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We describe an experimental system and techniques for sampling and analyzing biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The system uses a Teflon chamber to enclose a single branch of a tree. Temperature, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration are continuously monitored with a time resolution of five minutes. VOCs are sampled on tubes containing solid adsorbents (Tenax TA and Carbotrap) with a time resolution of 1 h. Composition and concentration of VOC emissions are measured with a gas chromatographic system equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) for quantitative and a mass spectrometer (MS) for qualitative analysis. To calibrate the system, a diffusion source was built to produce standard mixtures of up to 36 different compounds with mixing ratios at low concentrations and high accuracy. The diffusion rates were monitored over 17 months and showed variations between 0.2 and 7.6% for monoterpenes (expect for α-phellandrene, α-terpinene and γ-terpinene) and between 10.6 and 22.6% for sesquiterpenes. FID response factors calculated from calibration measurements were corrected using correction factors based on the effective carbon number concept. The individual response factors of 23 compounds were combined to a mean response factor (RFm) with a value of 23,100 μV s ng−1 and a standard deviation of 9%. The system described here was used to measure VOC emission rates of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in 1998 and 1999.  相似文献   

On the basis of the last inventory of forests and climatic conditions in Poland, a national evaluation of the emissions of reactive volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was carried out. Calculations took into account the composition and age structure of forests as well as the temperature dependencies of VOC emission rate for the main European forest-forming tree species. In the case of isoprene, the dependence on illumination level and day length was also taken into account. Estimations were made for all 49 administrative regions of Poland. Depending on weather conditions in different years, the total VOC emission of Polish forests can be in the range 186–763 kt yr−1. For instance, for a moderately warm year, 1992, it was estimated at 440.6 kt, which represents 25% of the total VOC emissions in Poland.  相似文献   

The light, temperature and stomatal conductance dependencies of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from ten plant species commonly found in the Mediterranean region were studied using a fully controlled leaf cuvette in the laboratory. At standard conditions of temperature and light (30°C and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR), low emitting species (Arbutus unedo, Pinus halepensis, Cistus incanus, Cistus salvifolius, Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris) emitted between 0.1 and 5.0 μg (C) (total VOCs) g−1 dw h−1, a medium emitter (Pinus pinea) emitted between 5 and 10 μg (C) g−1 dw h−1 and high emitters (Cistus monspeliensis, Lavendula stoechas and Quercus sp.) emitted more than 10 μg (C) g−1 dw h−1. VOC emissions from all of the plant species investigated showed some degree of light dependency, which was distinguishable from temperature dependency. Emissions of all compounds from Quercus sp. were light dependent. Ocimene was one of several monoterpene compounds emitted by P. pinea and was strongly correlated to light. Only a fraction of monoterpene emissions from C. incanus exhibited apparent weak light dependency but emissions from this plant species were strongly correlated to temperature. Data presented here are consistent with past studies, which show that emissions are independent of stomatal conductance. These results may allow more accurate predictions of monoterpene emission fluxes from the Mediterranean region to be made.  相似文献   

Using the Global Biosphere Emissions and Interactions System model (GloBEIS), 3 × 3 km gridded and hourly biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) were estimated for the year 2006. The study used newly available land cover database, observed meteorological data, and recent measurements of emission rates for tree species in China. The results show that the total BVOC emission in the PRD region in 2006 was 296 kt (2.2 × 1011 gC), of which isoprene contributes about 25% (73 kt, 6.4 × 1010 gC), monoterpenes about 34% (102 kt, 8.9 × 1010 gC), and other VOCs (OVOC) about 41% (121 kt, 6.8 × 1010 gC). BVOC emissions in the PRD region exhibit a marked seasonal pattern with the peak emission in July and the lowest emission in January, and are mainly distributed over the outlying areas of the PRD region, where the economy and land use are less developed. The uncertainties in BVOC emission estimates were quantified using Monte Carlo simulation; the results indicate high uncertainties in isoprene emission estimates, with a relative error of ?82 to +177%, ranging from 12.4 to 186.4 kt; ?41 to +58% uncertainty for monoterpenes emissions, ranging from 67.7 to 181.9 kt; and ?26 to +30% uncertainty in OVOC emissions, ranging from 88.8 to 156.2 kt on the 95% confidence intervals. The key uncertainty sources include emission factors and the model empirical coefficients α, CT1, CL, and Eopt for estimating isoprene emission, and emission factors and foliar density for estimating monoterpenes and OVOC emissions. This implies that determining these empirical coefficient values properly and conducting more field measurements of emission rates of tree species are key approaches for reducing uncertainties in BVOC emission estimates. Improving future BVOC emission inventory work in the PRD region requires giving priority to research on shrub land, coniferous forests, and irrigated cropland and pasture.  相似文献   

Based on the most recently published mass transfer model of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from dry building materials, it is found that the dimensionless emission rate and total emission quantity are functions of just four dimensionless parameters, the ratio of mass transfer Biot number to partition coefficient (Bim/K), the mass transfer Fourier number (Fom), the dimensionless air exchange rate (2/Dm) and the ratio of building material volume to chamber or room volume (/V). Through numerical analysis and data fitting, a group of dimensionless correlations for estimating the emission rate from dry building materials is obtained. The predictions of the correlations are validated against the predictions made by the mass transfer model. Using the correlations, the VOC emission rate from dry building materials can be conveniently calculated without having to solve the complicated mass transfer equations. Thus it is very simple to estimate VOC emissions for a given condition. The predictions of the correlations agree well with experimental data in the literature except in the initial few hours. Furthermore, based on the correlations, a relationship between the emission rates of a material in two different situations is deduced. With this relationship, the results for a given building material in a test chamber can be scaled to those under real conditions, if the dimensionless parameters are within the appropriate region for the correlations. The relationship also explicitly explains the impacts of air velocity, load ratio, and air exchange rate on the VOC emission rate, which determines the feasibility of assuming that the VOC emission rates in real conditions are the same as those in the test chambers.  相似文献   

For quantitative estimate of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions (BVOCs) in South China and their impact on the regional atmospheric chemistry, a 3-day tropical cyclone-related ozone episode was modeled using chemical transport model CMAQ, which was driven by the mesoscale meteorological model MM5. Hourly biogenic emission inventories were constructed using the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) model. The simulation results show good agreement with observation data in air temperature, ozone and NOx levels. The estimated biogenic emissions of isoprene, terpene, and other reactive VOCs (ORVOCs) during this tropical cyclone-related episode are 8500, 3400, and 11 300 ton day−1, respectively. The ratio of isoprene to the total BVOCs was 36.4%. Two test runs were carried out with one incorporated biogenic emissions and the other without. The simulations show that Guangdong province, particularly the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, was the area most reactive to biogenic emissions in South China. More ozone was produced in all layers under 1500 m when biogenic emissions were included in comparison to that without BVOCs. The net formation of ozone from 9:00 to 15:00 h was the highest near the surface and could reach 38 ppb, which include 4 ppb attributed to biogenic impact. The enhanced ozone due to biogenic emissions first appeared in the PRD region and slowly spread to a greater area in South China. Process analysis indicated that the surface ozone budget was dominated by the vertical transport and dry deposition. The horizontal transport and gas-phase chemical production were relatively small in the surface layer. Presumably, ozone was produced in upper layers within the atmospheric boundary layer and convected down to surface where it is destroyed. When BVOCs was included, apart from the enhancement of gas-phase chemical production of ozone, both the surface deposition and vertical transport were also augmented.  相似文献   

A preliminary measurement of an oxygenated fuel effect for in-use vehicles travelling at freeway speed was conducted near Las Vegas, NV, in January 1991 and May 1992. The experimental design was based on two principal factors: (1) the large volume of traffic that visits Las Vegas from Southern California on three-day holiday weekends and (2) the fact that, at the time of the study, the Las Vegas area used oxygenated fuels in the winter and Southern California did not. Measurements were conducted at carefully selected sites 20 km southwest of Las Vegas near Sloan, NV, and were accomplished with the Fuel Efficiency Automoblie Test (FEAT) remote sensor developed at the University of Denver. The January 1991 measurements were made during the Las Vegas oxyfuel season, while the May 1992 control measurements were made outside the oxyfuel season. Over 24,500 individual CO concentrations were measured; registration data from over 5,500 of these vehicles were obtained from the license plate numbers. After corrections for differences in velocity and mean age, the Las Vegas outbound (oxyfuel) CO emissions on Monday morning of the January holiday weekend showed a difference of -18% +/- 11% compared to the inbound (non-oxyfuel) CO emissions on Friday evening preceding the holiday weekend.  相似文献   

Emission rate vs temperature algorithms for different vegetation types, including deciduous, coniferous and agricultural sources, were used with available biomass and land use data for the U.S. to develop a national emission inventory with county spatial and monthly temporal scales. The estimated total NMHC emission rate from the U.S. is 30.7 Mt annually; more than half of these emissions occur in the summer, and approximately half arise in the SE and SW U.S. Total emission rates of isoprene from deciduous forest and α-pinene from deciduous and coniferous forests are 4.9 and 6.6 Mt annually. Emissions from agricultural crops contribute less than 3 % of the annual total. The average flux of biogenic NMHC in the U.S. is estimated to be 450 μgm−2h−1which is 20 times less than reported emissions of anthropogenic NMHC averaged over urban land areas in the U.S. Geochemical NMHC emissions from hydrocarbon rich soils in the U.S. are estimated to be negligible compared to vegetative sources. The uncertainty in the inventory is estimated to be on the order of a factor of three.  相似文献   

Emissions of biogenic sulphur gases from a Florida Spartina alterniflora zone were measured over several tidal and diel cycles using a dynamic flow chamber technique, corroborating recently published information in the literature. The flux of hydrogen sulfide from individual measurements is shown to vary by over four orders of magnitude, and correlates primarily with the stage of the tidal cycle. In contrast, the fluxes of dimethyl sulphide, carbon disulphide and dimethyl disulphide vary by less than an order of magnitude and correlate primarily with the diurnal temperature changes in the sediment surface. These differences are discussed in terms of the various biological and physical parameters which may regulate the release of reduced sulphur compounds to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Malodorous volatiles derived from the decomposition of biowaste within the process of composting might pose a risk to human health. Different techniques of process engineering have been developed to minimise the burden of malodorous compounds in air possibly affecting compost workers and residents in the vicinity. METHODS: In the present study, three different composting facilities were examined for the emission of volatiles to estimate the impact of process engineering on the dispersal of odorous compounds and to discuss its relevance for human health. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Concentrations of single compounds belonging to alcohols, ketones, furanes, sulfur-containing compounds and especially terpenes ranged from 10(2) up to nearly 10(6) ng/m3 depending on the sampling sites and the process engineering. The ratio of MVOC and total VOC measured changed throughout the process of biodegradation. A certain combination of volatile compounds coincided with the occurrence of typical compost odour. CONCLUSION: The type of process engineering seemed to have a major impact on the emission of volatiles, as amounts of (microbial) volatiles emitted were characteristic for the different techniques used. Thus, the MVOC emission basically depends on the degree of biodegradation. It is likely that the concentrations workers are exposed to can have an impact on human health. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: It is obvious that less sophisticated types of process engineering give rise to greater amounts of bioaerosols and volatiles and, therefore, technical devices have to be improved and controlled regularly to minimise adverse health effects on workers.  相似文献   

Two computational methods are proposed for estimation of the emission rate of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from solvent-based indoor coating materials based on the knowledge of product formulation. The first method utilizes two previously developed mass transfer models with two key parameters – the total vapor pressure and the average molecular weight for total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) – being estimated based on the VOC contents in the product. The second method is based on a simple, first-order decay model with its parameters being estimated from the properties of both the source and the environment. All the model parameters can be readily obtained. Detailed procedures for computing the key parameters are described by using examples. The predictive errors were evaluated with small chamber data, and the results were satisfactory. Thus, the proposed methods provide a way to predict the VOC emissions in the indoor environment without having to conduct costly chamber testing. The two proposed methods work for both TVOCs and individual VOCs. Pros and cons for each method are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method of estimating emission fluxes of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) based on the approach proposed by Guenther et al. (1995) and the high-resolution Corine land-cover 2000 database (1 × 1 km resolution). The computed emission fluxes for the Czech Republic (selected for analysis as being representative of a heavily cultivated, central European country) are compared with anthropogenic emissions, both for the entire country and for individual administrative regions. In some regions, BVOC emissions are as high as anthropogenic emissions; however, in most regions the BVOC emissions are approximately 50% of the anthropogenic emissions. The yearly course of BVOC emissions (represented by monoterpenes and isoprene) is presented, along with the spatial distribution of annual mean values. Differences in emission distributions during winter (January) and summer (June) are also considered.  相似文献   

Zhu JP  Zhang JS  Shaw CY 《Chemosphere》2001,44(5):1253-1257
Measured emission factors are the experimental data used to represent emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from testing materials under dynamic chamber test conditions. A simple empirical model that describes the measured emission factors will be very useful for practical purposes. In this study, a power law model was compared with a widely used first-order exponential decay model in their ability to describe measured emission factors of wood-based panel materials. It was demonstrated that the power law model is a better choice than the first-order model for describing emission characteristics for short-term (less than 100 h) experimental data. The power law model was also more superior in predicting long-term (up to 900 h) emission factors.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: [corrected] Historically, landfills have been the simplest form of eliminating urban solid waste with the minimum cost. They have been the most usual method for discarding solid waste. However, landfills are considered authentic biochemical reactors that introduce large amounts of contaminants into the environment in the form of gas and leachates. The dynamics of generation and the movement of gas in landfills depend on the input and output parameters, as well as on the structure of the landfill and the kind of waste. The input parameters include water introduced through natural or artificial processes, the characteristics of the urban solid waste, and the input of atmospheric air. The main output parameters for these biochemical reactors include the gases and the leachates that are potentially pollutants for the environment. Control systems are designed and installed to minimize the impact on the environment. However, these systems are not perfect and a significant amount of landfill gas could be released to the atmosphere through the surface in a diffuse form, also known as Non-controlled emission. In this paper, the results of the Non-controlled biogenic gas emissions from the Lazareto landfill in Tenerife, Canary Islands, are presented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentration of CH4 and CO2 in the soil gas of the landfill cover, the CH4 and CO2 efflux from the surface of the landfill and, finally, to compare these parameters with other similar landfills. In this way, a better understanding of the process that controls biogenic gas emissions in landfills is expected. METHODS: A Non-controlled biogenic gas emission survey of 281 sampling sites was carried out during February and March, 2002. The sampling sites were selected in order to obtain a well-distributed sampling grid. Surface landfill CO2 efflux measurements were carried out at each sampling site on the surface landfill together with soil gas collection and ground temperatures at a depth of 30-40 cm.The CH4 efflux was computed from CO2 efflux and from the ratio CH4/CO2 in the soil gas. Soil gas samples were collected at a depth of 30-40 cm using a metallic probe and 20 cc hypodermic syringes, and later stored in evacuated 10 cc vacutainers for laboratory analysis of bulk composition. The gas sample was introduced in a vacutainer filled with deionized water and displacing the water until the vacutainer was filled with the gas sample in order to avoid air contamination from entering. The surface landfill temperature of the landfill was measured at a depth of 40 cm using a digital thermometer type OMEGA 871A. Landfill gases, CO2 and CH4, were analyzed within 24 hours using a double channel VARIAN micro-GC QUAD CP-2002P, with a 10 meter PORAPLOT-Q column, a TCD detector, and He as a carrier gas. The analysis temperature was 40 degrees C and the injection time was 10 msec. Surface landfill CO2 efflux measurements were performed using a portable NDIR spectrophotometer Licor-800 according to the accumulation chamber method (Chiodini et al. 1996). The data treatment, aimed at drawing the flux map and computing the total gas output, was based on the application of stochastic simulation algorithms provided by the GSLIB program (Deutsch and Journel 1998). RESULTS: Diffuse CH4 and CO2 efflux values range from negligible values up to 7,148 and 30,573 g m(-2) d(-1), respectively. The spatial distribution of the concentration and efflux of CO2, CH4 and soil temperature, show three areas of maximum activity in the landfill, suggesting a non-uniform pattern of diffuse degassing. This correlation between high emissions and concentration of CO2, CH4 and soil temperatures suggests that the areas of higher microbial activity and exothermic reactions are releasing CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere from the landfill. Taking into consideration the spatial distribution of the CO2 and CH4 efflux values as well as the extension of the landfill, the Non-controlled emission of CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere by the Lazareto's landfill are of 167 +/- 13.3 and 16 +/- 2.5 t d(-1), respectively. DISCUSSION: The patterns of gas flow within the landfill seem to be affected by boundary materials at the sides. The basalt layers have a low permeability and the gas flow in these areas is extensive. In this area, where a basalt layer does not exist, the flow gas diffuses toward the sea and the flux emissions at the landfill surface are lower. This behavior reflects the possible dissolution of gases into water and the deflection of gases towards the surface at the basalt boundary. The proximity to the sea, the installation of a palm tree garden and, as a result, the contribution of water coming from the watering of this garden has reactivated the system. The introduction of sea water into the landfill and the type of boundary could be defining the superficial gas discharges. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study indicate that the spatial distribution of Non-controlled emission of CO2 and CH4 at the Lazareto's landfill shows a non-uniform pattern of diffuse degassing. The northeast, central and northwest areas of the Lazareto's landfill are the three areas of high emissions and concentration of CO2 and CH4, and high temperatures. The correlation between high emissions and the concentration of CO2, CH4, and the high temperatures suggest that the areas of higher microbial activity and exothermic reactions are releasing more CO2 and CH4 to the atmosphere from the landfill. A high concentration of CO2 is probably due to the presence of methanotrophic bacteria in the soil atmosphere of the landfill. Patterns of gas flow within the landfill seem to be affected by boundary materials (basalt layers) of low permeability, and side boundaries of the flux emissions at the surface are higher. At the sides of seawater and sediment boundaries, flux emissions at the landfill surface are lower. This behavior reflects a possible dissolution of gases into the water and the deflection of gases towards the surface at the basalt boundary. With this study, we can compare the data obtained in this landfill with other landfills and observe the different levels of emission. The proximity to the sea and the installation of the palm tree garden palms and, as a result, the contribution of water coming from the watering of this garden has reactivated the system. Many landfills worldwide located in similar settings could experience similar gas production processes. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: The need for investigating and monitoring sea water and sediment quality in these landfills is advisable. Concentrations and fluxes of contaminants and their impact in the area should be assessed. With this study we can compare the data obtained in these landfills with other landfills and observe the different levels of emission.  相似文献   

The emissions from five commonly used building products were studied in small-scale test chambers over a period of 50 days. The odor intensity was assessed by a sensory panel and the concentrations of selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of concern for the indoor air quality were measured. The building products were three floor coverings: PVC, floor varnish on beechwood parquet and nylon carpet on a latex foam backing; an acrylic sealant, and a waterborne wall paint on gypsum board. The impacts of the VOC concentration in the air and the air velocity over the building products on the odor intensity and on the emission rate of VOCs were studied. The emission from each building product was studied under two or three different area-specific ventilation rates, i.e. different ratios of ventilation rate of the test chamber and building product area in the test chamber. The air velocity over the building product samples was adjusted to different levels between 0.1 and 0.3 m s-1. The origin of the emitted VOCs was assessed in order to distinguish between primary and secondary emissions. The results show that it is reasonable after an initial period of up to 14 days to consider the emission rate of VOCs of primary origin from most building products as being independent of the concentration and of the air velocity. However, if the building product surface is sensitive to oxidative degradation, increased air velocity may result in increased secondary emissions. The odor intensity of the emissions from the building products only decayed modestly over time. Consequently, it is recommended to use building products which have a low impact on the perceived air quality from the moment they are applied. The odor indices (i.e. concentration divided by odor threshold) of primary VOCs decayed markedly faster than the corresponding odor intensities. This indicates that the secondary emissions rather than the primary emissions, are likely to affect the perceived air quality in the long run. Some of the building products continued to affect the perceived air quality despite the concentrations of the selected VOCs resulted in odor indices less than 0.1. Therefore, odor indices less than 0.1 as an accept criterion cannot guarantee that a building product has no impact on the perceived air quality.  相似文献   

Refineries are a source of emissions of volatile hydrocarbons that contribute to the formation of smog and ozone. Fugitive emissions of hydrocarbons are difficult to measure and quantify. Currently these emissions are estimated based on standard emission factors for the type and use of equipment installed. Differential absorption light detection and ranging (DIAL) can remotely measure concentration profiles of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere up to several hundred meters from the instrument. When combined with wind speed and direction, downwind vertical DIAL scans can be used to calculate mass fluxes of the measured gas leaving the site. Using a mobile DIAL unit, a survey was completed at a Canadian refinery to quantify fugitive emissions of methane, C2+ hydrocarbons, and benzene and to apportion the hydrocarbon emissions to the various areas of the refinery. Refinery fugitive emissions as measured with DIAL during this demonstration study were 1240 kg/hr of C2+ hydrocarbons, 300 kg/hr of methane, and 5 kg/hr of benzene. Storage tanks accounted for over 50% of the total emissions of C2+ hydrocarbons and benzene. The coker area and cooling towers were also significant sources. The C2+ hydrocarbons emissions measured during the demonstration amounted to 0.17% of the mass of the refinery hydrocarbon throughput for that period. If the same loss were repeated throughout the year, the lost product would represent a value of US$3.1 million/yr (assuming US$40/bbl). The DIAL-measured hourly emissions of C2+ hydrocarbons were 15 times higher than the emission factor estimates and gave a different perspective on which areas of the refinery were the main source of emissions. Methods, such as DIAL, that can directly measure fugitive emissions would improve the effectiveness of efforts to reduce emissions, quantify the reduction in emissions, and improve the accuracy of emissions data that are reported to regulators and the public.  相似文献   

Biogenic VOC emission estimates from the earth's surface are crucial input parameters in air quality models. Knowledge accumulated in the last years about BVOC source distributions and chemical compound species emission profiles in Europe as well as the demand of air quality modellers for a finer resolution in space and time of BVOC estimates have led to the set-up of new emission modelling systems. An updated fast BVOC emission modelling platform explicitly considering the seasonality of emission potentials and leaf temperature gradients in forest canopies by the semi-empirical emission module (seBVOC) will be proposed and used for estimating hourly values of chemical compound-specific emissions in Europe (33–68° north; 10° west to 40° east) in the years 1997, 2000, 2001, and 2003. Spatial resolution will be 10 km by 10 km. The database used contains latest land and forest distributions, updated foliar biomass densities, leaf area indices (LAI), and plant as well as chemical compound-specific emission potentials, if available. Meteorological input parameters for the respective years will be generated using the non-hydrostatic meteorological model MM5. Highest BVOC emissions occur in daytime hours around noon from the end of May to mid-August in the Mediterranean area and from the mid of June to the end of July in the boreal forests. Comparison of 3 BVOC model approaches will reveal that for July 2003, the European isoprene and monoterpene totals range from 1124 Gg to 1446 Gg and from 338 Gg to 1112 Gg, respectively. Small-scale deviations may be as high as ±0.6 Mg km?2 for July 2003, reflecting the current uncertainty range for BVOC estimates. Key sources of errors in inventories are still insufficiently detailed land use data for some areas and lacking chemically speciated plant-specific emission potentials in particular in boreal, south-eastern, and northern African landscapes. The hourly emissions of isoprene, speciated terpenes, and oxyVOC have been made available by the NatAir database.  相似文献   

采用活性炭吸附、溶剂解吸和气-质联用(GC-MS)分析的方法,对柴油机尾气中芳香烃污染物进行了定性、定量分析。实验结果表明,该方法能够减少柴油机尾气中其他颗粒相和气相有机成分的干扰,采样快速,灵敏度、准确度高;活性炭吸附管采样效率高,当采样流量为4 L/min、采集时间20 min时,不会出现芳香烃脱附现象;测量方法重复性较好,相对标准偏差低于6.5%,检出限为3~9μg/m3,回收率为87.5%~95.2%;该方法可用于测量柴油机燃用生物柴油和0号柴油尾气中芳香烃污染物。  相似文献   

The emissions of VOC from freshly cut and shredded Grevillea robusta (Australian Silky Oak) leaves and wood have been measured. The VOC emissions from fresh leaf mulch and wood chips lasted typically for 30 and 20 h respectively, and consisted primarily of ethanol, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and acetaldehyde. The integrated emissions of the VOCs were 0.38±0.04 g kg−1 from leaf mulch, and 0.022±0.003 g kg−1 from wood chips. These emissions represent a source of VOCs in urban and rural air that has previously been unquantified and is currently unaccounted for. These VOCs from leaf mulch and wood chips will contribute to both urban photochemistry and secondary organic aerosol formation. Any CH4 emissions from leaf mulch and wood chips were <1×10−11 g g dry mass−1 s−1.  相似文献   

Den W  Huang C  Li CH 《Chemosphere》2004,57(7):697-709
The effects of cross-substrate interaction to the performance of a gas-phase biotrickling filter for treating a mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including three structural heterologous in acetone, toluene, and trichloroethylene, were investigated. The biotrickling filter was inoculated with microbial consortium containing at least seven bacterial species utilizing either acetone or toluene, or both, as their carbon sources. In the performance study, the column operating under variable conditions typifying the waste gas emission from the microelectronics fabrication processes achieved a total hydrocarbon (THC) removal efficiency in excess of 85% and a mineralization capacity over 50% for THC mass loading as high as 36.2 g-CH4 m-3h-1. The cross-substrate effects were examined by correlating the relative changes in the mass removal of each substrate with the biodegradative capability of the microbial consortium. The degradation of trichloroethylene was primarily due to co-metabolism by the toluene-oxidizing enzymes, but the results also indicated that trichloroethylene partially induced its own degradation. Concentration increases in acetone appeared to cause a diauxie effect that suppressed degradation of toluene and trichloroethylene, and shifted the microbial population toward the selective acetone-degraders. No irrecoverable toxicity or inhibitory effects were observed throughout the experiments. These results suggest that the relative VOC concentration in the waste gas mixture is a factor as important as the biodegradative function of the microbial consortium, and thus should be carefully evaluated to satisfy the treatment objectives.  相似文献   

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