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我国城市中尚有大量非规范生活垃圾填埋场存在,对其进行污染整治消除填埋气导致的环境安全隐患刻不容缓.以重庆某垃圾填埋场为例,研究重庆市主城区的非规范生活垃圾填埋场填埋气的横向迁移问题,在垃圾场周边区域布设36个监测井,对监测井中的填埋气进行分析监测,以填埋气特征组分CH4气体的体积浓度变化研究填埋气的横向迁移规律.结果表明,监测井到填埋场边界的距离为监测井中CH4气体浓度的主要影响因素;垃圾场周边距离填埋场场界50 m以外的区域,填埋气的横向迁移已经相当微弱;但是距离填埋场边界50 m以内区域的填埋气的横向迁移明显,需要在距离填埋场边界50 m范围内采取措施与场内填埋气的导排措施配合,进行填埋气的污染控制. 相似文献
对于国内外在传统的厌氧填埋和新型的准好氧填埋两种不同运行方式下对填埋气的特性研究作了简介。通过比较分析,传统的厌氧填埋结构中填埋气的甲烷含量比较高(40%~60%),而准好氧填埋中填埋气的甲烷含量只有10%~20%。对于中小型的填埋场,由于技术和成本的制约,建立准好氧填埋场,不仅有利于加快垃圾的稳定化进程,还可以减少甲烷的生成量,减轻对环境所造成的污染。 相似文献
Municipal solid waste generation rate is over-riding the population growth rate in all mega-cities in India. Greenhouse gas emission inventory from landfills of Chennai has been generated by measuring the site specific emission factors in conjunction with relevant activity data as well as using the IPCC methodologies for CH4 inventory preparation. In Chennai, emission flux ranged from 1.0 to 23.5mg CH4m(-2)h(-1), 6 to 460microg N2Om(-2)h(-1) and 39 to 906mg CO2m(2)h(-1) at Kodungaiyur and 0.9 to 433mg CH4m(-2)h(-1), 2.7 to 1200microg N2Om(-2)h(-1) and 12.3 to 964.4mg CO2m(-2)h(-1) at Perungudi. CH4 emission estimates were found to be about 0.12Gg in Chennai from municipal solid waste management for the year 2000 which is lower than the value computed using IPCC, 1996 [IPCC, 1996. Report of the 12th session of the intergovernmental panel of climate change, Mexico City, 1996] methodologies. 相似文献
Open dumping and landfilling are the prevalent solid waste disposal practices in Thailand. Surveys on the disposal sites revealed the presence of 95 landfills and 330 open dumps. Methane emission potential at these sites was estimated by three methods. Results of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method, Landfill Gas Emission model (LandGEM), and closed flux chamber technique were compared. The methane emission potential of 366 Gg/yr using the IPCC method was higher than the estimations of the LandGEM and closed flux chamber method of 115 Gg/yr and 103 Gg/yr, respectively. An understanding of the methane emission potential initiated the analysis of upgrading the open dumps into landfills, adding landfills to meet the future needs and utilization of landfill gases. Upgrading the open dumps to landfills increased the methane emission rates and their utilization potential. Approximately 20 additional landfills may be required to meet future demands. Landfill gas (LFG) utilization appears to be feasible in the large-scale landfills. 相似文献
采用SBR渐减曝气工艺处理模拟城市生活垃圾填埋场新鲜渗滤液,实验研究了反应器运行条件与出水水质的关系及有机碳的转移规律。研究结果表明新鲜渗滤液经24h曝气处理后,出水COD浓度约为500mg/L,BOD5/COD降为014左右;出水COD浓度与容积负荷无明显相关性;COD去除率与容积负荷呈正比,并在容积负荷为50kgCOD/m3·d时达到最高,约95%;去除的有机碳气相转化率与容积负荷呈正比,在容积负荷为50kgCOD/m3·d时,有机碳气相转化率接近100%;该系统最高容积负荷为50kgCOD/m3·d,相应的污泥浓度(以混合液悬浮性挥发固体(MLVSS)计)为712g/L。 相似文献
研究了回喷负荷、回喷次数对焚烧残渣填埋场渗滤液回喷处理的影响。正交试验结果表明,回喷负荷为24.6 L/(m2·d)、回喷次数为6次/d时,蒸发比为0.94,影响蒸发比的关键因素是回喷负荷,其次为回喷次数,二者的交互作用对蒸发比影响不显著。 相似文献
为对垃圾填埋场封场后如何进行生态恢复研究提供基础资料,对超负荷运转中的广州市李坑生活垃圾填埋场周围的植被现状进行了调查,测算了物种量、覆盖度、污染状况等。同时运用植被覆盖度、结构、物种量和相对物种量等级评价以及对Zn、Cd等6种污染物的质量指数进行了评价。结果表明,所调查填埋场场区及灌区内有轻度污染,而场外与灌区外则相对较轻或无污染。 相似文献
基于<生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准>(GB 16889-2008)对生活垃圾焚烧飞灰(以下简称飞灰)的豁免管理规定,选用磷酸盐组合药剂和硫基螯合剂对飞灰进行重金属稳定化实验,考察了2类药剂对飞灰重金属的稳定效果.寻求达到最佳重金属稳定效果的药剂添加量,同时分析了稳定化飞灰进入生活垃圾填埋场时初期渗滤液中的重金属浸出情况.结... 相似文献
分析了某生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液中16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度水平和季节分布特征,考察了基于膜生物反应器联合纳滤(MBR/NF)的渗滤液处理工艺对PAHs的去除效果,同时探讨了该填埋场对周围水体环境的影响.结果表明,PAHs在填埋场渗滤液中的总质量浓度为13.0~45.8μg/L;MBR/NF处理工艺对渗滤液中... 相似文献
Economic activity uses resources, which leads to waste generation. With rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, per capita solid waste generation has increased considerably. Solid waste generation data for last two decades shows an alarming increase. Owing to its improper and untimely collection, the transport and disposal of municipal solid waste poses a severe threat to various components of the environment and also to public health. This paper describes the merits and demerits of various technological aspects of solid waste management. Landfill technology, as it is the most widely employed and is regarded as the most suitable and simple mechanism, especially for tropical countries such as India, is emphasised. All possible costs and benefits and externalities are examined. A cost-benefit analysis of a landfill system with gas recovery (LFSGR) has been carried out for Mumbai city's solid waste, accounting for certain external costs and benefits, and found that it could make a huge difference of savings of about Rs. 6.366 billion (approx. $0.l40 billion) per annum with reference to the existing system of waste disposal. 相似文献
A long-term monitoring of composition of landfill gases in the region with high rainfall was conducted using an argon assay in order to discuss air intrusion into the dump site. Gas samples were taken from vertical gas monitoring pipes installed along transects at two sections (called new and old) of an abandoned waste dump site in Sri Lanka. N 2O concentrations varied especially widely, by more than three orders of magnitude (0.046–140 ppmv). The nitrogen/argon ratio of landfill gas was normally higher than that of fresh air, implying that denitrification occurred in the dump site. Argon assays indicate that both N 2 and N 2O production occurred inside waste and more significantly in the old section. The Ar assay would help for evaluations of N 2O emission in developing countries. Implications: A long-term monitoring of composition of landfill gases in the region with high rainfall was conducted using an argon assay in order to discuss air intrusion into the dump site. Argon assays indicate that both N2 and N2O production occurred inside waste and more significantly in the old section. 相似文献
根据垃圾土颗粒大、纤维质多等性质,自行研发了适合垃圾土的反复直剪仪,进行了垃圾土的反复剪切实验。通过对比3组不同深度垃圾土样的反复剪切实验数据,总结出垃圾土的反复剪切性质,得出反复剪切的破环强度、峰值强度和残余强度,并根据破环强度值得出垃圾土的c、φ参数。对比国外填埋场失稳反演得出的垃圾土强度,得出以剪切应变ε=10%作为垃圾土强度的取值。 相似文献
基于多孔介质流体力学、多相流以及土壤水动力学理论,利用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法,研究了垃圾填埋场中渗滤液运移过程的基本规律,并对填埋场底部可渗和不可渗2种情况下渗滤液的运移规律进行了模拟比对,研究成果可为填埋场渗滤液控制系统的设计和管理提供科学的理论依据和技术支持。 相似文献
我国生活垃圾焚烧发电规模占全球的66.1%,环境风险不容忽视,需要制定适宜的烟气污染物排放限值与监管措施,可参考欧盟、美国、日本等较早应用生活垃圾焚烧处理的国家 (地区) 的有益经验。但是,现有的国内外对比研究仅关注了排放限值的差异,忽略了国内外标准在历史沿革、基准条件、适用对象、执行尺度等方面的差异及原因。本研究基于2017年以来国内生活垃圾焚烧行业专项整治取得的成效,深入分析国内外标准的差异及原因,得出以下结论:1) 烟气排放限值落地执行需要与之配套的监管措施,自动监测手段有利于实现对生活垃圾焚烧烟气常规污染物及炉温的全天候监管,在欧盟、美国已广泛应用,在我国的应用已取得良好成效;2) 与国外相比,我国生活垃圾焚烧烟气排放限值未考虑焚烧炉规模与技术差异化的影响,在排放与监管标准中未兼顾小型焚烧炉,但实际上有必要给予小型焚烧炉适度的、合理的差异化要求,以规范市场并增强环境监管的严肃性;3) 与国外相比,我国生活垃圾焚烧烟气排放限值总体上处于严格行列,监管刚性很强但柔性不足,部分省市制定的地方标准限值严于欧盟,但缺乏类似欧盟标准B类限值的达标评价方式,有必要在探索“正面清单”等更为灵活的监管方式的同时,基于自动监测手段表现出的精准监管能力,进一步优化和拓展更具弹性的排放限值与监管措施。本研究有利于识别我国生活垃圾焚烧行业环境监管政策和模式与发达国家 (地区) 的差异,可为进一步优化固定源环境监管政策和模式提供依据。 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Waste incineration is a process of full combustion reaction between waste and oxygen at high temperature. It is a new problem whether the special... 相似文献
为了理清北京固废系统潜在的环境影响及相关机制发展状况,本研究基于填埋气逸出模拟对北京市固废系统中的填埋气排放和CDM项目进行研究分析。将中国垃圾填埋气模型应用到北京市,预测其潜在垃圾填埋气排放总碳当量达0.97亿t,2026年左右迎来产气高峰,排放量为54 367 m3/h,碳当量达228万t,2015—2040年间的碳当量占比约53.3%;北京市CDM数据分析显示,2010年以来北京市CDM项目发展良好,但较全国水平稍显滞后,其垃圾填埋气回收利用项目占北京市获批CDM项目总量的11.1%,签发数比例约33.3%,远低于全国水平的41.82%。研究表明:北京市固废系统即将步入产气高峰期,潜在碳排放量巨大,势必将给北京市的温室气体减排工作带来切实压力,但是相关CDM项目发展不适应当前的减排需求,急需加强和改善北京市的城市固体废物管理,推进相关CDM项目在北京的良性发展。 相似文献
采用物化处理方法对垃圾渗滤液进行处理,反应时间为1 h,进水的pH为7,出水的pH调至12,澄清后的pH调节到7~8,试验结果表明,COD的浓度从7452 mg/L降低到67 mg/L,去除率达到99.1%;TN的浓度从1055 mg/L降低到637 mg/L,去除率达到40%;TP的浓度从13.2 mg/L降低到未检出,去除率达到100%;色度从2048倍降低到1倍;除TN以外,COD、TP和色度均可达到国家规定的排放标准. 相似文献
Effective landfill management and operation require an accurate evaluation of the occurrence and extent of odour emission events, which are among the main causes of resident complaints and concerns, in particular in densely urbanised areas. This paper proposes a fuzzy optimal protection system (FOPS) based on fuzzy logic to manage odour production from a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. The case study is a MSW landfill in an old quarry site located 6 km north-west of Naples city centre (Italy). The aim is to reduce the odour nuisance in the area surrounding the landfill where there are several sensitive receptors. FOPS is based on logical relationships between local atmospheric dynamics, number and intensity of odour pollution events detected by certain fixed receptors and odour emission rate via an optimal fuzzy approach. Such system allows to start, in real time, established mitigation actions required to further reduce the odorous emissions from the landfill itself (e.g. spraying of perfumed substances and activation of extraction wells), especially when weather conditions might not be favourable and cause by causing a higher odour perception. The fuzzy system was coupled with the air pollutant transport software CALPUFF to simulate the odour dispersion in the considered area taking into account both different odour emission rates and local weather conditions. FOPS results show that this approach can be very useful as, by measuring the odour concentrations, a significant reduction of the odour exceedances over the thresholds fixed, to minimise the olfactory harassment, was observed in the whole area studied. 相似文献
可渗透反应墙技术(PRB)是一种高效、节能、绿色、可持续的原位修复技术,能有效治理垃圾渗滤液及污染地下水。由于固废填埋场渗滤液性质类似,PRB技术也可用于固废填埋场渗滤液的原位处理。以重金属污染土壤经固化/稳定化修复后安全填埋产生的渗滤液为研究对象,经前期调研筛选PRB反应介质,采用静态批实验、动态柱实验评估反应介质的修复效果,同时通过PRB设计、施工、运行监测等工程实践验证PRB技术处理渗滤液的可实施性。结果表明,选择赤铁矿和石灰石作为PRB反应介质,当赤铁矿∶石灰石=2∶1、反应时间为12 h时,对镍、砷、锑吸附容量分别达到499.31、494.32、18.63 mg·kg −1。以赤铁矿∶石灰石=2∶1作为柱实验填充材料时,反应0~28 d溶液中砷、锑的浓度均远低于修复目标值,镍的浓度在反应0~14 d内达标、21 d后浓度急剧上升穿透PRB柱。采用上述填充材料建设与渗滤液收集池一体化的连续反应墙时,设计墙体厚度1.5 m。在工程运行初期,PRB建成使用1~3月后,场内监测井污染物数据均达到地下水Ⅳ类标准,且下游监测井污染物数据施工前后无变化未造成二次污染。PRB处理固废填埋场渗滤液具备一定应用前景。 相似文献
The dispersion of VOCs emitted by a municipal solid waste landfill was studied for a period of over one year. Sixteen VOCs were monitored: linear alkanes from C 7 to C 11, BTEX, trimethylbenzene, trichlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene, α and β-pinenes, limonene. The analytical procedure was first comprised of static long-term sampling of about 2 months using radial diffusion Radiello tubes containing activated carbon, followed by extraction by solvent ( i.e. CS 2) and GC/MS analysis. The results were initially analysed on the basis of the total concentration of the quantified VOCs, then by examining the concentrations of certain selected compounds. The influence of different parameters such as operating conditions, meteorological conditions and site morphology was highlighted on the basis of total VOC concentrations. In order to study the VOC's dispersion more closely, 5 compounds were chosen: toluene, benzene, limonene, and the sum trichlorethylene + tetrachlorethylene, as a “marker”, to verify the origin of the VOCs emitted. The results showed that the main source of VOCs is the open cell and lead to different hypotheses on interferences from neighbouring sources and to the proposal of solutions to limit the emission of VOCs and their dispersion. To our knowledge, this type of study has not been accomplished until this day. 相似文献