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高层建筑火灾最佳疏散路线的确定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高层建筑发生火灾后,在现场情况比较复杂的情况下,尽快地选择一条既安全、疏散时间又短的疏散路线,是室内人员快速、安全撤离火场的重要保障。在应用高层建筑火灾全风网网络模拟软件HRBFS模拟火灾时建筑物内烟流体积分数的基础上,结合当时人员的分布情况,提出了最佳疏散路线的算法。  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月17日是日本阪神大地震15周年纪念日,日本当天举行各种纪念活动,追悼当年的死难者。日本首相鸠山在仪式上致辞说,阪神大地震发生15年来,灾区实现了重建,但现在仍有必要努力抚慰  相似文献   

荆江分洪区1998年洪水转移调查分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对荆江分洪区1998年洪水期间安全转移的调查表明,叶然有分洪预案,但实际转移时仍出现了相当程度的拥挤与混乱。完善分洪转移的组织与管理,已成为分洪区居民1998年转移后关注的焦点,分洪区居民普遍表现出对分洪洪水情不甚了解,通过各种方式开展有关洪水的宣伟,提高区内居民的防洪意识,是荆江分洪区未来防洪减灾的重点工作之一,由于是国家为保护更重要的地区而主动分洪。对分洪区历分洪蒙受的损失给预某种形式的补偿已  相似文献   

Official response to explosive volcano hazards usually involves evacuation of local inhabitants to safe shelters. Enforcement is often difficult and problems can be exacerbated when major eruptions do not ensue. Families are deprived of livelihoods and pressure to return to hazardous areas builds. Concomitantly, prevailing socio-economic and political conditions limit activities and can influence vulnerability. This paper addresses these issues, examining an ongoing volcano hazard (Tungurahua) in Ecuador where contextual realities significantly constrain responses. Fieldwork involved interviewing government officials, selecting focus groups and conducting surveys of evacuees in four locations: a temporary shelter, a permanent resettlement, with returnees and with a control group. Differences in perceptions of risk and health conditions, and in the potential for economic recovery were found among groups with different evacuation experiences. The long-term goal is to develop a model of community resilience in long-term stress environments.  相似文献   

Despite sincere efforts by concerned agencies and recent improvements in hazard warnings, thousands of at-risk people did not evacuate during Aila, a category-I tropical cyclone that struck southwestern coastal Bangladesh in 2009. This study investigated the responses of the people affected by Aila to cyclone warnings and associated evacuation orders, and unveiled behavioural aspects that explain why they did or did not comply with the evacuation orders. Utilising the primary data collected from 420 households living in the severely affected coastal sub-district Koyra, located in Khulna District, this study found that although more than 97% of the households had received cyclone warnings and evacuation orders before Aila's landfall, only around 26% had evacuated. We also examined this study's empirical findings for factors that had dissuaded people from complying with the evacuation orders. Relevant test statistics along with results from principal component analysis suggested that the significant and systematic absenteeism of households from disaster preparedness training appears to be one of the key determinants that affected their evacuation decisions, along with factors related to warning messages, the attributes of cyclone shelters, risk perception, and socioeconomic aspects. A number of recommendations are also presented in this study for people at risk to improve their evacuation rates in future emergencies, not only to save their own lives but also to save their livestock.  相似文献   

Eiji Yanagisawa 《Disasters》1983,7(4):259-265
A strong earthquake of magnitude of 7.7 hit the northeast part of Japan on 26th May 1983. Because 100 persons were killed by tsunami, the disaster created a sensation throughout Japan, but there was also a large amount of damage to structures due to the earthquake. Highways, railways, bridges, harbours, levees and private houses were damaged severely in Aomori and Akita prefectures. A great portion of the damage was caused by liquefaction of sand.
This is a prompt report of earthquake damage to structures due to liquefaction. The paper describes general aspects of the damage to structures, with some typical examples are mentioned in more detail. Preliminary results of investigation after the earthquake are also presented to describe the liquefaction phenomena in the earthquake.  相似文献   

清乾隆三年十一月二十四日(公元1739年1月3日)在宁夏银川平罗发生了一次毁灭性的8级特大地震。这次地震使5万多人丧生,其财产损失之巨无可计数,震后昔日的塞上江南竞成瓦砾之场,凄凉惨目,实不忍睹。但是清政府和当朝宁夏地方官员在震后采取了一系列有效的赈济措施,仅三年时间灾区基本恢复了塞上江南昔日的繁荣景象,瓦砾之场几近无存,取得了显著的减灾实效,值得称颂。  相似文献   

This paper documents the culture‐specific understanding of social capital among Haitians and examines its benefits and downsides in post‐disaster shelter recovery following the 12 January 2010 earthquake. The case study of shelter recovery processes in three socioeconomically diverse communities (Pétion‐Ville, Delmas and Canapé Vert) in Port‐au‐Prince suggests that social capital plays dual roles in post‐disaster shelter recovery of the displaced population in Haiti. On the one hand, it provides enhanced access to shelter‐related resources for those with connections. On the other hand, it accentuates pre‐existing inequalities or creates new inequalities among displaced Haitians. In some cases, such inequalities lead to tensions between the have and have‐nots and instigate violence among the displaced.  相似文献   

地震与台风之间的灾害链问题是一个重要的灾害学问题。通过对2011年日本东北9.0级地震和塔拉斯台风灾害链的讨论,使地震-台风灾害链更具事实基础。另外还重点对地震-台风灾害链的成因做了进一步的讨论。  相似文献   

基于问卷调查的四川民众地震灾害响应能力分区评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曼  邓砚  苏桂武 《灾害学》2012,(2):140-144
基于前期对四川省德阳市民众地震灾害认知与响应特点与规律的问卷调查数据及分析结果,构建了以性别、年龄和受教育程度为核心评价参数的县市社会民众地震灾害响应能力的综合评价模型;然后将该评价模型应用于四川省,实现了对四川省社会民众地震灾害响应能力大小的分县市计算与评价。结果表明,四川省东部县市民众的地震灾害响应能力普遍比西部县市民众大,省会成都市周围的区、县(市)居民的地震灾害响应能力普遍较强,西部三个自治州民众的响应能力普遍较差,其中,成都市青羊区民众的响应能力最强,凉山彝族自治州金阳县民众的能力最弱,全省呈现出以成都市各区县(市)为中心向周围地区递减的总体趋势。  相似文献   

震后灾害链生机制及其对汶川地震城镇重建的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8级大地震对地表产生强烈扰动,导致次生山地灾害极度发育,影响到震后灾害的活动特征及其相应的减灾对策。震后松散固体物质急剧增加、流域微地貌变化明显(沟道堵塞严重)、水文变化利于侵蚀和洪峰,使得灾害群发链生:崩塌、滑坡→泥石流→堰塞湖→溃决洪水(泥石流),8月中旬灾区各地因强降雨而大规模爆发泥石流堵塞河道,洪水冲毁掩埋重建城镇,给地震重灾区造成巨大损失。从以汶川县映秀镇为例,在阐述灾害链研究成果的基础上,分析震后灾害链的形成条件、成灾过程以及对城镇重建居民点的危害特点,进而提出灾害防治措施,为灾后城镇建设防灾减灾提供参考建议。  相似文献   

This study, based on a questionnaire survey and workshops, and with a focus on the impact of an earthquake on the Nagata Elementary School Community in Kobe City, Japan, develops a collaborative model to assess the allocation of residents to shelters. The current official allocation plan is compared with three alternative allocations developed within the framework of this model. The collaborative model identifies accessibility, amenity, capacity, connectivity, continuity, security, and stability as the basic, necessary criteria for shelter planning. The three alternative allocations are very similar to the local residents’ own choice of shelters, but they are quite different from the current official allocation plan, which is supposed to be followed but has achieved relatively low satisfaction among households. The proposed collaborative approach provides an effective tool to assess the officially determined allocation plan by taking into account the viewpoints of local residents, and the results are useful for enhancing community evacuation planning.  相似文献   

对华东地区1300年以来中强地震活动特征,利用强震组增益P、强震组效能R和强震组分布变异值S等三种指标进行了定量分析,结果显示该区不同时段、不同震级的地震活动呈现不同的特征和分布类型; 同时用b值方法分析了目前地震活动状态;在此基础上应用泊松模型对未来地震趋势进行了概率预测.  相似文献   

汶川8级大震震害特征和发震断裂运动方式探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2008年5月12日四川汶川8级大地震发生后,笔者随同江苏省地震救援队即赴重灾区北川县城实施救援。在救援期间所获取的现场资料基础上,对该次大震的震害特征和发震断裂运动方式进行了探讨。汶川8级特大地震的极震区地震烈度高达11度;10~11度重灾区主体沿龙门山活动断裂带呈北东方向展布。龙门山断裂带为汶川特大地震的发震断裂,其运动方式为逆冲兼右旋水平错动。由于所处的特殊地震地质环境,地震地质灾害非常严重,致使此次地震的震害更具毁灭性的特征。  相似文献   

在1999-09-14和1999-11-30绵竹两次5.0级地震前,位于四川省龙门山断裂带上的几个地表台和井下台分别接收到不同频段、不同形态、不同强度的电磁幅射异常信号。本文分析了地震前后电磁幅射信号由弱—强—弱—平静的变化过程,总结出震前电磁幅射异常信息具有持续时间长、范围大、信号强、信息组数多、信息减弱或平静后数天发震的特征。同时尝试用旋转ULF- 地表电磁波信息观测仪天线方位或转动地表DPJ- 点频电磁幅射仪接收天线位置的方法跟踪来波方位,取得较好效果。  相似文献   

"十一·五"期间中国重大地震灾害预测预警和防治对策   总被引:16,自引:10,他引:16  
地震灾害曾经对我国的国民经济与社会发展造成巨大的破坏.地震事件已经成为影响公共安全的重要问题.提高地震灾害预测预警科学技术水平、加强房屋的抗震能力和地震应急能力、强化救灾物资储备基本建设是"十一·五"期间我国应对重大地震灾害的基本对策.  相似文献   

聊古一井地下流体场源兆异常特征及震情预测检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聊古一井由于其所处的特殊构造部位、良好的水文地质条件、井孔条件和连续可靠的观测,获得了一批有价值的实际地震观测资料,该井水化学组分的异常变化对其周围500 km范围内的5级以上地震具有良好的映震能力。在对聊古一井自1981-01投测以来观测到的水化学地震前兆异常进行综合分析的基础上,探讨了聊古一井水化学异常变化的场源兆特征及异常形成的物理力学机制和地震预报意义。利用上述研究结果,对聊古一井气体总量2003-05~2003-10出现的低值异常变化进行了分析和震情预测,取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

赵静  姚令侃  焦方辉 《灾害学》2011,26(1):54-59
通过对2005年竣工的都江堰至映秀的三级公路的调查,分析了路堑墙的汶川8.0级地震震害模式;以浆砌片石典型解体崩毁工点为例,将基于抗震设计规范的验算与实震情况比较,认为现行抗震规范是按照刚性挡土墙进行设计的,对于"柔性挡土墙"并不完全适用;通过拟静力法进行计算认为墙后坡度越大,挡墙稳定性越差,未超过一定坡度时主动土压力系数增长缓慢,当超过一定坡度时,主动土压力系数急剧增长。  相似文献   

本文运用1950~2003年53年间青海高原地震主发区5.0级以上(包括5.0级)地震资料分析了该区地震灾害的特点.提出本研究区地震灾害具有频发性和轮回性、重灾轮回的时间周期长、强震的毁坏性大、以及强余震灾害连发而损害程度严重等特点,并认为青藏高原整体地壳构造运动和本区断裂构造十分发育(特别是北西西-北西向弧形断裂的发育)是该区地震灾害重发的主要原因.  相似文献   

系统地研究了华东地区中强震前地震活动参数的演化特征 ,尤其是追踪研究了中短期阶段各参数的动态变化特征。结果表明 ,华东地区中强震孕育中短期阶段 ,有不少地震活动性参数图像出现明显的变化 ,如C值、D值、Mf 值和b值在中期阶段存在的大面积异常区开始出现明显的收缩甚至消失 ,这种变化是地震孕育过程进入中短期阶段的重要标志。未来主震往往发生在收缩区边缘或异常消失区 ,若当消失区再次出现小片异常 ,则该异常区是未来最为值得注意的危险区 ,而且时间上很可能进入短临。再如地震算法复杂性AC值由超出 1倍均方差的峰值下降、广义分维Dt由正常值下降并出现超过 1倍均方差的低值异常 ,也是地震孕育过程进入中短期阶段的判据。由于地震孕育是一个十分复杂的过程 ,在实际工作中需应用多种参数扫描结果进行综合判定 ,以便于缩小异常区 ,提高中短期预报的准确率。  相似文献   

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