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A study was conducted to determine the median lethal toxicity of four heavy metals on the marine gastropod Babylonia areolata. Median lethal toxicity tests were conducted to observe the sensitivity of this gastropod to metals and how variations in temperature might affect toxicity of test elements. Four heavy metals were used in the study. It was observed that the 96-hr LC50 (in mg/L) for the different metals was found to be nickel (Ni) 33.53 (35.22–28.43), copper (Cu) 44.59 (46.43–41.53), cadmium (Cd) 21.53 (23.43–18.37), and zinc (Zn) 27.34 (28.81–24.24) at room temperature 24 °C. With temperature as a variable, median lethal concentration (LC50) values were observed to increase from 22.41 mg/L at 10 °C to 27.34 mg/L at 28 °C and reduce to 18.43 mg/L at 30 °C and a further rise in toxicity was observed at 35 °C where LC50 value was 12.7 mg/L as seen in the case of Zn. It was also observed that at 40 °C thermal and chemical toxicity overlapped as 100% mortality was observed in controls. This trend was noted in all metals for Babylonia areolata indicating that temperature played an important role in determining LC50 values of toxicants.  相似文献   

采矿废石中的重金属元素会由于废石长时间的露天堆放,受到风化、雨水侵蚀等的作用而释放出来,从而对环境产生一定的危害.以广西某锡钽铌多金属矿区采矿废石为研究对象,对采矿废石样品进行了性质鉴别,并考察了pH、温度和离子强度等环境条件对采矿废石中铅、砷、镉等重金属溶出的影响.结果表明:实验所选取的废石样品为第I类的一般工业固体废物.采矿废石中的铜、铅、镍在pH=4,镉和锌在pH=5,而砷在pH=6的条件下溶出较为明显;重金属元素砷,锌,铜,铅在离子强度为1 ms?cm-1时,浸出浓度最大,而镍和镉元素则是在0.1 ms?cm-1时出较多;砷,镉和铜在温度为35℃,镍元素在30℃,铅元素在25℃的条件下溶出质量浓度达到最大值,而锌元素的浸出质量浓度受温度的影响较小.  相似文献   

Single and joint action toxicity of heavy metal compounds (ZnCO3, CuSO4 and CdSO4) were carried out against the hermit crab, Clibanarius africanus in laboratory bioassays. On the basis of 96?h LC50 values, CuSO4 (96?h LC50?=?0.03?mM) was found to be the most toxic followed by CdSO4 and ZnCO3 (96?h LC50?=?0.24?mM) in decreasing order of toxicity. The evaluation of the metal compounds in mixtures of ZnCO3–CuSO4, ZnCO3–CdSO4 and CdSO4–CuSO4 in pre-defined molar ratios revealed that interactions between Zn–Cu and Zn–Cd test mixtures were in conformity with the models of antagonism (reduction in toxicity of constituent metals). The synergistic ratios (S.R.s) and relationship between observed/predicted 96?h LC50 values (relative toxic unit, RTU) were consistently below 1, indicating antagonistic interactions. Analysis using isobolograms also indicated the interactions between the mixture components to be antagonistic. However, with regards to CdSO4–CuSO4 test mixtures, the interactions between these metals were mainly in conformity with the model of synergism. The S.R. and RTU values were largely above 1, indicating synergistic interactions. The importance of the joint action evaluations for the management and protection of aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the setting up of water quality criteria was discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible effects of temperature on cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) accumulation in five vegetable species collected at different sites (Shuichuan, Beiwan, Dongwan and Wufe) in northwest China. The meteorological data of air and soil temperatures were recorded daily during the period from sowing to harvest for the five vegetables. The air and soil temperatures affected the capacity of pumpkin, cabbage, brassica napus and Chinese cabbage to accumulate Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb. Principal component analysis showed that temperature, photosynthetic and physiological factors all contributed to the soil–plant transfer properties of DTPA-extractable heavy metals. Temperature played a more important role in Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn accumulation in four vegetables in this semiarid area. However, the enormous surface area of spinach was likely to elevate heavy metal loads owing to atmospheric deposits. For most vegetables studied, there was a striking dissimilarity in the uptake and translocation ability of Cd, Zn and Cu in soil, but similar accumulation to translocation for Pb in soil.  相似文献   

The present study aims to analyse the chemical speciation of heavy metals in relation to aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Two sediment samples (from the Gulf of Aden, Yemen) were incubated under flooded conditions. In particular, the chemical forms of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Cr under the experimental conditions were studied using a sequential chemical extraction method. The pH and Eh of the suspension were measured as critical parameters controlling the fate of the metals in the environment. The results showed that the metals concentration in the different forms varied with time incubation and affected by the variation of redox potential and pH value. Also, the changes in both redox potential (Eh) and pH values had evident effects on heavy metals transformation. It is obvious that the highest redox potential affected the amount of iron and manganese in the oxides form. When the redox potential decreased to-133 and-170 mV, it caused a significant transformation of the Fe-Mn oxide form to the water-soluble and exchangeable fractions. Under anaerobic conditions, the relative percentage of all five metals including the summation of four fractions (the water-soluble and exchangeable, carbonate, oxides and organic fractions) constituted 45-60% of the total amount of iron, 33-50% for manganese, 33-63% for Zn, 63-74% for Cu and 19-43% for Cr. Both zinc and copper among water-soluble and exchangeable fraction were high at the end of incubation period, this accompanied by a significant decrease in the content of the organically bound fraction. In general, the reducing conditions were more favorable for metal bound to water soluble and exchangeable fraction.  相似文献   

The toxicities of copper, cadmium, and mercury ions and their binary and ternary mixtures were studied using the copepods Tigriopus fulvus. The LC50 values measured after 48 h exposure to single metal solutions revealed a toxicities rank as follows: CdT. fulvus. The combined effect of the metals was found to be antagonistic for Cu?Cd, Hg?Cd, and Cu?Cd?Hg, additive for Hg?Cu.  相似文献   

江天久  牛涛 《生态环境》2006,15(2):289-294
为探讨将近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)抗氧化酶防御体系参数作为海洋重金属污染生物监测指标可行性,文章在实验室条件下,研究这三种重金属暴露对近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)鳃和消化腺组织SOD活性的诱导作用;实验结果表明:Cu2 ,Pb2 和Zn2 能诱导近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)腮和消化腺SOD的产生,但由于近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)腮和消化腺的结构和功能的不同,在重金属的诱导下,消化腺内的SOD活性要比腮的大;Pb2 和Zn2 诱导近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)鳃和消化腺组织SOD活性变化的剂量-效应均为抛物线型;Cu2 对近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)鳃组织SOD活性诱导曲线不呈抛物线型,而对消化腺组织SOD活性诱导的剂量-效应呈抛物线型;根据对SOD活性影响的强弱,三种重金属对近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)的毒性强弱顺序为Cu2 >Pb2 >Zn2 。在实验室条件下,近江牡蛎(C.rivularis)消化腺组织中的SOD活性可作为养殖水体重金属污染程度监测指标,但应用到实际养殖水体尚须进一步研究。  相似文献   

The response of green roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) to Cu/Pb contamination and manure application in soil was investigated using pot experiments. Subsamples of a mineral soil were treated with increasing doses (0–500 mg kg?1) of Cu/Pb only and/or amended (at 10% w/w) with poultry or swine manure. Roselle plants were grown, monitored for changes in growth rate and post-harvest aboveground dry biomass and tissue Cu/Pb concentrations were determined. The plants were typically greenish with linear growth profiles at all metal doses, indicating some level of tolerance. Dry biomass yields decreased as metal dose increased. Poultry manure enhanced roselle biomass yields better than swine manure. Tissue Cu/Pb concentrations increased linearly as metal doses increased in unamended soils; whereas nonlinear responses were observed in manure-amended soils. Soil-to-plant transfer factors, T f (%) indicated that Cu (13≤T f (% )≤60) was more phytoavailable to roselle than Pb (11≤T f (% )≤20). Tissue metal concentrations were modelled from soil pH, organic matter, plant available and pseudototal metal; but the models appeared more reliable with plant available metal as a covariate than with pseudototal metal content. These observations may become useful whenever phytoextraction is the remedial option for soils moderately contaminated by toxic metals.  相似文献   

羟基磷灰石对沉积物中重金属释放特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以羟基磷灰石掺杂前后模拟重金属污染沉积物为研究对象,利用混匀释放实验及化学连续萃取法分析沉积物中重金属的释放特征及形态分布特性,考察了羟基磷灰石对重会属污染沉积物中Cu、zn、Pb、Cd稳定性的影响.结果表明不同来源模拟污染沉积物中松花江沉积物中的重金属最易重新释放,而伊通河沉积物中的重金属释放量最小;同时伊通河沉积物中残渣态重金属的比例较其它沉积物高很多,而可交换态和碳酸盐结合态的重金属比例较其它沉积物低很多,说明同时进入沉积物中的重金属,伊通河沉积物中的重金属相对稳定一些.羟基磷灰石的掺杂不同程度降低了沉积物中重金属的释放能力,促使沉积物中的重金属由较不稳定结合态向较稳定结合态转化,减小了沉积物中重金属的生物可利用性,增强了重金属的稳定性.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess soil nutrient status and heavy metal content and their impact on the predominant soil bacterial communities of mangroves of the Mahanadi Delta. Mangrove soil of the Mahanadi Delta is slightly acidic and the levels of soil nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and potash vary with season and site. The seasonal average concentrations (μg/g) of various heavy metals were in the range: 14 810–63 370 (Fe), 2.8–32.6 (Cu), 13.4–55.7 (Ni), 1.8–7.9 (Cd), 16.6–54.7 (Pb), 24.4–132.5 (Zn) and 13.3–48.2 (Co). Among the different heavy metals analysed, Co, Cu and Cd were above their permissible limits, as prescribed by Indian Standards (Co=17 μg/g, Cu=30 μ g/g, Cd=3–6 μ g/g), indicating pollution in the mangrove soil. A viable plate count revealed the presence of different groups of bacteria in the mangrove soil, i.e. heterotrophs, free-living N2 fixers, nitrifyers, denitrifyers, phosphate solubilisers, cellulose degraders and sulfur oxidisers. Principal component analysis performed using multivariate statistical methods showed a positive relationship between soil nutrients and microbial load. Whereas metal content such as Cu, Co and Ni showed a negative impact on some of the studied soil bacteria.  相似文献   

重金属复合污染对小麦幼苗生长的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过盆栽试验研究了Cu、Cd、Hg三种重金属元素复合污染对小麦幼苗生长的影响,结果表明:Cu-Hg、Cd-Hg和Cu-Cd-Hg复合处理后小麦幼苗的苗高、单株地上部分鲜质量均低于单独处理的平均值;Cu-Hg、Cd-Hg复合处理的蛋白质含量、丙二醛含量、SOD活性和POD活性均高于单独处理平均值,Cu-Cd、Cu-Cd-Hg复合处理蛋白含量低于单独处理平均值,这可能是复合处理有增大效应;复合处理CAT活性低于单独处理平均值。  相似文献   

Acid rain is a serious environmental problem worldwide. In the present study, we investigated the effect of acid rain (1:1 equivalent basis H2SO4:HNO3) at pH values of 2.0, 4.0 and 7.0 on the fractionation of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) and major elements (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) in contaminated calcareous soils over a 2084 h period. Heavy metals and major elements in soil samples were fractionated before and after 2084 h kinetic release using a sequential extraction procedure. Before kinetic studies the predominant fractions of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cd and Ni were mainly associated with carbonate fraction (CARB), whereas Fe, Mn and Zn were associated with the Fe–Mn oxide fraction (Fe–Mn oxide). The highest percentage of Pb and Cu were found in the exchangeable (EXC) and organic matter (OM) fractions, respectively. After kinetic study using different simulated acid rain solutions, the major fractions of heavy metals (expect of Cu) and Na was the same as before release. Upon the application of different acid rain solutions, K and Mg were found dominantly in Fe–Mn oxide fraction, whereas Ca was in the EXC fraction. The results provide valuable information regarding metal mobility and indicated that speciation of metals (Cu and Zn) and major elements in contaminated calcareous soils can be affected by acid rain.  相似文献   

运用多级连续提取法,对广州市不同季节不同采样高度大气PM2.5中重金属的化学形态和生物有效性进行分析。研究表明,PM2.5中各重金属元素之间的化学形态分布差异较大,Zn、Cd、As、Mn主要分布在F1(可溶态与可交换态)和F2(碳酸盐态、可氧化态与可还原态),绝大部分的Pb以F2存在,Ni和Mo主要分布在F1和F3(有机质、氧化物与硫化物结合态),Cu主要以F2和F3存在,Cr主要分布在F3和F4(残渣态),Co则4种形态平均分布。采样高度对重金属的化学形态分布影响不大,同一采样期内楼顶与地面样品中同一元素的化学形态分布结果比较一致。两个采样季节重金属的形态百分比存在不同程度的变化,2007年春重金属的不稳定态(F1)比例比2006年秋普遍增加,次稳定态(F2、F3)比例减少。在10种重金属中,Cd、Zn、Pb和As的生物有效性系数高(>0.7),属于生物可利用性元素,在环境中的活动性要明显高于其它元素;Mn、Cu、Mo、Co、Ni和Cr元素的生物有效性系数值在0.2~0.6之间,属于潜在生物有效性元素,在环境中比较稳定。  相似文献   

高太忠  张昊  周建伟 《生态环境》2011,20(4):652-658
为揭示在溶解性有机物(DOM)作用下土壤中重金属的吸附和迁移规律并确定迁移数学模型,通过不同条件下的等温吸附实验和土柱淋滤实验,研究了溶解性有机物对重金属Cu,Cd,Pb,Zn在褐土中吸附和迁移行为的影响。结果表明DOM对Cu和Cd在土壤中的吸附促进作用较明显,对Pb有微弱的促进作用,对Zn的吸附影响不明显;随着pH的改变,25℃下Cu在土壤中的吸附高于15℃和35℃条件下。DOM质量浓度越高,Cd、Zn溶出的促进效果越明显,Cu、Pb则恰好相反。DOM对土壤中Cd、Zn的垂直迁移起着促进作用,而对Cu、Pb迁移起着一定的抑制作用;DOM对土壤重金属的平均迁移量随时间的延长而减少。此迁移模型能够定量计算并预测重金属质量浓度的时空分布。  相似文献   

调查并分析了广州市蔬菜地土壤和菜心中主要重金属元素质量分数,通过多元统计分析建立了菜心中某一重金属元素和土壤中元素的数学回归模型。结果表明,Cd更易在菜心体内造成累积;总体上菜心中重金属质量分数与其在土壤中的质量分数有一定的相关性,菜心中Pb、As的积累分别取决于土壤中Pb、As的质量分数,土壤中Pb和As还分别促进了菜心对Cr、Hg的吸收,Pb对菜心中Cd的累积表现为协同作用;土壤重金属质量分数临界值可为今后无污染蔬菜的生产提供参考依据。  相似文献   

长江南京段近岸沉积物中重金属富集特征与形态分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对长江南京段八卦洲和杨中两个冲积洲近岸沉积物及其优势野生植物中A1、Cu、zn、Cr、Pb、Nj和Cd元素含量分析的基础上,分别考查了这些重金属的富集系数(EF)和生物富集因子(BCF),并采用BCR连续提取法对Cd的赋存形态进行了研究.结果表明,本区域长江近岸沉积物和野生植物中重金属存在不同程度的富集现象,两洲沉积物中Cu、Cr、Pb、Ni、Cd均有富集趋势,各元素EF>1的样品占总样品比例分别为Cu 50%、Cr40%、Pb40%、Ni 40%、Cd20%.而在野生桐蒿和芦蒿两种优势植物中Cd富集显著,其中桐蒿的BCF平均值高达2.57.采用BCR连续提取法对沉积物中Cd进行形态分析,结果显示,沉积物中Cd主要以酸溶/交换态(B1)和可还原态(B2)为主,二者分别为31.7%和45.5%,占到总量的70%以上,B1态远高于一般土壤和沉积物中重金属的分布,表现出很强的迁移性和生物可利用性.新生成沉积物较老沉积物中的B1态有显著增加,反映出沉积物越新,Cd的迁移性越强的趋势.研究结果说明长江城市段近岸沉积物中Cd受近期人为因素影响明显,具有一定的生态风险.  相似文献   

近岸海域重金属污染不容乐观,作为“一种潜在的海洋模式鱼种”黑点青鳉(marine medaka,Oryzias maelastigma)对不同重金属胁迫的响应水平却鲜有报道.为探究并比较海水鱼种黑点青鳉早期生活阶段对Cd2+、Hg2+、Cr6 +和pb2 +等不同重金属胁迫的响应,在实验室通过半静态方式,对黑点青鳉受精...  相似文献   

南京城郊零散菜地土壤与蔬菜重金属含量及健康风险分析   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:40  
丁爱芳  潘根兴 《生态环境》2003,12(4):409-411
采集南京城郊零散菜地土壤和青菜配对样品各18个,用原子吸收光谱仪测定了铜、锌、铅、镉的质量分数。结果表明,南京城郊零散菜地土壤中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd质量分数的变化范围分别为39.38±9.85、254.79±132.77、67.77±57.52、1.03±1.28 mg/kg;重金属质量分数在土样之间存在较大的变异性,反映了人为活动已对南京城郊土壤重金属污染产生了明显的影响。在城郊零散菜地土壤上种植的青菜,其叶中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd质量分数的变化范围分别为5.00±1.57、62.21±16.05、5.90±3.09、0.73±0.39 mg/kg,其中Pb、Cd质量分数全都超过国家食品卫生标准。依据USEPA推荐的RfD值和我国居民平均食物消费结构进行计算,结果表明这些零散菜地的蔬菜重金属污染可能给食用者带来健康风险;食用其中一些污染严重的蔬菜而摄入Pb、Cd引起的健康风险分别高达90.66%和42.17%。  相似文献   

Franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, is a small and ‘vulnerable’ cetacean, which exhibits coastal marine habits according to the IUCN (2008). The aim of this work was to determine the presence of essential (Zn and Cu) and non-essential (Cd, Pb, Cr and Ni) heavy metals in skin (n=33) and muscle (n=36) tissues of franciscana dolphins from southern Buenos Aires, establishing the influence of biological parameters on the accumulation of these pollutants. Histological standardised methods were used to determine both age and sexual maturity of the dolphins. Heavy metal concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Zn was 8-fold higher than Ni in the skin. Zn was significantly affected by the age of the specimens and might be influenced by the state of body condition. Ni showed a behaviour pattern similar to that of non-essential heavy metals. The relationship between Ni and Zn concentration determined in skin and muscle might provide a tool for studying the general condition of endangered marine mammal species such as franciscana dolphins.  相似文献   

为探讨生物配体模型(BLM)对金属混合物的适用性,以莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)为研究对象,以藻体内短时间(≤60 min)生物积累量为指标,研究了Pb和Cd对莱茵衣藻的联合毒性作用。结果表明:Pb和Cd单独暴露下,藻体内生物积累过程可用米门方程(Michaelis-Menten equation)来描述。计算得到Cd传输位点的最大吸收通量Jmax为(8.312±0.034)×10-12mol·cm-2·s-1,该位点的半饱和系数(米门系数)KM=(1.012±0.032)×10-6mol·L-1,稳定常数KCd=0.988×106(mol·L-1)-1;Pb传输位点的Jmax为(1.28±0.039)×10-11mol·cm-2·s-1,该位点的KM=(3.56±0.34)×10-7mol·L-1,KPb为2.81×106(mol·L-1)-1。Cd和Pb的竞争实验中,当固定Cd的浓度,其吸收通量随Pb的增加而显著降低;固定Pb的浓度,其吸收通量随Cd的增加略有降低。这表明Pb和Cd可能存在相同的传输位点,且Pb对传输位点的结合能力要远大于Cd。在低浓度Pb和Cd的混合暴露溶液中,短时间内绿藻对Pb的生物积累量会远大于Cd。研究结果表明BLM可用于描述低浓度下Cd和Pb的竞争关系。  相似文献   

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