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土壤净化功能的原理及其利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈玉成 《四川环境》1994,13(4):60-64
本文通过对土地处理系统的剖析,从土壤去除有机物,悬浮物,氮,磷,汞量重金属,病原散生物,污染空气。以及对酸性沉降物的缓冲等诸方面,讨论了土壤净化功能的原理,概括了土壤净化过程,既包括物理的,化学的和生物的作用,又包括物理化学,生物化学的作用,为更好地研究,利用和管理土地处理系统,充分发挥土壤的净化功能提供研究的方向。  相似文献   

佚名 《环境教育》2004,(12):12-15
在大自然中,大熊猫历经数百万年的生活磨练,过着非常独特的生活,大熊猫独自固守着数平方公里的家园,成天在这个独立王国里游荡,食不分昼夜,睡不择场地,只求吃得饱,睡得酣,游得欢。不过,当春暖花开时,它们也会打破各自的鸿沟,追慕异性。交配后又各自返回自己的领地,幽居独处。  相似文献   

利用植被改善博斯腾湖生态环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
博斯腾湖是我国最大的内陆淡水湖,具有重要的生态地位,然而受人类活动的严重干扰,已变成微咸湖,且受到一定的有机污染,其生态环境遭到严重破坏,加强对博斯腾湖的保护和综合利用,已迫在眉睫,针对博斯腾湖的现状,笔者认为必须对其进行综合治理,充分利用植被,才能确保湖区资源的持续利用。可考虑采用下列措施:(1)合理利用水资源;(2)在湖周围发展荒漠植被,乔,灌,草相结合,可选择胡杨,柽柳,沙刺,梭梭,沙棘等种类;(3)保护芦苇植被,大力发展其他水生植物,研究表明,水面上有水生植物生长时,其蒸发蒸腾量低于自由水面的蒸发理,而且降低了水体的矿化度并净化了水体,并且可为养殖业提供大量优质饲料,利用植被改善博斯腾湖的生态环境,投资少,效益明显而持久。  相似文献   

吕绍宗 《环境教育》2004,(11):72-72
今年5月下旬和6月上,中旬,欧美同学会组团赴西欧参访,我和其他学者同往,先后去了法国,卢森堡,比利时,荷兰,德国,瑞士,列支敦士登,奥地利,意大利,摩纳哥,西班牙等十一国。不仅各国优秀的文化遗产让人连声兴叹。而且赫尔辛基万绿丛中熟重似的片片红房,荷兰大地纵横交织的渠道与海岸翡翠般的点点小岛,莱茵河,赛纳河丰盈的河水和苍  相似文献   

对我国水患防治的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年的大洪水,为中国人敲响了警钟,使人们认识到,对我国的水患防治,必须从战略上去思考,要重新规划蓝图,尽快采取切实的战略步骤,从根本上解决困扰我国的洪灾问题。首先,要争取在最短的时间内形成全国范围的水患防治工程体系,以抵御未来大洪水对我们的侵害。而这仅仅是“亡羊补牢”之举,更重要的是,要反思我们的行为,在思想上回归自然,那就是遵循自然生态规律,在行动上恢复生态平衡,不能再干自掘坟墓,自毁家园的蠢事。为此,我认为,应从以下几个方面去做:一、封山育林,植树造林,保护森林资两据报导,长江流域的森林采…  相似文献   

镇江市不断深化农业经营机制改革,大力发展产加销一条龙,贸工农一体化经营,把一家一户农民家庭小生产同国内外大市场有机联系起来,提高了农民的组织程度和专业化生产水平,协调了一二三产业间经济利益,建立了新的经济关系的优质,高产,高效,高创汇的市场产农业及新型组织管理体系,加快了农业生产社会化,产业化,市场化,现代化进程,使农业产业走向市场迈出了可喜的一步。  相似文献   

重视地下水资源开发利用与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季恒玉 《四川环境》1996,15(1):41-43
本文着重介绍了国内外地下水开发利用状况,以及造成水质严重污染,影响人类的生存,提出合理开发利用和保护地下水资源,已成为当今世界上的重要课题,提出了和措施,一,强调地下不和地表水是自然界水循环中两个密切相关的环境,必须统一管理,协调开发,二,应用计算机技术,建立管理模型。三,注意解决地表与地下水联合规划,海水入侵,地面沉降,工农业污染,人工回灌等,四,加强对水质和生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

绿洲的地理建设对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆绿洲目前存在水产资源短缺,生态环境恶化,能源不足,人口发展失衡,自然害频繁等殖对这上结问题,本文采用社会经济系统分析中常用的多准则决策方法-层次分析提出绿洲地理建设的决策方案,结论是:实现绿洲持续发展,总体优化的总目标,必须加强流域综合治理,控制人口数据增长,提高人口素质,加强水利建设,建立资源节约型产业结构体系,另外,还应重视保护自然植被,建立防护性人工林地,开发新能源,防治污染,防治疫病和  相似文献   

揭开楼兰城千年消失之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张星海 《环境教育》2004,(10):50-53
最后一个罗布泊老人——105岁的热合曼老人。热合曼,是最后一个罗布泊人,两千多年以前的楼兰消失了,但古国的遗民却一代代生存下来,“不耕不牧,唯以渔为生,织野麻为衣,取鹅绒为裘,水禽翼为卧具”,直到20世纪,热合曼和他的邻居才从干涸和瘟疫的罗布泊迁出,辗转在塔里木河流域,现在他定居在米兰,许多本谈新疆探、谈楼兰、谈罗布泊的书,都要说到这个热合曼,因为他是活的遗存,活的证人,活的历史,他的一切都带有传奇色彩。  相似文献   

镍的作物效应及临界值研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在三种紫色土(酸性,中性,石灰性)上添加Ni(0,10,30,60,100,200mg/kg土)进行莴笋盆栽试验,结果表明:低浓度的Ni能刺激作物生长,而高浓度的Ni则阻碍作物生长,使叶片黄化。三种土因性质及本身肥力水平的差异,使酸性紫色土上作物Ni最敏感,石灰性紫色土上次之,中性紫色土上最不敏感,且Ni在作物体内分配规律也有所不同,比较了土壤全Ni,有效Ni,植株根Ni作为的临界值的优越性,结果  相似文献   

Best Available Techniques (BATs) contribute significantly to the reduction of industrial environmental burdens with respect to air pollution, wastewater, and solid wastes. In Europe, the application of BATs is prescribed by Directive 96/61/EC, which, however, leaves the selection of specific BATs to plant operators. In making their choices, installations have to consider not only the environmental benefits of BATs, but also all relevant cost components. In assessing the economic attractiveness of potential BATs and their combinations, as well as incentives and disincentives to be instituted, the cost of environmental externalities, usually not reflected in market prices, should be taken into account. In this paper, a decision-aid framework combining an assessment of environmental externalities and the utilization of multicriteria methods and, more specifically, Multiobjective Mathematical Programming, capable of addressing all these issues in a comprehensive and coherent manner, is presented. This is illustrated by its application for the region of Attica in Greece, where over 50% of the industrial basis and Athens, with its 4 million inhabitants, are located. The implementation of the framework and its associated tools to 800 installations led to the identification of the specific BATs, alone or in combination, that provide the most cost-effective reductions of four air pollutants (PM10, SO2, NOx, VOC) and CO2. The results also clearly demonstrate the increased pollution reductions that would result from the adoption of BATs made economically attractive by the inclusion of externalities. Estimates of investments and net present values with and without incentives/disincentives are also provided.  相似文献   

After ten years of post-communist transformation, the current Bulgarian Government has only recently initiated the task of wholesale reform of the communist-era structures extant within the forestry sector. This is an unavoidably complex process, involving the reorganisation of tenure over forest resources (restitution to pre-communist era owners), the privatisation and decentralisation of commercial and related activities in the woods, the redefinition of the role of the State in oversight, management and planning, and the development of a supportive institutional context for the growth of small and medium private enterprise throughout the forestry production process. This paper discusses the legal, institutional, economic and environmental implications of forest restitution. The author argues that the particular Bulgarian solution to the reform of forestry tenure structures, based on a mix of private and public ownership, arises out of the crucible of Bulgarian historical geography and the requirements of contemporary neoliberal models of transition. On the basis of the analysis, a number of important implications for Bulgarian, and indeed all post-communist forestry sectors, are raised for major related processes, such as the development of a robust private forestry sector, the limitation of the role of the State to conservation, management and oversight, and the reconfiguration of timber as a resource for local economic development.  相似文献   

推进生态环境保护督察往纵深方向发展需要完善生态环境保护督察制度。生态环境保护督察制度建设具备政治支持、实践基础和制度铺垫等条件。完善生态环境保护督察制度建设以习近平生态文明思想为根本遵循,坚持党的领导,突出问题导向,充分发扬民主。应当完善生态环境保护督察领导小组及其办公室、生态环境保护督察组、生态环境部及其区域督察局等生态环境保护督察主体制度,明确生态环境保护督察组享有检查权、处置权、请求协助权、交办权、督察情况述评权、问责建议权等。完善生态环境保护督察制度应当对地方党委、政府及有关部门、党政领导干部落实中央生态文明建设的决策部署、执行生态环境保护法律法规、履行生态环境保护职能等开展督察。生态环境保护督察可以采取集中督察、"回头看"督察、专项督察、常态督察等形式。除常态督察外,生态环境保护督察主要包括督察准备、督察进驻和进行、督察意见和整改、督察结束、督察后处理等环节。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water-based outdoor recreation constitutes an important benefit in many multiple-use projects. One problem frequently encountered, however, is the fluctuation of the water-level in a reservoir, especially if draw-downs occur during the summer recreation season. The Trent Canal in Ontario, Canada, forms a unique recreation waterway of some 240 miles of canal and navigable lakes and rivers. For the control of the water in the canal, the Canadian Federal government manages 44 reservoir-lakes as water-storage sites to augment the flows in the canal. While most disputes in water allocation for recreation generally involve recreation uses versus other, non-recreation uses, in the case of the Trent Canal and its reservoir-lakes the dispute in water allocation exists between two competing recreation-uses: for recreation boating on the Canal and its waterway, and for recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Each use has its own duty-of-water in terms of requirements, or water conditions, for its optimum use. On the reservoir-lakes, by far the largest recreation user-group, is made up of the owners of private shoreline summer cottages (cabins). Draw-downs on the reservoir-lakes, in some cases as much as 13 feet, hence constitute a negative externality imposed by the canal, especially since water-level lowering takes place continuously throughout the summer. In-depth interviews conducted with over 100 cottage-owners indicate four main conclusions. First, the previous user assumptions of the extent of the negative effect of water-level fluctuation on recreation had been exaggerated. Only in extreme draw-downs during infrequent dry years would draw-down constitute a serious imposition. Second, water-level fluctuation does constitute a form of inconvenience to the private riparian recreation property owners, but it does not generally reduce the quantity of recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Third, there is evidence that reservoir-lake users have learned to adapt successfully to water-level draw-downs. Fourth, the shoreline physiography of the location of a riparian owner strongly influences the way in which draw-down affects attitudes and opinions. The complex jurisdictional split of the land and water resources of the region points to the need to establish a Trent Canal Authority, to oversee the proper use and development of the canal, its waterway, and the reservoir-lakes.  相似文献   

The interactions between humans, animals and the environment have shaped human values and ethics, not only the genes that we are made of. The animal rights movement challenges human beings to reconsider interactions between humans and other animals, and maybe connected to the environmental movement that begs us to recognize the fact that there are symbiotic relationships between humans and all other organisms. The first part of this paper looks at types of bioethics, the implications of autonomy and the value of being alive. Then the level of consciousness of these relationships are explored in survey results from Asia and the Pacific, especially in the 1993 International Bioethics Survey conducted in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. Very few mentioned animal consciousness in the survey, but there were more biocentric comments in Australia and Japan; and more comments with the idea of harmony including humans in Thailand. Comparisons between questions and surveys will also be made, in an attempt to describe what people imagine animal consciousness to be, and whether this relates to human ethics of the relationships. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

R-mode hierarchical cluster and principal component analysis (PCA) were simultaneously applied to surface water hydrochemical data from three different locations, Ankwaso, Dominase and Prestea, along the Ankobra Basin, Ghana, to extract principal factors corresponding to the different sources of variation in the hydrochemistry, with the objective of defining the main controls on the hydrochemistry at the basin scale. Using the Kaiser criterion, principal components (PC) were extracted from the data and rotated using varimax normalization, for each location. The varimax rotation ensured that variation in the data was maximized for easy interpretation of the results. The analysis reduced 30, 33 and 33 data points, respectively, for Ankwaso, Dominase and Prestea to four, three and four PC representing the sources of variation in the hydrochemistry at the three different locations. Though the PC analysis proved to be more robust at unveiling the sources of variation in the hydrochemistry than the R-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), the combined use of both techniques resulted in more reliable interpretations of the hydrochemistry. On the basis of these analyses, the hydrochemistry of the basin is controlled largely by the weathering of minerals (silicates, carbonates, gypsum and apatite) from the underlying meta-sediments of the Birimian and Tarkwaian Systems, and the decay of organic matter from the heavily forested regions. Concentrations of the major chemical parameters are within naturally acceptable limits and do not pose threats to the local ecology and humans. There is no strong evidence of high anthropogenic impacts on the major anions and cations used for this research, though there are variations at the different locations studied. The hydrochemistry at Ankwaso is principally controlled by the weathering of silicate minerals, whereas those of Dominase and Prestea are, respectively, influenced by precipitation and domestic wastewaters, and the decay of organic matter.  相似文献   

A unique pastoral community uses the arid rangelands of eastern Ladakh, known as Changthang, northern India. The nomadic people rear a variety of livestock such as sheep, goats, horses and yaks, which provide them with various goods and services. Nevertheless, the needs and aspirations of the people are changing. There is a trend towards increasing the livestock population, especially of a breed of goat that produces one of the finest natural fibres: Pashmina, which is the mainstay of their economy. This increase in goat population, however, is jeopardising the long‐term survival of the wild herbivores in the region, and as such is not sustainable. We present information on the current trends in socio‐economy, Pashmina production, wildlife conservation, and the conflicts of interest between wildlife and nomads in the region. On the basis of this information, we make suggestions for the conservation of natural resources in the region. We recommend preserving the historical societal norms and notions of the people, and capitalising on them to manage natural resources. We also recommend joint management of natural resources by the local people, State and non‐governmental organisations. Our findings provide a platform on which a grazing policy for the region may be formulated.  相似文献   

Parameters about composition of refuse such as mass percentage of biodegradable matter, volatile solid, organic carbon, cellulose, total sugar, and settlement were monitored and analyzed in a large-scale experimental unit. The empirical formulas between composition and refuse age were established in terms of the data obtained from the experimental unit and verified by comparing with the corresponding parameters of refuse in the closed landfill units from 1991 until 1994 in the Shanghai Laogang Municipal Landfill. Furthermore, the long-term prediction for the composition of refuse was made, and it was predicted that the half-life is 7 to 11 years for biodegradable matter, 9 to 12 years for organic carbon or volatile solid, 7 to 16 years for cellulose, and 4 to 6 years for total sugar. In addition, a mathematical model, based on the mechanism of refuse biodegradation in the landfill, was developed to simulate the relationship between the settlement and the refuse age and manifests the secondary settlement potential. The mathematical model was proved not only to be reliable but also should be accurate for predicting the settlement of the landfill. The secondary settlement, which mainly results from the slow and gradual biodegradation of refuse, is linear with respect to the exponent of refuse age. Finally, according to the settlement model and empirical biodegradation formulas, it may be predicted that, 79.4% of biodegradable matter, 92.9% of total sugar, 72.7% of volatile solid and organic carbon, and 73.1% of cellulose will be biodegraded and that 79% of the maximum secondary settlement potential will occur before the Shanghai Laogang Municipal Landfill is in a high stabilization situation, i.e., approximately 21 years after final closure.  相似文献   

Urban ecological systems: scientific foundations and a decade of progress   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Urban ecological studies, including focus on cities, suburbs, and exurbs, while having deep roots in the early to mid 20th century, have burgeoned in the last several decades. We use the state factor approach to highlight the role of important aspects of climate, substrate, organisms, relief, and time in differentiating urban from non-urban areas, and for determining heterogeneity within spatially extensive metropolitan areas. In addition to reviewing key findings relevant to each state factor, we note the emergence of tentative "urban syndromes" concerning soils, streams, wildlife and plants, and homogenization of certain ecosystem functions, such as soil organic carbon dynamics. We note the utility of the ecosystem approach, the human ecosystem framework, and watersheds as integrative tools to tie information about multiple state factors together. The organismal component of urban complexes includes the social organization of the human population, and we review key modes by which human populations within urban areas are differentiated, and how such differentiation affects environmentally relevant actions. Emerging syntheses in land change science and ecological urban design are also summarized. The multifaceted frameworks and the growing urban knowledge base do however identify some pressing research needs.  相似文献   

旅游景区解说设施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地促进旅游信息的传播与交流、旅游地形象的宣传、旅游学术思想的交流与共享、旅游产品的促销、旅游服务的完善与提高等,对旅游景区解说设施的功能、类型、解说效果、相关因素、流程进行了深入研究,提出了旅游景区解说设施的4个功能、2大类型,比较分析了各类型旅游解说设施的解说效果、解说设施及其相关要素的循环关系,以及旅游景区解说设施的规划流程。  相似文献   

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