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We determined trace element concentrations in livers of canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) collected at Catahoula Lake and the Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana during, the winter of 1987-1988. Forty percent of canvasbacks wintering at Lake Catahoula had elevated concentrations of lead (>6.7 microg g(-1) dry weight) in the liver; 33% had concentrations consistent with lead intoxication (>26.7 microg g(-1)). Based on the number of canvasbacks that winter at Lake Catahoula and the frequency of lead exposure there, more than 5% of the continental population of canvasbacks may be exposed to lead at Lake Catahoula alone. Lead concentrations in livers differed among months and were higher in males than females, but were not different in adults and immatures. Concentrations of selenium and mercury in livers of females differed among months but not by age or location. Cadmium concentrations in livers differed by age, location and month of collection, but not by sex. Frequencies and concentrations of trace elements not commonly associated with adverse effects on avian species (aluminum, arsenic, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, silver, vanadium and zinc) are presented. Except for the elevated concentrations of lead at Catahoula Lake, all trace elements were at background concentrations.  相似文献   

Size segregated particulate samples of atmospheric aerosols in urban site of continental part of Balkans were collected during 6 months in 2008. Six stages impactor in the size ranges: Dp?≤?0.49 μm, 0.49?2?≈?30 %) followed by traffic (PC2, σ2?≈?20 %) that are together contributing around 50 % of elements in the investigated urban aerosol. The EF model shows that major origin of Cd, K, V, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in the fine mode is from the anthropogenic sources while increase of their contents in the coarse particles indicates their deposition from the atmosphere and soil contamination. This approach is useful for the assessment of the local resuspension influence on element’s contents in the aerosol and also for the evaluation of the historical pollution of soil caused by deposition of metals from the atmosphere.  相似文献   

A continuous, 19-year record (1963–1982) of weekly, bulk precipitation chemistry at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in West Thornton, New Hampshire shows no statistically significant trend in annual volume-weighted concentrations of hydrogen ion and nitrate, but a 34% decrease in sulfate, a 34% decrease in ammonium, a 63% decrease in chloride, a 79% decrease in magnesium and an 86% decrease in calcium during the period. Nitrate concentrations increased from 1964 to 1971 and H-ion concentrations decreased after 1970. Frequency distributions of the concentrations of the chemical components of precipitation are skewed. The range of H-ion concentrations in weekly samples has narrowed, and the frequency distribution has shifted toward higher concentrations (lower pH) during the last 19 years. Highest concentrations generally occur with lowest amounts of precipitation for most ions, but low concentrations can occur with either low or high amounts of precipitation. Time trends in deposition generally parallel trends in concentration over the 19-year period. Chemical deposition generally increases with increasing amount of precipitation in weekly samples.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of continuous measurements of trace atmospheric gases and aerosol composition made at the summit of Whiteface Mountain, New York, for 28 days in July 1982. The gas phase species NO, NOx ( = NO + NO2 + PAN), HNO3, SO2 and NH3 were measured, as well as aerosol SO42−, NO3, H+ and NH4+. Mean and median NOx concentrations were 1.1 and 1.0 ppb, respectively, with maximum and minimum values of 3.2 and 0.3 ppb. HNO3 concentrations were variable, occasionally exceeding the simultaneously measured NOx levels. Mean and median SO2 were 0.8 and 0.3 ppb, with concentrations up to 12 ppb in pollution episodes. Mean and median NH3 were both 2.2 ppb. Monthly mean SO42− was 5.3 μg m−3, with values in clean air of about 1.5 μg m−3, and in polluted air up to 80 μg m−3. Trajectory calculations indicate that episodes of high pollutant concentrations occur in air masses arriving at Whiteface from the southwest. These episodes contributed most of the SO42−, HNO3 and aerosol acidity, and about half the SO2 and NOx to which the site was exposed during the measurement period. Limited comparisons of air chemistry data with the composition of cloudwater collected during the program are also presented.  相似文献   

Organic aerosol is the least understood component of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5). In this study, organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) within ambient PM2.5 over a three-year period at a forested site in the North Carolina Piedmont are presented. EC exhibited significant weekday/weekend effects and less significant seasonal effects, in contrast to OC, which showed strong seasonal differences and smaller weekend/weekday effects. Summer OC concentrations are about twice as high as winter concentrations, while EC was somewhat higher in the winter. OC was highly correlated with EC during cool periods when both were controlled by primary combustion sources. This correlation decreased with increasing temperature, reflecting higher contributions from secondary organic aerosol, likely of biogenic origin. PM2.5 radiocarbon data from the site confirms that a large fraction of the carbon in PM2.5 is indeed of biogenic origin, since modern (non-fossil fuel derived) carbon accounted for 80% of the PM2.5 carbon over the course of a year. OC and EC exhibited distinct diurnal profiles, with summertime OC peaking in late evening and declining until midday. During winter, OC peaked during the early morning hours and again declined until midday. Summertime EC peaked during late morning hours except on weekends. Wintertime EC often peaked in late PM or early AM hours due to local residential wood combustion emissions. The highest short term peaks in OC and EC were associated with wildfire events. These data corroborate recent source apportionment studies conducted within 20 km of our site, where oxidation products of isoprene, α-pinene, and β-caryophyllene were identified as important precursors to organic aerosols. A large fraction of the carbon in rural southeastern ambient PM2.5 appears to be of biogenic origin, which is probably difficult to reduce by anthropogenic controls.  相似文献   

Major and trace elements in precipitation on Western Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rain and snow samples from different sites, varying in altitude, in western Switzerland were taken from January 1990 to November 1991. The samples were collected with ultraclean material and analysed for the major elements Na, Cl, NO3, SO4, K, Si, Ca, Mg and the trace elements B, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Rb, Sr, and Ba content. A comparison with published data shows that the measured concentration and fluxes are typical for slightly contaminated rural European regions. Analysis of variance suggests that the region is fairly homogeneous for atmospheric deposition although the sites differ in altitude and human influence. Enrichment factors indicate that most of the elements are originating from seawater or continental crust and that the elements released by human activities are submitted to long-range transport. Temporal evolution in concentrations and differences between rain and snow composition could originate from the general atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In this study, we assessed the concentrations of some trace and toxic elements (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Fe, and Mn) in traditionally used wild...  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected over the Arabian Sea along 20°N latitude using a four stage cascade impactor with a back-up filter. Concentrations of Cl, Na, Br, I, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cr, Sb and Sc in these samples were determined by neutron activation analysis. The measurements show that aerosols of continental origin contribute considerably to the total aerosol population. The soil origin elements Mn, Cr and Fe and the seawater derived elements I and Br are present in significant amounts in particles below 0.1 μm radius. The results suggest fractionated transfer of I and Br from seawater to air. Even over sea, a Cl loss in the sub-micron particles is found to occur. The Cl/Na ratios observed in the different aerosol fractions can explain the fact that comparable concentrations of Cl in the gaseous and paniculate forms have been measured in marine atmosphere by others.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This research aimed to determine the water-sediment interaction (partition coefficient Kd) of trace element (Cd, Cu, total Cr, Pb, and Zn) in tropical...  相似文献   

Aerosol light absorption as black carbon (BC) was measured from November 19, 1995, to February 6, 1996, at a location 0.65 km downwind of the center of McMurdo Station on the Antarctic coast. The results show a bimodal frequency distribution of BC concentrations. Approximately 65% of the measurements were found in a mode at a low range of concentrations centered at approximately 20 ng/m3. These concentrations are higher than those found at other remote Antarctic locations and probably represent contamination from the station. The remaining measurements were in a high-concentration mode (BC approximately 300 ng/m3), indicating direct impact of local emissions from combustion activities at the station. High values of BC were associated with winds from the direction of the station, and the BC flux showed a clear directionality. Maximum BC concentrations occurred between 7:00 and 11:00 a.m. The "polluted" mode accounted for more than 80% of the BC frequency-weighted impact at this location.  相似文献   

Eggs of the Dalmatian pelican, Pelecanus crispus, collected from 1984 to 1986 at Lake Mikri Prespa, north-western Greece, contained residues of trace elements and PCBs at low concentrations, and of DDE at rather high concentrations. DDE is negatively related to eggshell thickness. Eggshell thickness was reduced by 12-20% in comparison with the pre-1947 (before DDT use) eggshell thickness. However, this decrease did not affect the reproductive success of this species. The main fish species eaten by the Dalmatian pelican at Lake Mikri Prespa were analyzed for pollutants. All the fish contained low concentrations of residues. The contribution of the diet while the birds are on the wintering grounds is unknown. Recommendations for a monitoring programme of pollutants in eggs of the Dalmatian pelican, a world-endangered species, are proposed.  相似文献   

The Handix Scientific open-path cavity ringdown spectrometer (OPCRDS) was deployed during summer 2016 in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM). Extinction coefficients from the relatively new OPCRDS and from a more well-established extinction instrument agreed to within 7%. Aerosol hygroscopic growth (f(RH)) was calculated from the ratio of ambient extinction measured by the OPCRDS to dry extinction measured by a closed-path extinction monitor (Aerodyne’s cavity-attenuated phase shift particulate matter extinction monitor [CAPS PMex]). Derived hygroscopicity (relative humidity [RH] < 95%) from this campaign agreed with data from 1995 at the same site and time of year, which is noteworthy given the decreasing trend for organics and sulfate in the eastern United States. However, maximum f(RH) values in 1995 were less than half as large as those recorded in 2016—possibly due to nephelometer truncation losses in 1995. Two hygroscopicity parameterizations were investigated using high-time-resolution OPCRDS+CAPS PMex data, and the κext model was more accurate than the gamma model. Data from the two ambient optical instruments, the OPCRDS and the open-path nephelometer, generally agreed; however, significant discrepancies between ambient scattering and extinction were observed, apparently driven by a combination of hygroscopic growth effects, which tend to increase nephelometer truncation losses and decrease sensitivity to the wavelength difference between the two instruments as a function of particle size. There was not a statistically significant difference in the mean reconstructed extinction values obtained from the original and the revised IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments) equations. On average, IMPROVE reconstructed extinction was ~25% lower than extinction measured by the OPCRDS, which suggests that the IMPROVE equations and 24-hr aerosol data are moderately successful in estimating current haze levels at GRSM. However, this conclusion is limited by the coarse temporal resolution and the low dynamic range of the IMPROVE reconstructed extinction.

Implications: Although light extinction, which is directly related to visibility, is not directly measured in U.S. National Parks, existing IMPROVE protocols can be used to accurately infer visibility for average humidity conditions, but during the large fraction of the year when humidity is above or below average, accuracy is reduced substantially. Furthermore, nephelometers, which are used to assess the accuracy of IMPROVE visibility estimates, may themselves be biased low when humidity is very high. Despite reductions in organic and sulfate particles since the 1990s, hygroscopicity, particles’ affinity for water, appears unchanged, although this conclusion is weakened by the previously mentioned nephelometer limitations.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of NO3? (δ15N–NO3? and δ18O–NO3?) were monitored in precipitation at a central Pennsylvania site during six storm events in 2005 to determine whether information on atmospheric oxidants (e.g., O3, NO2, and NOx), and storm tracks (using the NOAA HYSPLIT model) were capable of explaining observed seasonal and within-storm isotopic variation. Results showed that δ15N–NO3? and δ18O–NO3? in precipitation varied significantly during individual storm events. Seasonally, δ15N–NO3? and δ18O–NO3? in precipitation followed a pattern of depletion during the summer months and enrichment during the winter months. NO3? precursor concentrations and atmospheric oxidants were useful for explaining the seasonal and within-storm variation of δ15N–NO3? for all six storm events as evidenced by negative relationships with NO2:NOx ratios and ozone (O3). In comparison, δ18O–NO3? was positively related to O3 in three dormant season storms, which suggested that the O3 oxidation pathway was important for producing the high δ18O–NO3? observed in wintertime precipitation. Storm track information was especially useful for describing differences in δ15N–NO3?. Cool-sector storms originating from the E/NE produced slightly negative δ15N–NO3? values characteristic of automobile emissions, whereas warm-sector storms with tracks from the SW/S/SE produced slightly positive δ15N–NO3? values characteristic of coal-fired emissions. Lightning also may have been an important source of atmospheric NO3? during two warm-sector thunderstorms. This study showed that (1) information about oxidant levels can be useful to predict the seasonal and within-storm variation of NO3? stable isotopes in precipitation, and (2) knowledge of storm tracks (warm-sector versus cool-sector) may be important for determining sources of NO3? in wet deposition.  相似文献   



During a 2009 investigation of the transport and deposition of trace elements in southern China, 37 event-based precipitation samples were collected at an observatory on Mount Heng, China (1,269?m asl).


Concentrations of trace elements were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma?Cmass spectrometry and the wet deposition fluxes were established. A combination of techniques including enrichment factor analysis, principal component analysis, and back trajectory models were used to identify pollutant sources.


Trace element concentrations at Mount Heng were among the highest with respect to measured values reported elsewhere. All elements were of non-marine origin. The elements Pb, As, Cu, Se, and Cd were anthropogenic, while Fe, Cr, V, Ba, Mn, and Ni were of mixed crustal/anthropogenic origin. The crustal and anthropogenic contributions of trace elements were 12.8 % (0.9?~?17.4 %) and 87.2 % (82.6?~?99.1 %), with the maximum crustal fraction being 17.4 % for Fe. Coal combustion, soil and road dust, metallurgical processes, and industrial activities contributed to the element composition.


Summit precipitation events were primarily distant in origin. Medium- to long-range transport of trace elements from the Yangtze River Delta and northern China played an important role in wet deposition at Mount Heng, while air masses from south or southeast of the station were generally low in trace element concentrations.  相似文献   

The sources and source variations for aerosol at Mace Head, Ireland, were studied by applying positive matrix factorization (PMF), a variant of factor analysis, to a 5-yr data set for bulk aerosol. Signals for the following six sources were evident year round: (1) mineral dust, (2) sea salt, (3) general pollution, (4) a secondary SO42−–Se signal that is composed of both natural (marine) and pollution (coal) components, (5) ferrous industries, (6) and a second marine (possibly biogenic) source. Analyses of seasonally stratified data suggested additional sources for iodine and oil emissions but these were present only in certain seasons, respectively. The marine signal is particularly strong in winter. The main pollution transport from Europe to Mace Head occurs in May, but the influence of continental European emissions is evident throughout the year. Mineral aerosol evidently follows a transport pathway similar to that of pollution aerosol, i.e., recirculation via the westerlies brings pollutants mixed with dust to the site from nearby land, i.e., Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg (Benelux) region, with some inputs from Scandinavia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and even the Mediterranean region. Compared with Bermuda, aerosol at Mace Head has stronger marine sources (especially marine-derived secondary SO42− and Se) but weaker crustal and oil signals. Transport across the North Atlantic, especially in winter, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Two cultured marine fish, the Japanese seabass (Lateolabrax japonicus) and red seabream (Pagrus major) were collected from eight fish cage sites along the coast of Fujian province in China. The concentrations of Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, and Zn in their muscle, stomach and liver tissue were quantified. The risk of these trace elements to humans through fish consumption was then assessed. The highest concentrations of As, Cd, Se and Zn in fish feed from fish cages were found in Dongshan Station. Moreover, the As levels in the muscles of both species at all sites were generally higher than China's national standard (>1.0 μg/g). Trace element concentrations in two marine fish followed the order of livers > stomachs > muscles. Although the As levels in two marine caged fish exceeded the permissible standards, the estimated daily intake of As did not exceed the reference dose guideline established by US EPA. For other trace elements examined in this study, their concentrations did not exceed the permissible concentrations of the international standards.  相似文献   

Trace elements in major solid-pesticides used in the Gaza Strip   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shomar BH 《Chemosphere》2006,65(5):898-905
This study describes the purity of pesticides used in Gaza in terms of trace elements. A semi-quantitative EMMA-XRF technique and quantitative ICP/OES was used to determine the concentrations of Al, As, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sc, Se, Sr, Ti and Zn in 50 of the most commonly used solid pesticides collected from the five central shops in the Gaza Strip. The results revealed that the pesticides contain considerable amounts of trace elements and do not comply with the expected-theoretical structure of each species. Moreover, they do not reflect the actual constituents mentioned in the trade labels. Interviews with market owners and field surveys confirmed that the pesticides were not pure. In some cases they have been mixed in local markets with minor inorganic species without a scientific basis. They may also have been smuggled into Gaza with differing impurities. The results indicate that pesticides should be considered as a source of certain trace metals (particularly Cu, Mn and Zn) and other elements (Br, Sr and Ti), which may affect their mass balances in soil and groundwater as well as their plant uptake. Different scenarios and calculation models of the transport of trace elements in soil and groundwater of the Gaza Strip should include pesticides as an additional source.  相似文献   

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