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This paper compares individual (split) and central systems of air-conditioning in a life cycle perspective, taking into account the environmental impacts and resource consumption during resource extraction, material production, production of the air-conditioning units, their use, disposal and recycling. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used in conducting this comparison.

Central systems have a longer lifetime than individual systems, lower electricity consumption and maintenance requirements during the use phase, and a higher recycling potential during the disposal phase. However, to transfer cool air, central systems use a large quantity of water pipes or air ducts, the production of which contributes significantly to resource use. The LCA study reveals that, on the whole, the central systems generally use less resources than split systems and result in lower environmental impacts.

The paper suggests a need for producers of air-conditioners to consider a change from being suppliers of air-conditioning hardware to being suppliers of cool air in order to overcome the initial cost constraints of central systems and realize their environmental and economic improvement potential to the benefit of the environment, and the industry as well as customers.  相似文献   

Previous studies described the use of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) to successfully preserve whole blood for up to 34 days at room temperature (20–22°C) for analysis of chlorinated dioxins, dibenzofurans and PCBs. Potassium dichromate has been successfully employed as a preservative for cows’ milk and in a World Health Organization study of human milk. The use of two 100?mg tablets in 40 to 100?mL of whole blood in anticoagulant was found to provide almost identical levels of dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCBs and lipids as found in frozen comparison blood at??70°C which is generally regarded as the gold standard for blood preservation. Potassium dichromate was found to be preferable to 20 and 40% ethyl alcohol for this preservation. This finding opens opportunities for preservation under field conditions in developing countries where neither electricity nor dry ice is available. Not having to use dry ice for shipping also allows more flexibility in the choice of commercial carriers for transporting blood to an analytical laboratory. It is recommended considering a number of compounds in addition to those studied in our first report and extending the time beyond 34 days in order to determine if longer storage might also be feasible. Data on polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), as well as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are reported. For the present study 3 and 6 months were chosen in potassium dichromate at room temperature compared to freezing at ?70°C. Data indicate that these times exceed the limits of efficacy of potassium dichromate for whole blood preservation. This was attributed to degradation of the lipid component of the blood. Since dioxins and closely related structural analogues are traditionally reported as lipid normalized blood levels, this degradation of lipids provides erroneous results. Therefore, potassium dichromate is not recommended for long-term storage beyond 34 days at room temperature. It is planned to study the time period between one and three months and higher temperature preservation for shorter time periods, simulating conditions in tropical countries, to attempt to extend further the ease and convenience of chemical preservation of blood.  相似文献   

Comprehensive data on environmental monitoring programs concerned with air pollutants like ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxide (NO), carbon dioxide (CO2) und carbon monoxide (CO), and occassionally suspended dust, benzene and other environmental chemicals, are available on the free Internet. As different monitoring information systems exist in most states or big cities of the Federal Republic of Germany, a comparison of these systems with their pros and cons is of great interest to the public. Environmental air pollutant monitoring systems in 16 states of Germany are listed and evaluated by applying 5 evaluation criteria for the differentiation of these systems. Different data-analysis methods will be applied, the Hasse diagram technique, a method derived from discrete mathematics and the partially Ordered Scalogram Analysis with Coordinates (POSAC) method, a multivariate statistical approach. The important objects, the so-called maximal or minimal objects, are detected in both methods. The Internet-based environmental monitoring systems of the states of Berlin, Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt, Baden-Wurttemberg are rated good in the evaluation approaches, whereas the information systems of the states of Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony received a rather poor ranking. The attributes of DA, way of data presentation on the Internet, and ME, type and length of measurements, were pointed out in the data-analysis methods. Multivariate explorative statistical methods offer a comprehensive tool for the graphical analysis of data-matrices. The ranking of objects is given in an effective and graphically comprehensible manner using the Hasse diagram technique. The choice and preference of the methods is problem-driven. A combination of these different methods is envisaged in the authors’ future research.  相似文献   

Test protocols citing mysids as a standard test species often recommend juveniles (48 h) as the most appropriate life stage for testing. Acute toxicity tests were conducted with six standard toxicants, with three life stages of Metamysidopsis insularis; juveniles (48 h), late juveniles (7–12 days) and adults (>13 days), to determine whether there were significant differences in the sensitivity between life stages. Three of the compounds tested (sodium dodecyl sulphate, potassium dichromate, and potassium chloride) showed a significantly higher 96 h-LC50 for the adults when compared to the juveniles and late juveniles. Four of the compounds tested showed significantly higher 24 h- and 48h-LC50 for the adults when compared to both the late juveniles and juveniles. Twenty-four hour-LC50 values for juveniles were also significantly higher than the 48 and 96 h values. However, for the late juveniles and adults this was only true of a few compounds. Further, the 48 and 96 h values were statistically similar. Therefore, for M. insularis it may be appropriate to conduct acute toxicity test with juvenile for a 48 h period.  相似文献   

Femoral gland secretions are believed to play an important role in chemical communication and social organization of lizards. In spite of this, few studies have investigated the chemical composition and the behavioural roles of these secretions. The lacertid lizard Acanthodactylus boskianus is a good example, having these well-developed glands in both sexes. We used GC–MS chemical analysis of gland secretions and y-maze choice test bioassays to investigate the ability of the lizards to detect and respond to different synthetic blends made from compounds identified in the gland secretions. Based upon the GC–MS quantification data, we selected representatives of the main chemical groups (steroids, alcohols, acids, alkanes) detected in the lizard secretions and used these in a behavioural bioassay against controls. Males showed significant avoidance behaviour for cholesterol and alcohol blends, combined with agonistic behaviour towards these stimuli. Females did not show any significant selection to particular odour combinations. The data support the hypotheses that lizards can potentially use femoral gland secretions in chemical odour trails and utilize scent to mark territories and potentially also to establish dominance hierarchies. Cholesterol and long chain alcohols are suggested as potential candidates functioning as scent marking pheromones in A. boskianus.  相似文献   

Humankind is dependent upon Earth's ecological life support system, whose well-being, in turn, depends upon the practices of human society. The health of both systems requires harmonious, mutualistic interactions between them. Because of its population size and demographic distribution (increasingly urbanized), humankind is also dependent upon its technological life support system, which, as currently managed, threatens the ecological life support system. A fundamental difference exists between the two systems—humankind is capable of using intelligence and reason to regulate its activities but the 30+ million other life forms that comprise the ecological life support system cannot. As a consequence, empathy for the other system is the responsibility of human society. Sustainable co-evolution requires that human society has a high level of ecological literacy and acts in a nurturing, compassionate way toward the other system. Only then will sustainable co-evolution be possible since both systems are dynamic and continually changing.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of China’s economy has led to severe air pollution characterized by acid rain, severe pollution in cities, and regional air pollution. High concentrations are found for various pollutants such as sulfur dioxides (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulates. Great efforts have thus been undertaken for the control of air pollution in the country. This paper discusses the development and application of appropriate technologies for reducing the major pollutants produced by coal and vehicles, and investigates air quality modeling as an important support for policy-making.  相似文献   


Global industrialization and excessive dependence on nonrenewable energy sources have led to an increase in solid waste and climate change, calling for strategies to implement a circular economy in all sectors to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030, and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Here we review circular economy strategies with focus on waste management, climate change, energy, air and water quality, land use, industry, food production, life cycle assessment, and cost-effective routes. We observed that increasing the use of bio-based materials is a challenge in terms of land use and land cover. Carbon removal technologies are actually prohibitively expensive, ranging from 100 to 1200 dollars per ton of carbon dioxide. Politically, only few companies worldwide have set climate change goals. While circular economy strategies can be implemented in various sectors such as industry, waste, energy, buildings, and transportation, life cycle assessment is required to optimize new systems. Overall, we provide a theoretical foundation for a sustainable industrial, agricultural, and commercial future by constructing cost-effective routes to a circular economy.


Aerobic composting is a method for the sanitary disposal of human feces as is used in bio-toilet systems. As the products of composting can be utilized as a fertilizer, it would be beneficial if the composting conditions could be more precisely controlled for the retention of fecal nitrogen as long as possible in the compost. In this study, batch experiments were conducted using a closed aerobic thermophilic composting reactor with sawdust as the bulk matrix to simulate the condition of a bio-toilet for the sanitary disposal of human feces. Attention was paid to the characteristics of nitrogen transformation. Under the controlled conditions of temperature at 60°C, moisture content at 60%,anda continuous air supply, more than 70% fecal organic removal was obtained, while merely 17% fecal nitrogen loss was observed over a two-week composting period. The nitrogen loss was found to occur mainly in the first 24 h with the rapid depletion of inorganic nitrogen but with an almost unchanged organic nitrogen content. The fecal NH4-N which was the main component of the inorganic nitrogen ( > 90%) decreased rapidly in the first day, decreased at a slower rate over the following days, and finally disappeared entirely. The depletion of NH4-N was accompanied by the accumulation of NH3 gas in the ammonia absorber connected to the reactor. A mass balance between the exhausted NH3 gas and the fecal NH4-N content in the first 24 hours indicated that the conversion of ammonium into gaseous ammonia was the main reason for nitrogen loss. Thermophilic composting could be considered as a way to keep a high organic nitrogen content in the compost for better utilization as a fertilizer.  相似文献   

The frequent use of phosphorus (P) fertilisers accompanied by nitrogen and potassium sources may lead to a serious long-term environmental issue because of the presence of potentially hazardous trace metals (TM) in P fertilisers and unknown effects on the TM chemical fractions in agricultural soils. A 16-month-long column experiment was conducted to investigate the mobility and chemical forms of Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn introduced into a Mollisol and an Andisol through surface incorporation (0–2 cm) of triple superphosphate (TSP) fertiliser. The effects of urea and potassium chloride (KCl) applications were investigated as well. After 15 cycles of 300-mm irrigation, TSP addition increased the 4 M HNO3 extractable TM concentration in the upper (0–5 cm) section of soils. Beyond this depth, metals showed no significant mobility, with minimal leaching losses (<?1.9%, 25-cm depth). The TM chemical forms in the 0–5 cm section were significantly (p?<?0.01) affected by the soil type and fertilisers addition. Cadmium, Ni, and Zn were the elements which appeared in a larger proportion (up to 30%) in the most labile fraction (KNO3 extractable) in fertilised soils. The impact of urea depended on the nitrification-related changes in soil pH, while fertilisation with KCl tended to increase the KNO3 fraction of most metals probably due to K+ exchange reactions. Chromium remained minimally affected by the urea and KCl applications since this contaminant is strongly bound to the less labile solid phases. The low mobility of TM was governed mainly by their interaction with the solid phases rather than by their speciation at soil pH. The mass balance showed that the geochemical processes underwent in time by the P fertiliser increased the amount of TM extracted by the chemical fractionation scheme, therefore the reaction period of TSP with soil particles should be taken into account for evaluating TM availability. Long-term soil fertilisation could inadvertently contribute to an increased concentration and availability of these P fertilisers-born contaminants in the cultivated layer of acidic soils.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the need for critically evaluating regional-scale (~200–2,000 km) three-dimensional numerical photochemical air quality modeling systems to establish a model’s credibility in simulating the spatio-temporal features embedded in the observations. Because of limitations of currently used approaches for evaluating regional air quality models, a framework for model evaluation is introduced here for determining the suitability of a modeling system for a given application, distinguishing the performance between different models through confidence-testing of model results, guiding model development and analyzing the impacts of regulatory policy options. The framework identifies operational, diagnostic, dynamic, and probabilistic types of model evaluation. Operational evaluation techniques include statistical and graphical analyses aimed at determining whether model estimates are in agreement with the observations in an overall sense. Diagnostic evaluation focuses on process-oriented analyses to determine whether the individual processes and components of the model system are working correctly, both independently and in combination. Dynamic evaluation assesses the ability of the air quality model to simulate changes in air quality stemming from changes in source emissions and/or meteorology, the principal forces that drive the air quality model. Probabilistic evaluation attempts to assess the confidence that can be placed in model predictions using techniques such as ensemble modeling and Bayesian model averaging. The advantages of these types of model evaluation approaches are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Ecosystem functioning is intimately linked to its physical environment by complex two-way interactions. These two-way interactions arise because vegetation both responds to the external environment and actively regulates its micro-environment. By altering stomatal aperture, and therefore the transpiration rate, plants modify soil moisture and atmospheric humidity and these same physical variables, in return, modify stomatal conductance. Relationships between biotic and abiotic components are particularly strong in closed, managed environments such as greenhouses and growth chambers, which are used extensively to investigate ecosystem responses to climatic drivers. Model-assisted designs that account for the physiological dynamics governing two-way interactions between biotic and abiotic components are absent from many ecological studies. Here, a general model of the vegetation-atmosphere system in closed environments is proposed. The model accounts for the linked carbon-water physiology, the turbulent transport processes, and the energy and radiative transfer within the vegetation. Leaf gas exchange is modeled using a carbon gain optimization approach that is coupled to leaf energy balance. The turbulent transport within the canopy is modeled in two-dimensions using first-order closure principles. The model is applied to the Lysimeter CO2 Gradient (LYCOG) facility, wherein a continuous gradient of atmospheric CO2 is maintained on grassland assemblages using an elongated chamber where the micro-climate is regulated by variation in air flow rates. The model is employed to investigate how species composition, climatic conditions, and the imposed air flow rate affect the CO2 concentration gradient within the LYCOG and the canopy micro-climate. The sensitivity of the model to key physiological and climatic parameters allows it to be used not only to manage current experiments, but also to formulate novel ecological hypotheses (e.g., by modeling climatic regimes not currently employed in LYCOG) and suggest alternative experimental designs and operational strategies for such facilities.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical fate model, Multi‐Phase Non‐Steady State Equilibrium Model (MNSEM) is proposed to evaluate distribution, persistence, and concentrations of chemicals in a model environment consisting of air, water, soil and sediment phases. The model is applied to evaluation of environmental fate and concentration of trichloroethylene and 1,4‐dichlorobenzene under generic conditions representative of Japan.

Evaluated chemical concentrations in air are within a factor of 3 of average values in Japanese atmosphere, and evaluated concentrations in water, sediment, or fish are greater than an order of magnitude below detection limits in real environments, so that evaluated concentrations are in reasonable agreement with environmental measurement data in Japan.

Although MNSEM is not a model for site‐specific evaluation of environmental fate, results suggested that this model is an adequate method to aid in evaluation of fate of chemicals under generic environment conditions. Evaluated concentration‐profiles may be used to estimate average chemical exposure concentrations for humans and the environment.  相似文献   

Similar to several environmental monitoring studies, the present study used Drosophila melanogaster as a model nontarget organism to explore the interfering effects of an organophosphate (OP) insecticide acephate on insect life cycle parameters. Acephate, a common OP, is readily available in nature from agricultural sources as an environmental contaminant. Along with target pests, nontarget fruit flies also suffer exposure to such environmental chemical. To evaluate the effects of such exposure, initially, acute LC50 of acephate for third instar larvae was investigated and found to be between 14 and 16 μg/ml. This information yielded the following experimental concentrations (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 μg/ml) of test chemical for evaluation of effect, if any, on the insect model. Results showed that mean larval duration of insect significantly decreased on treatment with acephate, whereas the mean pupal duration remained unaffected. Interestingly the decreasing trend was seen to persist in case of mean adult emergence, where treated flies emerged significantly earlier in comparison to controls. Thus, the study demonstrated that acephate-induced shortening of developmental time and early emergence in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured at six sites in Beijing in August, 2004. Up to 148 VOC species, including C3 to C12 alkanes, C3 to C11 alkenes, C6 to C12 aromatics, and halogenated hydrocarbons, were quantified. Although the concentrations differed at the sites, the chemical compositions were similar, except for the Tongzhou site where aromatics were significantly high in the air. Based on the source profiles measured from previous studies, the source apportionment of ambient VOCs was preformed by deploying the chemical mass balance (CMB) model. The results show that urban VOCs are predominant from mobile source emissions, which contribute more than 50% of the VOCs (in mass concentrations) to ambient air at most sites. Other important sources are gasoline evaporation, painting, and solvents. The exception is at the Tongzhou site where vehicle exhaust, painting, and solvents have about equal contribution, around 35% of the ambient VOC concentration. As the receptor model is not valid for deriving the sources of reactive species, such as isoprene and 1,3-butadiene, other methodologies need to be further explored.  相似文献   

在广泛调研收集化学品环境风险与污染危害等资料基础上,结合化学品环境管理的国内外形势与现状,针对我国目前存在的化学品环境管理体制不完善、环境风险防控工作滞后和技术支撑能力不足等问题,从国家战略层面分析了我国化学品全生命周期环境与健康风险管理需求,提出了我国化学品环境风险管理中长期发展目标及行动计划。行动计划涵盖了健全化学品法律法规和制度体系、系统开展化学品危害筛查和风险评估、推动有毒有害化学品的限制与淘汰、加强有毒有害化学品环境污染防治、提升化学品风险评估与管理能力和促进产业绿色发展等方面建议,对于我国加快构建完善的化学品风险管控制度和技术体系具有重要的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

To determine the transfer of222Rn from domestic water into air, nine houses were measured for222Rnt, house volume, water use and air exchange by SF6 and radon. Measurements were done in Maine during April and May, 1986, when sealed up for the winter. Radon in water concentration ranged from 35,000 to 1,250,000 pCi/l. Air peaks of222Rn ranged from 13 to 200 pCi/l due to a water use burst experiment. Use of water filters was also examined by repeats with filters on and off. Water use ranged from 200 to 1922 litres/day. House volumes ranged from 380 to 999 m3. Air exchange rates measured by SF6 was twice as large as air exchange rate measured by222Rn.  相似文献   

A computer aided tool was created for the calculation of emission values in Saxony. It is based on the Geographic Information System ArcInfo and enables the emission values for past, present and future periods to be assessed. At present, the anthropogenic air pollutants SO2, NOx, CO, NH3, NMVOC, TSP, CO2, CH4 and N2O can be calculated by means of emission factors and statistical values. The tool is open to future expansions. The moduls represent the following emission groups: Power stations, large agricultural farms and large industrial plants as point sources, as well as transport, households, small consumer and the total emission of agriculture as area sources. The local resolution of emission values, the relationship of emission values to geographic or political territories, the inclusion of a high resolved digital street network, and the use of actual data concerning land use, density of population and density of build up areas are realized by GIS ArcInfo. The dynamic emission inventory can be used, alone or in conjunction with an atmospheric dispersion model, to assess trends in air quality.  相似文献   

For the evaluation of various adverse health effects of chemical elements occurring in the environment on humans, the comparison and linking of geochemical data (chemical composition of groundwater, soils, and dusts) with data on health status of population (so-called health indicators) play a key role. Geochemical and health data are predominantly nonlinear, and the use of standard statistical methods can lead to wrong conclusions. For linking such data, we find appropriate the use method of artificial neural networks (ANNs) which enable to eliminate data inhomogeneity and also potential data errors. Through method of ANNs, we are able to determine the order of influence of chemical elements on health indicators as well as to define limit values for the influential elements at which the health status of population is the most favourable (i.e. the lowest mortality, the highest life expectancy). For determination of dependence between the groundwater contents of chemical elements and health indicators, we recommend to create 200 ANNs. In further calculations performed for identification of order of influence of chemical elements as well as definition of limit values, we propose to work with median or mean values from calculated 200 ANNs. The ANN represents an appropriate method to be used for environmental and health data analysis in medical geochemistry.  相似文献   

A typical driving restriction prohibits drivers from using their vehicles on given weekdays, based on the last digits of their vehicles’ license plates. A number of cities in developing countries have used license plate-based driving restrictions as a policy for reducing urban air pollution and traffic congestion. This paper develops a theoretical model of the effects of license plate-based driving restrictions on air quality that combines an economic model with information about the sources and atmospheric chemistry of different air pollutants. We then draw upon suggestive empirical evidence from license plate-based driving restrictions implemented in Bogotá, Colombia. Consistent with our theory model, we find suggestive empirical evidence that under certain circumstances, due to substitution, the purchase of a second car, the use of alternative modes of transportation, and/or atmospheric chemistry, it is possible for license plate-based driving restrictions to increase air pollution. Also consistent with our theory, we find that license plate-based driving restrictions may have different effects on different air pollutants, reflecting heterogeneity in the sources and atmospheric chemistry of the pollutants. In particular, owing to atmospheric chemistry, it is possible for a license plate-based driving restriction to cause a significant decrease in NO and a significant increase in NO2, NOx, and O3.  相似文献   

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