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The present work is aimed to understand direct radiation effects due to aerosols over Delhi in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) region, using detailed chemical analysis of surface measured aerosols during the year 2007.  相似文献   

A one-box chemical-meteorological model had been formulated to make preliminary estimates of sulphate aerosol formation and direct radiative forcing over India. Anthropogenic SO2 emissions from India, from industrial fuel use and biomass burning, were estimated at 2.0 Tg S yr-1 for 1990 in the range of previous estimates of 1.54 and 2.55 Tg S yr -1 for 1987. Meteorological parameters for 1990 from 18 Indian Meteorological Department stations were used to estimate spatial average sulphate burdens through formation from SO2 reactions in gas and aqueous phase and removal by dry and wet deposition. The hydrogen peroxide reaction was found dominating for undepleted oxidant-rich conditions. Monthly mean sulphate burdens ranged from 2–10 mg m-2 with a seasonal variation of winter–spring highs and summer lows in agreement with previous GCM studies. The sulphate burdens are dominated by sulphate removal rates by wet deposition, which are high in the monsoon period from June–November. Monthly mean direct radiative forcing from sulphate aerosols is high (−3.5 and −2.3 W m-2) in December and January, is moderate (−1.3 to −1.5 W m-2) during February to April and November and low (−0.4 to −0.6 W m-2) during May to October also in general agreement with previous GCM estimates. This model, in reasonable agreement with detailed GCM results, gives us a simple tool to make preliminary estimates of sulphate burdens and direct radiative forcing.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Simultaneous observations (2014–2017) of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) are made over a high-altitude site (Nainital,...  相似文献   

The characteristics of the temperature field in the stable atmospheric boundary layer, whilst under the influence of an industrial dry-cooling tower, are described from experimental observations.  相似文献   

Accurate Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow are essential for a wide variety of atmospheric studies including pollutant dispersion and deposition. The accuracy of such simulations can be seriously compromised when wall-function roughness modifications based on experimental data for sand-grain roughened pipes and channels are applied at the bottom of the computational domain. This type of roughness modification is currently present in many CFD codes including Fluent 6.2 and Ansys CFX 10.0, previously called CFX-5. The problems typically manifest themselves as unintended streamwise gradients in the vertical mean wind speed and turbulence profiles as they travel through the computational domain. These gradients can be held responsible—at least partly—for the discrepancies that are sometimes found between seemingly identical CFD simulations performed with different CFD codes and between CFD simulations and measurements. This paper discusses the problem by focusing on the simulation of a neutrally stratified, fully developed, horizontally homogeneous ABL over uniformly rough, flat terrain. The problem and its negative consequences are discussed and suggestions to improve the CFD simulations are made.  相似文献   

A model of downward aerosol panicle flux characterized by dry deposition velocity, Vd, due to Slinn and Slinn (1980) is generalized to the case of nonzero surface concentration (absorbing surface with a surface source). A more general expression for the flux at some reference height is developed which includes Vd and an effective surface source strength, Si, which is a function of the true surface source strength, Si, and the particle transport properties below the reference height. The general expression for the surface flux is incorporated into a dynamic mixed layer model of the type developed by Davidson et al. (1983). This three layer model (diffusion sublayer, turbulent surface layer and mixed layer) is applied to an open ocean marine regime where boundary layer advection is ignored. The aerosol concentration in the boundary layer is considered to consist of sea salt particles produced as droplets at the surface and ‘continental’ background aerosols brought into the boundary layer at the top by entrainment and gravitational settling. Estimates of Si are provided.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) and acetone (CH3C(O)CH3) concentrations in ambient air, in snowpack air, and bulk snow were determined at Alert, Nunavut, Canada, as a part of the Polar Sunrise Experiment (PSE): ALERT 2000. During the period of continuous sunlight, vertical profiles of ambient and snowpack air exhibited large concentration gradients through the top ∼10 cm of the snowpack, implying a flux of carbonyl compounds from the surface to the atmosphere. From vertical profile and eddy diffusivity measurements made simultaneously on 22 April, acetaldehyde and acetone fluxes of 4.2(±2.1)×108 and 6.2(±4.2)×108 molecules cm−2 s−1 were derived, respectively. For this day, the sources and sinks of CH3CHO from gas phase chemistry were estimated. The result showed that the snowpack flux of CH3CHO to the atmosphere was as large as the calculated CH3CHO loss rate from known atmospheric gas phase reactions, and at least 40 times larger (in the surface layer) than the volumetric rate of acetaldehyde produced from the assumed main atmospheric gas phase reaction, i.e. reaction of ethane with hydroxyl radicals. In addition, acetaldehyde bulk snow phase measurements showed that acetaldehyde was produced in or on the snow phase, likely from a photochemical origin. The time series for the observed CH3C(O)CH3, ozone (O3), and propane during PSE 1995, PSE 1998, and ALERT 2000 showed a consistent anti-correlation between acetone and O3 and between acetone and propane. However, our data and model simulations showed that the acetone increase during ozone depletion events cannot be explained by gas phase chemistry involving propane oxidation. These results suggest that the snowpack is a significant source of acetaldehyde and acetone to the Arctic boundary layer.  相似文献   

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) were measured on tethered balloon platforms in 11 deployments between 1985 and 1996. A series of balloon sampling packages have been used to describe boundary layer dynamics, BVOC distribution, chemical transformations of BVOCs, and to estimate BVOC emission rates from terrestrial vegetation. Measurements indicated a slow decrease of concentration for BVOCs with altitude in the mixed layer when sampling times were greater than average convective turnover time; surface layer concentrations were more variable because of proximity to various emission sources in the smaller surface layer footprint. Mixed layer concentrations of isoprene remained fairly constant in the middle of the day, in contrast to canopy-level isoprene concentrations, which continued to increase until early evening. Daytime emissions, which increase with temperature and light, appear to be balanced by changes in entrainment and oxidation. Daytime measurements of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone, reaction products of the atmospheric oxidation of isoprene, showed fairly constant ratio to each other with altitude throughout the mixed layer. BVOC emission flux estimates using balloon measurements and from the extrapolation of leaf level emissions to the landscape scale were in good agreement.  相似文献   

Recent urban measurements suggest that NO3 concentrations vary significantly with altitude in the lowest few hundred metres of the atmosphere. Calculations using a one-dimensional boundary layer model show that NO3 concentrations are small near the ground and increase with altitude to a maximum near the top of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL). These results show that the NBL is not well mixed, and that where there are surface sources and sinks two-box models of the NBL are inadequate, and surface measurements are not representative and may lead to an underestimate of the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In May 1995, the “Chimie-Creil 95” experiment was undertaken in the north of France. The field data are first used to validate the methodology for airborne measurement of ozone flux. A certain number of methodological problems due to the location of the fast ozone sensor inside the airplane are, furthermore discussed. The paper describes the instrumentation of the ARAT (Avion de Recherche Atmosphérique et de Télédétection), an atmospheric research and remote-sensing aircraft used to perform the airborne measurements, the area flown over, the meteorological conditions and boundary layer stability conditions. These aircraft measurements are then used to determine ozone deposition velocity and values are proposed for aerodynamic, bulk transfer coefficients (ozone and momentum). The paper also establishes the relationship between the normalised standard deviation and stability parameters (z/L) for ozone, temperature, humidity and vertical velocity. The laws obtained are then presented.  相似文献   

Brown carbon aerosols were recently found to be ubiquitous and effectively absorb solar radiation. We use a 3-D global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem) together with aircraft and ground based observations from the TRACE-P and the ACE-Asia campaigns to examine the contribution of brown carbon aerosol to the aerosol light absorption and its climatic implication over East Asia in spring 2001. We estimated brown carbon aerosol concentrations in the model using the mass ratio of brown carbon to black carbon (BC) aerosols based on measurements in China and Europe. The comparison of simulated versus observed aerosol light absorption showed that the model accounting for brown carbon aerosol resulted in a better agreement with the observations in East Asian-Pacific outflow. We then used the model results to compute the radiative forcing of brown carbon, which amounts up to ?2.4 W m?2 and 0.24 W m?2 at the surface and at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), respectively, over East Asia. Mean radiative forcing of brown carbon aerosol is ?0.43 W m?2 and 0.05 W m?2 at the surface and at the TOA, accounting for about 15% of total radiative forcing (?2.2 W m?2 and 0.33 W m?2) by absorbing aerosols (BC + brown carbon aerosol), having a significant climatic implication in East Asia.  相似文献   

It is shown in this paper that in the case of long and short transport times the center of mass of a cloud diffusing in the atmospheric boundary layer, at the ground level, can be explicitly represented in terms of the wind and the eddy diffusivity profiles.This result enables one to extend to a wider class of boundary layer structures the analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of the ground level trajectory, restricted to date to a few specific examples of vertical profiles.  相似文献   

Three Lagrangian experiments were conducted during IGAC's second aerosol characterization experiment (ACE-2) in the area between Portugal, Tenerife and Madeira in June/July 1997. During each Lagrangian experiment, a boundary layer air mass was followed for about 30 h, and the temporal evolution of its chemical and aerosol composition was documented by a series of vertical profiles and horizontal box pattern flown by the Meteorological Research Flight research aircraft Hercules C130. The wealth of observational data that has been collected during these three Lagrangian experiments is the basis for the development and testing of a one-dimensional Lagrangian boundary layer model with coupled gas, aqueous, and aerosol phase chemistry. The focus of this paper is on current model limitations and strengths. We show that the model is able to represent the dynamical and chemical evolution of the marine boundary layer, in some cases requiring adjustments of the subsidence velocity and of the surface heat fluxes. Entrainment of a layer rich in ozone and carbon monoxide from a residual continental boundary layer into the marine boundary layer as well as in-cloud oxidation of sulphur dioxide by hydrogen peroxide are simulated, and coherent results are obtained, concerning the evolution of the small, presumably sulphate–ammonia aerosol mode.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the lidar experiments that have been performed during January 1989 through August 1990 to study the aerosol vertical distributions in the nocturnal atmosphere and their comparison with near-simultaneous aerological soundings for environmental monitoring. During the study period, the aerosol distributions showed significant stratified aerosol layer structures in the lower atmosphere throughout the south-west monsoon season (June-September), while these structures appear to be either erratic or absent during remaining months of the year. In addition, the aerosols present in the lowest air layers up to 200 m are found to contribute significantly (about 40%) to the aerosol loading in the nocturnal boundary layer at the lidar site. The pre-monsoon to winter ratio of mixing depth and ventilation coefficient were found to be 1.11 and 1.62, respectively. Thus the height of the mixed layer (around 350 m) and the associated ventilation coefficients suggest that early winter evenings tend to have higher pollution potential at the experimental site. The results indicate that the lidar technique has the potential to yield good information on the structure of the nocturnal atmosphere which is found to be influenced by the atmospheric stability conditions as revealed by aerological observations.  相似文献   

Sulfur is an extremely motile and vital element in the Earth's biogeochemical environment, one whose active redox chemistry maintains small reservoirs in the atmosphere and biosphere yet large fluxes through both. Essential for life, intimately linked to the climate state, and an important component of air quality, sulfur and its transport and processing in the atmosphere have been the subject of active research for several decades. This review article describes the current state of our understanding of the atmospheric sulfur cycle, focusing on the marine atmospheric boundary layer, with the aim of identifying the largest roots of uncertainty that most inhibit accurate simulation of sulfur cycling in the atmosphere. An overview of the emissions by phytoplankton and shipping, dispersion and entrainment in the marine boundary layer, and chemical processing by aerosols, clouds, and dry deposition is presented. Analysis of 20 contemporary modeling studies suggests that the greatest ambiguity in global sulfur cycling derives from (in descending order) wet deposition of aerosol sulfate, dry deposition of sulfur dioxide to the Earth's surface, and the heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 in aerosols and clouds.  相似文献   

A novel approach is described for the fractionation of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in atmospheric aerosols and cloud drops. The method is based on the preliminary adsorption of the sample, acidified at pH 2, on a polymeric styrene-divinylbenzene resin (XAD-2) and subsequent elution with a series of solvents, which leads to the fractionation of the sample into three classes of compounds. The method was set up using synthetic mixtures of organic compounds and then applied to selected samples of atmospheric aerosols and cloud drops. All samples and collected fractions were analysed using size exclusion chromatography (SEC). This method proved particularly useful both in providing information on the organic content of the samples and for the characterisation of the macromolecular compounds (MMCs) in the samples. Synthetic samples were prepared using humic, fulvic and tannic acid to simulate naturally occurring MMCs. In the first fraction, eluted with HCl, only the most soluble organic compounds (oxalic acid, formic acid and acetic acid) were collected. In the second fraction, eluted with methanol, the major part of the organic material was collected together with the more hydrophilic constituents of the humic substances. In the third fraction, it was possible to separately recover the more hydrophobic component of the humic substances. A large number of atmospheric samples (fog, aerosol, cloud) were then analysed using SEC. Most of these samples evidenced a noteworthy chromatogram at 254 nm. Moreover, the chromatographic area evidenced a clear linear correlation with the total organic carbon (TOC) values. The fractionation method on XAD-2 was finally applied to selected atmospheric samples, yielding three classes of organic compounds. In each sample, a non-negligible amount of compounds with dimensional and chemical properties similar to humic substances were collected in the third fraction. The carbon content in this latter fraction was estimated both by TOC and by means of the correlation between TOC and SEC area.  相似文献   

The ECLAP experiment has been performed during the winter of 1995 in order to study the influence of the urban area of Paris on the vertical structure and diurnal evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer, in situations favourable to intense urban heat island and pollution increase. One urban site and one rural site have been instrumented with sodars, lidars and surface measurements. Additional radiosondes, 100 m masts and Eiffel Tower data were also collected. This paper gives a general overview of this experiment, and presents results of the analysis of four selected days, characterized by various wind directions and temperature inversion strengths. This analysis, which consists in a comparison between data obtained in the two sites, has been focused on three parameters of importance to the ABL dynamics: the standard deviation of vertical velocity, the surface sensible heat flux, and the boundary layer height. The vertical component of turbulence is shown to be enhanced by the urban area, the amplitude of this effect strongly depending on the meteorological situation. The sensible heat flux in Paris is generally found larger than in the rural suburbs. The most frequent differences range from 25–65 W m-2, corresponding to relative differences of 20–60%. The difference of unstable boundary layer height between both sites are most of the time less than 100 m. However, sodar and temperature data show that the urban influence is enhanced during night-time and transitions between stable and unstable regimes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted during the ALERT 2000 field campaign aimed at understanding the role of air–snow interactions in carbonyl compound chemistry and the associated ozone depletion in the atmospheric boundary layer. Under sunlit conditions, we find that formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acetone exhibit a significant diel cycle with average ambient air concentrations of 166, 53 and 385 ppt, respectively. A box model of Arctic surface layer chemistry was used to understand the diel behavior of carbonyl compound concentrations at Alert, Nunavut, Canada, with a focus on the chemical and physical processes that affect carbonyl compounds. Results of the study showed that the measured carbonyl compound concentrations can only be simulated when a radiation-dependent snowpack source term (possibly photochemistry) and a temperature-dependent sink (physical uptake on snow grains) of carbonyl compounds were added to the model. We are able to simulate the concentration and amplitude of the observed diel cycle, but not the phase of the cycle. These results help confirm the importance of snowpack chemistry and physical processes with respect to carbonyl compound concentrations in the Arctic surface boundary layer, and reveal weakness in the details of our understanding.  相似文献   

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