, and 265 mg kg?1, respectively); and Cu was in Artemisia lavandulaefolia (27.1 mg kg?1). It also exhibited that all the contents of As in leaves were several times of those in shoots of plants, Cd and other heavy metals showed in a similar pattern in several studied species, implying that the uptake route of these heavy metals via foliar might contribute to the accumulation. With high bioconcentration factors of heavy metals (more than 1, except for Zn), together with the growth abundance, Herba bidentis bipinnatae was considered as the most suitable colonized species for phytostabilization of the multi-heavy metal pollution in soils on this antimony mine area.  相似文献   

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