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山东崂山生物多样性及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多年来对青岛崂山生物资源的调查和文献资料,研究了崂山生物多样性的特点,分析了其在山东生物多样性保护中的地位,提出了崂山生物多样性保护对策和建议.研究表明:崂山生物多样性具有物种丰富度高、密度大,特有种、重点保护物种多,植物成分复杂,生态系统类型多样,古树名木众多,遗传多样性丰富的特点,崂山是山东乃至全国生物多样性保护的“关键区“之一.  相似文献   

5月22日国际生物多样性日,由环境保护部、中国科学院等主办的国际生物多样性日纪念大会召开。今年的主题是“保护生物多样性,防止外来入侵物种”,会议为我们展示了生物多样性之美,并呼吁人类行动起来保护环境、保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

正国务院新闻办公室于10月8日发表《中国的生物多样性保护》白皮书。白皮书介绍,中国幅员辽阔,陆海兼备,地貌和气候复杂多样,孕育了丰富而又独特的生态系统、物种和遗传多样性,是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一。作为最早签署和批准《生物多样性公约》的缔约方之一,中国一贯高度重视生物多样性保护,不断推进生物多样性保护与时俱进、创新发展,取得显著成效,走出了一条中国特色生物多样性保护之路。  相似文献   

青海生物多样性信息及其监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭智萍  杨帆 《青海环境》2002,12(3):113-115
生物多样性监测是生物多样性保护必不可少的组成部分。生物多样性现状和生物多样性保护的决策,必须以充分、准确的信息为依据。监测对象与时间空间尺度的确定,以及指示物种的选择,应是生物多样性监测过程中予以充分关注的内容。  相似文献   

周兴民 《青海环境》2011,21(4):165-169
文章着重讨论了青海维管束植物种类多样性的特点、主要价值和物种多样性的分区,为生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

正《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标纲要》提出的"实施生物多样性保护重大工程,构筑生物多样性保护网络",明确了新时期我国生物多样性保护的工作任务。2021年4月,我国《生物安全法》的正式实施也反映出生物多样性保护在国家安全体系中的重要地位。联合国《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会今年10月也将在昆明举行,反映出我国生物多样性保护与生物安全治理工作的国际影响力与话语权的提升。当前,我国生物多样性保护除了需要以保护物种、  相似文献   

周围 《环境教育》2007,(11):21-22
世间万物息息相关,一个物种的灭亡会引发不可预料的多米诺效应,就像电影《蝴蝶效应》一样,谁都无法断定某个生物种群的灭绝,会对人类的生存产生什么样的影响。所以,人类必须要有效保护并合理利用生物物种资源。这是人类生存和社会发展的基础,也是国民经济可持续发展的战略性资源。我国是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,但由于对生物物种资源的过度开发、外来物种的引进、环境污染、气候变化等原因,我国生物物种资源丧失和流失情况严重。为此,国家环保总局联合生物物种资源保护部际联席会议16个成员单位共同编制了《全国生物物种资源保护与利用规划纲要》(以下简称《纲要》),以进一步加强生物物种资源保护,扭转生物物种资源管理面临的被动局面,并在保护的基础上,推进生物物种资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

西部大开发中的生物多样性的保护   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
钭晓东 《四川环境》2001,20(1):46-49,61
全球的生物物种在急剧减少,而此情景也呈现于我国的西部在,在机遇与挑战同在的西部大开发过程中如何切实效保护生物多样性,无疑已成为我们必须关注和思考的问题。本文从生物多样性的内涵、生物多样性的价值、生物多样性的丧失及保护生物多样性的必要性及对策等方面,论述笔者对预防、保护、恢复生物多样性的几点思考,但愿能引起广大社会的关注和支持。  相似文献   

生物物种是否丰富.生态系统类型是否齐全.遗传物质的野生亲缘种类多少.将直接影响到人类的生存、繁衍、发展。在全球范围内生物多样性正受到威胁,生物多样性保护刻不容缓。中国既是世界上生物多样性极其丰富的国家之一.同时更是生物多样性遭受最严重威胁的国家之一。对于生物多样性的保护,中国从来都是不遗余力的……  相似文献   

青海是我国重要的“高原物种基因库”,其特殊的地理环境孕育出独特且丰富的生物库。近些年来,在习近平生态文明思想的引领下,青海省在生物多样性保护领域取得显著成就。为巩固保护成果,对未来保护工作提前布局谋划显得尤为重要。借鉴云南等省市制定生物多样性保护法规的成功经验,青海省作为生态环境大省对生物多样性保护的立法势在必行。  相似文献   

Economic growth,biodiversity loss and conservation effort   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper investigates the relationship between economic growth, biodiversity loss and efforts to conserve biodiversity using a combination of panel and cross section data. If economic growth is a cause of biodiversity loss through habitat transformation and other means, then we would expect an inverse relationship. But if higher levels of income are associated with increasing real demand for biodiversity conservation, then investment to protect remaining diversity should grow and the rate of biodiversity loss should slow with growth. Initially, economic growth and biodiversity loss are examined within the framework of the environmental Kuznets hypothesis. Biodiversity is represented by predicted species richness, generated for tropical terrestrial biodiversity using a species-area relationship. The environmental Kuznets hypothesis is investigated with reference to comparison of fixed and random effects models to allow the relationship to vary for each country. It is concluded that an environmental Kuznets curve between income and rates of loss of habitat and species does not exist in this case. The role of conservation effort in addressing environmental problems is examined through state protection of land and the regulation of trade in endangered species, two important means of biodiversity conservation. This analysis shows that the extent of government environmental policy increases with economic development. We argue that, although the data are problematic, the implications of these models is that conservation effort can only ever result in a partial deceleration of biodiversity decline partly because protected areas serve multiple functions and are not necessarily designated to protect biodiversity. Nevertheless institutional and policy response components of the income biodiversity relationship are important but are not well captured through cross-country regression analysis.  相似文献   

Species diversity and biodiversity are widely used terms in ecology and natural resource management. Despite this, they are not easily defined and different authors apply these terms with varying connotations. The term biodiversity, in particular, has the dubious honour of being widely used but rarely defined. Is it simply the number of species or is it something more? Here I consider what these terms might really mean and their value. I also briefly discuss the rationale for studying and protecting species diversity or biodiversity.  相似文献   

云南省以其得天独厚的自然条件孕育了丰富而又脆弱的生物多样性资源,然而外来物种入侵破坏了云南的生物多样性,威胁到国家的生态安全。分析了外来物种入侵、生物多样性及生态安全三者之间的关系,提出生物多样性资源是我国的核心竞争力所在,要将维护生态安全提升到国家战略高度予以重视,同时采取多种措施防范外来物种入侵。  相似文献   

In this study, we asked the Ariaal herders of northern Kenya to answer "why, what and how" they classified landscape, and assessed and monitored the biodiversity of 10 km(2) of grazing land. To answer the "why question" the herders classified grazing resources into 39 landscape patches grouped into six landscape types and classified soil as 'warm', 'intermediate' or 'cold' for the purpose of land use. For the "what question" the herders used soil conditions and vegetation characteristics to assess biodiversity. Plant species were described as 'increasers', 'decreasers' or 'stable'. The decreaser species were mostly grasses and forbs preferred for cattle and sheep grazing and the increasers were mostly woody species preferred by goats. The herders evaluated biodiversity in terms of key forage species and used absence or presence of the preferred species from individual landscapes for monitoring change in biodiversity. For the "how question" the herders used anthropogenic indicators concerned with livestock management for assessing landscape potential and suitability for grazing. The anthropogenic indicators were related to soils and biodiversity. The herders used plant species grazing preferences to determine the links between livestock production and biodiversity. By addressing these three questions, the study shows the value of incorporating the indigenous knowledge of herders into classification of landscape and assessment and monitoring of biodiversity in the grazing lands. We conclude that herder knowledge of biodiversity is related to the use as opposed to exclusive conservation practices. This type of knowledge is extremely valuable to conservation agencies for establishing a baseline for monitoring changes in biodiversity in the future.  相似文献   

As human influences fragment native communities and ecosystems, remaining land must be better managed to conserve many elements of biodiversity. Much of this land is privately held, yet traditional private land-use management practices often further diminish biodiversity by promoting favored or edge-adapted species. Today, private land stewards are increasingly aware of and concerned about biodiversity, but little guidance exists for them to make land-use decisions incorporating principles and knowledge from conservation biology. Consequently, most management strategies are highly subjective. This article addresses that problem by introducing current conservation wisdom to management and use of private lands. The result is a model program for developing land management plans, with the goal of maintaining viable populations and natural distributions of native species and communities from a landscape perspective. The program establishes a protocol for classifying sites according to the importance of their species, communities, and other elements to global and regional biodiversity. These site classifications are based on the management objectives necessary to maintain important elements. Once managers classify a site, the program provides management standards, general stewardship principles, examples of land management strategies, and basic monitoring and evaluation procedures.  相似文献   

Results from a survey of power utility biologists indicate that terrestrial biodiversity is considered a major issue by only a few utilities; however, a majority believe it may be a future issue. Over half of the respondents indicated that their company is involved in some management for biodiversity, and nearly all feel that it should be a goal for resource management. Only a few utilities are funding biodiversity research, but a majority felt more research was needed. Generally, larger utilities with extensive land holdings had greater opportunities and resources for biodiversity management. Biodiversity will most likely be a concern with transmission rights-of-way construction and maintenance, endangered species issues and general land resource management, including mining reclamation and hydro relicensing commitments. Over half of the companies surveyed have established voluntary partnerships with management groups, and biodiversity is a goal in nearly all the joint projects. Endangered species management and protection, prevention of forest fragmentation, wetland protection, and habitat creation and protection are the most common partnerships involving utility companies. Common management practices and unique approaches are presented, along with details of the survey.  相似文献   

Future global megatrends project a population increase of 2 billion people between 2019 and 2050 and at least 1–2 billion people added to the global middle class between 2016 and 2030. In addition, 68% of the world's population is projected to be living in urban areas by 2050. With these projected large population increases and shifts, demand for food, water, and energy is projected to grow by approximately 35, 40, and 50%, respectively, between 2010 and 2030. In addition, between 1970 and 2014 there was an estimated 60% reduction in the number of wildlife in the world and an estimated net loss of 2.9 billion birds, or 29%, in North America between 1970 and 2018. Loss of species populations and number of species is interconnected with reduced health of biodiversity and ecosystems. Human activity has been the main catalyst for these substantial declines primarily through impacts on habitats. These losses are accelerating. Since a company's supply chain environmental impacts are often as great or greater than its own direct environmental impacts, it may be prudent for companies to engage with their supply chains to protect and enhance habitats and biodiversity and protect rare, threatened, and endangered species. As one example, companies may have opportunities and strategic reasons to include requirements in their supplier codes of conduct and supplier standards for suppliers to protect biodiversity and rare, threatened, and endangered species, as well as additional requirements to expand or enhance habitats and ecosystems to increase biodiversity. This article follows one pathway that companies could pursue further and with greater speed—to engage with their supply chains to strengthen supplier codes of conduct to protect biodiversity and rare, threatened, and endangered species. The importance of forests, private land, and landscape partnerships is discussed as means to protect much more of the planet's biodiversity and rare, threatened, and endangered species. Lastly, the article identifies examples of opportunities for companies to more formally incorporate biodiversity into their business, supply chain, and sustainability strategies.  相似文献   

The overwhelming majority of commercial forestry in the UK comprises blanket non-native coniferous species with low biodiversity levels. The UK government is committed under the Rio Principles and Helsinki Guidelines to conserve and enhance biodiversity in British forests and woodlands. This paper assesses the passive use value of biodiversity in remote non-visited coniferous forests, and the costs of diversification and restructuring. Focus groups were employed to aid the design and framing of the study. An iterative bidding polychotomous choice format was used to elicit willingness-to-pay values for different biodiversity standards and management options. Whilst, passive use benefits exceeded costs for biodiversity conservation, considerable ambivalence in choice occurred between different levels of biodiversity. The policy relevance of the results are discussed, and compared to the practical implementation measures for biodiversity being adopted by the Forestry Commission.  相似文献   

Denmark has committed itself to the European 2010 target to halt the loss of biodiversity. Currently, Denmark is in the process of designating larger areas as national parks, and 7 areas (of a possible 32 larger nature areas) have been selected for pilot projects to test the feasibility of establishing national parks. In this article, we first evaluate the effectiveness of the a priori network of national parks proposed through expert and political consensus versus a network chosen specifically for biodiversity through quantitative analysis. Second, we analyze the potential synergy between preserving biodiversity in terms of species representation and recreational values in selecting a network of national parks. We use the actual distribution of 973 species within these 32 areas and 4 quantitative measures of recreational value. Our results show that the 7 pilot project areas are not significantly more effective in representing species than expected by chance and that considerably more efficient networks can be selected. Moreover, it is possible to select more-effective networks of areas that combine high representation of species with high ranking in terms of recreational values. Therefore, our findings suggest possible synergies between outdoor recreation and biodiversity conservation when selecting networks of national parks. Overall, this Danish case illustrates that data-driven analysis can not only provide valuable information to guide the decision-making process of designating national parks, but it can also be a means to identify solutions that simultaneously fulfill several goals (biodiversity preservation and recreational values).  相似文献   

For many citizens and policymakers, the empirical relationship between economic growth and biodiversity conservation has not been sufficiently established for purposes of identifying the types of economic policies amenable to biodiversity conservation. Some think economic growth conflicts with biodiversity conservation; others think economic growth conduces biodiversity conservation. With panel data from 1997‐2011, encompassing US continental states, we developed a series of statistical models to investigate the relationships among species endangerment, human population, and economic growth as indicated by GDP and per capita GDP. Species endangerment is highly correlated with population and GDP, and per capita GDP is a significant regressor of species endangerment. Across US continental states, competitive exclusion of non‐human species occurs via human economic growth and population growth.  相似文献   

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