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The relationship between suspended particulate matter (SPM) and fungal spore was investigated in Seosan, a rural county along the west coast of Korea, in the spring of 2000. SPM concentrations in the air were 199.8 μg m−3 in the first Asian dust period (23–24 March), 249.4 μg m−3 in the second Asian dust period (7–9 April) and 98.9 μg m−3 in the non-Asian dust period (12–16 May), respectively. The majority of the total SPM were composed of coarse particles sized about 5 μm during the two Asian dust periods. Four molds genera grown from airborne fungal spores were identified in colonies grown from SPM samples taken during the Asian dust periods. All the genera found, Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Basipetospora, are hyphomycetes in the division Deuteromycota. Morphologically, more diversified mycelia of hyphomycetes were grown on the sample captured from 1.1 to 2.1 μm sized SPM than on the other sized samples gathered in the dust periods. On the other hand, no mold was observed on the sample of 1.1–2.1 μm sized SPM in the non-Asian dust period. From these results, it seems evident that several sorts of fine sized fungal spores were suspended in the atmospheric environment of this study area during Asian dust periods.  相似文献   

Lee BK  Lee HK  Jun NY 《Chemosphere》2006,63(7):1106-1115
This study analyzes the regional and temporal distributions of PM10 concentrations observed in major metropolitan cities in Korea before, during and after a recent Asian dust episode in 2002. There were spatial and temporal variations in PM10 concentrations among the mid-western, the southwestern, the southeastern, and the southern parts of Korea during this Asian dust period due to the different air mass movement time and the different wind directions and speeds of prevailing winds in each city or region. The origins of the three-day Asian dust episode were identified by an analysis of two-day backward isentropic air trajectories. The different origins for each day also significantly contributed to the spatial and temporal variations in PM10 concentrations. A significant relationship was found between PM10 concentrations on the day preceding the first peak day and the first peak day of the Asian dust period but only in the mid-western areas. The concentrations of PM10 just after the Asian dust episode were much higher than those just before. There was a significant increase in a coarse fraction, having soil origins, of particles during the Asian dust episode. Concentrations of Mn, Fe, Ni and Cr extracted from the total suspended particulate (TSP) samples collected in 7 cities during the Asian dust episode were much higher when compared with other days in 2001. However, the Asian dust did not consistently increase the concentrations of lead, cadmium and copper as they are influenced by local sources such as local traffic or industrial emissions.  相似文献   

Measurements of size-resolved particle number concentrations during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia) field campaign were made at the Gosan super-site, South Korea. In East Asia, dust and precipitation phenomena play a crucial role in atmospheric environment and climate studies because they are major sources and sinks of atmospheric aerosols, especially in the springtime. Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Aerosol Index and backward trajectories are analyzed to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution of dust storms. The size distributions between dust and non-dust periods and times with and without precipitation are compared. In order to understand the temporal evolution of the aerosol size distribution during dust and precipitation events, a simple aerosol dynamics model is employed. The model predicted and observed size distributions are compared with the measured data. The results show that the coarse mode particle number concentrations increase by a factor of 10–16 during dust events. During precipitation, however, particles in the coarse mode are scavenged by impaction mechanism. It is found that the larger particles are more efficiently scavenged. The degree of scavenged particle varies depending on the rainfall rate, raindrop size distribution and aerosol size distribution.  相似文献   

Based on in-situ aerosol size-distribution measurements and Mie scattering theory, total scattering coefficients and backscattering coefficients were calculated to derived wavelength dependent lidar ratio S for 355 nm and 532 nm. Effective radius and C/F ratio of aerosol are also calculated to study the relationships between lidar ratio and particle size dependences. The results show backscatter-related scattering properties are more sensitive to coarse mode particle than total scattering. The mean values of lidar ratio for 355 nm and 532 nm are 31.9 ± 6.2 sr and 40.5 ± 6.1 sr respectively, and S355 and S532 are linear correlated for S355 < 50 sr. S355 is highly correlated with effective radius of aerosol, and S532 is highly correlated with volume C/F ratio.  相似文献   

Daily fine particulate matter (PM2.5) samples were collected at Gwangju, Korea, during the Aerosol Characterization Experiments (ACE)-Asia Project to determine the chemical properties of PM2.5 originating from local pollution and Asian dust (AD) storms. During the study period, two significant events occurred on April 10-13 and 24-25, 2001, and a minor event occurred on April 19, 2001. Based on air mass transport pathways identified by back-trajectory calculation, the PM2.5 dataset was classified into three types of aerosol populations: local pollution and two AD aerosol types. The two AD types were transported along different pathways. One originated from Gobi desert area in Mongolia, passing through Hunshandake desert in Northern Inner Mongolia, urban and polluted regions of China (AD1), and the other originated in sandy deserts located in the Northeast Inner Mongolia Plateau and then flowed southward through the Korean peninsula (AD2). During the AD2 event, a smoke plume that originated in North Korea was transported to our study site. Mass balance closures show that crustal materials were the most significant species during both AD events, contributing -48% to the PM2.5 mass; sulfate aerosols (19.1%) and organic matter (OM; 24.6%) were the second greatest contributors during the AD1 and AD2 periods, respectively, indicating that aerosol properties were dependent on the transport pathway. The sulfate concentration constituted only 6.4% (4.5 microg/m3) of the AD2 PM2.5 mass. OM was the major chemical species in the local pollution-dominated PM2.5 aerosols, accounting for 28.7% of the measured PM2.5 mass, followed by sulfate (21.4%), nitrate (15%), ammonium (12.8%), elemental carbon (8.9%), and crustal material (6.5%). Together with substantial enhancement of the crustal elements (Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, Mn, Fe, Sr, Zr, Ba, and Ce), higher concentrations of pollution elements (S, V, Ni, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb) were observed during AD1 and AD2 than during the local pollution period, indicating that, in addition to crustal material, the AD dust storms also had a significant influence on anthropogenic elements.  相似文献   

Classification of synoptic patterns and their correlation with dust events over East Asia were performed by means of cluster analysis. The average linkage and K-means clustering techniques were used to identify two major weather types during Asian dust events (ADEs; total 26 ADEs with 47 dusty days) of six spring seasons from 1996 to 2001. The first weather type mainly influenced neighboring Asian countries and frequently occurred with ADEs (approximately 23% of ADE cases). It mostly occurred under a surface high (low)-pressure system over the west (east) of the Korean peninsula coupled with an upper-level trough and cutoff low passage over the center of the Korean peninsula. It showed strong advection in the middle/ upper troposphere with both a high aerosol index and enhanced coarse particulate matter (PM) loading over Korea. In contrast, the second weather type was mostly associated with long distance or continental-scale transport and occurred less frequently with ADEs (approximately 15%). It appeared with an upper-level trough and a cutoff low vertically connected with a surface low system that was formed by a strong cyclonic vortex over the north of the Korean peninsula. There were weak advection, low aerosol index, and low coarse PM concentration over the Korean peninsula during the second weather type. In addition, it was found to be mostly associated with the trans-Pacific transport of Asian dust to the western coast of North America.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were measured in southeastern Korea during the spring of 2002. During this period, severe Asian dust events (ADs) occurred throughout Korea. Total suspended particulates (TSP) of ADs (456.8 μg m−3) increased approximately 3.6-fold compared with non-Asian dust events (NADs; 128.5 μg m−3). However, the concentrations of PCDD/Fs (average concentration, 3.34 pg m−3) did not increase as much as TSP; there was not a significant difference in the concentrations of particle-bound PCDD/Fs collected between ADs (2.45 pg m−3) and NADs (2.05 pg m−3). Meanwhile, according to TSP levels, the concentrations during NADs were 2.8-fold higher than ADs (16.73 and 5.98 ng g−1-TSP, respectively). High TSP levels during sand storms without an increase in PCDD/Fs reflected an increase in coarse and accumulation mode particles. Gas/particle partitioning studies revealed the additional inputs of particulate matters to the air during ADs which did not relate with the increase of PCDD/Fs. Furthermore, emissions from ADs may consist of relatively complex atmospheric particles; back trajectories showed air masses moving at low altitudes over Korea, but there were no differences in PCDD/Fs or atmospheric pollutants regardless of air movements. The study area, which is located in southeastern Korea, might be affected by both marine and regional anthropogenic sources, which do not appear to cause clear differences in PCDD/F concentrations or congener profiles between different air trajectories.  相似文献   

Measurements on size distribution of atmospheric aerosol were made at Dayalbagh, Agra during July to September 1998. A 4-stage cascade particle sampler (CPS - 105) which fractionates particles in sizes ranging between 0.7 and >10.9 μm, was used. Samples were collected on Whatman 41 filters. The filters were analyzed for the major water-soluble ions. The anions (F, Cl, NO3 and SO4) were analyzed by Dionex DX-500 ion chromatograph while atomic absorption and colorimetric techniques were used for the analysis of cations (Na, K, Ca and Mg) and NH4, respectively. The average mass of aerosol was found to be 131.6 μg m−3 and aerosol composition was found to be influenced by terrigeneous sources. The mass size distribution of total aerosol and the ions NH4, Cl, NO3, K, Ca, Mg, SO4 and Na was bimodal while that of F was unimodal. SO4, F, K and NH4 dominated in the fine mode while Ca, Mg, Cl and NO3 were in abundance in coarse fraction. Na was found in both coarse as well as fine mode. Coarse mode SO4 and NO3 have been ascribed to contribution from re-suspension of soil and formation by heterogeneous oxidation on soil derived particles. Preponderance of K in fine mode is attributed to emissions from vegetation and from burning of plant materials. Ca, Mg, Cl and NO3 are largely soil derived and hence dominate in coarse fraction. Equivalent ratios of NH4/(SO4+NO3) were calculated for both fine and coarse aerosols. The coarse mode ratio varied between 0.7 and 1.4 while in fine mode it ranged between 1.4 and 1.9. It shows that aerosol is basic, the basicity of coarse mode is due to higher concentration of soil-derived alkaline components while the basicity in fine mode is due to neutralization of acidity by NH3.  相似文献   

In order to understand the influence of dust and anthropogenic pollution aerosols on regional climate in East Asia, we analyzed the aerosol optical, chemical and physical properties for two cases with high aerosol loading and assessed the radiative forcing of these cases. The 1st case study is a heavy dust episode (DE) in April (during ACE-Asia) 2001 and the 2nd case is a regional-scale pollution event in November 2001. The Ångström exponent (Å) for DE was 0.38 from sunphotometer measurements. The mean single scattering albedo (550 nm) at the surface reported during the pollution episode (PE, 0.88) was lower than that of DE (0.91). The concentrations of organic (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) measured during the PE were about 90% and 30% higher than DE. The aerosol mass scattering efficiency (αs) of PE is a factor of about 2 higher than that of the DE. The difference in the mass absorption efficiency (αa) of EC during DE and PE is small and within the measurement uncertainty. The diurnally averaged aerosol radiative forcing efficiency (ΔDFE, W m−2 τ1) during DE is similar to results of other studies at Gosan.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and grain size distribution of some dustfall samples collected during the summer of 1978 in the City of Kuwait were determined. It was found that dustfall sediments in Kuwait are composed mainly of calcareous silt. They are also characterised by the frequent occurrence of dolomite and gypsum. Based on their mineralogical composition, prevailing wind direction and comparison with Iraq dust storm sediments, it is suggested that the dust storm sediments of Kuwait are most probably derived from the dry flood plain deposits in South Iraq. The surface deposits of Northwestern Kuwait could contribute partly to these sediments.  相似文献   

Lee YC  Jeng FT  Chen CC 《Chemosphere》2008,73(5):760-767
The purpose of this study is to develop an aerosol generating system that can produce particles of micrometer size in a convenient and efficient way. This system is comprised of an ultrasonic atomizer, potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate (PST) as solute and a program-controlled solute feeding unit with different PST concentrations. Both the aerosol concentration and size distribution pattern can be easily controlled and reproduced in the developed system. While the initial size of droplets generated from atomizer may remain unchanged, the size of residual dry aerosols was controlled by the solute concentration adjusted by the mixing ratio of solute and water. In addition, PST concentration could be alternatively adjusted in any cyclic way to provide particles with relatively mono-disperse, bimodal, varying size as well as skew distribution to meet requirements for various applications. The main advantage of the generating system is to generate particles of specific size distribution in order to simulate aerosols in ambient air or working places.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a study conducted in southwest Detroit from July 20 to July 30, 2002, to characterize ambient ultrafine particles (dP < 0.1 microm), and to examine the effect of local sources and meteorological parameters on the ultrafine number concentration and size distribution. The number concentrations of ambient particles in the size range of 0.01-0.43 microm were obtained from a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Meteorological parameters including ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and solar radiation flux were also monitored concurrently atop a 10-m tower. On average, ultrafine particles ranged from 1.4 x 10(4) to 2.5 x 10(4) cm(-3), with significant diurnal and daily variations, and accounted for approximately 89% of the total number concentration (0.01 < dP < 0.43 microm). Time-series plots of the 5-min number concentrations revealed that peak concentrations often occurred during morning rush hour and/or around solar noon when photochemical activity was at a maximum. The morning traffic-related peak coincided with the NOx peak, whereas the photochemical-related peak correlated with solar radiation flux. On some days, the noon peak concentration was many times higher than the morning peak concentration. Although the number size distribution varied considerably over the course of the study, it typically exhibited one to three modes, with diameters around 0.01, 0.05, and 0.09 microm. Analysis of the influence of wind direction indicated that stationary sources could be one of the contributors to elevated ultrafine particle concentration. Overall, the data indicated that fossil fuel combustion and atmospheric gas-to-particle conversion of precursor gases are the major sources of ultrafine particles in the southwest Detroit area during the summer.  相似文献   

This contribution reports some recently achieved results in aerosol size distribution retrieval in the complex anomalous diffraction approximation (ADA) to MIE scattering theory. This approximation is valid for spherical particles that are large compared to the wavelength and have a refractive index close to 1.The ADA kernel is compared with the exact MIE kernel. Despite being a simple approximation, the ADA seems to have some practical value for the retrieval of the larger modes of tropospheric and lower stratospheric aerosols.The ADA has the advantage over MIE theory that an analytic inversion of the associated Fredholm integral equation becomes possible. In addition, spectral inversion in the ADA can be formulated as a well-posed problem. In this way, a new inverse formula was obtained, which allows the direct computation of the size distribution as an integral over the spectral extinction function. This formula is valid for particles that both scatter and absorb light and it also takes the spectral dispersion of the refractive index into account.Some details of the numerical implementation of the inverse formula are illustrated using a modified gamma test distribution. Special attention is given to the integration of spectrally truncated discrete extinction data with errors.  相似文献   

Aerosols were sampled to study the size distribution of particles of different composition. The membrane filter samples were evaluated by electron and optical microscopy in the size range 0.02 ≤ r ≤ 100 μm. It was found that both surface and volume distributions of all particles have a maximum at 0.2 μm radius. In the surface distribution there is a secondary maximum around 3.0 μm, while the principal maximum in volume distribution is in the vicinity of 20 μm.The size spectra of water-soluble and insoluble particles in winter are similar, while in summer they are very different from each other. In summer, the number of soluble particles in the range of r < 0.5 μm is predominant, the majority of which is composed of ammonium sulfate. In this season, the concentration and size distribution of sulfate particles depends on the intensity of solar radiation, the temperature and wind speed.  相似文献   

The influence of traffic on urban air quality is highest at low wind speeds and the presence of a temperature inversion. By relying on detailed aerosol measurements conducted simultaneously at two distances close to a major road, we studied one such episode encountered in Helsinki, Finland, during the wintertime. The observed episode was characterized by exceptionally weak dilution of traffic emissions, with particle number concentration decreasing by no more than 10–30% between 9 and 65 m distances from the road. During the nighttime with relatively minor traffic flow, dilution and particle growth by vapor condensation were found to be the dominant processes in this road-to-ambient evolution stage. The latter process shifted a significant fraction of nucleation mode particles to sizes >30 nm diameter, modifying thereby the shape of the particle number size distribution. During the rush hours in the morning, particle number concentrations were elevated by approximately an order of magnitude compared with nighttime, such that also the self-coagulation of nucleation mode particles became important. Our study demonstrates that under suitable meteorological conditions (low wind speeds coupled with temperature inversions), traffic emissions are able to affect submicron particle number concentrations over large areas around major roads and may be a dominant source of ultrafine particles in the urban atmosphere. Under conditions characterized by exceptionally slow mixing, simultaneous processing of ultrafine (nucleation and Aitken mode) particles by dilution, self- and inter-modal coagulation, as well as by condensation and evaporation seriously questions the applicability of particle number emission factors, derived from the measurements at few tens of meters from the roadside.  相似文献   

In atmospheric aerosol studies, it is often required to use two different impactors, namely, the normal pressure and the low-pressure impactor, to measure the mass-size distribution over a wide size range. From the perspective of rendering the system compact for such measurements, it may be more advantageous to combine the two features in a single instrument. In an effort towards exploring this option, a variable configuration cascade impactor (VCCI) comprising of 7 normal pressure and 4 low-pressure stages has been designed and developed. In configuration-1, it operates as a low-pressure impactor, with a sampling flow rate of 10 L min?1 and classifies the particles from 0.1 to 21 μm in eleven size classes. In configuration-2, it operates as a normal pressure impactor, with a sampling flow rate of 45 L min?1, and classifies the particles from 0.53 to 10 μm in seven size classes. As part of performance evaluation of the system, the deposit patterns and the integral performance have been studied. For integral performance, a comparative mass-size distribution measurement between VCCI and standard Andersen impactor was carried out. Its performance was also evaluated against the GRIMM Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) in the common size range of both these instruments and against GRIMM Optical Particle Counter (OPC). In addition to this, VCCI was evaluated for its performance in the PMx configuration obtained by removing a few of the impactor stages sequentially and measuring corresponding size distribution for every stage removed. Changes in the distribution parameters due to spillover of the deposits of previous stage to remaining stages were within 10%. This variation is well within the generally accepted value for all environmental measurement related applications.  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场微生物气溶胶粒径分布研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了了解垃圾填埋场微生物气溶胶粒径分布规律,在北京市某垃圾卫生填埋场填埋区、渗滤液处理区、生活区分别选定监测点,利用安德森六级微生物采样器,对填埋场空气微生物进行了系统的定点取样、测定和分析。研究结果表明,空气细菌粒径分布均为第Ⅰ级(>8.2 μm)最高,填埋区空气细菌粒径呈偏态分布,渗滤液处理区、生活区分别在第Ⅳ级和第Ⅲ级出现第2个峰值。携带细菌的可吸入微粒在渗滤液处理区比例最大。空气真菌与放线菌均在第Ⅳ级分布最高,携带真菌和放线菌的可吸入粒子的比例显著大于细菌(P<0.05)。填埋区不同作业时段空气微生物粒径在各级分布比例基本一致。填埋区细菌气溶胶中值直径为5.7 μm,渗滤液处理区为3.7 μm,生活区为5.3 μm,显著大于真菌气溶胶和放线菌气溶胶的中值直径(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Bio-investigations for pollen and spores were performed on dry free-fall dust and PM10 aerosol samples, collected from three different locations separated by a distance of 600 km, situated in dust storm hit region of N–NW India. Presence of pollen of trees namely Prosopis (Prosopis juliflora and Prosopis cinearia), Acacia, Syzygium, Pinus, Cedrus, Holoptelea and shrubs namely Ziziphus, Ricinus, Ephedra and members of Fabaceae, Oleaceae families was recorded but with varying proportions in the samples of different locations. Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Brassicaceae and Cyperaceae (sedges) were some of the herb pollen identified in the samples. Among the fungal spores Nigrospora was seen in almost all samples. Nigrospora is a well known allergen and causes health problems. The concentration of trees and shrubs increases in the windward direction just as the climate changes from hot arid to semiarid. The higher frequency of grasses (Poaceae) or herbs could either be a result of the presence of these herbs in the sampling area and hence the higher production of pollen/spores or due to the resuspension from the exposed surface by the high-intensity winds. But we cannot ascertain the exact process at this stage. The overall similarity in the pollen and spore assemblage in our dust samples indicates a common connection or source(s) to the dust in this region. Presence of the pollen of the species of Himalayan origin in our entire samples strongly point towards a Himalayan connection, could be direct or indirect, to the bioaerosols and hence dust in N–NW India. In order to understand the transport path and processes involved therein, present study needs further extension with more number of samples and with reference to meteorological parameters.  相似文献   

Simultaneous size distributions and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) extinction spectra have been measured for several representative components of mineral dust aerosol (quartz, calcite, and dolomite) in the fine particle size mode (D=0.1–1 μm). Optical constants drawn from the published literature have been used in combination with the experimentally determined size distributions to simulate the extinction spectra. In general, Mie theory does not accurately reproduce the peak position or band shape for the prominent IR resonance features in the 800–1600 cm−1 spectral range. The resonance peaks in the Mie simulation are consistently blue shifted relative to the experimental spectra by 20–50 cm−1. Spectral simulations, derived from a simple Rayleigh-based analytic theory for a “continuous distribution of ellipsoids” particle shape model, better reproduce the experimental spectra, despite the fact that the Rayleigh approximation is not strictly satisfied in these experiments. These results differ from our previous studies of particle shape effects in silicate clay mineral dust aerosols where a disk-shaped model for the particles was found to be more appropriate.  相似文献   

This research was executed between March 2009 and March 2010 to monitor particulate matter size distribution and its composition in Istanbul. Particulate matter composition was determined using ion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The sampling point is adjacent to a crowded road and the Bosporus Strait. Two prevailing particulate modes are found throughout PM10 by sampling with a nine-stage low-volume cascade impactor. First mode in the fine mode is found to be between 0.43 and 0.65 μm, whereas the other peak was observed between 3.3 and 4.7 μm, referring to the coarse mode. The mean PM10 concentration was determined as 41.2 μg/m3, with a standard deviation of 16.92 μg/m3. PM0.43 had the highest mean concentration value of 10.67 μg/m3, making up nearly one fourth of the total PM10 mass. For determining the effect of traffic on particulate matter (PM) composition and distribution, four different sampling cycles were applied: entire day, nighttime, rush hour, and rush hour at weekdays. SO 4 ?2 and organic carbon/elemental carbon proportions are found to be lower in night samples, representing a decrease in traffic. The long-range transports of dust storms were observed during the sampling periods. Their effects were determined analytically and their route models were run by the HYSPLIT model and validated through satellite photographs taken by the NASA Earth Observatory.  相似文献   

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