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A survey of 153 acid grasslands from the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe indicates that chronic nitrogen deposition is changing plant species composition and soil and plant-tissue chemistry. Across the deposition gradient (2-44 kg N ha−1 yr−1) grass richness as a proportion of total species richness increased whereas forb richness decreased. Soil C:N ratio increased, but soil extractable nitrate and ammonium concentrations did not show any relationship with nitrogen deposition. The above-ground tissue nitrogen contents of three plant species were examined: Agrostis capillaris (grass), Galium saxatile (forb) and Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (bryophyte). The tissue nitrogen content of neither vascular plant species showed any relationship with nitrogen deposition, but there was a weak positive relationship between R. squarrosus nitrogen content and nitrogen deposition. None of the species showed strong relationships between above-ground tissue N:P or C:N and nitrogen deposition, indicating that they are not good indicators of deposition rate.  相似文献   

The scaling behaviour in acid deposition dynamics of 184 monitoring sites under the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) is analysed for the 1978–2001 period. The results show that: the distribution of weekly hydrogen deposition (WHD) is consistent with a power law in two different regimes separated by a crossover WHD (CWHD), and both the CWHD and its probability density increase as the power law commensurate with the mean of WHD series; the distribution of pH values shows a series behaviour similar to that of WHD and can be depicted as a log–linear model with the same form of Gutenberg–Richter model of earthquake occurrence; and the successive time-duration (weeks) of both acid and non-acid rain also obeys a power law, with the average duration of acid rain scaling as a positive power law and that of non-acid rain as a negative power law of average WHD. The power laws in the acid deposition dynamics are considered to be indicators of self-organisation of the atmosphere under environmental pollution stress.  相似文献   

Reductions in North American sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions promoted expectations that aquatic ecosystems in southeastern Canada would soon recover from acidification. Only lakes located near smelters that have dramatically reduced emissions approach this expectation. Lakes in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario affected only by long-range sources show a general decline in sulfate (SO4(2-)) concentrations, but with a relatively smaller compensating increase in pH or alkalinity. Several factors may contribute to the constrained (or most likely delayed) acidity response: declining base cation concentrations, drought-induced mobilization of SO4(2-), damaged internal alkalinity generation mechanisms, and perhaps increasing nitrate or organic anion levels. Monitoring to detect biological recovery in southeastern Canada is extremely limited, but where it occurs, there is little evidence of recovery outside of the Sudbury/Killarney area. Both the occurrence of Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotia rivers and the breeding success of Common Loons in Ontario lakes are in fact declining although factors beyond acidification also play a role. Chemical and biological models predict that much greater SO2 emission reductions than those presently required by legislation will be needed to promote widespread chemical and latterly, biological recovery. It may be unrealistic to expect that pre-industrial chemical and biological conditions can ever be reestablished in many lakes of southeastern Canada.  相似文献   

规划环境影响评价探讨   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》为依据 ,对实施规划环境影响评价的意义进行了分析 ,并提出了规划环境影响评价应遵循的原则、方法和基本程序  相似文献   

Dry and wet deposition onto thirty forest stands in relation to stand structure is studied by sampling throughfall and bulk precipitation. Nine measurement sites are situated in Pseudotsuga menziesii stands, ten in Pinus sylvestris and eleven in Quercus robur stands. All stands are situated within a radius of 1.2 km to assure a more or less equal air pollution load. In each stand, detailed forest structure inventories are made to determine aerodynamic roughness, collecting efficiency and surface area parameters. Measurements to data cover a four month period (April-July 1990). First results show relatively high throughfall deposition in Pseudotsuga menziesii stands. Lowest throughfall fluxes are recorded for Quercus robur and intermediate values for Pinus sylvestris stands. There are indications of a relatively strong canopy exchange in Quercus robur stands during the measurement period. Many results from forest stand structure inventories are not available yet. However, a strong relation is observed between throughfall deposition in Pseudotsuga menziesii stands and total crown volume.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of a comprehensive acid deposition model referred to as ADOM (Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model). The first part of the paper describes the general approach to the formulation of the model. The second part presents the evaluation of the model against observations collected during the OSCAR (April 1981) field study. Although the model performs well in explaining the magnitudes and variations of the observations, the discrepancies between model predictions and observations are not small. Because of the uncertainties in the data used to run and evaluate the model, these discrepancies do not necessarily suggest the need for modifications in the model. Therefore, we have supplemented the direct comparison of model predictions with observations with indirect methods that establish the correspondence between the model and reality. This paper describes one such technique that relies on the washout ratio, which is sometimes used to characterize scavenging of pollutants.  相似文献   

This study is believed to be one of the first to assess the impact of urban VOC-(volatile organic compound) contaminated groundwater on river-water quality at the city scale. A network of riverbed piezometers was used to study the 7.4-km urbanised reach of the River Tame that flows across the groundwater-effluent unconfined Triassic sandstone aquifer underlying the city of Birmingham (UK). Aquifer groundwater contained significant chlorinated VOC contamination due to the city's industrial heritage. Chlorinated VOC-contaminated baseflow was widespread along the reach with trichloroethene (TCE) dominant. VOC concentrations in riverbed piezometers were in the range 0.1-100 microg/l with typical regulatory limits occasionally exceeded by an order of magnitude. Although anaerobic biodegradation products such as cis-dichloroethene were widespread, they were unlikely to have formed in the generally aerobic riverbed. The lack of anaerobic conditions was ascribed to insufficient accumulation of low-permeability, organic-carbon rich riverbed sediments in this medium-high energy river. Assumptions a priori that natural attenuation of chlorinated VOCs will occur via reductive dechlorination in urban riverbeds are likely in error, particularly where deposits of medium-high permeability exist transmitting much of the baseflow. Surface-water quality impacts were nevertheless still low with in-river TCE increasing by just 2 microg/l over the 7.4-km reach. Agreement of baseflow contaminant flux estimates based on five flow-concentration product methods was achieved to within an order of magnitude with 22-200 kg/yr of TCE estimated to discharge to the 7.4-km reach (equivalent to 0.8-7.5 mg/d/m2 of riverbed). Such uncertainty was not regarded as unreasonable when the large measurement scale and geological and chemical heterogeneities are considered. Improved flux estimation methods and greater monitoring densities are nevertheless warranted. Considering Birmingham's long industrial history and known incidence of VOC-contaminated groundwater, the city-scale impact of VOC-contaminated groundwater upon surface-water quality was judged to be relatively modest.  相似文献   

通过管道实验和明渠实验模拟尾水输送过程,研究不同输送方案对尾水中COD、BOD5、SS、TN、氨氮、TP、DO、雌酮(E1)、辛基酚(OP)、壬基酚(4-n-NP)等指标的去除规律,为徐州市截污导流工程尾水输送方案的选取提供理论依据.结果表明:(1)除DO、TP和SS外,管道输送方案对其他指标的控制能力均优于明渠;管道输送过程中,除SS和TN外,污染物的浓度变化主要发生在0~48 h.(2)在选择管道输送方案的基础上,可以考虑在实际输送时提高流速,缩短尾水在管道中的停留时间.  相似文献   

In air pollution epidemiology, error in measurements of correlated pollutants has been advanced as a reason to distrust regressions that find statistically significant weak associations. Much of the related debate in the literature and elsewhere has been qualitative. To promote quantitative evaluation of such errors, this paper develops an air pollution time-series model based on correlations among unit-normal variables. Assuming there are no other sources of bias present, the model shows the expected amount of relative bias in the regression coefficients of a bivariate regression of coarse and fine particulate matter measurements on daily mortality. The model only requires information on instrumental error and spatial variability, along with the observed regression coefficients and information on the true fine-course correlation. Analytical results show that if one pollutant is truly more harmful than the other, then it must be measured more precisely than the other in order not to bias the ratio of the fine and course regression coefficients. Utilizing published data, a case study of the Harvard Six-Cities study illustrates use of the model and emphasizes the need for data on spatial variability across the study area. Current epidemiology time-series regressions can use this model to address the general concern of correlated pollutants with differing measurement errors.  相似文献   

在大型炼钢生产工艺过程中,需要制备大量的氧气.由于空气流量大,制氧机进口噪声大,对周围环境和工作人员造成了极大的危害.对某钢铁集团制氧机的噪声源进行了分析,并在现场调查的基础上,提出了制氧机噪声治理方案.经过测试,治理后的厂界噪声指标达到国家标准的控制要求.  相似文献   

The potential of alpine moss-sedge heath to recover from elevated nitrogen (N) deposition was assessed by transplanting Racomitrium lanuginosum shoots and vegetation turfs between 10 elevated N deposition sites (8.2-32.9 kg ha−1 yr−1) and a low N deposition site, Ben Wyvis (7.2 kg ha−1 yr−1). After two years, tissue N of Racomitrium shoots transplanted from higher N sites to Ben Wyvis only partially equilibrated to reduced N deposition whereas reciprocal transplants almost matched the tissue N of indigenous moss. Unexpectedly, moss shoot growth was stimulated at higher N deposition sites. However, moss depth and biomass increased in turfs transplanted to Ben Wyvis, apparently due to slower shoot turnover (suggested to result partly from decreased tissue C:N slowing decomposition), whilst abundance of vascular species declined. Racomitrium heath has the potential to recover from the impacts of N deposition; however, this is constrained by the persistence of enhanced moss tissue N contents.  相似文献   

A series of short-term laboratory experiments were conducted in which galvanized steel samples were exposed to sub-ppm levels of SO2. Dew was produced periodically on the test panels, and, at the end of some experiments, panels were sprayed with solutions of various pH levels. Both dew and rain rinse samples were analyzed for SO32−, SO42− and Zn.The laboratory results suggest that as a first approximation the damage to galvanized steel induced by the dry deposition of SO2 can be calculated by equating the dry SO2 flux to the Zn corrosion flux. SO2 will deposit onto a fresh dry surface until an amount similar to that of a monolayer has formed. Under wet conditions, the dry deposition flux is controlled by the gas-phase resistance of the atmosphere. Wet deposition of ammonium bisulphate induces corrosion which depends not only on the pH of the incident rain, but also on the exposure history of the samples.  相似文献   

A discussion is presented on the application of micrometeorological deposition modelling principles to improve the characterisation of vegetation exposure to ozone and thus the use of critical levels as the basis of targeted emission control. The AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb or nl l(-1)) ozone exposure index is shown to impose a differential weighting that results in a high sensitivity, by a factor of two to 10 depending on the pollution climate, with respect to concentration. This makes it necessary to correct for systematic effects, such as the concentration profile below the measurement height, in order to justify a comparison with the biological data obtained from well-mixed exposure chambers. Available studies indicate a 50-70% lower AOT40 at the vegetation height. The resistance method for estimating the profile is extended to allow for stomatal effects that potentially bias the plant response predicted with an exposure index. This integrated profile-uptake correction refines the current approach and serves as a transitional step towards a real flux-based approach. For the latter, a new deposition parameterisation is tested against field observations.  相似文献   

Nitrogen leaching from boreal and temporal forests, where normally most of the nitrogen is retained, has the potential to increase acidification of soil and water and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. In parts of Sweden, where the nitrogen deposition has been intermediate to high during recent decades, there are indications that the soils are close to nitrogen saturation. In this study, four different approaches were used to assess the risk of nitrogen leaching from forest soils in different parts of Sweden. Nitrate concentrations in soil water and C:N ratios in the humus layer where interpreted, together with model results from mass balance calculations and detailed dynamic modelling. All four approaches pointed at a risk of nitrogen leaching from forest soils in southern Sweden. However, there was a substantial variation on a local scale. Basing the assessment on four different approaches makes the assessment robust.  相似文献   

An inevitable external effect of economic growth, especially for countries in the early stages of growth, is air pollution. The Taiwan experience is a case in point. To control the pollution, Taiwan created the Environmental Protection Administration. This paper assesses the impact of the administration's abatement policy on a primary component of air pollution, carbon monoxide. Using recent advances in time series analysis, we fail to find evidence of a successful policy. If carbon monoxide is to be significantly reduced, it appears that the Administration needs to adopt more stringent standards and innovative approaches.  相似文献   

The Red Data Book of Japanese Vascular Plants is based on their risk of extinction. In order to construct the list, 2000 taxa were evaluated using population data and rates of decline for approximately 4400 grids, each of approximately 100 km(2). This database can be used to estimate the impact of human activity on a threatened plant's risk of extinction. In order to evaluate extinction risks and apply the evaluation to conservation actions, the discount mean time to extinction is defined as a measure of extinction risk, where the present value of a species' persistence in the future decreases exponentially. The rate of decrease has to be much less than the rate of economic discounting, in order to realize intergenerational sustainability. Increases of the inverse, and logarithm, of the discount mean time to extinction are considered measures of the extinction risk. We applied these measures to an environmental impact assessment for the Japanese World Exposition that is to be held in 2005. Development will have a greater impact on threatened Salvia species than it will on star magnolia, Magnolia tomentosa, which has been conserved by changing the site plan.  相似文献   

This research provides an example of the application of a simple method for evaluating regional interrelationships using air parcel trajectory analysis. An assessment of trajectories associated with storms affecting McDonald's Branch watershed (39°50′N, 74°30′W) is presented. A simple classification system is used to examine regional contributions of acid precursors. The results of the work suggest that major regional sources of acid precursor emissions dominated precipitation acidity for the Pine Barrens region from 1978 to 1981. An incremental approach to acid precipitation policy is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and testing of the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model (ADOM), a nine-year project funded by a consortium consisting of Environment Ontario, Environment Canada, the German Umweltbundesamt, and the Electric Power Research Institute. The project consisted of three major phases: a design phase, an implementation phase, and an evaluation phase. In the design phase, the system being modeled was divided into its components-transport, gas phase chemistry, aqueous phase chemistry, dry deposition and cloud processes. The formulation of the modules for each of these processes was guided by the requirement that the modules reflect the state of the art, and at the same time be consistent with the available numerical resources. In the implementation phase, submodels were constructed, and then subjected to several tests, which included mathematical consistency checks, sensitivity studies, and evaluation against field and laboratory data. The modules were then assembled and interfaced with the input data sets. The codes for the modules as well as the overall model were vectorized to take advantage of the capabilities of supercomputers such as the CRAY. The North American and West German versions of the model are being tested against data collected in North America and in Europe. This paper describes the evaluation of ADOM with data associated with a regional ozone episode in Ontario in June 1983, and measurements made during an experiment to study the scavenging characteristics of spring storms in the central and northeastern United States in April 1981.  相似文献   

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