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针对GIS在数字城市规划中的要求,提出了GIS数字城市规划概念及其在城市数字规划中的作用.根据GIS在城市数字规划中的服务功能建立了相应的数学模型,并对城市规划中所涉及的的公众参与冲突的协调机制模型、多元韦伯模型的概念进行了介绍.在此基础上对GIS在城市数字规划管理以及城市空间规划中的应用进行讨论.并证明GIS技术在数字城市规划中能起到重要的作用.参5.  相似文献   

生态城市规划需要优先考虑的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设生态城市是城市发展的未来方向,而生态城市规划则是生态城市建设的起点,因此在规划中需要优先考虑城市经营成本问题、人力资源转化问题、区域生态安全问题和增长空间控制问题,从而使城市的生态设计建立在理性分析的基础上。  相似文献   

鉴于城市规划在环境保护方面的局限性,本文以武汉市九峰城市森林保护区环境保护规划为例,提出了环境保护规划的技术路线、环境规划目标以及结论等,指出了城市大气、水体、声、固体废物和生态环境综合整治规划,并探讨环境保护规划与武汉的城市生态建设。  相似文献   

以冕宁县的生态规划为例,通过对冕宁县生态城市规划建设背景的研究,确定其生态城市建设的定位,通过分析冕宁县城市的现状,得出了冕宁县进行生态城市规划的总体思路.生态城市建设的重点是对城市的生态功能进行划分,生态功能划分的原则包括生态城市功能区划的原则、可持续发展原则、区域相关原则、部分与整体协调原则、相似性原则、环境容量和环境承载力原则以及区域特色原则等等.通过对冕宁县城市生态区域的划分,将生态规划彻底融入冕宁县的总体规划之中,进一步改善冕宁县生态环境、人居环境和发展环境,不断提高城乡人民生活质量,将冕宁建设成为生态县.  相似文献   

城市自然生态空间的价值评估及规划启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市自然生态空间是城市生态文明建设重要的物质基础。在规划过程中,应该将城市自然生态空间的生态价值评估作为城市规划的重要理论基础,通过相应的规划方法引导城市生态化建设和品质提升。文章通过对城市自然生态空间的界定,以及对城市自然生态空间生态价值评估的理论模型的研究,提出对规划建设的启示:积极构建城市自然生态空间统一的评估指标体系和建立适应中国本土的动态评估模型能够理性的指导城市的生态化建设,同时通过对城市自然生态空间的价值评估能够科学制定城市生态调控政策和正确引导公共参与城市生态化建设。  相似文献   

城市规划与城市可持续发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
城市可持续发展是人类全面实施可持续发展战略的一个重要方面,它有其特定的内涵。城市规划是实施城市可持续发展战略的有效工具,在城市规划中引入可持续发展理论是引导城市可持续发展的重要一环。以可持续发展为原则的城市规划应突出其未来导向性、环境导向性、社会导向性的特点,文章就其含义及实现途径进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

城市总体规划中的生态观点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍了采用城市生态学进行《抚顺市城市总体规划》的观点和方法,从6个方面论述了抚顺市总体规划中的生态观点的应用。在把城市生态思想作为城市规划基本原则固定下来、克服城市在景观建设方面的缺陷、增强城市作为一个生态系统的整体功能、增加保护自然环境的动力,建立一个高效、主谐的生态城市等方面进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

城市土地生态适宜性评价理论与方法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
城市土地生态适宜性评价的目的在于协调城市发展与环境保护之间的矛盾.阐述了城市土地生态适宜性评价的内涵,考究了其研究历程,归纳了城市土地生态适宜性的评价方法及其特性.城市土地生态适宜性评价指用某种方法确定城市区域内适宜于城市开发用地的面积和范围以及适宜于生态用地的面积和范围,并针对适宜程度的大小进行等级的划分,它起源于20世纪70年代的生态城市规划,在我国主要发展于2003年以后,其评价方法主要包括"千层饼法"及其修正模型和逻辑规则组合法,这些方法在实践应用过程中都存在着主观性较强的问题,成为城市土地生态适宜性评价面临的主要困境.指出生态适宜度的二象性和系统性是产生城市土地生态适宜性评价研究困境的主要原因,并以此为基础提出了解决困境的研究思路和未来研究重点.  相似文献   

通过回顾新加坡城市发展过程,分析了新加坡城市规划、建设、管理、发展四位一体的低碳生态化发展模式。在此基础上,对中国城市发展提出了以低碳生态为规划导向、以增强城市载体功能和绿色发展为建设目的、以完备立法、严格执法、全民参与为管理手段,以"两型社会"为发展目标的建议,推进低碳生态城市发展。  相似文献   

阐述了旅游规划和城市规划的主要研究内容,并就目前出现的城市旅游和旅游规划协调问题进行了探讨。以陕西省旬阳县为实证,就小城市的旅游规划和城市规划进行探讨,并提出了旅游规划和城市规划的协调的方案,指出旅游规划的实施对促进城市生态环境的改善等具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

城市居住小区的公路交通噪声预测与规划   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市发展、公路建设、各类机动车辆的增加导致城市噪声环境质量下降。为了改善城市人居环境,居住小区交通噪声预测与规划应当受到重视。本文提出了一种居住小区交通噪声预测与规划的新方法。该方法充分运用地理信息系统空间分析、空间建模与显示查询的能力,结合完善可靠的交通噪声预测模型,建立了具有实际应用价值的城市居住小区交通噪声预测与规划系统。该系统能为环境评价、环境规划与建筑设计提供相关的技术支持。  相似文献   

There has been a major urban shift of population in Turkey over the last century. Most people lived in rural areas until 1960, but now more than half live in urban areas. This trend has continued over the last 20 years, as families moved further away from city centres to find houses in the country, and this has caused land use to change rapidly. In decision-making studies to protect nature areas, rating and assessment of ecological data by scientific verification is difficult due to the huge volume and diversity of data. Therefore, the search for the most suitable and applicable method to achieve physical planning based on ecological understanding has been sought. The necessity for numerous parameters to be taken into account has stimulated the use of geographic information systems (GIS). This study assesses the usefulness of a GIS-based model in the protected area of Kaynaklar County, to the south of the city of Izmir. Existing cultural and natural land-use types, as well as soil, hydrologic, geologic and geomorphologic data layers (future classes) were gathered from field observation and using Landsat and IKONOS satellite images, and transferred to a database according to GIS rules. Index values were determined by taking impact on attributes of natural protection as a priority and these were attached to each feature class. Layers of data were merged by spatial intersection methods and new polygons were created for both cultural and natural features. A three-grade final map of the study area was generated using total index values of each new polygon.  相似文献   

陈颖彪  吴志峰  程炯  杨政 《生态环境》2004,13(3):362-364
城市绿地作为城市结构中的自然生产力主体,在城市系统中起着重要作用。传统的城市绿地调查多采用人工普查并结合统计学方法进行城市绿地调查,需要投入大量的人力和资金,但得到的数据精度和现时性都较差,而采用高分辨率遥感卫星数据与地理信息系统相结合的方法,可以达到对城市绿地遥感数据的快速特征提取和准确的空间统计分析。文章采用基于遥感和GIS相结合的方法,并以深圳市为例,进行了城市绿地特征提取方法的研究和应用分析。  相似文献   

Coastal zones around the world have experienced urban growth in the last 50 years. This landscape change brings new aspects for those zones and the environment. Real estate speculation is a decisive factor that changes landscape, with urban growth that occurs both in the extent and volume of construction. Boa Viagem (BV) beach at Recife, Northeast Brazil was just a sand bar covered by an Atlantic Forest until middle of the 1800s. Today, it has turned into a busy area of the city where residences, services and commerce co-exist in a densely packed arrangement. This work demonstrates and analyses vertical growth in BV and urban changes from 1961 to 2011. It was developed using digital image processing and visual analysis of satellite imagery and aerial photos. A GIS was created using SPRING and ArcScene, to calculate variations in area and volume creating a Volumetric Index (VI). The Minimal Mapping Area was used in sixteen census tract as samples of the area. Occupation and vertical growth were especially accentuated from 1981 to 1996 with the peak at 2011. Increases in vertical growth from shore to inland are evident in all parts of the district. This finding was confirmed by three-dimensional GIS representations of the study area and the VI during the period of this work, showing the potential of 3D GIS models for studying dense urbanization areas in coastal zones.  相似文献   

利用景观梯度法分析张家港市城市景观变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在遥感与GIS技术平台的支持下,利用景观格局梯度法分析了张家港市各土地利用类型的景观格局及其时空分布特征.研究结果表明,2002-2006年,张家港市城市景观格局总体变化明显,城镇用地增长22.10%,农业用地则减少14.96%.在空间上,呈现出城市一城乡交错带一农业区的变化特征;在时间上,整体样带体现出斑块密度升高、...  相似文献   

机动车污染模拟和地理信息系统支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机动车污染是城市大气污染物的重要来源,对街区机动车污染排放量的预测和排放模拟对了解城市街区环境污染状况有重要价值。文章中将CAR模式的模拟计算和GIS集成在一起,通过VisualBasic进行了一个样例开发,其中GIS功能由MapX控件实现。  相似文献   

生态田园城市是现代城市的发展目标,已成为我国城市建设的热点.现代生态田园城市建设的关键在于建立城市生态基础设施系统,为城市可持续发展和营造宜居环境提供生态系统服务.遂宁现代生态田园城市规划将生态基础设施规划、产业发展规划、社会公共服务设施规划"三规合一",营造一个生态安全健康、生产低碳高效、生活安康富裕,社会公平和谐的美丽新城市.  相似文献   

Urban forest is a very important part of urban ecosystems and provides significant ecosystem services. It benefits urban communities environmentally, aesthetically, recreationally and economically. This article reviews the development status, development patterns and influencing factors of urban forest in China. There are four typical development patterns of urban forest in China: the forest city, garden city, ecological economics and forest greenbelt. Social, climatic, economic and other factors influence urban forest development in China. Social factors include government behaviour, laws and regulations, science and technology, education and culture, public awareness and participation, ecological planning and management. Climatic factors include rainfall, temperature and sunlight. Economic factors include urban economic level and funding for urban forest. In future, government, NGOs and the private sector should be considered more in the planning and management of urban forest. The social, climatic and economic factors should be taken into account when improving urban forest management. Research on urban forest from the academic and the management viewpoint should be strengthened. This can improve the development and management of urban forest in China and in other developing countries.  相似文献   

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