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世界替工农业及其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对世界替代农业的主要类型和特点、中国的生态农业与发达国家的替代农业的区别以及世界替代农业存在的主要问题进行了较详细的阐述,最后对世界替共农业的发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

合理利用秸秆养分资源可替代部分化肥使用,是种植业减肥增效并促进农业绿色发展的重要途径之一,探明广东省主要农作物秸秆养分资源量及其替代化肥潜力,对于全省化肥减施增效、农业绿色生产具有重要意义.该研究以广东省主要农作物水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、玉米(Zea mays L.)、薯类(Dioscorea escu...  相似文献   

有机磷农药的残留、毒性及前景展望   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
马瑾  潘根兴  万洪富  祝坚 《生态环境》2003,12(2):213-215
有机磷农药自问世到现在已有70年的历史。因为它的高效、快速、广谱等特点,一直在农药中占有很重要的位置,对世界农业的发展起了很重要的作用。但随着它的不断使用,也暴露出了很多问题,如高残留、毒性强等,尤其在环保意识日益增强的今天,其暴露的问题引起了人们的高度重视。文章主要对有机磷农药的残留、毒性作了初步的分析,指出尽快开发替代产品是今后使用有机磷农药的方向。  相似文献   

农业与肥料:肥料展望-它们在供养这个世界方面的作用,环境挑战,有替代办法吗?Oluf Chr.Bckman,Ola Kaarstad,Ole H.Lie和lan Richards著.Norsk Hydro公司农业集团(1990).ISBN 82-90861-01-X;245页 Norsk Hydro公司农业集团是年产1200万吨肥料的生产者,它在这本书中清楚地表明它对农业的未来有明显的兴趣。它也有一个关于农业和肥料使用的大型知识库,是公司85年来作为国际市场上的肥料生产商的经验积累。  相似文献   

病虫害综合防治(1PM)技术旨在结合生物、农学及物理防治方法,合理使用化学农药,降低农业生产成本,保护农业劳动者健康和生态环境.以联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、环境保护部对外合作中心和全国农业技术推广中心联合启动实施的“中国含滴滴涕三氯杀螨醇生产控制及IPM技术替代全额示范项目”为例,系统分析影响农户参与IPM培训积极性的主要因素.结果表明,农户种植规模对农户参与IPM培训的积极性影响显著,学员性别和年龄不是影响其参加培训积极性的显著因素;学员参加培训的次数越多,其对IPM技术的采纳率越高.农民田间学校应更多地吸收老人和妇女参加三氯杀螨醇替代技术及IPM培训  相似文献   

近些年来,国内外在为石油农业寻找出路而开展的“替代农业”研究中,特别是在我国传统有机农业经验基础上所开展的各种综合农业研究,取得了丰硕的成果,积累了丰富的经验。只有在系统地研究自然界物质运动形态发展的历史、人类社会物质生产形态发展的历史与自然科学学科发展的历史,系统地研究我国和世界农业发展的历史与人类农业知识发展的历史,系统地研究农业工业化的历史与农业现代化的现状,系统地研究现代科学与现代农业科学的全部成果的基础上,将所有这些新鲜成果和经验结合起来加以综合研究,才能为我国农业现代化跳过石油农业阶段走直接实现综合化的道路,提供系统的而不是零散的知识,选择成套的而不是单一的技术。  相似文献   

洱海流域农业面源污染研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业面源污染控制是洱海水质保护必须直面的不可逃避的问题。在系统调研洱海流域农业面源污染领域研究成果的基础上,归纳了洱海流域不同农业产业、行政区域、农用地、入湖河流和入湖河口湿地农业面源污染分布及特征,介绍了洱海流域农业面源污染研究采用的技术,总结了入湖河口湿地、农田灌排沟渠和湖滨缓冲带对洱海流域农业面源污染治理产生的积极作用,阐明大蒜不合理的施肥和轮作模式,奶牛、猪和肉牛等大牲畜的养殖以及土地利用的频繁改变等是导致洱海流域农业面源污染负荷产生的主要原因。通过合理的化肥减量施用、有机肥替代化肥、水稻-蚕豆轮作以及蚕豆间作大蒜模式,既能削减农业面源污染负荷,又能保证作物优质适产。针对洱海流域农业面源污染综合防治存在的问题,提出今后应加大农村生产生活、入湖河流生态系统以及养殖业等对洱海流域农业面源污染影响的研究。  相似文献   

<正>农药作为重要的农业生产资料之一,为全球消除饥饿、保障粮食安全起到了举足轻重的作用。同时农药是一把"双刃剑",其一方面可以有效地防治病虫草害,提高农产品的产量,在现代农业中发挥着不可替代的作用;另一面,其不当使用也对农产品的质量安全、生态环境和人体健康造成不同程度的危害。长期以来世界各国的学者为了趋其利避其害在农药的环境行为、生态效应以及风险评价等方面开展了广泛而深入的  相似文献   

加拿大最佳管理措施流域评价项目评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续农业的目的是在保持良好环境质量的同时获得较高的农业生产率。最佳管理措施(BMPs)在世界范围内已得到广泛应用,以减少农业污染物对水环境的影响。自2004年以来,加拿大农业部实施了最佳管理措施流域评价(WEBs)项目,在全国各地选择了有代表性的9个小流域,对BMPs的环境和经济效益进行评价。笔者对过去几年来WEBs项目的进展、研究方法及主要成果进行简要的回顾,并对在中国开展类似项目的必要性和启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国农业领域温室气体主要减排措施研究分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变暖已成不争事实,主要是由于人为温室气体(GHG)排放增加所致,为减缓气候变暖趋势,各领域迫切需要采取减排措施;农业是一个重要的GHG排放源,农业领域采取减排措施对于减少我国GHG排放、保护农村生态环境有重要意义。文章在大量阅读前人研究结果的基础上,总结我国农业领域主要的减排管理措施,主要从农业活动、农村生活和生物质能源利用三方面进行阐述,并简要分析各措施的减排效果和存在问题。分析发现,农业活动的水肥管理是农田温室气体减排的研究热点,但由于地域和管理流程上的差异,对措施的减排效果尚存在争议;农村生活中存在巨大的减排潜力,采取恰当的减排措施不但可以减少GHG排放,还可以改善农村生态状况和环境卫生条件;农村生物质能源有很大发展潜力,合理开发利用,可以有效替代化石能源消耗,缓解能源危机,减少GHG排放,保护生态环境。总之,在农业领域采取积极的减排措施,有助于国家效应对气候变化,降低农业源污染和GHG排放,减轻环境压力,转换农业发展模式,加速农业现代化,促进农业生产的可持续发展和社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

Past decades have witnessed the rise of sustainable agriculture movements throughout the world. In parallel with this international trend, ecological agriculture (with essential goals of food security, rural employment, poverty alleviation, natural resource management and environmental protection) has been advocated as a workable approach for the realization of sustainable agriculture in China. Two decades of ecological agricultural development have shown that it not only gained legitimacy at the senior policy level but also became a focus of scientific research in fields such as ecological economics, ecology, and agricultural and environmental sciences. However, this endeavour is hardly known in the West and little attention has been paid so far to examining the broader politico-economic and sociocultural contexts within which it has evolved. This paper attempts to provide a general review of the emerging background, development history, policy initiatives and recent tendencies of ecological agriculture. In addition, the extant problems and potential contributions of this alternative practice to China's sustainable agricultural development are discussed. The purpose of this study is to identify the gap between the policy rhetoric and practical implementation of Chinese ecological agriculture and therefore to facilitate its moving towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

近年来国际上提出将持续农业作为农业生产发展的战略目标,本文综述了国际上发展持续农业的形式及特点,论述广东省持续农业的现状和发展持续农业面临的挑战,最后针对广东省目前的实际情况,提出今后的发展方向和对策.  相似文献   

Energy is a vital and growing need for human activities such as transport, agriculture and industry. The transport and agriculture sectors are major consumers of fossil fuel. However, availability of fossil fuels is limited. The use of fossil fuels is of increasing environmental concerns because it produces toxic airborne particulates and greenhouse gases such as CO2. The increasing industrialization and motorization of the world led to a steep rise for the demand of petroleum-based fuels. Hence, it is necessary to seek alternative fuels, which can be produced from resources available locally within the country such as alcohol, biodiesel and vegetable oils. Biodiesel is defined as the mono alkyl esters of vegetable oils or animal fats. Biodiesel is the best candidate for diesel fuels in the diesel engines. The advantage of biodiesel over gasoline and petroleum/diesel is its eco-friendly nature. This article reviews the production, characterization and current status of biofuels mainly biodiesel along with the environmental impacts of particulate matter, greenhouse gas emissions originated from biodiesel.  相似文献   


This article contributes to efforts to validate a common set of parameters and principles of sustainable agriculture. Comparisons between alternative forms of sustainable agriculture and rural-to-urban community resilience are investigated. Conclusions are drawn between multiple sustainable/alternative agriculture systems and evaluated. A set of common baseline parameters and principles is proposed as a method of evolving a common structural framework for strengthening sustainability of agriculture and rural contexts. Concepts of rural-to-urban community sustainability are proposed, supporting sustainable agriculture contexts as rural and urban. In the twenty-first century, agriculture is becoming more diversified and less typified as a rural occupation. Urban agriculture is expanding as the need for fresh, affordable, accessible agriculture produce increases in urban areas. Evidence supports symbiotic relationships between sustainable agriculture and rural/urban communities, although some claim this relationship has not been clearly defined.

This article investigates sustainable agriculture from two perspectives. We ask ‘what are common parameters and principles of the various forms of sustainable agriculture,’ and ‘why urban-to-rural context.’ Organic agriculture parameters and principles are proposed as a conceptual framework toward establishing baseline parameters and principles for sustainable agriculture. Best management parameters of urban and rural sustainable agriculture in the United States and the United Kingdom are examined for their potential to develop a strengthening framework of parameters and principles of agriculture and rural-to-urban sustainability. These results are compared and evaluated for their effectiveness in redefining current sustainable agriculture practices, and their value in strengthening sustainable agriculture symbiosis with rural-to-urban community systems.  相似文献   

论述了当今世界水资源危机的现状,引起水资源危机的主要原因;认为发展节水农业是缓解水资源危机的重要举措,并概述了节水农业的技术现状和节水农业今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Mapping opportunities and challenges for rewilding in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Farmland abandonment takes place across the world due to socio‐economic and ecological drivers. In Europe agricultural and environmental policies aim to prevent abandonment and halt ecological succession. Ecological rewilding has been recently proposed as an alternative strategy. We developed a framework to assess opportunities for rewilding across different dimensions of wilderness in Europe. We mapped artificial light, human accessibility based on transport infrastructure, proportion of harvested primary productivity (i.e., ecosystem productivity appropriated by humans through agriculture or forestry), and deviation from potential natural vegetation in areas projected to be abandoned by 2040. At the continental level, the levels of artificial light were low and the deviation from potential natural vegetation was high in areas of abandonment. The relative importance of wilderness metrics differed regionally and was strongly connected to local environmental and socio‐economic contexts. Large areas of projected abandonment were often located in or around Natura 2000 sites. Based on these results, we argue that management should be tailored to restore the aspects of wilderness that are lacking in each region. There are many remaining challenges regarding biodiversity in Europe, but megafauna species are already recovering. To further potentiate large‐scale rewilding, Natura 2000 management would need to incorporate rewilding approaches. Our framework can be applied to assessing rewilding opportunities and challenges in other world regions, and our results could guide redirection of subsidies to manage social‐ecological systems.  相似文献   

Rethinking Crop Genetic Resource Conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: A worldwide system of crop germplasm conservation has been developed around ex situ preservation This system is based on a dual mandate of conservation and development; and it has largely ignored the farming systems that produce germplasm A revisionist critique of the existing system is presented Problems of the current strategy include incomplete collection loss within these collections, isolation from evolutionary processes, and budgetary constraints. In situ conservation offers an alternative to current methods, especially if conservation rather than development is the priority. The concept of genetic erosion is discussed and evaluated in light of recent evidence of uneven change in areas of crop diversity. Farmers in many parts of the world are conserving traditional varieties even as they modernize and adopt improved varieties. This pattern is illustrated by reference to Asian rice agriculture. A new approach to conservation is needed that builds a collaborative program between farmers, crop scientists, ecologists, biogeographers, and social scientists. A first step is to analyze farming systems that already conserve traditional crop varieties.  相似文献   

Soil Quality: A Review of the Science and Experiences in the USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An increasing human population is placing greater demand on soil resources, and as a result degradation is taking place in many regions of the world. This is critical because soils perform a number of essential processes including supporting food and fiber production, influencing air quality through interaction with the atmosphere, and serving as a medium for storage and purification of water. The soil quality concept was introduced to complement soil science research by making our understanding of soils more complete and helping guide the use and allocation of labor, energy, fiscal, and other inputs as agriculture intensifies and expands to meet increasing world demands. Soil quality thus provides a unifying concept for educating professionals, producers, and the public about the important processes that soils perform. It also provides an assessment tool for evaluating current management practices and comparing alternative management practices. Soil attributes comprising a minimum data set have been identified, and both laboratory and field methods have been developed for measuring them. A soil quality index is being developed to normalize measured soil quality indicator data and generate a numeric value that can be used to compare various management practices or to assess management-induced changes over time. Using previously published data, we evaluated the soil quality index as a tool to assess a wide range of management practices in the Northern Great Plains. The index ranked the treatments: grazed fertilized tame pasture > moderately grazed > ungrazed> heavily grazed > annual cropping with no-tillage > conventionally tilled crop-fallow which agrees with the way they were subjectively ranked in the publications. The soil quality index shows potential for use as a management assessment tool.  相似文献   

Soil quality: a review of the science and experiences in the USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An increasing human population is placing greater demand on soil resources, and as a result degradation is taking place in many regions of the world. This is critical because soils perform a number of essential processes including supporting food and fiber production, influencing air quality through interaction with the atmosphere, and serving as a medium for storage and purification of water. The soil quality concept was introduced to complement soil science research by making our understanding of soils more complete and helping guide the use and allocation of labor, energy, fiscal, and other inputs as agriculture intensifies and expands to meet increasing world demands. Soil quality thus provides a unifying concept for educating professionals, producers, and the public about the important processes that soils perform. It also provides an assessment tool for evaluating current management practices and comparing alternative management practices. Soil attributes comprising a minimum data set have been identified, and both laboratory and field methods have been developed for measuring them. A soil quality index is being developed to normalize measured soil quality indicator data and generate a numeric value that can be used to compare various management practices or to assess management-induced changes over time. Using previously published data, we evaluated the soil quality index as a tool to assess a wide range of management practices in the Northern Great Plains. The index ranked the treatments: grazed fertilized tame pasture > moderately grazed > ungrazed > heavily grazed > annual cropping with no-tillage > conventionally tilled crop-fallow which agrees with the way they were subjectively ranked in the publications. The soil quality index shows potential for use as a management assessment tool.  相似文献   

Our economy faces world prices and starts with a large endowment of land in forest and a small endowment of land in agriculture. Clearing of forested land yields marketable timber and a unit of land for agriculture. Early, the high price of agricultural land drives the clearing process. Later, the profit from marketing timber from the cleared land drives the process. Dates of “phase transitions” are endogenous. We also set out a submodel of perpetual cyclic clearing and reforesting, and show that it when cyclical harvesting—regrowing is optimal, the extent of clearing can be relatively large.  相似文献   

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