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The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of using several bush and arboreal plant species, usually present as ornamental plants in street and parks, as environmental indicators of pollution. This is a research paper that evaluates the real possibility of using a fast and low-cost procedure to evaluate the pollution degree through data obtained from plant species growing within an urban environment.  相似文献   

Dry deposition samples were collected using a smooth surrogate surface at the Kaynaklar Campus of the Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey. Concurrently ambient aerosol samples were collected. All samples were analyzed for anthropogenic and crustal trace elements. The average trace element concentrations and fluxes measured in this study were generally higher than those reported previously for urban and rural areas. The contribution of local terrestrial and anthropogenic sources were also investigated using enrichment factors (EFs) calculated relative to the local soil. Relatively lower EFs for ambient samples and high ambient concentrations indicated that the local soil was polluted and contributed significantly to ambient trace element concentrations. Deposition samples had higher EFs than the air samples. The EF sequences of trace elements were also different for deposition and ambient samples, probably due to the fact they have different mass median diameters and deposition velocities. The overall dry deposition velocities for trace elements calculated by dividing the particulate fluxes measured with the surrogate surfaces by ambient concentrations ranged from 0.6 (Al) to 6.2 cm s−1 (Fe). The agreement between the experimental dry deposition velocities determined in this study and the previously reported ones using similar techniques for trace elements was good.  相似文献   

Trace element dry deposition fluxes were measured using a smooth, greased, knife-edge surrogate surface (KSS) holding greased Mylar strips in Bursa, Turkey. Sampling program was conducted between October 2002 and June 2003 and 46 dry deposition samples were collected. The average fluxes of crustal metals (Mg, Ca, and Fe) were one to four orders of magnitude higher than the fluxes of anthropogenic metals. Trace element fluxes ranged from 3 (Cd) to 24,230 (Ca) microg m(-2) d(-1). The average trace element dry deposition fluxes measured in this study were similar to those measured in other urban areas. In addition, ambient air samples were also collected simultaneously with flux samples and concentrations of trace elements, collected with a TSP sampler, were between 0.7 and 4900 ng m(-3) for Cd and Ca, respectively. The overall trace element dry deposition velocities, calculated by dividing the fluxes to the particle phase concentrations ranged from 2.3+/-1.7 cm s(-1) (Pb) to 11.1+/-6.4 cm s(-1) (Ni). These values are in good agreement with the values calculated using similar techniques. The anthropogenic and crustal contributions were estimated by employing enrichment factors (EFs) calculated relative to the average crustal composition. Low EFs for dry deposition samples were calculated. This is probably due to contamination of local dust and its important contribution to the collected samples.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - A huge amount of soil is excavated by tunnel and road construction projects in urban, coastal, and mountainous regions. These projects enable the...  相似文献   

A systematic method combining water and diluted-acid extractions has been developed for the manifold evaluation of soluble and insoluble fractions in ambient aerosol. The pre-washed regenerated cellulose membrane filter was used as a collection medium of a low-volume air sampler. The collection time of 7–14 days was required to obtain the sample amounts enough for the systematic analysis. Simple and efficient extraction procedures using the filtration of water and 0.1 M hydrochloric acid were recommended in order to obtain the information about the dissolution behaviors of various elements in the aerosol. Soluble components in both the extracts were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and ion chromatography (IC). These extraction procedures were also preferred to prepare thin-layer specimens suitable to the succeeding X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for insoluble components. Elemental compositions of the extraction residues were conveniently determined by the XRF calibrated with thin-layer standard specimens prepared with activated carbon. The determination of the 17 representative elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Br, Pb) in these three fractions from an aerosol sample was performed rapidly within 4 h. The proposed systematic method was applied to PM2.5 and PM10 aerosol samples collected in Kofu City, Central Japan, and the enrichment behaviors of various elements and their source apportionment such as soil, anthropogenic substances and vehicle exhaust particulates could be demonstrated by the present method.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Si, Sr, Zn, Ca, K, Mg, Na and P in the livers of Baikal seal, plankton, zoobenthos, and fish, constituting the food sources for the seals, were determined by ICP-MS and ICP-AES. The accumulation of elements in the liver of seals, affected by internal and external (environmental) factors, was assessed by multidimensional (ANOVA, FA) and correlation analyses. FA has enabled identification of abiotic and biotic factors responsible for the accumulation of elements in the livers of Baikal seals. Significant influence of sex and development stage of the seals analysed on hepatic concentrations of some elements was found. The observed differences in element concentrations between pups, males and females could be attributable to the reproductive cycle of this species. ANOVA showed differences in concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu and Cd in seals from the three separate basins of the lake. BMFs suggest biomagnification of Fe and Zn in the fish-seal trophic link.  相似文献   

Samples from industrial and domestic emissions and materials were investigated by using in vitro assays for dioxin-like-response (DLR) and chemical analysis. The results show a small part of persistent bioaccumulative toxicants (PBT) to be responsive in vitro. Clean-up procedures directed to persistence decrease the amount of inducing toxicants substantially. The comparison of biological in vitro (B) and chemical (A) analysis show ratios between B and A below 10 for DLR of persistent inductors. The consideration of PAH improved the knowledge about unknown less persistent agonists.  相似文献   

Industrialization and urbanization have led to a great deterioration of air quality and provoked some serious environmental concerns. One hundred and five samples of atmospheric deposition were analyzed for their concentrations of 13 trace elements (As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Al, Co, Cr, Hg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Se, and Zn) in Shanxi Basin, which includes six isolate basins. The input fluxes of the trace elements in atmospheric deposition were observed and evaluated. Geostatistical analysis (EF, PCA, and CA ) were conducted to determine the spatial distribution, possible sources, and enrichment degrees of trace elements in atmospheric deposition. Fe/Al and K/Al also contribute to identify the sources of atmospheric deposition. The distribution of trace elements in atmospheric deposition was proved to be geographically restricted. The results show that As, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Se mainly come from coal combustion. Fe, Cu, Mn, Hg, and Co originate mainly from interactions between local polluted soils and blowing dust from other places, while the main source of Al, Cr, and Mo are the soil parent materials without pollution. This work provides baseline information to develop policies to control and reduce trace elements, especially toxic elements, from atmospheric deposition. Some exploratory analytical methods applied in this work are also worth considering in similar researches.  相似文献   

Ishii N  Uchida S 《Chemosphere》2005,60(2):157-163
We studied the characteristic gram-stain of Tc insolubilizing bacteria using various antibiotics, and the fate of insoluble Tc in a water column above flooded paddy soil to clarify Tc behavior in paddy fields. The formation of insoluble Tc in water column samples was inhibited by the addition of antibiotics, especially reagents against gram-negative bacteria. For a sample without antibiotics, insoluble Tc formation increased with time, and the maximum amount of insoluble Tc was observed on day 4 of incubation with (95m)Tc. In contrast, concentrations of ferrous ion decreased with time. These results suggested that gram-negative bacteria were mainly responsible for insoluble Tc formation, and that these bacteria were able to transform soluble Tc to insoluble forms under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

Cao X  Wang X  Zhao G 《Chemosphere》2000,40(1):23-28
The bioavailability of rare earth elements (REEs) in soils was evaluated, based on the combination of chemical fractionation and multiple regression analysis. REEs in soils were partitioned by a sequential extraction procedure into water soluble (F(ws)), exchangeable (F(ec)), bound to carbonates (F(cb)), bound to organic matter (F(om)), bound to Fe-Mn oxides (F(fm)) and residual (F(rd)) fractions. Alfalfa (Medicago Staiva Linn.) had been grown on the soils in a pot-culture experiment under greenhouse conditions for 35 days. The concentrations of REEs in fractions and plant were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Chemical fractionation showed that (F(ws)) fraction of REEs was less than 0.1% and residual (F(rd)) was the dominant form, more than 60% in soils. Bioaccumulation of REEs was observed in Alfalfa. REE availability to the plant was evaluated by multiple regression analysis. F(ws), F(ec), F(cb) and F(om) fractions were significantly correlated with REE uptake by alfalfa. But the exchangeable Pr(F(ec)) was significantly correlated with Pr concentration in alfalfa. F(ec), F(cb) and F(om) greatly contributed to La and Nd bioavailability; F(ec) and F(om) to Ce, Gd and Dy; F(ec) and F(cb) to Yb; and F(ws), F(ec) and F(om) to total REEs. This meant that the bioavailability of different species of REEs varied with individual REE. The results of this study indicated that the sequential extraction procedure, in conjunction with multiple regression analysis, may be useful for the prediction of plant uptake of REEs from soils.  相似文献   

The concentrations and characteristics of the major components in ambient fine particles in the urban city of Kaohsiung, Taiwan were measured and evaluated. PM2.5 samples were collected using a dichotomous sampler from November 1998 to April 1999 and analyzed for water-soluble ion species using ion chromatography and for carbonaceous species using an elemental analyzer. It was found that SO42−, NO3, and NH4+ dominated the identifiable components, and occupied 42.2% and 90.0% of PM2.5 mass and total dissolved ionic concentrations. Carbonaceous species (organic and elemental carbon) accounted for 20.8% of PM2.5. The secondary aerosol formed through the NO2/SO2 gas-to-particle conversion was estimated based on the sulfur/nitrogen oxidation ratio (SOR/NOR), i.e., sulfate sulfur/nitrate nitrogen to total sulfur/total nitrogen. The average SOR and NOR values were 0.25 and 0.07 for PM2.5. The high SOR and NOR values obtained in this study suggested that there existed a secondary formation of SO42− from SO2 along with NO3 from NO2 in the atmosphere. The secondary organic carbon formed through the volatile organic compound gas-to-particle conversion was estimated from the minimum ratio between organic and elemental carbon obtained in this study, and was found to constitute 40.0% of the total organic carbon for PM2.5 (6.6% of the particle mass). The results obtained in this study suggest that the formation of secondary aerosols due to conversion from gaseous precursors is significant and important in urban locations.  相似文献   

Tsai YI  Cheng MT 《Chemosphere》2004,54(8):1171-1181
Ambient PM10 aerosol samples were collected from Taiwan's Taichung metropolitan basin between October 1997 and January 1998, and their chemical characteristics studied. The average mass concentration of PM10 was 109.0 +/- 54.1 microg/m3. Carbonaceous materials, sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium were the most important contributors to the PM10 component. On average, 64% of the PM10 was made up of fine particles. During PM10 episodes, average wind speed was 0.7 m/s and relative humidity was high, 83% on average, probably giving rise to stagnation of air pollutants and their entrapment close to the surface. With relative humidity < 70%, NO3-, NH4+, SO4(2-), carbonaceous materials, and PM10 mass showed high correlation with maximum hourly average ozone (O3M). Variation in atmospheric humidity may affect the gas-to-particle interactions of S and N species. The most significant contribution to PM10 in the Taichung urban basin was from the photochemical formation of secondary aerosols and carbonaceous materials in the atmospheric environment.  相似文献   

A 3D mesoscale tropospheric photochemical transport model of high spatial resolution has been developed and used for assessment of the methane concentrations and methane emission in the West Siberian region of intensive mining of natural gas and oil deposits. The model is validated against the measurements of methane concentration at the surface and in the lower troposphere collected during July 1993 and June 1996 experiments. Comparison of the simulated and observed concentrations allowed to estimate that during the above periods the average natural methane fluxes were as high as 65 mg m−2 day−1. The anthropogenic methane fluxes (leakage from gas deposits) integrated over model domain during the same time period were about 20% of the total methane emission from relevant areas.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured the wet deposition fluxes of ten trace elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn) from December 2002 to March 2006 at three sites along the Japan Sea coast, which have been strongly affected by the long-range transport of air pollutants from the Asian continent. Also, factors, contributing to their seasonal variations were investigated. At the northern and central sites, the monthly wet deposition fluxes of all or most trace elements greatly increased during the cold season (typically, November–April), along with their monthly average (volume-weighted) concentrations in the precipitation. The cold/warm season ratios for the average concentrations of trace elements in precipitation were within the range of 2.7–5.1 at the northern site and 1.8–5.9 at the central site, which were similar to the average scavenging ratios (= concentration in precipitation/concentration in air) at each site. However, there were small differences (0.47–1.2 at the northern site and 0.73–1.7 at the central site) in the ratios of average concentrations in air between the two seasons. These suggest that the increase in the wet deposition fluxes of trace elements during the cold season is due to increases in their scavenging ratios. On the other hand, the result for the southern site was different from those at the other sites. The number of days when the daily maximum wind speed exceeded 10 m s?1 at the meteorological observatories near the study sites increased markedly during the cold season at the northern and central sites, showing that strong winds usually blow during the cold season at those sites, but not at the southern site. Higher wind speed transports larger amounts of constituents into the cloud system, which can result in their increased concentrations in precipitation. Thus, high scavenging ratios of trace elements during the cold season may be caused by the increase in their amounts of discharge into the cloud system owing to high wind speed, suggesting that wind speed is an important factor in the seasonal variations in the wet deposition fluxes.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Mn) and macroelements (K, Na, Ca and Mg) were determined in green alga Enteromorpha sp. from the coastal zone of the southern Baltic including Gulf of Gdańsk and Vistula Lagoon in 2000-2003. In order to estimate the degree of accumulation of each element by the green alga, concentration and discrimination factors (CFs) with respect to seawater were calculated. The results of factor analysis (FA) and ANOVA clearly indicate geographical differences between concentrations of chemical elements. Enteromorpha sp. from Vistula Lagoon and the southern Baltic exhibited higher levels of Mn and Ni, and Na and K, respectively. Anthropogenic impact of Cu, Pb and Zn, possibly originated from municipal sewage, was identified in alga samples collected in the Gulf of Gdańsk, especially in the vicinity of Gdynia. From comparison our data with those published earlier results that Pb content in Enteromorpha sp. from the Gulf of Gdańsk decreased within 1978-2003 reflecting reducing use of leaded petrol in Baltic countries in this period. The alga Enteromorpha sp. can be used for biomonitoring surveys of metal contaminants in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The study represents the seasonal characteristics (carbonaceous aerosols and elements) and the contribution of prominent sources of PM2.5 and PM10 in...  相似文献   

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