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Historical changes of anthropogenic Pb pollution were reconstructed based on Pb concentrations and isotope ratios in lake and peat sediment profiles from Ny-?lesund of Arctic. The calculated excess Pb isotope ratios showed that Pb pollution largely came from west Europe and Russia. The peat profile clearly reflected the historical changes of atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic Pb into Ny-?lesund, and the result showed that anthropogenic Pb peaked at 1960s-1970s, and thereafter a significant recovery was observed by a rapid increase of (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios and a remarkable decrease in anthropogenic Pb contents. In contrast to the peat record, the longer lake record showed relatively high anthropogenic Pb contents and a persistent decrease of (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios within the uppermost samples, suggesting that climate-sensitive processes such as catchment erosion and meltwater runoff might have influenced the recent change of Pb pollution record in the High Arctic lake sediments.  相似文献   

农田蔬菜中重金属污染和铅稳定同位素特征分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采集南京市栖霞山铅锌矿附近农田中6种蔬菜和相应的根际土壤,测定了蔬菜(根系和茎叶)和根际土壤样品铅、镉、铜和锌含量和铅稳定同位素比率.结果表明,土壤受到铅、镉和锌污染,其中镉是最重要污染物;蔬菜根系和茎叶铅、镉、铜和锌含量具有明显的种属特异性;与<食品中污染物限量>(GB 2762-2005)、<食品中铜限量卫生标准>(GB 15199-1994)和<食品中锌限量卫生标准>(GB 13106-1991)中阈值相比.蔬菜中铅、镉和锌含量超标严重.铅稳定同位素比率表明.蔬菜的铅稳定同位素比率与土壤铅稳定同位索比率明显不同.因而土壤不是蔬菜富集铅的全部来源,大气可能是其重要来源之一.  相似文献   

铅同位素解析技术在工业园污染溯源中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对土壤中重金属污染溯源及解析不同污染源对土壤中铅的相对贡献率问题,以陕西西部某工业园区为例,采集土壤样品、铅锌冶炼厂矿石混合样、热电厂煤样及焦化厂混合煤样共40个,用ICP-MS测定样品的铅浓度及铅同位素比值(208Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、206Pb/204Pb).借助于铅同位素比值散点图来对比分析采样点土壤、背景点土壤和可能的污染源样品的铅同位素特征分布,判定其主要污染来源.用混合多元模型计算不同污染区域各污染源的贡献率,结果表明,土壤中的铅同位素比值落在铅锌矿石、炼焦用煤及热电燃煤及背景点的铅同位素比值之间,说明各端元介质均有可能对工业园区土壤中的铅污染有贡献.在铅同位素比值散点图中土壤铅浓度大于60 mg/kg的采样点的铅同位素比值集中落在热电燃煤与炼焦用煤附近.统计定量解析结果可知,对工业园区土壤铅污染的贡献大小依次为热电厂、焦化厂和铅锌冶炼厂.研究表明,铅同位素指纹解析技术用于定性与定量解析工业园区土壤铅污染效果较为理想.  相似文献   

Three gravity cores were removed from near the deepest point in Lake 223 on 9 June 1984, eight years after the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) staff began the artificial acidification of the lake with sulphuric acid. The first of these cores was analysed for diatoms and pollen stratigraphy while the second and third were analysed for downcore sulphur isotope ratios (H. Thode) and downcore changes in sulphur reducing bacterial densities (S. Rao). Sediment core chronologies were based on lead-210 and cesium-137 data (R. Anderson) and the Ambrosia pollen rise (M. Dickman). Analysis of the first core to the depth of the Ambrosia pollen rise (9 cm) indicated that diatom inferred pH in Lake 223 at the time of the Ambrosia rise (circa 1890) was 6.8-7.0. At a sediment depth of 3 cm the diatom inferred pH was 6.7. Thereafter diatom inferred pH began a decline culminating in the present day (observed) pH range for 1984 (5.3-5.5). At a sediment depth of 1 cm, an increase in the abundance of two benthic alkalophilic diatoms occurred. The increase in the abundance of these diatoms was ascribed to an increase in hypolimnetic alkalinity following the artificial acidification of Lake 223. This is the first time that lake acidification has been linked to an increase in benthic alkalophilic diatoms associated with hypolimnetic alkalinity production following sulphate reduction. Sulphur in the anaerobic (black) sediment layers (0-1.5 cm) was isotopically light relative to the sulphur in the deeper layers. This was due to sulphur isotope fractionation resulting from the bacterial reduction of sulphate to hydrogen sulphide in the anaerobic portion of the water column. A jet black FeS-rich layer in the uppermost 1.5 cm of the lake's sediments was associated with an increase in the abundance of sulphate reducing bacteria (e.g. Desulfovibrio spp.).  相似文献   

Identification of mining-related contaminants is important in order to assess the spreading of contaminants from mining as well as for site remediation purposes. This study focuses on lead (Pb) contamination in biota near the abandoned ‘Black Angel Mine’ in West Greenland in the period 1988-2008. Stable Pb isotope ratios and total Pb concentrations were determined in lichens, seaweed and mussels as well as in marine sediments. The results show that natural background Pb (207Pb/206Pb: 0.704-0.767) and Pb originating from the mine ore (207Pb/206Pb: 0.955) have distinct isotopic fingerprints. Total Pb in lichens, seaweed, and mussels was measured at values up to 633, 19 and 1536 mg kg−1 dry weight, respectively, and is shown to be a mixture of natural Pb and ore-Pb. This enables quantification of mining-related Pb and shows that application of Pb isotope data is a valuable tool for monitoring mining pollution.  相似文献   

Utilizing the analytical capability to measure S isotope ratios of small quantities of S in biological material without any chemical pretreatment, the variation of δ34S within a lichen thallus was investigated using old and young segments of fruticose lichen thalli (Alectoria sarmentosa) from an oil refinery area in Come-By-Chance and two coastal areas, Newfoundland, Canada. Old segments of lichen samples from the oil refinery area showed significantly higher δ34S values (1.0-2.5‰) than their corresponding young segments. Lichen samples from two coastal areas showed no noticeable differences in δ34S values between old and young segments. These results demonstrate that lichen thalli record temporal changes in the isotopic composition of atmospheric S and hence constitute a historical archive of atmospheric S pollution.  相似文献   

Landscape lakes in the city suffer high eutrophication risk because of their special characters and functions in the water circulation system. Using a landscape lake HMLA located in Tianjin City, North China, with a mixture of point source (PS) pollution and non-point source (NPS) pollution, we explored the methodology of Fluent and AQUATOX to simulate and predict the state of HMLA, and trophic index was used to assess the eutrophication state. Then, we use water compensation optimization and three scenarios to determine the optimal management methodology. Three scenarios include ecological restoration scenario, best management practices (BMPs) scenario, and a scenario combining both. Our results suggest that the maintenance of a healthy ecosystem with ecoremediation is necessary and the BMPs have a far-reaching effect on water reusing and NPS pollution control. This study has implications for eutrophication control and management under development for urbanization in China.  相似文献   

Stable lead isotopes are used to illustrate the relation source–receptor and to differentiate between sources of pollution in Greece. Air filters collected in the Kozani–Ptolemais lignite mining area, West Macedonia, point to an impact from gasoline lead as well as lead from the combustion of lignite. This is supported by lead isotope data of wheat grown on reclaimed land. Lead isotope analyses of contemporary teeth from the Lavrio sulphide mining area, southeast of Greece, show the imprint of previous mining activities as well as traffic emissions. Moreover, the Lavrio teeth can be distinguished from one tooth from Athens; the Athens tooth show a stronger impact of gasoline lead. Lead data also imply that the Greek top soil is contaminated by air pollution from earlier sulphide mining and smelting since Hellenic and Roman times.  相似文献   

A long-term (28-year) data set was used to investigate historical changes in concentrations of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), N:P ratios, and Secchi disk transparency in a shallow subtropical lake (Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA). The aim was to evaluate changes in the risk of N2-fixing cyanobacterial blooms, which have infrequently occurred in the lake's pelagic zone. Predictions regarding bloom risk were based on previously published N:P ratio models. Temporal trends in the biomass of cyanobacteria were evaluated using phytoplankton data collected in 1974, 1989-1992, and 1997-2000. Concentrations of pelagic total P increased from near 50 microg l-1 in the mid-1970s to over 100 microg l-1 in the late 1990s. Coincidentally, the total N:P (mass) ratio decreased from 30:1 to below 15:1, and soluble N:P ratio decreased from 15:1 to near 6:1, in the lake water. Published empirical models predict that current conditions favor cyanobacteria. The observations confirm this prediction: cyanobacteria presently account for 50-80% of total phytoplankton biovolume. The historical decrease in TN:TP ratio in the lake can be attributed to a decreased TN:TP ratio in the inflow water and to a decline in the lake's assimilation of P, relative to N. Coincident with these declines in total and soluble N:P ratios, Secchi disk transparency declined from 0.6 m to near 0.3 m, possibly due to increased mineral turbidity in the lake water. Empirical models predict that under the turbid, low irradiance conditions that prevail in this lake, non-heterocystous cyanobacteria should dominate the phytoplankton. Our observations confirmed this prediction: non-N2-fixing taxa (primarily Oscillatoria and Lyngbya spp.) typically dominated the cyanobacteria community during the last decade. The only exception was a year with very low water levels, when heterocystous N2-fixing Anabaena became dominant. In the near-shore regions of this shallow lake, low N:P ratios potentially favor blooms of N2-fixing cyanobacteria, but their occurrence in the pelagic zone is restricted by low irradiance and lack of stable stratification.  相似文献   

Surface sediments from remote lakes and coastal areas from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic were analyzed for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). Relatively high levels of PAHs were encountered from several lakes from Ny-Ålesund, which were within the range of levels reported for European high mountain lakes and some urban/industrialized areas in the world, pointing to the role of remote Arctic lakes as potential reservoir of semi-volatile organic compounds. Specific patterns of PBDEs were observed, showing higher concentrations of lower brominated compounds such as BDE-7, 17 and 28. Estimated surface sediment fluxes of PAHs in Ny-Ålesund remote lakes were similar to those observed for some European high mountain lakes. The current PAH levels in sediments from three lakes exceeded Canadian sediment quality guidelines, suggesting the presence of possible risks for aquatic organisms and the need for further studies.  相似文献   

底泥疏浚对五里湖沉积物生物毒性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为评价疏浚对太湖五里湖沉积物毒性的影响,采用淡水沉积物重金属质量基准和发光细菌试验法对疏浚前后太湖五里湖沉积物的生态毒性风险进行了分析.结果显示,疏浚后,尽管沉积物中Cu和Zn的总体含量降低至毒性效应低值(TEL/TEC)以下,Cr、Pb和Ni等重金属的总体含量降低至毒性效应最高值(PEL/PEC)以下,但沉积物提取液对发光菌的毒性却显著增加,且在疏浚后1个月时毒性最大,其EC25和EC50最小,分别仅为0.51%和9.16%.这表明,疏浚尽管可有效减少沉积物中重金属污染物总体含量,但并不能完全消除沉积物的生态毒性风险;相反,还有可能导致其生态毒性的风险性进一步增加.  相似文献   

Lead and zinc levels in sediments and biota from the fjord system surrounding the lead/zinc mine at Maarmorilik, West Greenland, were investigated to evaluate the impact of waste rock and marine-deposited tailings on the marine biota. Concentrations of metal in the sediment were up to 8,922 +/- 622 microg g(-1) (dry wt.) for lead and 19,351+/- 476 microg g(-1) (dry wt.) for zinc. Levels of lead and zinc were also elevated in a suite of monitor organisms. The feeding modes of the organisms were used to explain the sources of metals to the organisms. After closure of the mine, the concentrations of metals in the upper centimetres of the sediments decreased, and a decreased impact of metals on the brown alga Fucus distichus was observed. However, the metals in the sediments still affect the marine biota in the area.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to explore the status of pollution and the temporal/spatial distribution of indoor and outdoor dust-Pb in the city of Kerman (SE Iran), located in a dry playa and arid climatic zone. Flat panes were laid at appropriate locations, in the indoor and the outdoor spaces of selected one-story houses in different areas of the city, to collect dust samples. Forty-two samples were taken and analyzed using the ICP-MS method. The measurements have shown that the outdoor dust-Pb concentrations varied from 23.7 to 275.2?mg kg?1, with a mean value of 71.8?mg kg?1, and indoor dust-Pb concentrations ranged from 47.6 to 150.2?mg kg?1, with a mean value of 89.6?mg kg?1. Based on these measurements, Pb was enriched in the outdoor and the indoor dust samples up to 48.8 and 29.4 times, respectively. Dilution, as a result of prevalence of geogenic dust in the outdoor space, is expected to be the main cause of the temporal differences. This study has shown that the eastern part of the city is more polluted compared to the other parts, and, because of the stable air conditions, the concentration of Pb in the summer dust is higher than the other seasons.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Uranium (U) is a highly toxic radioactive element and limited to &lt; 30 μg/L in drinking water by the World Health Organization. In this...  相似文献   

Influence of trophic status on PCB distribution in lake sediments and biota   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We investigated the relationship between trophic status and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in 19 Swedish lakes. We analyzed PCB in water, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish and sediment during two sampling periods, in spring and summer. The mass of sigma PCB in the lake sediments was positively related to lake trophy, i.e. more PCBs were accumulated and buried in the sediment of eutrophic lakes than in oligotrophic lakes. In the oligotrophic lakes a greater fraction of the total PCB load was dissolved in water. We conclude that this is a result of higher sedimentation rates in eutrophic lakes and relatively lower turnover of organic carbon in the water column of the shallow, eutrophic lakes. In the stratified lakes, the amount of PCB per cubic meter in the epilimnion decreased from spring to summer. We suggest that sedimentation of plankton beneath the thermocline during stratification act as a sink process of PCBs from the epilimnion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have been dispersed ubiquitously in the environment. Bottom sediments act as sinks for these compounds and their concentrations often reflect the degree of anthropogenic pollution. This study was designed to evaluate the occurrence and distribution of OCPs in superficial streambed sediments and their relation to land use in two creeks that contribute to the coastal pollution of the southeastern region of Argentina. METHODS: Sampling sites were selected by a combination of land use and stream type. Las Brusquitas creek, which passes through vast agricultural areas, and La Tapera creek which originates in a natural wetland and passes through horticultural farming and urban areas. OCPs quantification was carried out by GC-ECD. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Results showed similar total OCP concentrations in sediments from both creeks in the range of 6-25 ng/g dry wt. However, when OCPs were expressed in ng/g total organic carbon (TOC), La Tapera creek presented 4-fold higher total levels as a consequence of a higher OCP input during the recent past in that watershed. La Tapera outfall showed 4-fold higher levels than that seen in Las Brusquitas, although both values were below the sediment quality criteria demanded to protect wildlife. Sigmaendosulfans, sigmaDDTs and sigmachlordanes were the main OCP group in all samples, with Endosulfan sulfate being the most frequent and abundant compound. The predominance of metabolites with respect to parent compounds suggests a contamination mainly by runoff from aged and weathered agricultural soils. CONCLUSIONS: Despite OCPs being banned, they still exist in creek sediments from the studied region, representing continuous contributions of land-based source contaminants to the marine environment. OUTLOOK: Future research on OCP levels in suspended sediments is recommended in order to determine the total OCP concentrations in the selected stream systems.  相似文献   

基于景区湖泊污染的多功能水域清理船设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国城市景区湖泊富营养化和垃圾污染严重,传统景区水域清理存在各种不足等问题,设计研发多功能水域清理船灭杀蓝藻和清理垃圾,恢复景区湖泊生态环境。结合景区湖泊污染实际状况,提出把臭氧灭杀蓝藻应用于景区湖泊清理的新概念,研发一艘可无线遥控、集打捞垃圾、过滤小型悬浮微粒和灭杀蓝藻功能于一体的多功能水域清理船。通过无线遥控多功能水域清理船,能全面清理湖面垃圾,过滤小型悬浮微粒,臭氧灭杀率能达到90%以上。利用多功能水域清理船能维护景区小湖泊生态环境,在各类景观水体和小型湖泊的污染治理中具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Lake and brook bottom sediments were analyzed for chlorophenols to provide historical data of exposure assessment, after the water intake plant of a Finnish village had been found to be contaminated in 1987, and subsequently elevated non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk was detected. Highly elevated 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol and pentachlorophenol levels were found in all four lake sediment cores investigated. The distribution was uneven with much higher concentrations in the estuary, in contrast to PCB compounds which were more evenly distributed within the basin. The inlet origin of the chlorophenols in the sediments was further supported by the regional distribution pattern of these compounds in the sediment and water along transects of the inlet and its tributaries. The composition of chlorophenol congeners in the sediments was similar to that in a commercial fungicide used by a local sawmill, but different from other sediment analyses reported in Finland, also implying a local source. Dating of three cores by Pb-210 and soot ball chronology indicated that the contamination of the watercourse started in the early 1970s at the latest but possibly earlier. This would provide the latency time required for tumour appearance in the 1970s and 1980s.  相似文献   


Estuaries in the world are affected by different contamination sources related to urbanisation and port/industrial activities. Identifying the substances responsible for the environmental toxicity in estuaries is challenging due to the multitude of stressors, both natural and anthropogenic. The Toxicity Identification and Evaluation (TIE) is a suitable way of determining causes of toxicity of sediments, but it poses difficulties since its application is labour intensive and time consuming. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnosis provided by a TIE based on microscale embryotoxicity tests with interstitial water (IW) to identify toxicants in estuarine sediments affected by multiple stressors. TIE showed toxicity due to different combinations of metals, apolar organic compounds, ammonia and sulphides, depending on the contamination source closest to the sampling station. The microscale TIE was able to discern different toxicants on sites subject to different contamination sources. There is good agreement between the results indicated in the TIE and the chemical analyses in whole sediment, although there are some disagreements, either due to the sensitivity of the test used, or due to the particularities of the use of interstitial water to assess the sediment toxicity. The improvement of TIE methods focused on identifying toxicants in multiple-stressed estuarine areas are crucial to discern contamination sources and subsidise management strategies.


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