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Data on mass-levels of PM10 measured at regional background sites across the Mediterranean Basin, available from Airbase (European Environmental Agency) and from a few aerosol research sites, are compiled. PM10 levels increase from north to south and west to east of the Basin. These variations are roughly coincident with the PM10 African mineral dust load. However, when subtracting the African dust from mean PM10 levels using a consistent methodology, the PM10 background levels are still 5–10 μg m?3 higher in the Eastern Basin (EMB) when compared with those in the Western (WMB), mainly due to the higher anthropogenic and sea spray loads.As regards for the seasonal trends, these are largely driven by the occurrence of African dust events, resulting in a spring-early summer maximum over the EMB, and a clear summer maximum in the WMB, although in this later region the recirculations of aged air masses play an important role. Furthermore, a marked seasonal trend is still evident when subtracting the African dust load. This is characterised by a high summer maximum (driven by low precipitation, high insolation) and a winter minimum (intense synoptic winds).Important inter-annual variations in the dust contribution are detected, more evident in the southern sites. These differences are generally associated with the occurrence of extreme dust events. Generally, the years with higher dust contributions over the EMB correspond with lower contributions over the WMB, and vice versa.The characterization of individual particles, collected in both basins during African dust events, by scanning electron microscopy reveals only slight differences between them. This fact probably reflects the high degree of mixture of mineral dust from different sources before the transport towards the receptor sites.  相似文献   

Quantitative information on the contribution of dust storms to atmospheric PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤10 µm) levels is still lacking, especially in urban environments with close proximity to dust sources. The main objective of this study was to quantify the contribution of dust storms to PM10 concentrations in a desert urban center, the city of Beer-Sheva, Negev, Israel, during the period of 2001–2012. Toward this end, a background value based on the “dust-free” season was used as a threshold value to identify potentially “dust days.” Subsequently, the net contribution of dust storms to PM10 was assessed. During the study period, daily PM10 concentrations ranged from 6 to over 2000 µg/m3. In each year, over 10% of the daily concentrations exceeded the calculated threshold (BVt) of 71 µg/m3. An average daily net contribution of dust to PM10 of 122 µg/m3 was calculated for the entire study period based on this background value. Furthermore, a dust storm intensity parameter (Ai) was used to analyze several storms with very high PM10 contributions (hourly averages of 1000–5197 μg/m3). This analysis revealed that the strongest storms occurred mainly in the last 3 yr of the study. Finally, these findings indicate that this arid urban environment experiences high PM10 levels whose origin lies in both local and regional dust events.

Implications:The findings indicate that over time, the urban arid environment experiences high PM10 levels whose origin lies in local and regional dust events. It was noticed that the strongest storms have occurred mainly in the last 3 yr. It is believed that environmental changes such as global warming and desertification may lead to an increased air pollution and risk exposure to human health.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the exceptional Saharan dust event that affected most of France in February 2004. Activity levels of various artificial radionuclides (90Sr, 137Cs, uranium, thorium and plutonium isotopes, 241Am) were examined. Activity or isotopic ratios are discussed in the context of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests, among them French tests performed in Sahara in the 1960s. The daily evolution of 137Cs activity levels in the atmosphere was compared to daily PM10 change. A link between airborne 137Cs and PM10, is given. It is estimated that this 2-day event deposited as much 137Cs as would be deposited on average over a 10-month period. The amount of deposited 137Cs and 239+240Pu represents respectively about 0.1 and 1% of the activity already present in the soil. Such Saharan dust events correspond to an extreme type of “feeder” process of artificial radionuclides in the atmosphere. Therefore, they contribute to the long term background level of artificial radionuclides kept at trace levels in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

This paper presents the hourly evolution of a severe Saharan dust outbreak, (SDO), affecting Central Spain over July 23-24, 2004 measured with a laser remote sensing device at a location close to the Guadarrama mountain range foothills and its impact on PM10 levels (particles with an aerodynamic diameter below 10 microm) recorded at four contrasting monitoring stations located in the upper and lower Spanish plateau, some 170km apart. During the period of study the Saharan dust layer, (SDL), presented significant hourly variability in height (3600-1500m), depth (1500-700m) and aerosol dust loading (extinction coefficient, EC, 0.22-1.28km(-1)). Overnight layering was generally observed whereas a well mixed layer prevailed in the afternoon. The (SDO) impact on the lower levels took place approximately 12h after the (SDL) was initially observed and triggered by a descending dust enriched, evidencing the important role of subsidence over the presence of dust in lower altitudes. During the event, PM10 levels at all the stations exceeded EU air quality daily mean standards, 50 microgm(-3), on 2-4days. The maximum values ranged from 185 to 245 microgm(-3) depending on the monitoring station. The impact on PM10 spread from 2days in the upper plateau to 3-4 in the lower plateau, in agreement with the geographical location of the monitoring stations with respect to the southwest origin of the intrusion. The impact was even more dramatic on PM10 hourly concentrations, leading to maximum hourly peaks ranging from 322 to 598 microgm(-3) again depending on the monitoring station. Correlations between EC vertical profiles and PM10 hourly concentrations at the monitoring stations showed the great influence of the (SDO) on surface concentrations. The best linear fits corresponded to the extinction coefficients in the lower altitudes (close to the lower range of the device 500-650m), EC2, yielding satisfactory correlation coefficients ranging from 0.68 to 0.71. The low variability of the slope of each individual linear fit, 19.2%, shows the similar impact of (SDO) on the PM10 hourly concentrations recorded in the area under study.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the role of Saharan dust advection in the exceeding of the PM10 thresholds in the city of Rome, Italy. To this purpose, a series of observations and model forecasts recorded in the year 2001 are analysed and discussed. Lidar profiles collected over 168 days of the year are employed to both assess the presence and magnitude of Saharan dust layers over the city and to evaluate the depth of the planetary boundary layer. Backtrajectories are used to verify the Saharan origin of the lidar-sounded air masses. Model predictions of the presence of Saharan dust over the area are employed to fill the time gaps between lidar observations. PM10 and carbon monoxide records of both a city background (Villa Ada) and a heavy traffic station (Magna Grecia) are cross-analysed with the dust events record and meteorological data. The analysis shows that: (1) Saharan dust was advected over Rome on about 30% of the days of 2001; (2) mean contribution of Saharan dust transport events to daily PM10 levels was of the order of 20 μg m−3; (3) at the urban background station of Villa Ada, the Saharan contribution caused the surpassing of the maximum number of days in excess of 50 μg m−3 fixed by the current legislation (35 per year). Conversely, at the heavy traffic station of Magna Grecia the Saharan contribution was not determinant at causing the observed large exceeding of that limit, as well as of the maximum yearly average of 40 μg m−3; (4) 25% of the Saharan advection days (of the order of 100/year at Rome) led to a PM10 increase >30 μg m−3, 4% caused an increase >50 μg m−3, thus leading on their own to surpassing the 50 μg m−3 daily limit.  相似文献   

南宁市大气颗粒物TSP、PM10、PM2.5污染水平研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
2002年在南宁市的5个典型城市功能区内,共采集了125个大气样品(按季节分别采集),初步调查了大气中颗粒物TSP、PM10、PM2.5的污染状况。结果表明,南宁市TSP、PM10、PM2.5的污染很严重,超标率分别为67.5%、82.5%、92.5%,对人体健康危害更大的PM2.5占到了PM10的63.5%左右。重污染区PM2.5的浓度超过轻污染区近一倍。  相似文献   

Six years (1998–2003) of measurements of ambient air concentrations of total suspended particulate (TSP) measured at a rural background monitoring station in Tenerife (Canary Islands), the El Río station (ER, 28°08′35″N, 16°39′20″W, 500 m a.s.l.) were studied. African dust outbreaks were objectively identified using a new quantitative tool, called the African Index. This index indicates the percentage of time that an air mass remained over an African region at one of three possible height intervals of the lower troposphere. After identifying these episodes, a study of the background TSP levels at the ER station and of direct and indirect (those which cause vertical deposition of dust) African air mass intrusion impacts was performed. Taking into account both direct and indirect episodes, a total of 322 days of African dust intrusion were objectively identified (a mean of 54 episodes per year) in the period 1998–2003, some of them caused by “transition episodes” or “return African air masses”. A subjective method confirmed that 256 of these days were caused by direct impacts of African dust on the ER station. A mean TSP value of 21.6 μg m−3 was found at the station during this period. All the episodes occurred when the TSP concentration was >28.5 μg m−3. The TSP background (14 μg m−3) can be assumed to be representative of the MBL of the Eastern North Atlantic subtropical region. The highest number of dust gravitational settlement (or indirect) episodes occurs in summer, but the highest contribution of these episodes to the TSP levels is in March with a monthly mean TSP contribution of up to 30.5 μg m−3.  相似文献   

近来,有研究指出颗粒物中携带导致人类过敏、呼吸系统疾病或其他类疾病的微生物,其对公众健康的影响因为研究较少而一直被低估。采用16S rDNA、18S rDNA测序方法对石河子市2015年春季TSP和PM10污染物中细菌、真菌的群落结构特征进行研究。结果表明:在门的水平上,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)是石河子市春季TSP和PM10中细菌的主要菌群,子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota)是真菌的主要菌群。在属水平上,马赛菌属(Massilia)和不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)在16S rDNA测序结果分析中相对含量较多,格孢腔菌属(Pleospora)和Penidiella在18S rDNA测序结果分析中相对丰度较高,仍然发现了一些可能导致人类及植物患病的菌属,期望此研究结果为人类生活提供参考。  相似文献   

In this work we present a detailed study of atmospheric PM10 pollution in Andalusia (Southern Spain) based on geochemical maps. The study includes determination of PM10 levels and bulk chemical composition with samples from 17 representative monitoring stations (rural, urban background, traffic hot spot, and urban zones with industrial influence) during 2007. The knowledge of background levels and concentrations of relevant chemical compounds and elements allows the quantification of the main sources of pollution in relevant cities and sites of ecological interest.In comparison to other stations in Spain and mainland Europe, PM10 in Andalusia is characterized by high levels of crustal matter and secondary inorganic components (SIC). This has been attributed to the following causes: 1) High road traffic and industrial emissions, 2) High frequency of North African air mass outbreaks contributing between 3 and 4 μg m?3 in western Andalusia and 4–7 μg m?3 in eastern Andalusia, and 3) Climate factors such as low rainfall, dry soils favouring resuspension, and high photochemical activity.Atmospheric particulate matter in urban areas located in the vicinity of industrial estates is enriched in secondary inorganic compounds and metals. Three main hot spots have been identified according their high trace element concentrations: Huelva (As, Cu, Zn, Se, and Bi), Strait of Gibraltar (V, Ni, Cr, and Co) and Bailén (V and Ni). The transport of pollutants from cities and industrial estates to areas of ecological interest (e.g. Doñana National Park) has been found to cause the increase in background levels in a number of trace elements (e.g. As) in the air. An important outcome of this study is that geochemical maps of atmospheric matter are a powerful tool for illustrating spatial variation patterns of geochemical components and identifying specific pollution hot spots.  相似文献   

Wood is commonly used in residential combustion for heating purposes; however, it can be a major source of air pollutants, namely fine particles, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide. Since 2004, the PM10 daily limit value has been surpassed in Portugal, and the European Commission has stated that plans and programs must be designed in order to reduce these levels. In Portugal, 18% of PM10 emissions are due to residential wood combustion, which may deeply impact the PM10 levels in the atmosphere. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of residential wood combustion on the air quality in Portugal. The air quality modelling system MM5/CHIMERE was applied over Portugal for a winter month, for the following three scenarios: the reference scenario, considering the actual emissions of PM10; scenario 1, where residential wood combustion emissions are not considered; and scenario 2, which takes into account a complete conversion from traditional fireplaces to certified appliances (with a 90% reduction in PM emissions). The residential wood combustion contribution to PM10 air quality concentration values during January 2007 ranges from 0 to 14 μg m?3, with a mean contribution of 10 μg m?3 in the Lisboa area and 6 μg m?3 in the Porto region. Concerning the legislated values, the area where the daily average limit value (50 μg m?3) is exceeded decreases by 46% in the simulation when residential combustion is not considered. The modelling results for scenario 2 are not significantly different from those for scenario 1. In summary, the regulation of the residential wood combustion sector is as an effective way to reduce the PM10 levels in the atmosphere as regards air quality plans and programs.  相似文献   

Levels of total suspended particles, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were continuously monitored at an urban kerbside in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona from June 1999 to June 2000. The results show that hourly levels of PM2.5 and PM1 are consistent with the daily cycle of gaseous pollutants emitted by traffic, whereas TSP and PM10 do not follow the same trend, at least in the diurnal period. The PM2.5/PM10 ratio is dependent on the traffic emissions, whereas additional contribution sources for the >10 μm fraction must be taken into account in the diurnal period. Different PM10 and PM2.5 source apportionment techniques were compared. A methodology based on the chemical determination of 83% of both PM10 and PM2.5 masses allowed us to quantify the marine (4% in PM10 and <1% in PM2.5), crustal (26% in PM10 and 8% in PM2.5) and anthropogenic (54% in PM10 and 73% in PM2.5) loads. Peaks of crustal contribution to PM10 (up to 44% of the PM10 mass) were recorded under Saharan air mass intrusions. A different seasonal trend was observed for levels of sulphate and nitrate, probably as a consequence of the different thermodynamic behaviour of these PM species and the higher summer oxidation rate of SO2.  相似文献   

The ambient PM10 and PM2.5 data collected during the fall and winter portions of the 1995 Integrated Monitoring Study (IMS95) were used to conduct Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) Modeling to determine source contribution estimates. Data from the core and saturation monitoring sites provided an extensive database for evaluating the spatial and temporal variations of contributing sources. Geological sources dominated fall samples, while secondary ammonium nitrate and carbonaceous sources were the largest contributors for winter samples. Secondary ammonium nitrate concentrations were uniform across all sites during both the fall and winter. Site-to-site variability was primarily due to differences in geological contributions in the fall, and carbonaceous source contributions in the winter. During the winter, diurnal profiles of particulate matter (PM) were driven by variations in carbonaceous sources at urban sites, and by variations in secondary ammonium nitrate at rural sites. Although records of day-specific PM activities were recorded during the study, no correlation was observed between 24-h CMB results and specific activities. The ambient data collected during IMS95 was also used to evaluate the adequacy of the emissions inventory. Comparison of ambient and emissions based ratios of NMHC/NOx, PM/NOx, CO/NOx, and SOx/NOx suggested that emissions of NMHC and CO in some locations may be underestimated, while emissions for PM and SOx may be overestimated. Comparison of fractional primary CMB source contribution estimates to corresponding fractional emissions estimates indicated that geological sources were overemphasized in the inventory, while carbonaceous sources were underrepresented.  相似文献   

Widespread and intense thick dust spells originating from Niger and Chad Republics affected the whole of Nigeria (see Fig. 1) between 2 and 11 March 1977.The trajectories of the various spells were followed using 0900 GMT visibility isoline analysis as control and 1500 GMT visibility analysis for the monitoring, on the basic assumption that where visibility deteriorates when diurnal improvement is anticipated spells associable with meso or synoptic disturbances must be at play.The trajectories were traced to Southern Nigeria where discrete visibility ‘lows’ were established with centres at Ilorin (65101), Benin (65229) and Calabar (65264) from 6 to 8 March (see Appendix II on World Meteorological Organization's Station Numbering). These centres were better defined at 1500 GMT and are fundamental observations hitherto glossed over.The poleward surge of the Intertropical Discontinuity (ITD) (7–9 March) was associated with moisture in flux which resulted in a mean clearance rate of about 500 m per latitude surge per day.The weight of Harmattan Dust in suspension (the annual removal of top soil in the source region results not only in atmospheric pollution down stream but also aggravates desertification at source) between 770 m and the surface area of Nigeria was calculated to be approximately 1.6 × 109 kg on 5 March 1977 when the poorest visibility was most widespread (see Fig. 4 and Appendix 1).  相似文献   

Air quality in Cyprus is influenced by both local and transported pollution, including desert dust storms. We examined PM10 concentration data collected in Nicosia (urban representative) from April 1, 1993, through December 11, 2008, and in Ayia Marina (rural background representative) from January 1, 1999, through December 31, 2008. Measurements were conducted using a Tapered Element Oscillating Micro-balance (TEOM). PM10 concentrations, meteorological records, and satellite data were used to identify dust storm days. We investigated long-term trends using a Generalized Additive Model (GAM) after controlling for day of week, month, temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity. In Nicosia, annual PM10 concentrations ranged from 50.4 to 63.8 μg/m3 and exceeded the EU annual standard limit enacted in 2005 of 40 μg/m3 every year. A large, statistically significant impact of urban sources (defined as the difference between urban and background levels) was seen in Nicosia over the period 2000–2008, and was highest during traffic hours, weekdays, cold months, and low wind conditions. Our estimate of the mean (standard error) contribution of urban sources to the daily ambient PM10 was 24.0 (0.4) μg/m3. The study of yearly trends showed that PM10 levels in Nicosia decreased from 59.4 μg/m3 in 1993 to 49.0 μg/m3 in 2008, probably in part as a result of traffic emission control policies in Cyprus. In Ayia Marina, annual concentrations ranged from 27.3 to 35.6 μg/m3, and no obvious time trends were observed. The levels measured at the Cyprus background site are comparable to background concentrations reported in other Eastern Mediterranean countries. Average daily PM10 concentrations during desert dust storms were around 100 μg/m3 since 2000 and much higher in earlier years. Despite the large impact of dust storms and their increasing frequency over time, dust storms were responsible for a small fraction of the exceedances of the daily PM10 limit.
ImplicationsThis paper examines PM10 concentrations in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 1993 to 2008. The decrease in PM10 levels in Nicosia suggests that the implementation of traffic emission control policies in Cyprus has been effective. However, particle levels still exceeded the European Union annual standard, and dust storms were responsible for a small fraction of the daily PM10 limit exceedances. Other natural particles that are not assessed in this study, such as resuspended soil and sea salt, may be responsible in part for the high particle levels.  相似文献   

Arsenic is a toxic element that affects human health and is widely distributed in the environment. In the area of study, the main Spanish and second largest European industrial ceramic cluster, the main source of arsenic aerosol is related to the impurities in some boracic minerals used in the ceramic process. Epidemiological studies on cancer occurrence in Spain points out the study region as one with the greater risk of cancer. Concentrations of particulate matter and arsenic content in PM10 and PM2.5 were measured and characterized by ICP-MS in the area of study during the years 2005–2010. Concentrations of PM10 and its arsenic content range from 27 to 46 μg/m3 and from 0.7 to 6 ng/m3 in the industrial area, respectively, and from 25 to 40 μg/m3 and from 0.7 to 2.8 ng/m3 in the urban area, respectively. Concentrations of PM2.5 and its arsenic content range from 12 to 14 μg/m3 and from 0.5 to 1.4 ng/m3 in the urban background area, respectively. Most of the arsenic content is present in the fine fraction, with ratios of PM2.5/PM10 in the range of 0.65–0.87. PM10, PM2.5, and its arsenic content show a sharp decrease in recent years associated with the economic downturn, which severely hit the production of ceramic materials in the area under study. The sharp production decrease due to the economic crisis combined with several technological improvements in recent years such as substitution of boron, which contains As impurities as raw material, have reduced the concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, and As in air to an extent that currently meets the existing European regulations.  相似文献   

Between November 1995 and October 1996, particulate matter concentrations (PM10 and PM2.5) were measured in 25 study areas in six Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovak Republic. To assess annual mean concentration levels, 24-h averaged concentrations were measured every sixth day on a fixed urban background site using Harvard impactors with a 2.5 and 10 μm cut-point. The concentration of the coarse fraction of PM10 (PM10−2.5) was calculated as the difference between the PM10 and the PM2.5 concentration. Spatial variation within study areas was assessed by additional sampling on one or two urban background sites within each study area for two periods of 1 month. QA/QC procedures were implemented to ensure comparability of results between study areas. A two to threefold concentration range was found between study areas, ranging from an annual mean of 41 to 98 μg m−3 for PM10, from 29 to 68 μg m−3 for PM2.5 and from 12 to 40 μg m−3 for PM10−2.5. The lowest concentrations were found in the Slovak Republic, the highest concentrations in Bulgaria and Poland. The variation in PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations between study areas was about 4 times greater than the spatial variation within study areas suggesting that measurements at a single sampling site sufficiently characterise the exposure of the population in the study areas. PM10 concentrations increased considerably during the heating season, ranging from an average increase of 18 μg m−3 in the Slovak Republic to 45 μg m−3 in Poland. The increase of PM10 was mainly driven by increases in PM2.5; PM10−2.5 concentrations changed only marginally or even decreased. Overall, the results indicate high levels of particulate air pollution in Central and Eastern Europe with large changes between seasons, likely caused by local heating.  相似文献   

TSP and PM2.5 samples were collected at Xi'an, China during dust storms (DSs) and several types of pollution events, including haze, biomass burning, and firework displays. Aerosol mass concentrations were up to 2 times higher during the particulate matter (PM) events than on normal days (NDs), and all types of PM led to decreased visibility. Water-soluble ions (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F?, Cl?, NO3?, and SO42?). were major aerosol components during the pollution episodes, but their concentrations were lower during DSs. NH4+, K+, F?, Cl?, NO3?, and SO42? were more abundant in PM2.5 than TSP but the opposite was true for Mg2+ and Ca2+. PM collected on hazy days was enriched with secondary species (NH4+, NO3?, and SO42) while PM from straw combustion showed high K+ and Cl?. Firework displays caused increases in K+ and also enrichments of NO3? relative to SO42?. During DSs, the concentrations of secondary aerosol components were low, but Ca2+ was abundant. Ion balance calculations indicate that PM from haze and straw combustion was acidic while the DSs samples were alkaline and the fireworks' PM was close to neutral. Ion ratios (SO42?/K+, NO3?/SO42?, and Cl?/K+) proved effective as indicators for different pollution episodes.  相似文献   

Recent research interest has been focused on road dust resuspension as one of the major sources of atmospheric particulate matter in an urban environment. Given the dearth of studies on the variability of the PM10 fraction of road deposited sediments, our understanding of the main factors controlling this pollutant is incomplete. In the present study a new sampling methodology was devised and applied to collect PM10 deposited mass from 1 m2 of road pavement. PM10 road dust fraction was sampled directly from active traffic lanes at 23 sampling sites during a campaign in Barcelona (Spain) in June 2007. The aim of the study was to gain more insight into the variability of mass and chemistry of road dust in different urban environments, such as the city centre, ring roads, and locations nearby demolition/construction sites. The city centre showed values of PM10 road dust within a range of 3–23 mg m?2, whereas levels reached 24–80 mg m?2 in locations affected by transport of uncovered heavy trucks. The largest dust loads were measured in the proximity of demolition/construction sites and the harbor entry with values up to 328 mg m?2.The city centre road dust profiles (%) were enriched in OC, EC, Fe, S, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Sb, Sn, Mo, Zr, Hf, Ge, Ba, Pb, Bi, SO42?, NO3?, Cl? and NH4+, but several crustal components such as Ca, Ti, Na, and Mg were also considerably concentrated. Locations affected by construction and demolition activities had high levels of crustal components such as Ca, Li, Sc, Sr, Rb and also As whereas ring roads, characterized by a higher load of uncovered heavy trucks showed an intermediate composition.Levels of PM10 components per area were also evaluated to quantify the resuspendable amount of each element from 1 m2. In the inner city environment mean values of 1363 μg Ca m?2, 816 μg OC m?2, 239 μg EC m?2, 13 μg Cu m?2, 12 μg Zn m?2, 1.9 μg Sb m?2 and 2.0 μg Pb m?2, in PM10 in all cases, were registered.Moreover the deposited PM load at demolition/construction sites acts as a reservoir or trap for traffic-related particles, which gives rise to large amounts of hazardous pollutants, available for resuspension.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates possible long-range source contributions to the PM10 profile of Istanbul, Turkey. A novel method for classifying PM10 episodic events resulting from long-range transport, as opposed to local ones, was implemented. Hourly PM10 mass concentrations from ten stations distributed throughout Istanbul during the year 2008 were used for this purpose. Hourly backward trajectories for the arrival of air masses to the center of Istanbul for the year 2008 were calculated using the HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) model. Significant episodes from these backward trajectories were selected and employed in Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) analysis to estimate the possible contribution of long-range PM10 transport (LRPMT) to observed PM10 concentrations. The PSCF results showed significant seasonal variations. Based on the results obtained, PM10 concentrations observed in Istanbul during summer and autumn are not heavily affected by LRPMT. Mediterranean countries, especially those of the central part of northern Africa (northern Algeria and Libya) are the most significant potential PM10 contributors to Istanbul's atmosphere during springtime. During winter, Balkan countries, including the Aegean part of Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Croatia, as well as northern Italy, eastern France, southern Germany, Austria and the eastern part of Russia, were the most important LRPMT source regions for high PSCF values.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the PM concentration levels and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols at a regional background (RB) and an urban background (UB) site, located in the same geographic region, allowed for the determination of their urban and regional contributions. In the specific case of the North-Western region of the Mediterranean the RB amount has been quantified in 18, 13 and 12 μg m?3 for PM10, PM2.5 and PM1, respectively, whereas the UB contribution reached 22, 13 and 8 μg m?3, respectively. The UB contributions in the Western Mediterranean are much higher than those observed in other European regions; especially concerning the coarse fraction. The high loads of road dust in the urban areas across the Mediterranean may account for these large differences.The urban contributions are extremely enriched in Ca, Fe, Sb, Sn, Cu, Zn, being the main tracers of the road dust, with concentrations up to 6–8 times higher than those at the RB. Elemental carbon and nitrate are mainly derived from direct vehicular emissions. Some industrial tracers (Mn, Pb, Bi) are also enriched in the urban area. The evaluation of the Cu/Sb, Cu/Zn, Cu/Cd and Cu/Pb ratios and the high enrichment of these trace elements versus the Upper Crustal Composition average values corroborates the importance of the road-traffic emissions in the study area, also influencing the RB.The supplementary results from a suburban site in the Balearic Islands and the evaluation of the V/Ni ratios evidence the strong signature of fuel-oil combustion processes, which is a general characteristic of the Mediterranean aerosols.  相似文献   

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