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之所以带学生探究牛奶盒的生命历程,是为了让学生了解牛奶盒是怎么生产出来的,使学生在探究中体验到生产牛奶盒要消耗自然资源,还会排放出废水,最终让学生认识到循环利用的价值,感悟到生产我们日常生活中所用到的各种物品给环境带来的影响,以及我们应该以什么样的态度对待这些物品。活动时间:3天。活动地点:室内和户外。活动准备:记录纸、彩色笔、相机。活动方法:教师带来一个空的牛奶盒,挂在黑板上。接着,教师问学生们是不是经常喝牛奶,几  相似文献   

本品由底盒、盒形蛋糕盘、蛋糕体、与底盒配合的盒盖、发声装置、声控开关以及发光装置构成。本品不仅能闪烁五彩缤纷的光彩,而且还能发出音乐声、生日歌或生肖动物的叫声等动听的声音,增加了生日的热闹和欢乐气氛。(CN2305059Y)声光型生日蛋糕...  相似文献   

废塑料的再利用PlasticsRecyclingHoffmon公司研制的塑料再利用系统提供实际技术知识和塑料废弃物再利用的机械,这些废弃物是软饮料瓶、酸乳酪杯、盒、胶片和其它塑料包装。这些废塑料经过处理、切碎,而后再利用于混凝土建筑材料中,如混凝土砖...  相似文献   

文章介绍了袋式除尘器脉冲清灰系统的关键部件——智能远传先导控制盒的基本组成、工作原理、控制方式、使用要求、安装要求。  相似文献   

电动采粉授粉器主要用于水果生产过程,其特征在于:固定有刷毛的刷毛座安装在电机的轴上,轴上安装有扇片,腔体的底部有电池盒,腔体的上部可分别插装集粉盒和授粉盒。本品体积小、结构简单、制造成本低、控制方便、采粉效率高。(ZL98222340.4)电动采粉授粉器  相似文献   

不知哪一天起,家里多了一只陈旧的木盒:长方形,盒面的油漆暗淡且斑驳,盒盖有两个褪了色的金属搭扣,很像那种早已过了时的老式梳妆盒。这只木盒与家里现有的摆设格格不入,让人看上去  相似文献   

本技术利用具有苗期叶片黄化症状的R24-12作母本,以任意苗期叶片正常的辣椒自交系作父本,配制出杂种一代,然后取一定量的杂种一代种子,播于培养皿或培养盒或菜地中,苗期叶片绿色的是杂交种,黄色的是自交种(假杂交种)。实施本技术具有如下效果:根据黄化标记性状在苗期鉴定,结果准确可靠,使鉴定期缩短了3个月左右,降低纯检成本费用70%;生产上可利用该技术及早在苗期剔除黄化苗假杂交种杂交辣椒苗期的纯度鉴定技术  相似文献   

在分析原简易测试板的基础上,着重研究影响调试与环境试验测试数据的有关因素,并对传统测试方法进行了改进,并通过实验的验证,研制出了可用于生产调试和环境试验的测控盒.  相似文献   

为厂窟必身刃窟厦,蘑才茜君泞芬、甜厉必牙谬穿异,泞觉荔澎浮督产而公司名称产品种类产品商标产品代号1北京通紊塑料制品有限公司PS、即、OPS食品容器:可降解环保餐具:生鲜托盘:口杯;保鲜膜通乡PG2天津育新塑料包装有限公司PE纸制品包装容器:HIPs片材、口杯、冰淇淋杯、彩色口杯:BOPS透明盒、沙拉盒、各种盒类产品:PP片材、生鲜托盘、方便面碗OYS3北京雁栖中央化学有限公司各种水果、生物托盘、一次性餐具:各种规格形状的方便面碗、冰淇淋容器:食品加工企业、冷冻食品加工企业用一次性包装等④CT、ST、SB、HS BL、HB4北京正耀…  相似文献   

为了满足新能源整车控制器试验参数测试的要求,本文设计了一种包括上位机、控制模块组、资源分配盒及相关设备的测试系统,详细说明了测试系统硬件平台设计和系统软件设计.测试结果表明,该系统具有可靠、灵活、智能化程度高和适用性强的特点.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of municipal promotion and education (P&E) investments on the recycling rates of recyclables found in Ontario's residential waste stream. Using panel data collected from 223 Ontario municipalities between 2003 and 2012, this study examines whether investments in recycling P&E lead to an increase in household recycling. Investments in recycling promotion and education have been characterized as a policy best practice and is promoted as one of the primary drivers of resource conservation and sustainability in Ontario. Focus is placed on analyzing: (a) the relationship between P&E expenditures and recycling rates in the province, (b) the relationship between municipal recycling rates and P&E investments at different funding levels and (c) the impact of locality on promotion and education efficacy. The results of the statistical regressions indicate that investments in recycling P&E do not increase municipal recycling rates, necessitating a re-evaluation of existing policy and management practices.  相似文献   

The household-recycling rate in the Borough of Burnley, England in 2001/2002 was only half the national average of 12%. This research employed both quantitative and qualitative surveys in order to ascertain whether householders’ attitudes to recycling were contributory factors to the generally poor recycling performance and to investigate other social, cultural and structural influences. The Borough has a large Asian–British population concentrated in two deprived wards where recycling rates are particularly low, so special attention was given to ascertaining their attitudes towards recycling.The quantitative survey comprised a postal questionnaire sent to a random sample of 360 households drawn from the electoral register. The qualitative survey consisted of group interviews with the Asian–British population at local community centres and focus groups attended by volunteers from the quantitative study.The findings suggest that householders are very willing to participate in recycling, as shown by the almost 80% claiming to recycle paper, but that local recycling services are too unreliable and inconvenient to allow them to do so comprehensively. Asian–British attitudes to recycling were found to be no different to those of the wider population, with their low participation being linked to the higher priorities imposed upon them by economic deprivation. The findings are broadly in line with those of the literature in that recycling participation tends to be higher among more affluent and older people, but lower among less affluent and younger households, probably due in part to the availability of both storage space and time, with the implication that the Borough's preponderance of terraced housing militates against a high recycling rate. Policy recommendations to local authorities include the provision of bespoke recycling services to suit the variety of residential conditions across the UK, and the provision of regular feedback to householders regarding recycling services and performance.Further research is needed to identify non-recyclers and to explore how householders’ underlying psychological, cultural and social attitudes to recycling impinge upon recycling and participation rates.  相似文献   

The Japanese system of recycling home electrical appliances has several unique aspects, including (1) a limited number of target appliances, (2) a recycling fee system that requires consumers to pay a recycling fee at the time of disposal, and (3) a direct recycling obligation for manufacturers, who have a physical, rather than a financial, responsibility for their end-of-life products. We studied data from 2001 to 2007 and found that the amount of four specified home electrical appliances and their materials that was recycled increased from about 319,249 tonnes in 2001 to about 447,262 tonnes—or 3.5 kg per inhabitant—in 2006. Recycling yield and development of recycling technologies have also improved. New recycling technologies have enabled a higher rate of material recycling of plastics (i.e., a closed-loop recycling). Improved eco-design, such as design for easier disassembly, has been promoted, and the higher quality of discarded appliances has enhanced the reuse market. Hazardous substances and fluorocarbons are being well managed. Problems with the recycling system include inelastic recycling fees, illegal dumping, illegal transfer by retailers, and the limited number of target appliances. Recycling fees could be reduced; this move might reduce the incidence of illegal dumping, as would engage stakeholders in collaborative efforts against illegal dumping. Illegal transfers could be reduced by improved traceability for retailers. Products such as liquid crystal displays, plasma display panels and clothes dryers have become increasingly common and should be also be targeted for recycling.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system dynamics computer model to evaluate alternative type of recycling center under different policy and economy environments through comparison on the economic feasibility of recycling centers and ratio of savings to costs in C&D waste management. A case study for the City of Chongqing, China is selected. Simulated results show three key factors can contribute to the economic feasibility of recycling and the ratio of savings to costs in C&D waste management: (a) profit; (b) unit recycling cost; (c) extra revenue from location advantage (It was assumed that the mobile centers can attain extra revenue from the location advantage compared with fixed recycling centers). The sensitive analysis and comparison on ratios between public and private sector indicate that to achieve the optimum ratio of savings to costs, design of recycling centers and selection of governmental instruments are determined by the priority list: (1) low extra revenue from location advantage; (2) low profit; (3) low unit recycling cost. Meanwhile, the fluctuation of the three factors must be prior to achieve economic feasibility of corresponding recycling centers.  相似文献   

This paper sets out the legislative background to the recycling of waste materials in the UK. Relevant items in this background include: the provision of recycling credits under the 1990 Environmental Protection Act; the draft EC Packaging Waste Directive; and the German DSD scheme. We next set out the elements of a cost‐benefit analysis of waste paper recycling, including the environmental impacts of recycling. The method is then applied to a recycling scheme in central Scotland. We find that whilst on private, financial grounds the scheme is unattractive, it passes the cost‐benefit test in the base‐line case; this justifies government support for this recycling scheme, given the data used.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that recycling researchers should pay attention to both attitudes towards recycling and the processes involved in recycling (recyclers' phenomenal experiences and organizing strategies). As predicted by Sansone and colleagues' model of how people induce themselves to engage in necessary but boring tasks, people who had reasons to persist at recycling (that is, who held strong prorecycling attitudes or had a social orientation towards recycling) were more likely to redefine recycling so as to emphasize its pleasures or the sense of satisfaction they gained from contributing to the environment. These people were also more likely to have developed a way of organizing recycling in their homes, to report few interferences with recycling, and—most important—to recycle on both short- and long-term bases. In accord with the model, people who became better recyclers by Time 2 had had stronger prorecycling attitudes at Time 1 than people who remained poor recyclers. Our results are consistent with the view that people who make a valued but uninteresting task more phenomenally interesting and more manageable are more likely to continue at the task. Sansone and colleagues' model provides a useful way to look at recycling and also suggests a new way that attitudes may be linked to behavior—via cognitive transformation of behavior.  相似文献   

The Japanese system of recycling home electrical appliances has several unique aspects, including (1) a limited number of target appliances, (2) a recycling fee system that requires consumers to pay a recycling fee at the time of disposal, and (3) a direct recycling obligation for manufacturers, who have a physical, rather than a financial, responsibility for their end-of-life products. We studied data from 2001 to 2007 and found that the amount of four specified home electrical appliances and their materials that was recycled increased from about 319,249 tonnes in 2001 to about 447,262 tonnes—or 3.5 kg per inhabitant—in 2006. Recycling yield and development of recycling technologies have also improved. New recycling technologies have enabled a higher rate of material recycling of plastics (i.e., a closed-loop recycling). Improved eco-design, such as design for easier disassembly, has been promoted, and the higher quality of discarded appliances has enhanced the reuse market. Hazardous substances and fluorocarbons are being well managed. Problems with the recycling system include inelastic recycling fees, illegal dumping, illegal transfer by retailers, and the limited number of target appliances. Recycling fees could be reduced; this move might reduce the incidence of illegal dumping, as would engage stakeholders in collaborative efforts against illegal dumping. Illegal transfers could be reduced by improved traceability for retailers. Products such as liquid crystal displays, plasma display panels and clothes dryers have become increasingly common and should be also be targeted for recycling.  相似文献   

The present study aims at providing an improved understanding of the environmental factors affecting pro-environmental behavior. To this end, we introduce the economic concept of bounded rationality to the domain of recycling behavior, hypothesizing that the subjective costs of recycling are a better predictor of an individual's tendency to recycle than the objective costs. At the chosen study site, recyclables needed to be disposed of at collection centers distributed throughout the city, allowing for the analysis of recycling-related costs by assessing the distance between participants’ residence and the nearest collection center. Results from an online questionnaire completed by N = 306 citizens indicate that the perceived distance to the recycling facilities is more closely related to recycling behavior than the actual distance. By means of hierarchical regression analyses, we demonstrate that the perceived distance explains unique variance in recycling behavior while the actual distance conveys only redundant information. Surprisingly, the predictive potential of participants’ distance estimates appeared to be significantly larger for recycling behavior than for recycling intention. The implications of our results are discussed with regard to potential opportunities to promote recycling behavior by targeting individuals’ biased perception of recycling-related costs.  相似文献   

新疆阿瓦提县废旧地膜回收利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿瓦提县地膜的过量使用使当地土壤环境逐渐恶化,严重污染了农村环境,并影响了农机作业质量的提高。通过分析2011年阿瓦提县地膜使用相关数据及地膜回收利用情况,提出了阿瓦提县地膜回收利用的优化对策:加大对"白色污染"危害性的宣传,提升广大农民群众的生态文明意识;发展废旧地膜回收利用企业,拓宽回收渠道;制定优惠政策,加大支持力度,促进废旧地膜回收利用;从农艺上防治和减少地膜残留;采取人工和机械回收相结合的措施,加大残留地膜回收力度。  相似文献   

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