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2012年6—10月,在我国北方某焦化厂厂界附近开展了O3、NO x、CO体积分数在线监测及VOCs样品采集分析工作,获得了夏、秋两季焦化厂厂界O3及其前体物的体积分数及其日变化趋势。焦化厂厂界附近O3、NO、CO体积分数均呈单峰型日变化,O3体积分数的季节差异不明显,夏季仅略高于秋季,而NO、CO体积分数秋季高于夏季,作为二次反应产物的NO2,其变化幅度秋季比夏季强烈。夏季TVOCs在各监测时段的小时体积分数呈现先上升后下降的日变化趋势,而秋季则呈现逐渐下降的日变化趋势。由较小VOCs/NO x的比值可初步判断,该焦化厂所在区域的大气光化学臭氧生成潜势处于VOCs控制区。在焦化厂下风向厂界附近,夏、秋两季TVOCs平均体积分数分别为(43.8±45.0)×10-9和(26.7±29.6)×10-9,苯系物、烷烃、烯烃的平均体积分数分别为(34.3±28.1)×10-9和(14.4±14.8)×10-9、(5.3±11.8)×10-9和(7.0±7.7)×10-9、(4.3±5.0)×10-9和(5.3±7.1)×10-9。夏、秋两季焦化厂附近臭氧生成潜势贡献最大的是苯系物(47.6%~65.8%),其次是烯烃(28.0%~41.9%),再次是烷烃(6.3%~10.5%)。  相似文献   

Vertical measurements of ozone were made on a 610-m-tall tower located about 15 km southeast of Raleigh, NC, as part of an effort by the state of North Carolina to develop a state implementation plan (SIP) for ozone control in the Raleigh Metropolitan Statistical Area. During summer 1993, 1994, and 1995, ozone was monitored at ground level, 250 m, and 433 m. Boundary layer wind, temperature, and other meteorological variable profiles were determined from balloon soundings. During summer 1996 and 1997, ozone was monitored at ground level, 76 m, 128 m, and 433 m. This paper presents the analysis and discussion of the five-year data. The evolutions of the convective boundary layer during daytime and the stable nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) were found to have marked impacts on ozone concentrations. A strong diurnal pattern, with an afternoon maximum and an early morning minimum, was dominant at ground level, but it was much weaker at elevated levels and insignificant above the NBL at night. Ozone deposition velocities at night during the measurement periods were estimated to range from 0.09 to 0.64 cm/sec. We found evidence of regional transport of ozone and/or its precursors from northwest and north of the site, which may play a role in high ozone events in the Raleigh-Durham area. Ozone concentrations between the various elevated levels were well correlated, while correlations between the ground and upper levels were much weaker. However, a strong correlation was found between the nighttime and early morning ozone concentrations (CR) in the residual layer above the NBL and the maximum ground level concentration (Co max) the following afternoon. Based on this correlation, the latter may be predicted by an observational model Co max = 27.76e 0.016 CR.  相似文献   

Recent urban measurements suggest that NO3 concentrations vary significantly with altitude in the lowest few hundred metres of the atmosphere. Calculations using a one-dimensional boundary layer model show that NO3 concentrations are small near the ground and increase with altitude to a maximum near the top of the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL). These results show that the NBL is not well mixed, and that where there are surface sources and sinks two-box models of the NBL are inadequate, and surface measurements are not representative and may lead to an underestimate of the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Studies of the dispersion of pollutants (SO2, O3) in the planetary boundary layer have been performed during the Fos Berre 1983 International Campaign using ground-based DIAL lidar operating in the u.v. wavelength range. Multidimensional measurements of both SO2 and O3 were obtained with a spatial resolution better than 500 m, a temporal resolution of 3 mn and a maximum horizontal range of 3 km. The overall accuracy as assessed by various comparisons with other measurement systems was always better than 20%. Examples of application to studies of SO2 dispersion in the planetary boundary layer, of plume evolution and of horizontal inhomogeneities in the ozone field are given.  相似文献   

In May 1995, the “Chimie-Creil 95” experiment was undertaken in the north of France. The field data are first used to validate the methodology for airborne measurement of ozone flux. A certain number of methodological problems due to the location of the fast ozone sensor inside the airplane are, furthermore discussed. The paper describes the instrumentation of the ARAT (Avion de Recherche Atmosphérique et de Télédétection), an atmospheric research and remote-sensing aircraft used to perform the airborne measurements, the area flown over, the meteorological conditions and boundary layer stability conditions. These aircraft measurements are then used to determine ozone deposition velocity and values are proposed for aerodynamic, bulk transfer coefficients (ozone and momentum). The paper also establishes the relationship between the normalised standard deviation and stability parameters (z/L) for ozone, temperature, humidity and vertical velocity. The laws obtained are then presented.  相似文献   

Study of the vertical concentration profile and of the deposition of cosmogenic radionuclides provides information on the vertical transport in the stratosphere and troposphere and the processes of scavenging of aerosol particles by precipitation. Information on the distribution of atmospheric aerosols is important for the understanding of the physical processes relating to the studies in weather climate, air pollution, and aerosol physics. In this work the one-dimensional steady-state model of vertical concentration profile was established and the values of turbulent diffusion coefficient and scavenging coefficient determined by model using experimental data of the 7Be monthly average atmospheric activity concentrations and monthly deposition fluxes in Bratislava are presented. The temporal variations of the vertical distribution profiles of 7Be for each month are also calculated.  相似文献   

We consider the one-dimensional case of vertical dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL) assuming that the turbulence field is stationary and horizontally homogeneous. The dispersion process is simulated by following Lagrangian trajectories of many independent tracer particles in the turbulent flow field, leading to a prediction of the mean concentration. The particle acceleration is determined using a stochastic differential equation, assuming that the joint evolution of the particle velocity and position is a Markov process. The equation consists of a deterministic term and a random term. While the formulation is standard, attention has been focused in recent years on various ways of calculating the deterministic term using the well-mixed condition incorporating the Fokker–Planck equation. Here we propose a simple parameterisation for the deterministic acceleration term by approximating it as a quadratic function of velocity. Such a function is shown to represent well the acceleration under moderate velocity skewness conditions observed in the CBL. The coefficients in the quadratic form are determined in terms of given turbulence statistics by directly integrating the Fokker–Planck equation. An advantage of this approach is that, unlike in existing Lagrangian stochastic models for the CBL, the use of the turbulence statistics up to the fourth order can be made without assuming any predefined form for the probability distribution function (PDF) of the velocity. The main strength of the model, however, lies in its simplicity and computational efficiency. The dispersion results obtained from the new model are compared with existing laboratory data as well as with those obtained from a more complex Lagrangian model in which the deterministic acceleration term is based on a bi-Gaussian velocity PDF. The comparison shows that the new model performs well.  相似文献   

The nocturnal boundary layer in Houston, Texas was studied using a high temporal and vertical resolution tethersonde system on four nights during the Texas Air Quality Study II (TexAQS II) in August and September 2006. The launch site was on the University of Houston campus located approximately 4 km from downtown Houston. Of particular interest was the evolution of the nocturnal surface inversion and the wind flows within the boundary layer. The land–sea breeze oscillation in Houston has important implications for air quality as the cycle can impact ozone concentrations through pollutant advection and recirculation. The results showed that a weakly stable surface inversion averaging in depth between 145 and 200 m AGL formed on each of the experiment nights, typically within 2–3 h after sunset. Tethersonde vertical winds were compared with two other Houston data sets (High Resolution Doppler Lidar and radar wind profiler) from locations near the coastline and good agreement was found, albeit with a temporal lag at the tethersonde site. This comparison revealed development of a land breeze on three nights which began near the coastline and propagated inland both horizontally and vertically with time. The vertical temperature structure was significantly modified on one night at the tethersonde site after the land breeze wind shift, exhibiting near-adiabatic profiles below 100 m AGL.  相似文献   

Agricultural residue burning is one of the major causes of greenhouse gas emissions and aerosols in the Indo-Ganges region. In this study, we characterize the fire intensity, seasonality, variability, fire radiative energy (FRE) and aerosol optical depth (AOD) variations during the agricultural residue burning season using MODIS data. Fire counts exhibited significant bi-modal activity, with peak occurrences during April-May and October-November corresponding to wheat and rice residue burning episodes. The FRE variations coincided with the amount of residues burnt. The mean AOD (2003-2008) was 0.60 with 0.87 (+1σ) and 0.32 (−1σ). The increased AOD during the winter coincided well with the fire counts during rice residue burning season. In contrast, the AOD-fire signal was weak during the summer wheat residue burning and attributed to dust and fossil fuel combustion. Our results highlight the need for ‘full accounting of GHG’s and aerosols’, for addressing the air quality in the study area.  相似文献   

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) Air Resources Laboratory (ARL), using the NOAA Twin Otter aircraft, made meteorological and chemical measurements during 21 flights in May 2002 in and around the Tampa Bay, Florida area as part of the Bay Region Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (BRACE). One or more vertical profiles were flown during each flight both over land and over the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA's Environmental Technology Laboratory (ETL; now part of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL)) deployed three surface-based 915-MHz radar wind profilers equipped with radio acoustic sounding systems (RASS) at Ruskin, Sydney, and St. Petersburg. The National Weather Service Office in Tampa (NWS/TBW) released rawinsondes twice daily from the Ruskin site. The measurements of temperature, dew point, potential temperature, ozone, and condensation nuclei acquired during the aircraft profiles are analyzed, and in combination with the profiler and sounding data, are used to determine the structure of the boundary layer over the Tampa Bay region and the temporal and spatial changes that occurred in that structure during representative flights.  相似文献   

For at least 30 years, ozone (O3) levels on weekends in parts of California's South Coast (Los Angeles) Air Basin (SoCAB) have been as high as or higher than on weekdays, even though ambient levels of O3 precursors are lower on weekends than on weekdays. A field study was conducted in the Los Angeles area during fall 2000 to test whether proposed relationships between emission sources and ambient nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) levels can account for observed diurnal and day-of-week variations in the concentration and proportions of precursor pollutants that may affect the efficiency and rate of O3 formation. The contributions to ambient NMHC by motor vehicle exhaust and evaporative emissions, estimated using chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor modeling, ranged from 65 to 85% with minimal day-of-week variation. Ratios of ambient NOx associated with black carbon (BC) to NOx associated with carbon monoxide (CO) were approximately 1.25 +/- 0.22 during weekdays and 0.76 +/- 0.07 and 0.52 +/- 0.07 on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. These results demonstrate that lower NOx emissions from diesel exhaust can be a major factor causing lower NOx mixing ratios and higher NMHC/NOx ratios on weekends. Nonmobile sources showed no significant day-of-week variations in their contributions to NMHC. Greater amounts of gasoline emissions are carried over on Friday and Saturday evenings but are, at most, a minor factor contributing to higher NMHC/NOx ratios on weekend mornings.  相似文献   


Surface sediments from estuarine and coast of CanGio wetland (CGW) of Hochiminh City, Vietnam, were investigated to identify the spatial and temporal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAHs showed wide variation but similar to patterns observed (F?=?0.901, p?=?0.46) in LongTau (31?±?77 ng/g dry weight, n?=?13), SoaiRap (53?±?81, n?=?4), ThiVai (60?±?62, n?=?10) estuaries, and coastal areas (112?±?211, n?=?9). A decreasing trend in the wet season (F?=?8.8, p?=?0.01) reflected that inland sources such as wastewater discharged and atmospherically transported contaminants contributed to PAHs in sediments. The risk posed by the PAHs in the coastal and estuarine areas of CGW is still negligible. The present study provides baseline data, which can be used for regular monitoring and future strategy of environmental protection for the study area.


The sensitivity of Photochemical Ozone Creation Potentials (POCP) to a series of systematic variations in the rates and products of reactions of radical intermediates and oxygenated products is investigated for the C4 alcohols, 1-butanol (n-butanol) and 2-methyl-1-propanol (i-butanol), using the recently developed Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) as the base case. The POCP values are determined from the calculated formation of ozone in the boundary layer over a period of approximately five days along an idealised straight line trajectory, using a photochemical trajectory model and methodology described in detail previously. The results allow the relative impacts on calculated ozone formation of various classes of chemical reaction within the degradation chemistry to be assessed. The calculated POCP is found to be very insensitive to many of the changes investigated. However, it is found to be sensitive to variations in the rate coefficient for the initiating reaction with OH (kOH), although the sensitivity decreases with increasing kOH. The POCP appears to vary approximately linearly with kOH at low values (i.e. kOH less than ca. 4×10-13 cm3 molecule-1 s-1), whereas at high reactivities (i.e. kOH greater than ca. 4×10-11 cm3 molecule-1 s-1), the calculated POCP value is comparatively insensitive to the precise value of kOH. The POCP is also very sensitive to mechanistic changes which influence the yields of unreactive oxygenated products (i.e. those with OH reactivities below ca. 10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1), for example acetone. The propensity of the organic compound to produce organic nitrates (which act as comparatively unreactive reservoirs for free radicals and NOx) also appears to have a notable influence on the calculated POCP. Recently reported information relevant to the degradation of oxygenated VOCs is then used to update the chemical schemes for the 17 alcohols and glycols, 10 ethers and glycol ethers, and 8 esters included in the MCM, and new schemes are incorporated for dimethoxy methane (CH3OCH2OCH3) and dimethyl carbonate (CH3OC(O)OCH3), which are proposed fuel additives. New or updated POCP values are calculated for all 37 oxygenated VOCs and, where applicable, these are compared with the previous POCP values and reported Maximum Incremental Reactivity (MIR) values.  相似文献   

Marine background levels of non-sea-salt- (nss-) SO42− (5.0–9.7 neq m−3), NH4+ (2.1–4.4 neq m−3) and elemental carbon (EC) (40–80 ngC m−3) in aerosol samples were measured over the equatorial and South Pacific during a cruise by the R/V Hakuho-maru from November 2001 to March 2002. High concentrations of nss-SO42− (47–94 neq m−3), NH4+ (35–94 neq m−3) and EC (130–460 ngC m−3) were found in the western North Pacific near the coast of the Asian continent under the influence of the Asian winter monsoon. Particle size distributions of ionic components showed that the equivalent concentrations of nss-SO42− were balanced with those of NH4+ in the size range of 0.06<D<0.22 μm, whereas the concentration ratios of NH4+ to nss-SO42− in the size range of D>0.22 μm were decreased with increase in particle size. We estimated the source contributions of those aerosol components in the marine background air over the equatorial and South Pacific. Biomass burning accounted for the large fraction (80–98% in weight) of EC and the minor fraction (2–4% in weight) of nss-SO42−. Marine biogenic source accounted for several tens percents of NH4+ and nss-SO42−. In the accumulation mode, 70% of particle number existed in the size range of 0.1<D<0.2 μm. In the size rage of 0.06<D<0.22 μm, the dominant aerosol component of (NH4)2SO4 would be mainly derived from the marine biogenic sources.  相似文献   

The relationship between near-surface ozone concentration and the structure of the nocturnal boundary layer was investigated during a field campaign conducted in 1998 in the Lower Fraser Valley (LFV), British Columbia Canada. Despite the spatial and temporal variation in frequency and morphology, secondary nocturnal ozone maxima were shown to be an important feature of the diurnal ozone cycle throughout the LFV, and localised increases in ozone occasionally exceeded more than half the previous day's maximum concentration.Turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer was shown to be weak and intermittent. Vertical profiles of Richardson number and ozone concentration indicated that the temporary turbulent coupling of the residual layer to the surface layer facilitated the transport of ozone stored aloft to the surface. Despite the overall complexity of the system, results show that seven out of the 19 ozone spikes observed at the Aldergrove site coincided with turbulence associated with the development of the down-valley wind system. A further nine spikes occurred during periods when a low-level jet was identified aloft. Significantly, ozone concentrations were shown to be highly variable in the residual layer and played an important role in determining the morphology of secondary ozone maxima at the surface. Largest increases in surface ozone concentration occurred when turbulence coincided with periods when ozone concentrations in excess of 80 ppb were observed aloft.  相似文献   

Mixing in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) affects vertical distributions of air tracers in the lower troposphere. An accurate representation of PBL mixing is critical for chemical-transport models (CTMs) for applications sensitive to simulations of the vertical profiles of tracers. The full mixing assumption in the widely used global CTM GEOS-Chem has recently been supplemented with a non-local PBL scheme. This study analyzes the impact of the non-local scheme on model representation of PBL mixing, consequences for simulations of vertical profiles of air tracers and surface air pollution, and implications for model applications to the interpretation of data retrieved from satellite remote sensing. The non-local scheme significantly improves simulations of the vertical distributions for NO2 and O3, as evaluated using aircraft measurements in summer 2004. It also reduces model biases over the U.S. by more than 10 ppb for surface ozone concentrations at night and by 2–5 ppb for peak ozone in the afternoon, as evaluated using ground observations. The application to inverse modeling of anthropogenic NOx emissions for East China using satellite retrievals of NO2 from OMI and GOME-2 suggests that the full mixing assumption results in 3–14% differences in top–down emission budgets as compared to the non-local scheme. The top–down estimate combining the non-local scheme and the Lin et al. inverse modeling approach suggests a magnitude of 6.6 TgN yr?1 for emissions of NOx over East China in July 2008 and 8.0 TgN yr?1 for January 2009, with the magnitude and seasonality in good agreement with bottom–up estimates.  相似文献   

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