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Mobile lidar observations were made downwind of TVA’s Cumberland (Tennessee) power plant as part of the STATE (Sulfur Transport and Transformation in the Environment) program. Vertical profiles of aerosol backscatter have been processed and displayed to show plume structure as an intensity-modulated TV presentation. Available meteorological data, especially the pilot balloon and radiosonde measurements collected during the STATE experiment, have been used to aid in the interpretation of the lidar display. The data show: ? Well defined nighttime plumes, which often tilt or display a layered structure in the shape of a “>”.

? Late morning convective breakup of the plume.

? Well mixed convective plumes during the day.

? Reformation of the layered nighttime plume during the late afternoon.

It appears that the nighttime plume behavior can be related qualitatively to the strong directional shear of the wind with height that often accompanies the stable nighttime atmosphere. The nighttime plume shapes frequently differ markedly from the oval shape one expects of a gaussian plume. Daytime plumes are in better conformance to the expected shape except when constricted by the surface or the top of the mixing layer  相似文献   

Because of the increasing demand for energy, construction of a number of large power plants is planned, particularly in the southwestern U.S. Before construction of a plant can begin, however, it must be shown that its emissions will not degrade air quality beyond certain acceptable limits. A new plant must undergo not only a New Source Review1 to demonstrate compliance with New Source Performance Standards,2 but also an analysis to show that it will not produce significant deterioration of air quality in designated pristine areas (often these areas are state or federal parks.) Further, as a result of the 1977 amendments3 to the Clean Air Act, visibility must not be impaired where impairment is defined as a reduction in visual range or as atmospheric discoloration. Plume visual impact must thus be considered before permission for construction will be granted. Because of these requirements, it is important to be able to visualize the plume from a power plant as it travels through surrounding terrain.  相似文献   


During wintertime, haze episodes occur in the Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW) urban area. Such episodes are characterized by substantial light scattering by particles and relatively low absorption, leading to so-called “white haze.” The objective of this work was to assess whether reductions in the emissions of SO2 from specific coal-fired power plants located over 100 km from DFW could lead to a discernible change in the DFW white haze. To that end, the transport, dispersion, deposition, and chemistry of the plume of a major power plant were simulated using a reactive plume model (ROME). The realism of the plume model simulations was tested by comparing model calculations of plume concentrations with aircraft data of SF6 tracer concentrations and ozone concentrations. A second-order closure dispersion algorithm was shown to perform better than a first-order closure algorithm and the empirical Pasquill-Gifford-Turner algorithm. For plume impact assessment, three actual scenarios were simulated, two with clear-sky conditions and one with the presence of fog prior to the haze. The largest amount of sulfate formation was obtained for the fog episode. Therefore, a hypothetical scenario was constructed using the meteorological conditions of the fog episode with input data values adjusted to be more conducive to sulfate formation. The results of the simulations suggest that reductions in the power plant emissions lead to less than proportional reductions in sulfate concentrations in DFW for the fog scenario. Calculations of the associated effects on light scattering using Mie theory suggest that reduction in total (plume + ambient) light extinction of less than 13% would be obtained with a 44% reduction in emissions of SO2 from the modeled power plant.  相似文献   


The rate of conversion of SO2 to SO4 2- was re-estimated from measurements made in the plume of the Cumberland power plant, located on the Cumberland River in north-central Tennessee, after installation of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubbers for SO2 removal in 1994. The ratio of SO2 to NOy emissions into the plume has been reduced to ~0.1, compared with a prescrubber value of ~2. To determine whether the SO2 emissions reduction has correspondingly reduced plume-generated particulate SO4 2- production, we have compared the rates of conversion before and after scrubber installation. The prescrubber estimates were developed from measurements made during the Tennessee Plume Study conducted in the late 1970s. The post-scrubber estimates are based upon two series of research flights in the summers of 1998 and 1999. During two of these flights, the Cumberland plume did not mix with adjacent power plant plumes, enabling rate constants for conversion to be estimated from samples taken in the plume at three downwind distances. Dry deposition losses and the fact the fact that SO2 is no longer in large excess compared with SO4 2- have been taken into account, and an upper limit for the conversion rate constant was re-estimated based on plume excess aerosol volume. The estimated upper limit values are 0.069 hr-1 and 0.034 hr-1 for the 1998 and 1999 data, respectively. The 1999 rate is comparable with earlier values for nonscrubbed plumes, and although the 1998 upper limit value is higher than expected, these estimates do not provide strong evidence for deviation from a linear relationship between SO2 emissions and SO4 2- formation.  相似文献   

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals who may be concerned with principal plume dispersion models at coal-burning power plants. About 20 years of comprehensive field surveillance and documentation of dispersion of power plant emissions for a varied range of unit sizes, stack heights, and meteorological conditions have determined the Tennessee Valley Authority’s interpretation of principal plume dispersion models. TVA’s experience indicates that as unit sizes are increased and taller stacks are constructed, the plume dispersion model associated with maximum surface concentrations changes. Maximum surface concentrations for principal plume dispersion models were approximately equal for the early small plants. However, the coning model was considered the critical plume dispersion model because the frequency of recurrence of surface concentrations from this model was appreciably greater than other models.

There were progressive changes because of an increase in unit sizes and stack heights; the magnitude of maximum surface concentrations from the coning model decreased, and the magnitude (relative to the coning model) of concentrations from the inversion breakup model increased. However, with plumes from newer and larger units with higher stacks, the trapping dispersion model became prominent. Finally, by the time unit size had increased to 900 mw and stack height to about 245 meters, as at Bull Run Power Plant, the magnitude of surface concentrations associated with trapping had increased to such a degree that it became the critical dispersion model identified with power plants of this size.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of over 2 years of measurements of several of the species comprising atmospheric SOx (=SO2+SO42−) and NOy (=NO+NO2 + PAN + HNO3+NO3+ organicnitrates + HONO + 2N2O5 …) at Whiteface Mountain, New York. Continuous real-time measurements of SO2 and total gaseous NOy provided data for about 50% and 65% of the period, respectively, and 122 filter pack samples were obtained for HNO3, SO2 and aerosol SO42−, NO3, H+ and NH4+. Concentrations of SO2 and NOy were greatest in winter, whereas concentrations of the reaction products SO42− and HNO3were greatest in summer. The seasonal variation in SO42− was considerably more pronounced than that of HNO3and the high concentrations of SO42− aerosol present in summer were also relatively more acidic than SO42− aerosol in other seasons. As a result, SO42− aerosol was the predominant acidic species present in summer, HNO3was predominant in other seasons. Aerosol NO3 concentrations were low in all seasons and appeared unrelated to simultaneous NOy and HNO3concentrations. These data are consistent with seasonal variations in photochemical oxidation rates and with existing data on seasonal variations in precipitation composition. The results of this study suggest that emission reductions targeted at the summer season might be a cost-effective way to reduce deposition of S species, but would not be similarly cost-effective in reducing deposition of N species. kwAcid deposition, seasonal variation, sulfate, nitrate, nitric acid, sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, air pollution, Adirondack Mountains  相似文献   

When the 230-MW Volklingen power plant entered service in August 1982, it became the first power plant in Europe to desulfurize 100 percent of the flue gas without bypass. The FGD system forms an integral part of the cooling tower, and the flue gas is discharged through the tower. There is no stack. Mathematical models for the dispersal of the mixed emissions from the cooling tower have now been confirmed by readings of ground level concentrations. The dispersion pattern was recorded as part of exhaustive emission readings, which included measurements from powered gliders. It was shown that the dispersal of the desulfurized flue gas encounters more favorable atmospheric conditions than would be the case if it were discharged separately from a stack. One major element is the thermal thrust of the exhaust from the cooling tower. This approach to flue gas discharge reduces costs considerably, eliminating the need for reheating the gases to the 72° C required in West Germany for conventional FGD systems discharging through a stack.  相似文献   

The performance of a CRSTER equivalent Gaussian plume model (CEQM) is examined using data from the EPRI Plume Model Validation study at the Klncaid, Illinois site. Four-way comparisons are made on the ordered statistics or the cumulative frequency distribution (CFD) of maximum hourly observed and predicted concentrations. Using the uniform random distribution and the lognormal random distribution as simple predictive schemes without any physical context, it Is found that the CEQM predicts a concentration CFD which matches the observed CFD significantly closer than the CFD predicted by the uniform random distribution. The two-parameter lognormal random distribution predicts the concentration CFD better than the CEQM over all concentration ranges; however, the CEQM fits the upper range of the concentration distribution better than the lognormal random distribution,, despite the fact that the predictions are generated using dispersion conditions entirely different from those of the observations. The nature of this ergodicity of distribution is probed by exercising CEQM using randomized input based on the observed frequency distributions of the Input parameters instead of feeding the hour-by-hour model input matched by time into CEQM as is customarily done. The exercise of the model by uncoupling the time linkage in model Input has no systematic effect on the predicted cumulative frequency distribution of concentrations. Only at the highest concentration range (99.5% or higher) do the two sets of predictions begin to diverge.  相似文献   

Air monitoring data for a calendar year at one of the TVA power plants has been used to evaluate the appropriateness of the Sutton, the Bosanquet and Pearson, and the USPHS-TVA atmospheric dispersion models to predict ground level concentrations of sulfur dioxide from emission and meterological data. Aerometric data included one half hourly average sulfur dioxide concentrations, recorded by four Thomas autometers, and the necessary meterological parameters for the solving of atmospheric dispersion models. Based on these meterological parameters and observed plume rise data, over 4000 one half hourly average maximum and minimum expected ground line sulfur dioxide concentrations were predicted for each of the above dispersion models by the use of computer techniques. The plant is a line source; however, an empirical correction was applied to emission data to reduce them to emissions for an equivalent point source. The predicted sulfur dioxide levels for each of the dispersion models were compared to the measured levels throughout the year. Three different sets of diffusion coefficients were applied to the Sutton model and successful predictions, according to a criterion utilizing an acceptable range of concentration, varied from 66 to 93%. The Bosanquet and Pearson model produced successful predictions 90% of the time, while the USPHS-TVA model was successful 94% of the time.Unsuccessful predictions were primarily overestimates.  相似文献   

The operating characteristics of a pilot baghouse and the filtering characteristics of fly ash filtered from the flue gas of a pulverized coal-fired power plant were studied by techniques developed in the engineering research laboratories of the National Center for Air Pollution Control in Cincinnati. The permeability of the dust cake varied with the operating conditions of the baghouse in a way that significantly affects the pressure drop and power requirements of the system.  相似文献   

In 1974 and 1975, Briggs presented two semiempirical models for computing plume rise from multiple sources for stacks with the same height and emission. Since in our country there are many power plants with more than one stack and generally of different heights and emissions, we developed a new model based on “virtual” stack concept, able to provide estimates of maximum plume height for this problem. Firstly we compared a simplified expression, derived from our model for the case of chimneys of equal heights and emissions, with the above mentioned Briggs' models and with a series of data quoted by Briggs in his 1974 paper. Then we tested our model with a few experimental data relative to stacks of different heights and obtained during the La Spezia field experiments. All the comparisons made showed a satisfactory agreement. Finally a comparison among an empirical expression due to Montgomery et al. giving the correction factor for ground level concentrations in the multiple sources case and the analogue ones derived from our and Briggs' models is presented.  相似文献   

Calculation of smoke plume opacity from the properties of the particulate emission is facilitated with the use of a parameter K (specific particulate volume cm3/m3/extinction coefficient m?1) computed from theory. Graphs of K vs. the geometric mass mean particle radius at geometric standard deviations from 1 (monodisperse) to 10 are presented for particle refractive indices of 1.96–0.66i (carbon), 2.80–0.02i, 1.33 (water) and 1.50 at a wavelength of light of 550 nm. Experimental data of K for various sources are reported. Application to the estimation of the Ringelmann number is discussed and illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

The Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) doctrine has been one of the most hotly contested aspects of U. S. air pollution law. In its present form, it exerts powerful influence on land-use planning and plant siting. It has worked in the past and will presumably work in the future to increase the amount of air pollution to which the average American is regularly exposed. It has serious technical flaws. Some alternative PSD policies which remedy these flaws are proposed.  相似文献   

The Gaussian Plume Model is extended to provide analytic characterizations of (a) the dispersion parameters; (b) the Gaussian Plume Model in polar coordinates; (c) the wind rose in direction and velocity space; and (d) the impact of dispersion upon wind rose patterns. The final analytic result should facilitate the estimation of the impact of changes in source emissions upon ground level pollution concentrations and thus extend the calculational speed and usefulness of the Gaussian Plume Model.  相似文献   

Measurements of plume dispersion in urban and rural simulated boundary layers are compared with full scale data and theoretical treatments of plume behaviour. The experiments were conducted in the Marchwood Engineering Laboratories (MEL)9.1 × 2.7 m wind tunnel using sources of negligible buoyancy and momentum in 1/1000 and 1/300 scale neutrally stable, simulated atmospheric boundary layers. The theoretical considerations include gradient-transfer theory (analytic and numerical), similarity and statistical theory. The results of the comparisons are then used to demonstrate that the plume behaviour observed in the wind tunnel was a reasonable simulation of the Pasquill class D-C atmospheric behaviour.  相似文献   

The number of gas turbine- (GT-) based power plants is rapidly increasing to meet the world’s power demands. Until a few years ago, fossil fuel, and specifically fuel oil, was considered the major energy source for gas turbine operation. Due to the high amount of pollution that fuel oil generates, natural gas has become a popular source of energy due to its lower emissions compared to fuel oil. As a result, many GTs have switched to natural gas as an alternative to fuel oil. However, pollutants expelled from GT-based power plants operating on natural gas impact surrounding air quality. The objective of this study was to examine the dispersion of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted from a GT-based power plant located in the Sultanate of Oman. Supported by CALPUFF dispersion modeling software, six scenarios were investigated in this study. The first four scenarios considered a case where the GT-based power plant was operating on natural gas during winter and summer and for open and combined cycle modes. The remaining two scenarios considered, for both open and combined cycle modes, the case where the GT-based power plant was operating on fuel oil. Whether run by natural gas or fuel oil, CALPUFF simulation results for both seasons showed that NOx concentrations were higher when GTs were used in the combined cycle mode. The concentrations were still lower than the allowable concentrations set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) standards. In contrast, for the case where the power plant operated on fuel oil, the NOx one-hour average simulated results exceeded the allowable limits only when the combined cycle mode was activated.  相似文献   

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