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论述了对安全生产工作不能有丝毫麻痹思想,麻痹本身就是事故隐患,并以麻痹酿成事故的生动实例告诫人们麻痹是安全的大敌。  相似文献   

黄柏 《劳动保护》2008,(1):72-73
“深刻吸取事故教训,避免同类事故的发生”是事故发生后,人们常说的一句话。但有些单位和领导压根儿就没把事故教训当回事儿,更有甚者,有的单位竟然还能在两年内“前赴后继”,重复发生“一样”的事故。请看下面的几起典型事故案例。  相似文献   

今年以来,全国安全生产形势继续保持稳定好转的发展态势,但近期金属与非金属矿山、煤矿、交通等行业领域接连发生多起重大事故。特别是,3月29日,位于中国黄金集团华泰龙公司甲玛矿区内的西藏自治区墨竹工卡县扎西岗乡斯布村普朗沟泽日山发生山体自然滑坡,造成83名工人被埋:3月29日、4月l日,吉林省通化矿业公司八宝煤矿先后发生两起重大瓦斯爆炸事故,共造成53人死亡,等等,给人民群众生命财产造成了重大损失。  相似文献   

本人从1956年参加工作,由基层到市级领导机关,一直从事煤矿中的矿井通风、防尘、防瓦斯、防灭火(简称一通三防)工作。40年中,徐州地区矿山系统共发生死亡3人以上的重大“一通三防”事故19起,死亡370人,伤175人。其中瓦斯爆炸事故4起,死亡69人;伤64人;瓦斯窒息事故4起,死亡对人;火灾事故5起,死亡64人,伤引人;煤尘爆炸事故6起,死亡216人,伤64人。为了从这些事故中吸取教训,减少“一通三防”重大事故的重复发生,笔者将这些事故的发生概况和直接原因,以及应该吸取的教训介绍如下,供摘矿山安全工作的同志借鉴。一、事故概况…  相似文献   

古人云:"防为上、救次之、戒为下"。安全预防工作如果能够预想、预防、实干在前,将会起到事半功倍的效果。预想在前。工作前要进行安全预想,思考在工作中应该怎样预防安全事故的发生,要想到通过什么方法和措施,才能保证安全生产。管理者应建立  相似文献   

今年以来,全国安全生产形势继续保持稳定好转的发展态势,但近期煤矿、交通等行业领域接连发生多起重大事故。3月18日,云南省保山市隆阳区发生客车翻车事故,造成15人死亡;同日,天津光阳海运有限公司一轮船在渤海山东龙口港海域发生倾覆事故,造成12人死亡、2人失踪;3月29日、4月1日,吉林省通化矿业公司八宝煤矿先后发生两起重大  相似文献   

<正>安委办明电[2014]8号各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团安全生产委员会,国务院安委会有关成员单位,有关中央企业:近期,全国接连发生多起建筑施工事故,给人民群众生命财产造成重大损失,其中典型的6起事故分别是:2014年5月3日13时许,广东省茂名市高州市深镇镇良坪村委会坑口村一座在建石拱桥突然发生坍塌,造成11人死亡、16人受伤。据初步调查,该工程无立项报建、无招投标,无合法设计,无资质施工、无资质监理,在施工过程中由于拱桥下支撑体系不符合规范要求、施工顺序安排不合理、主要原材料不合格而导致拱桥坍塌。  相似文献   

为吸取湖南长沙“12·27”施工升降机坠落事故教训,2008年12月30日,住房和城乡建设部、国家安监总局发出《关于认真吸取长沙“12·27”施工升降机坠落事故教训切实加强建筑安全生产工作的紧急通知》(以下简称《通知》),要求进一步加强建筑施工安全监管工作。  相似文献   

This study empirically identified crucial safety assessment criteria for enhancing ferry safety and compare difference between ferry passengers’, ferry operators’, academics’ and ferry governors’ perceptions of their level of importance in Taiwan. Exploratory factor analysis was subsequently conducted to summarize the safety assessment items into underlying dimensions. Six dimensions were identified, namely: safety equipment, ship structure, ship documentation inspection, safety instructions, navigation and communication, and crew members’ ability. Further analysis indicated that crew members’ ability was the most important dimension in the passenger ferry context, followed by safety equipment, ship structure, navigation and communication, ship documentation inspection, and safety instructions. Differences between passengers’ academics’, ferry operations’ and ferry governors’ perceptions of the level importance of the safety assessment dimensions were found. Implications of the study findings for improving the safety of passenger ferry services are discussed.  相似文献   

Distinctiveness theory posits that patterns of social identity and friendship are based on numeric rarity within specific contexts. In ethnically diverse organizations, the theory predicts that members of the smaller ethnic group (relative to members of the larger ethnic group) will: (a) tend to identify and form friendships within their own ethnic group, and (b) lack access to well‐connected individuals in the network of friendship relations. Prior tests have supported these predictions, but they have been unable to rule out the possibility that it was chronic differences in social status and numeric representation in society at large (rather than numeric distinctiveness within specific contexts) that explained the observed patterns of social identity and friendship. In this field‐based study, we examined an organization whose social composition effectively controlled for these confounds. We found that members of the smaller ethnic group tended to identify and form friendships within group, as predicted by distinctiveness theory. However, in contrast to previous work, we found that members of the smaller ethnic group were equally well connected to the center of the friendship network as were the members of the larger ethnic group. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study concerns the moderating role of two variables—hardiness and social support—in the relation between job stressors and well-being. It was checked if there is a connection between hardiness and social support, and if these variables are directly related to the level of well-being. It was also hypothesized that hardiness and social support buffer the negative influence of stressors on well-being. The fact that social support and well-being are multidimensional variables was taken into account.

The cross-sectional study was conducted on a group of 200 women employed as office workers. The results showed that hardiness correlates with the indexes of emotional support as well as practical support coming from supervisors. The connection, however, was not strong. Hardiness and social support were directly connected with the level of well-being. Interaction of these two independent variables played a marginal role. As far as the buffering role of these variables was concerned, the results have shown that hardiness did not play a buffering role and social support did to a limited degree only.

The results of the study proved that it is justifiable to treat social support and well-being as multidimensional variables.  相似文献   

一般来讲,劳动合同的条款分为必备条款和协议条款两大类.必备条款是指法律规定必须具备的条款,如劳动合同期限、工作内容、劳动保护和劳动条件、工作报酬、劳动纪律、合同终止条件、违反合同的责任等.而协议条款则是除必备条款外,用工双方根据实际需要,在不违反法律的前提下,通过平等协商约定的其他条款.协议条款的内容可多可少,涉及的事项可大可小,是对法定条款的补充或细化.据了解,在许多国有企业,劳动合同书大都是仅有法定条款,没有与职工个人约定协商条款.尽管这样并不违反《劳动法》,但是在实际工作中却使劳动合同管理在某些方面,特别是一些小的方面,难有作为.  相似文献   

3月 2 6~ 2 7日召开的全国安全生产宣传工作会议上 ,国家安全生产监督管理局局长张宝明强调指出 ,安全生产监督要充分发挥新闻媒体的作用 ,把握好正确的舆论导向 ,实施有效的舆论监督。他说 ,新闻宣传工作要介入事故调查 ,增强重特大事故处理的透明度。但是 ,具体说来 ,在安全  相似文献   

There is substantial and consistent evidence from research that highly publicized, highly visible, and frequent sobriety checkpoints in the United States reduce impaired driving fatal crashes by 18% to 24%. Although checkpoints are not conducted in 13 states for legal or policy reasons, there is strong evidence that if conducted appropriately, checkpoints would save lives in the other states. However, a recent survey of checkpoint use has demonstrated that despite the efforts of the U.S. Department of Transportation to encourage checkpoint use through publications, providing funds for equipment, and for officer overtime expenses, only about a dozen of the 37 states that conduct checkpoints do so on a weekly basis. The survey found that lack of local police resources and funding, lack of support by task forces and citizen activists, and the perception that checkpoints are not productive or cost effective are the main reasons for their infrequent use. This article discusses each of these problems and suggests a method for local communities to implement checkpoints without depending on state or federal funds. Low-staffing sobriety checkpoints conducted by as few as three to five officers have been shown to be just as effective as checkpoints conducted by 15 or more officers. A modified sobriety checkpoint program using passive alcohol sensors ("PASpoints") can be implemented by small- to moderate-sized communities in the United States to deter impaired driving. If implemented in a majority of communities, this strategy has a potential level of effectiveness similar to the high level achieved by several Australian states in their random breath-test (RBT) programs. The PASpoint system calls for a small group of three to five officers on traffic patrol duty to converge on a preset site and conduct a mini-checkpoint, returning to their standard patrol duties within two hours. Within this framework, the PASpoint operation would become a standard driving under the influence (DUI) enforcement technique regularly used within the community's jurisdiction. As a standard traffic enforcement activity, the cost would be covered by the normal enforcement budget.  相似文献   

李春田先生是我国著名标准化专家。著作颇丰,多年来对我国标准化事业作出了重要贡献。该文是他近期力作之一。文章以辩证唯物的观点,理论联系实际的学风。深入浅出地阐述了标准化的两重性。警示我们在标准化工作中要趋利避害。努力促进技术进步和经济发展。这对奋战在各条战线上的企业家和关心标准化的广大读者是一个很好的忠告,建议认真一读。  相似文献   

伊平 《安全》2006,27(6):4-5
1 引言 安全是人类最基本的需要,是构建和谐社会的重要标准.只有实现了安全生产,员工的生命和健康才有保证,家庭的平安幸福才有保证,人民的安居乐业才能实现.在安全生产中积极搭建员工参与安全管理的平台,运用和谐平等的理念进行安全管理将对提升安全生产水平具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

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