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Ion balance calculations were used to estimate the charge density of total organic carbon (TOC) and for calibrating the model of Oliver et al. (1983) for Finnish lakes. The database consisted of samples collected in the autumn of 1987 from 955 randomly selected lakes covering the whole country. Organic anion concentrations were estimated as the difference between Sigma cations and Sigma inorganic anions. The charge density of TOC was estimated by dividing the organic anion concentration by TOC. The median charge density was 7.5 microeq (mg TOC)(-1). In lakes with pH values lower than 4.5 the average charge density was 5.2 microeq (mg TOC)(-1) and it increased to 10.3 microeq (mg TOC)(-1) in lakes with pH higher than or equal to 7.0. The calibrated model explained 79% of the observed variability in organic anion concentration. The value for the total amount of acidic functional groups per mol organic carbon in the model of Oliver et al. (1983) was slightly higher compared to the Finnish calibration. At pH values higher than 4.4 the Finnish calibration gives lower organic anion concentrations compared to the model of Oliver et al. (1983).  相似文献   

We examined habitat-specific bioaccumulation of methylmercury (MeHg) in aquatic food webs by comparing concentrations in pelagic zooplankton to those in littoral macroinvertebrates from 52 mid-latitude lakes in North America. Invertebrate MeHg concentrations were primarily correlated with water pH, and after controlling for this influence, pelagic zooplankton had significantly higher MeHg concentrations than littoral primary consumers but lower MeHg than littoral secondary consumers. Littoral primary consumers and pelagic zooplankton are two dominant prey for fish, and greater MeHg in zooplankton is likely sufficient to increase bioaccumulation in pelagic feeders. Intensive sampling of 8 lakes indicated that habitat-specific bioaccumulation in invertebrates (of similar trophic level) may result from spatial variation in aqueous MeHg concentration or from more efficient uptake of aqueous MeHg into the pelagic food web. Our findings demonstrate that littoral-pelagic differences in MeHg bioaccumulation are widespread in small mid-latitude lakes.  相似文献   

Three simple steady-state water-chemistry models are used to calculate critical loads of sulfur for lakes in Finland. Because of the high concentrations of organic matter in Finnish lakes, the influence of organic anions on the calculation of critical loads has been given special attention. The first two methods are well known ion-balance methods which have been used in many previous lake-acidification studies. The third method, developed for this study, includes the numerical solution of equilibrium equations for organic anions, inorganic carbon species and inorganic monomeric aluminum. The original pH and aluminum concentration of the lakes are estimated with this model, and a method to estimate the original acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) by simulating a Gran-titration is also tested on the lake data. Uncertainty in the predictions is estimated by varying the most critical model parameters.  相似文献   

Fifty-six headwater Canadian Shield lakes were repetitively sampled from 1979 to 88 to determine their response to changes in acidic deposition of the period. Annual wet sulphate loadings varied between 38 and 83 meq m(-2), with highest deposition in the late 1970s followed by somewhat lower but variable deposition in the 1980s. Median pH of the lakes increased 0.42 pH units from 1979 to 1985 and decreased by 0.15 units between 1985 and 1988. Short water renewal times (x=1.1 y) promoted rapid equilibration. Since lake were so responsive to changes in SO4(2-) inputs, they were at or near steady state at all times. Comparison of predicted original pH and ANC with 1979 data indicate a median decline of 0.45 pH units and a loss of 34 microeq litre(-1). ANC. Four of 9 lakes were found to be historically fishless, based on the continued presence of Chaoborus americanus in sediment cores. The remaining five lakes historically had fish populations, but fish were not collected in 1979 when pH ranged betwen 4.6 and 5.3. By 1987, fish species were found in five of these lakes where pH had increased on average by 0.9 pH units. Our data indicate that water quality improvements could allow for the reinvasion or resumption of recruitment for a significant number of Ontario lakes.  相似文献   

Lake-sediment records across the Northern Hemisphere show increases in atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic mercury (Hg) over the last 150 years. Most of the previous studies have examined remote lakes affected by the global atmospheric Hg reservoir. In this study, we present Hg flux records from lakes in an urban/suburban setting of central New York affected also by local and regional emissions. Sediment cores were collected from the Otisco and Skaneateles lakes from the Finger Lakes region, Cross Lake, a hypereutrophic lake on the Seneca River, and Glacial Lake, a small seepage lake with a watershed that corresponds with the lake area. Sediment accumulation rates and dates were established by 210Pb. The pre-anthropogenic regional atmospheric Hg flux was estimated to be 3.0 μg m−2 yr−1 from Glacial Lake, which receives exclusively direct atmospheric deposition. Mercury fluxes peaked during 1971–2001, and were 3 to more than 30 times greater than pre-industrial deposition. Land use change and urbanization in the Otisco and Cross watersheds during the last century likely enhanced sediment loads and Hg fluxes to the lakes. Skaneateles and Glacial lakes have low sediment accumulation rates, and thus are excellent indicators for atmospheric Hg deposition. In these lakes, we found strong correlations with emission records for the Great Lakes region that markedly increased in the early 1900s, and peaked during WWII and in the early 1970s. Declines in modern Hg fluxes are generally evident in the core records. However, the decrease in sediment Hg flux at Glacial Lake was interrupted and has increased since the early 1990s probably due to the operation of new local emission sources. Assuming the global Hg reservoir tripled since the pre-industrial period, the contribution of local and regional emission sources to central New York lakes was estimated to about 80% of the total atmospheric Hg deposition.  相似文献   

Societal and governmental pressures to reduce diesel exhaust emissions are reflected in the existing and projected future heavy-duty certification standards of these emissions. Various factors affect the amount of emissions produced by a heterogeneous charge diesel engine in any given situation, but these are poorly quantified in the existing literature. The parameters that most heavily affect the emissions from compression ignition engine-powered vehicles include vehicle class and weight, driving cycle, vehicle vocation, fuel type, engine exhaust aftertreatment, vehicle age, and the terrain traveled. In addition, engine control effects (such as injection timing strategies) on measured emissions can be significant. Knowing the effect of each aspect of engine and vehicle operation on the emissions from diesel engines is useful in determining methods for reducing these emissions and in assessing the need for improvement in inventory models. The effects of each of these aspects have been quantified in this paper to provide an estimate of the impact each one has on the emissions of diesel engines.  相似文献   

Satisfactory measures of the biological-oxygen-uptake rate in headspace-gas respirometers can only be achieved if the rate of oxygen transfer from the headspace gas to liquid is greater than the rate of oxygen uptake by microorganisms. In the authors' study, factors potentially affecting oxygen-transfer limitations in headspace-gas respirometers were evaluated quantitatively. Tests were conducted to measure maximum-oxygen-uptake rates by operating a respirometer under various test conditions. Analysis of respirometric data indicated that limiting oxygen-transfer rates were related to mixing intensity, length of magnetic stirring bar, volume of sample, and oxygen content in the headspace gas. A multivariable model was developed to describe the overall contribution of these factors to the limiting oxygen-transfer rate. This model should be useful for estimating maximum-oxygen-transfer rates for essentially all headspace-gas respirometers.  相似文献   

污泥酸化速率影响因子的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用城市污水厂污泥作为嗜酸微生物菌株来源,通过添加一定量的单质硫,使其中的嗜酸硫杆菌群大量增殖,并使污泥pH大幅降低.取得的培养物可用于废旧干电池中重金属沥滤等的处理.由于培养物对重金属沥滤效率和污泥的酸化速率密切相关,为此进行了不同的污泥种类、加硫量、污泥浓度和曝气强度对污泥酸化速率影响的实验.实验表明,初沉泥、二沉泥和混合浓缩污泥都能迅速利用硫产酸;加硫量(以100 mL污泥计)在0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 g时,快速酸化的趋势相同.0.5 g的加硫量显示出略微慢的酸化速率,最后达到的最低pH在1.2左右,其他三个都降至1.0以下.污泥质量分数在0.5%、1.0%、2.0%、3.0%、4.0%时,也具有相同的酸化趋势,0.5%质量分数的污泥下降速率最快,这与较低浓度下污泥对pH的缓冲能力较小有关;曝气强度在0.45 L/min和0.3 L/min差别较小,5 d内能迅速降低pH,0.2 L/min的酸化速率较慢,足够长的时间(12 d)也能将pH降至2.5左右,0.1 L/min的曝气强度的酸化速率最慢,不能达到预期的酸化效果.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the degradation of amoxicillin in composting toilet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kakimoto T  Funamizu N 《Chemosphere》2007,66(11):2219-2224
The biological and non-biological factors that affect the degradation of amoxicillin in the composting process of feces have been investigated. The effect of living bacteria and the enzyme (beta-lactamase) on amoxicillin decay was examined, and our results indicated that the biological effects are likely to be negligible. Consequently, the effect of phosphate, ammonia and pH level as non-biological factors was investigated by monitoring the reduction rate of amoxicillin in phosphate and ammonia buffer solutions with several pH levels. Each reduction rate constant was integrated by a simulation model, and the each calculated amoxicillin reduction profile was compared to the reduction profiles of amoxicillin in the composting process of feces. The calculated results corresponded almost exactly to the experimental profiles. We therefore concluded that the degradation of amoxicillin in a toilet matrix was dependent on the concentration of ammonia, phosphate and hydroxyl ion.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the biodegradability of biodegradable polyester in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biodegradabilities of two polyester, P(3HB-co-3HV) and PCL, in soil were studied to examine the factors affecting the biodegradability of biodegradable plastics in soil. The polymers were mixed with soil and the time course of the biodegradation of the polymer was measured by analyzing the residual polymer. The polymer biodegraded little in early period of the test, but did in the first-order kinetics after a certain time which was dependent on the test substance and soil used. The rate constant and the induction period of the biodegradation were determined from the residual curve. The rate constant and the induction period for P(3HB-co-3HV) increased and reached to the constant values with increasing the particle size of the test substance. Both values depended on the kind of test soil and on the sampling date for the same kind of soil. The variation in the biodegradability among the same kind of soil was primarily attributed to the variation in water content of the soil. The rate constant and the induction period of PCL were smaller and longer than P(3HB-co-3HV), respectively.  相似文献   

Measurements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and several meteorological and chemical parameters were made for 34 rain events which occurred in Miami, Florida between April, 1995 and October, 1996. The measured H2O2 concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 38.6 μM with an average concentration of 6.9 μM. A strong seasonal dependence for H2O2 concentrations was observed during this period, with highest concentrations in the summer and lower levels in the winter, which corresponds to the stronger solar radiation and higher vaporization of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the summer and fall, and the weaker sunlight and lower vaporization in the winter and spring. Measurements also showed a significant increase trend of H2O2 with increasing ambient rainwater temperature. Rains that were out from lower latitude were exposed to higher solar irradiation and contained relatively higher levels of H2O2 than those from the north. All these observations indicate that photochemical reactions that involved volatile organic compounds are the predominant source of H2O2 observed in rainwater. During several individual rainstorms, H2O2 concentration was found to increase as a function of time due to electrical storm activities. This finding suggests that lightning could be an important factor that determines the level of H2O2 during thunderstorms. Statistical data showed that the highest concentrations of H2O2 were observed only in rains containing low levels of nonsea-salt sulfate (NSS), nitrate and hydrogen ion. H2O2 concentrations in continental originated rains were much lower than marine originated ones, indicating that air pollutants in continental rains could significantly deplete the H2O2 concentration in atmospheric gas-phase, clouds and rainwater.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of inorganic mercury (HgI) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) by benthic organisms and subsequent trophic transfer couples the benthic and pelagic realms of aquatic systems and provides a mechanism for transfer of sedimentary contaminants to aquatic food chains. Experiments were performed to investigate the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of particle-associated HgI and MMHg by the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus to further understand the controls on bioaccumulation by benthic organisms. HgI and MMHg are particle reactive and have a strong affinity for organic matter, a potential food source for amphipods. Microcosm laboratory experiments were performed to determine the effects of organic matter on Hg bioaccumulation and to determine the major route of Hg uptake (i.e. sediment ingestion, uptake from water/porewater, or uptake from 'food'). Amphipods living in organic-rich sediment spiked with Hg accumulated less Hg than those living in sediments with a lower organic matter content. Feeding had a significant impact on the amount of HgI and MMHg accumulated. Similarly, amphipods living in water with little organic matter accumulated more Hg than those living in water with a greater percentage of organic matter. MMHg was more readily available for uptake than HgI. Experimental results, coupled with results from a bioaccumulation model, suggest that accumulation of HgI and MMHg from sediment cannot be accurately predicted based solely on the total Hg, or even the MMHg, concentration of the sediment, and sediment-based bioaccumulation factors. All routes of exposure need to be considered in determining the accumulation of HgI and MMHg from sediment to benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation rates in the subsurface are not only limited by the physiological capacity of the organisms, but also by inefficient supply of nutrients to the microbes. Although mass transfer limitation of biodegradation in the subsurface has been postulated for years, experimental evidence is still scarce. In the column experiments described here, diffusive transport of 4-nitroanisole from the bulk solution to cells of Rhodococcus opacus strain AS2 immobilized on glass beads or sand appeared to be responsible for the slow transformation rates observed. Assuming steady state, we applied a coupled transformation/transport equation to these data (Best equation) and apparent bead-related mass transfer coefficients were found to increase in proportion to the surface area covered with bacteria. This implies that mass transfer coefficients for individual cells remained constant. In an idealized oligotrophic environment where cells are only loosely clustered and do not shield each other, we would therefore expect biodegradation rates to be independent from the longitudinal distribution of the total biomass along a given flow path. Moreover, apparent mass transfer coefficients increased with the grain size of the column fillings, but did not change upon varying the flow rate. With a limiting external transport step, overall transformation fluxes do not become saturated at concentrations as low as predicted for Michaelis-Menten-type kinetics. Mass transfer limitation thus offers a justification for the common assumption that biodegradation rates in the subsurface follow first order kinetics in a wide concentration range.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the concentrations of PM10 in central Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kuo CY  Chen PT  Lin YC  Lin CY  Chen HH  Shih JF 《Chemosphere》2008,70(7):1273-1279
In this study, the synoptic weather types that have high probability and low probability of producing PM10 episode are referred to as HPE and LPE, respectively. Multiple linear regressions analysis showed that NO2 was the most important contributor (35.61%) to the concentrations of PM10 for HPE weather. For LPE weather, the season factor had the greatest contribution (48.11%) to the concentrations of PM10. Using the correlation coefficients between the concentrations of PM10 and SO2 or NO2 on HPE and LPE to calculate the increase of PM10 from LPE to HPE, we found that the increase of PM10 owing to the increase of SO2 and NO2 from LPE to HPE was 12.93microg/m3 which was about 51% of the total amount of PM10 increased from LPE to HPE. Results of factor analysis showed that the first component could be attributed to the result of local pollution especially for the weather patterns of types P3 and P6, while the secondary component for the weather patterns of types P1 and P4 can be attributed to the long-range transport of SO2 pollutants from China.  相似文献   

以柴油为污染物,通过一维砂柱实验模拟油污土壤中柴油去除过程,从油水界面张力(IFT)角度分析溶液pH、淋滤速度和表面活性物质对除油效果的影响。结果表明,延长油水接触时间、升高或降低蒸馏水pH值均使油水界面张力下降,低淋滤速度下单位孔隙体积水中石油浓度较大,而水溶液pH的变化对除油效果影响不明显。十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)和乙醇使油水界面张力显著下降,因此表面活性物质的除油效率明显高于蒸馏水,乙醇溶液的除油效率随着体积浓度的增加而升高。从石油释放动力学方程计算的柴油累积释放量看,50%乙醇除油效率最高,8 mmol/L SDS溶液次之,在淋洗初期柴油去除效果最为明显,而在中期和后期除油率增加幅度逐渐减小。  相似文献   

Precipitation was collected during 1984 and 1985 at two sites in southeastern Arizona within 100 km of two copper smelters. The precipitation-depth-weighted mean pH was 4.63 and wet sulfate deposition was 8.9 kg ha−1 over a 13-month period. High acidity and sulfate concentration occurred when upper-level winds were from the directions of the smelters. A smelter ‘fingerprint’, based on antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc, was identified, and used to evaluate the smelter contribution to precipitation sulfate on an annually-averaged basis. The variations in the relative proportions of these trace metals were too large to permit application of the method to individual precipitation events.  相似文献   

Increasing human activity continues to threaten peatlands, and as the area of natural mires declines, our obligation is to restore their ecosystem functions. Several restoration strategies have been developed for restoration of extracted peatlands, including “The moss layer transfer method”, which was initiated on the Tässi extracted peatland in central Estonia in May 2012. Three-year study shows that despite the fluctuating water table, rainfall events can compensate for the insufficient moisture for mosses. Total plant cover on the restoration area attained 70 %, of which ~60 % is comprised of target species—Sphagnum mosses. From restoration treatments, spreading of plant fragments had a significant positive effect on the cover of bryophyte and vascular plants. Higher water table combined with higher plant fragments spreading density and stripping of oxidised peat layer affected positively the cover of targeted Sphagnum species. The species composition in the restoration area became similar to that in the donor site in a natural bog. Based on results, it was concluded that the method approved for restoration in North America gives good results also in the restoration of extracted peatland towards re-establishment of bog vegetation under northern European conditions.  相似文献   

对羟基磷灰石(HAp)吸附水溶液中Zn2 的各种影响因素进行了系统的研究.实验结果表明,去除率与Zn2 的初始浓度呈负相关关系;酸性环境不利于HAp对Zn2 的吸附,随着pH值的增加去除率迅速升高,当pH值升到10左右时,去除率几乎接近100%,之后随着碱性的增强去除率反而下降;去除率与作用时间、HAp的用量和作用温度呈正相关关系.HAp对水溶液中Zn2 的吸附符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,它对Zn2 的最大吸附容量为6.72 mg/g.  相似文献   

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