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In this paper, continuous production of hydrogen through fermentation with liquid swine manure as substrate was researched using a semi-continuously fed fermenter (8 L in total volume and 4 L in working volume). The pH and temperature for the fermenter were controlled at 5.3 ± 0.1 and 35 ± 1°C, respectively, throughout the experiment. Three hydraulic retention times (16, 20, and 24 h) were investigated for their impact on the efficiency and performance of the fermenter in terms of hydrogen yields. The results indicate that hydraulic retention time (HRT) has a strong influence on the fermenter performance. An increasing HRT would increase the variation in hydrogen concentration in the offgas. To produce hydrogen with a fairly consistent concentration, the HRT of the fermenter should not exceed 16 h, which, however, did not appear to be short enough to control methanogenesis because the offgas still contained about 5% methane. When methane content in the offgas exceeded 2%, an inverse linear relationship between hydrogen and methane was observed with a correlation coefficient of 0.9699. To increase hydrogen content in the offgas, methane production has to be limited to below 2%. Also, keeping oxygen content in the fermenter below 1.5% would increase the hydrogen concentration to over 15%. The product to substrate ratio was found to be around 50% for the fermenter system studied, evidenced by the observation that for every 6 liters of manure fermented, 3 liters of pure hydrogen were produced, which was significant and encouraging.  相似文献   

In this paper, continuous production of hydrogen through fermentation with liquid swine manure as substrate was researched using a semi-continuously fed fermenter (8 L in total volume and 4 L in working volume). The pH and temperature for the fermenter were controlled at 5.3 +/- 0.1 and 35 +/- 1 degrees C, respectively, throughout the experiment. Three hydraulic retention times (16, 20, and 24 h) were investigated for their impact on the efficiency and performance of the fermenter in terms of hydrogen yields. The results indicate that hydraulic retention time (HRT) has a strong influence on the fermenter performance. An increasing HRT would increase the variation in hydrogen concentration in the offgas. To produce hydrogen with a fairly consistent concentration, the HRT of the fermenter should not exceed 16 h, which, however, did not appear to be short enough to control methanogenesis because the offgas still contained about 5% methane. When methane content in the offgas exceeded 2%, an inverse linear relationship between hydrogen and methane was observed with a correlation coefficient of 0.9699. To increase hydrogen content in the offgas, methane production has to be limited to below 2%. Also, keeping oxygen content in the fermenter below 1.5% would increase the hydrogen concentration to over 15%. The product to substrate ratio was found to be around 50% for the fermenter system studied, evidenced by the observation that for every 6 liters of manure fermented, 3 liters of pure hydrogen were produced, which was significant and encouraging.  相似文献   

A mathematical model and numerical procedure are proposed for investigation of aspiration efficiency and the particle concentration field around a slot sampler in a moving gas. A potential-flow model for the carrier gas and a Lagrangian method for calculation of particle trajectories and concentration are employed. The particle concentration patterns around the slot and at the sampler inlet are studied. The dependence of the aspiration efficiency on the ratio of the wind and sampling velocities is analyzed. It is shown that the local aspiration efficiency calculated on the symmetry axis of the slot gives satisfactory approximation for the integral aspiration efficiency.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation model was developed to predict the instantaneous concentration fluctuation of a plume and applied to stack-gas diffusion around a cubical building. The flow field, including an instantaneous velocity component, was predicted using the large eddy simulation (LES) method in the developed numerical model. Then, the instantaneous concentration fluctuation was predicted using the obtained unsteady flow field. Concentration was calculated using the finite difference method, in which the LES is expanded for concentration, and the puff method, in which small volumes of the tracer gas are divided and combined according to the calculation mesh sizes. In order to avoid numerical viscous effects, a puff method and finite difference method were applied separately in the regions near and far from the stack-gas release point, respectively. Then, the flow field around a cubical building and the diffusion of stack-gas, emitted from an elevated point source at an upstream position of the building, were calculated using the model mentioned above. Numerical calculation results were compared with those obtained in wind tunnel experiments in which concentration fluctuation was measured using high-response flame ionization detectors. Although there were some discrepancies in the flow field between the calculated results and those of wind tunnel experiments, e.g., the calculated windward length of a cavity region behind the building, the calculated mean velocity and turbulent intensity showed good agreement with those of the wind tunnel experiments. Furthermore, the calculated concentration fluctuation showed good agreement with that in the wind tunnel, not only regarding the features of fluctuating concentration signals, but also statistic quantities, viz., mean concentration, fluctuation intensity and high-concentration values.  相似文献   

A source apportionment study was conducted to identify sources within a large elemental phosphorus plant that contribute to exceedances of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for 24-hr PM10. Ambient data were collected at three monitoring sites from October 1996 through July 1999, and included the following: 24-hr PM10 mass, 24-hr PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 mass and chemistry, continuous PM10 and PM2.5 mass, continuous meteorological data, and wind-direction-resolved PM2.5 and PM10 mass and chemistry. Ambient-based receptor modeling and wind-directional analysis were employed to help identify major sources or source locations and source contributions. Fine-fraction phosphate was the dominant species observed during PM10 exceedances, though in general, resuspended coarse dusts from raw and processed materials at the plant were also needed to create an exceedance. Major sources that were identified included the calciners, the CO flares, process-related dust, and electric-arc furnace operations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The time of concentration (Tc) is the main hydrological parameter used to characterize the response of a given Hydrological Response Unit (HRU) to a...  相似文献   

Five organic matters, three phosphate compounds, zerovalent iron grit (ZVIG, 2% by soil weight), two alkaline compounds, and two commercial formulations were incorporated, singly and some combined with ZVIG, into a highly Cu-contaminated topsoil (Soil P7, 2600 mg Cu kg−1) from a wood treatment facility. Formulations and two composts were also singly incorporated into a slightly Cu-contaminated topsoil (Soil P10, 118 mg Cu kg−1) from the facility surrounding. This aimed to reduce the labile pool of Cu and its accumulation in beans cultivated on potted soils in a climatic chamber. Lowest Cu concentration in soil solution occurred in P7 soils amended with activated carbon (5%) and ZVIG, singly and combined. Basic slag (3.9%) and compost of sewage sludge (5%) combined with ZVIG promoted shoot production and limited foliar Cu accumulation. For amended P10 soils, no changes occurred in soil solution and foliar Cu concentrations, but one compost increased shoot production.  相似文献   

Odor emissions during manure spreading events have become a source of concern, particularly where farms are located nearby urban areas. The objective of the present study was to compare odor concentrations and odor emission rates due to pig manure application using two different types of applicators, a sub-surface deposition system and a conventional splash-plate applicator. Air samples were collected using a Surface Isolation Flux Chamber and the "bag-in-vacuum chamber" techniques, at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 hours after manure application. A three-station forced-choice dynamic dilution olfactometer was used by an odor panel for determining odor concentration. Preliminary results indicated that with the sub-surface deposition system applicator odor emission rate was reduced by 8% to 38% compared to that of the conventional splash-plate applicator. The highest reduction in odor strength and odor emission rate was observed in the most offensive period after manure application. The sub-surface deposition system may be a solution for hog producers who wish to reduce odor complaints from applying manure without the cost and problems associated with deep injection systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the efficiency of a polymer biocover for the abatement of H2S and NH3 emissions from an east-central Missouri swine lagoon with a total surface area of 7800 m2. The flux rate of NH3, H2S, and CH4 was monitored continuously from two adjacent, circular (d = 66 m) control and treatment plots using a nonintrusive, micrometeorological method during three independent sampling periods that ranged between 52 and 149 hr. Abatement rates were observed to undergo a temporal acclimation event in which NH3 abatement efficiency improved from 17 to 54% (p = < 0.0001 to 0.0005) and H2S abatement efficiency improved from 23 to 58% (p < 0.0001) over a 3-month period. The increase in abatement efficiency for NH3 and H2S over the sampling period was correlated with the development of a stable anaerobic floc layer on the bottom surface of the biocover that reduced mass transfer of NH3 and H2S across the surface. Analysis of methanogenesis activity showed that the biocover enhanced the rate of anaerobic digestion by 25% when compared with the control. The biocover-enhanced anaerobic digestion process was shown to represent an effective mechanism to counteract the accumulation of methanogenic substrates in the biocovered lagoon.  相似文献   

Articles have recently been published on aerosol size distributions and number concentrations in cities, however there have been no studies on transport of these particles. Eddy covariance measurements of vertical transport of aerosol in the size range 11 nm<Dp<3 μm are presented here. The analysis shows that typical average aerosol number fluxes in this size range vary between 9000 and 90,000 cm−2 s−1. With concentrations between 3000 and 20,000 cm−3 this leads to estimates of particle emission velocity between 20 and 75 mm s−1. The relationships between number flux and traffic activity, along with emission velocity and boundary layer stability are demonstrated and parameterised. These are used to derive an empirical parameterisation for aerosol concentration in terms of traffic activity and stability. The main processes determining urban aerosol fluxes and concentrations are discussed and quantified where possible. The difficulties in parameterising urban activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirteen airborne fungal species frequently isolated in composting plants were screened for microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC), i.e., Aspergillus candidus, A. fumigatus, A. versicolor, Emericella nidulans, Paecilomyces variotii, Penicillium brevicompactum, Penicillium clavigerum, Penicillium crustosum, Penicillium cyclopium, Penicillium expansum, Penicillium glabrum, Penicillium verruculosum, and Tritirachium oryzae. Air samples from pure cultures were sorbed on Tenax GR and analyzed by thermal desorption in combination with GC/MS. Various hydrocarbons of different chemical groups and a large number of terpenes were identified. Some compounds such as 3-methyl-1-butanol and 1-octen-3-ol were produced by a number of species, whereas some volatiles were specific for single species. An inventory of microbial metabolites will allow identification of potential health hazards due to an exposure to fungal propagules and metabolites in the workplace. Moreover, species-specific volatiles may serve as marker compounds for the selective detection of fungal species in indoor domestic and working environments.  相似文献   

There is a requirement to verify the performance of sorbent-based passive or active samplers and to extend their use, where possible, to monitor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are known to be photochemical ozone pre-cursors or are relevant to the activities of the petrochemical industry. We report measurements of the 14-day diffusive uptake rates for the VOCs: i-butane (2-methyl propane), n-butane, i-pentane (2-methyl butane), n-pentane, n-hexane, benzene, toluene, and m-xylene (at environmental level concentrations) for industry standard axial samplers (Perkin–Elmer-type samplers) containing the sorbents Carbopack-X, -Z, -B or Tenax-TA. We also present data on back-diffusion, blank levels, and storage for the above sorbents, and describe the simultaneous use of the sorbent Carbopack-X for pumped sampling of certain VOCs. The results were obtained by dosing samplers in a controlled atmosphere test facility (CATFAC) operating under well-defined conditions of concentration, nominal temperature of 20 °C, wind speed of 0.5 m s?1, and relative humidities of 0% and 80%. Field measurements were also obtained to provide supplementary data to support the laboratory study. Results are compared to existing published data, where these are available.  相似文献   

Surface fluxes of O3, CO2 and SO2 were estimated from a variational method by using measured concentrations and variances of these trace gases. The measurements were taken over a deciduous forest when it was fully leafed during the summer of 1988 and when it was leafless during the winter of 1990. A flux–variance relation and a flux–gradient relation were employed as constraints in a cost function which is minimized to find the optimal estimate of concentration fluxes of the gases under study. Fluxes of O3, CO2 and SO2 from the variational method were compared with fluxes estimated by the flux–variance relation and measured using an eddy correlation technique. Results show that the variational method improves the estimates of fluxes.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the effectiveness of a semiconductor ammonia sensor capable of performing diachronic measurements; its characteristics were checked in the laboratory by means including comparison with standard gases. We found as a result that the ammonia sensor's readings increased with increasing water vapor pressure. We compared sensor readings with values obtained by chemical analysis of samples collected in situ and checked sensor reading accuracy. Ammonia concentration was determined by combining ammonia sensor readings with measured values for water vapor pressure. In situ conditions were ammonia concentration of under 100 ppbv and water vapor pressure of 4–16 hPa. There was a good correlation with the concentration of samples trapped with boric acid and analyzed by indophenol colorimetry. We discerned a relationship between ammonia concentration and local meteorological conditions such as wind direction and speed. The estimated error of the ammonia sensor's measurements was ±9.7 ppbv when ammonia concentration as measured by acid sampling and colorimetry was regarded as correct. This demonstrated that it is possible to detect in situ fluctuations in low ammonia concentrations of about 10 ppbv, which was the background concentration in farming areas. We have shown a monitoring method for ammonia in situ that is both easy to operate and low-cost.  相似文献   

Release of PCDD and PCDF from biomass combustion such as forest and agricultural crop fires has been nominated as an important source for these chemicals despite minimal characterisation. Available emission factors that have been experimentally determined in laboratory and field experiments vary by several orders of magnitude from <0.5 μg TEQ (t fuel consumed)−1 to >100 μg TEQ (t fuel consumed)−1. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of experimental methods on the emission factor.A portable field sampler was used to measure PCDD/PCDF emissions from forest fires and the same fuel when burnt over a brick hearth to eliminate potential soil effects. A laboratory burn facility was used to sample emissions from the same fuels. There was very good agreement in emission factors to air (EFAir) for forest fuel (Duke Forest, NC) of 0.52 (range: 0.40-0.79), 0.59 (range: 0.18-1.2) and 0.75 (range: 0.27-1.2) μg TEQWHO2005 (t fuel consumed)−1 for the in-field, over a brick hearth, and burn facility experiments, respectively. Similarly, experiments with sugarcane showed very good agreement with EFAir of 1.1 (range: 0.40-2.2), 1.5 (range: 0.84-2.2) and 1.7 (range: 0.34-4.4) μg TEQ (t fuel consumed)−1 for in-field, over a brick hearth, open field and burn facility experiments respectively. Field sampling and laboratory simulations were in good agreement, and no significant changes in emissions of PCDD/PCDF could be attributed to fuel storage and transport to laboratory test facilities.  相似文献   

In this study, long-term aerosol particle total number concentration measurements in five metropolitan areas across Europe are presented. The measurements have been carried out in Augsburg, Barcelona, Helsinki, Rome, and Stockholm using the same instrument, a condensation particle counter (TSI model 3022). The results show that in all of the studied cities, the winter concentrations are higher than the summer concentrations. In Helsinki and in Stockholm, winter concentrations are higher by a factor of two and in Augsburg almost by a factor of three compared with summer months. The winter maximum of the monthly average concentrations in these cities is between 10,000 cm(-3) and 20,000 cm(-3), whereas the summer min is approximately 5000-6000 cm(-3). In Rome and in Barcelona, the winters are more polluted compared with summers by as much as a factor of 4-10. The winter maximum in both Rome and Barcelona is close to 100,000 cm(-3), whereas the summer minimum is > 10,000 cm(-3). During the weekdays the maximum of the hourly average concentrations in all of the cities is detected during the morning hours between 7 and 10 a.m. The evening maxima were present in Barcelona, Rome, and Augsburg, but these were not as pronounced as the morning ones. The daily maxima in Helsinki and Stockholm are close or even lower than the daily minima in the more polluted cities. The concentrations between these two groups of cities are different with a factor of about five during the whole day. The study pointed out the influence of the selection of the measurement site and the configuration of the sampling line on the observed concentrations.  相似文献   

A method for evaluating photochemical grid models based on the estimation of the probability density function (PDF) of the variations in ozone concentrations is described and demonstrated. It is assumed that the ozone concentration PDF is determined from 100 Monte Carlo uncertainty runs based on uncertainties in photochemical grid model input variables. The exercise involves the Urban Airshed Model with Variable grid (UAM-V) as applied to the July 1995 Ozone Transport Assessment Group episode in the eastern US. The focus is on the distribution of model residuals (observed concentration minus model-predicted ensemble mean concentration) for 66 ozone monitors on the OTAG domain. It is concluded that the distribution of observed model residuals is within the 95% range of expected uncertainty, suggesting that the model is performing adequately.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study three different concentration methods coupled with the microscale fluctuation test for routine screening of different drinking water supplies before and after treatment. Unconcentrated samples were also tested. The results showed the formation of direct-acting mutagens in drinking water from surface sources after chlorination.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the contribution of a facility that processes steel production slag into raw material for cement production to local outdoor particle deposition in Camden, NJ. A dry deposition sampler that can house four 37-mm quartz fiber filters was developed and used for the collection of atmospheric particle deposits. Two rounds of particle collection (3-4 weeks each) were conducted in 8-11 locations 200-800 m downwind of the facility. Background samples were concurrently collected in a remote area located -2 km upwind from the facility. In addition, duplicate surface wipe samples were collected side-by-side from each of the 13 locations within the same sampling area during the first deposition sampling period. One composite source material sample was also collected from a pile stored in the facility. Both the bulk of the source material and the < 38 microm fraction subsample were analyzed to obtain the elemental source profile. The particle deposition flux in the study area was higher (24-83 mg/m2 x day) than at the background sites (13-17 mg/m2day). The concentration of Ca, a major element in the cement source production material, was found to exponentially decrease with increasing downwind distance from the facility (P < 0.05). The ratio of Ca/Al, an indicator of Ca enrichment due to anthropogenic sources in a given sample, showed a similar trend. These observations suggest a significant contribution of the facility to the local particle deposition. The contribution of the facility to outdoor deposited particle mass was further estimated by three independent models using the measurements obtained from this study. The estimated contributions to particle deposition in the study area were 1.8-7.4% from the regression analysis of the Ca concentration in particle deposition samples against the distance from the facility, 0-11% from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) source-receptor model, and 7.6-13% from the EPA Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) dispersion model using the particle-size-adjusted permit-based emissions estimates.  相似文献   

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