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Sediment samples of different strata (0-3 and 12-15 cm) were collected between 1990 and 1992 during seasonal cruises in the Northern Adriatic Sea. A complete mapping of the Sr-90, Cs-137, Pu-238 and Pu-239(240) concentrations was obtained for samples covering a wide area, stretching from the Gulf of Trieste towards the Ancona shoreline. Sr-90 concentrations varied between 1.5 and 6.5 Bq kg-1 dw, Cs-137 was in the range 0.9-38.9 Bq kg-1 dw, Pu-239(240) in the range 0.08-1.5 Bq kg-1 dw and Pu-238 around 0.03 Bq kg-1 dw. Special reference was also put on the comparison between the off-shore environment and data obtained from samples collected inside the Po river delta. in spite of the major accumulation of Cs-137 inside the estuarine environment, higher concentrations of strontium and plutonium isotopes were detected in the offshore environment.  相似文献   

Two oceanographic cruises were carried out in the northern Adriatic Sea, from June, 1996 to February, 1997. Samples were collected using a BIONESS electronic multinet (204 samples on 54 stations) along inshore-offshore sections. Zooplankton abundance and biomass were estimated in relation to the variability of temperature, salinity and fluorescence. Spatial and vertical distribution patterns of the most important zooplankton groups were studied. During June, in the northern area, abundance and biomass of 2787 - 1735 r ind m and 29.3 - 26.7 r mg r m, respectively, were reported. The zooplankton community was constituted essentially by copepods and cladocerans. In the southern area, instead, an abundance of 4698 - 5978 r ind r m and a dry weight of 25.4 - 15.3 r mg r m were observed, with a reverse dominance ratio between these groups. In February, in the northern area the zooplankton community (1380 - 595 r ind r m and 19.6 - 9.9 r mg r m) was mainly constituted by copepods, larvae of invertebrates, appendicularians and cladocerans; in the southern area zooplankton average abundance was 969 - 493 r ind r m and 9.9 - 3.2 r mg r m being copepods, cladocerans, appendicularians and larvae of invertebrates. The zooplankton spatial distribution, in this period, did not show the classic inshore-offshore gradient. Spatial distribution and biomass values of zooplankton, in the northern Adriatic Sea, were strongly influenced by hydrological characteristics, allowed up to formulate a preliminary model about distribution, along the water column, of the different associations of species assemblages with regard to different water masses in the neritic system.  相似文献   

In the present study the concentrations of cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, zinc were analysed and the speciation of copper and zinc performed, with a summer and winter sampling, for two areas in the Northern Adriatic Sea and crossing at the farthest zones of the Po river-sea water interface. Results show that when salinity increases the concentrations of all investigated metals (with the exception of cobalt) present some degree of biogeochemical cycling. Copper is the element whose dissolved phase has the highest importance in metal transport across the salinity gradient. Results of speciation analysis demonstrate that the presence of excess amounts (5-8 fold) of unbound ligands confers a buffering capacity for potential inputs of dissolved metals into the Northern Adriatic Sea. The speciation of both copper and zinc in the dissolved phase was dominated by organic complexation.  相似文献   

荣成天鹅湖为一天然瀉湖,近年来绿潮硬毛藻大量爆发,内源污染日益严重。以大型硬毛藻和不同湖区沉积物为试材,设置沉积物+水、沉积物+水(灭菌)、沉积物+水+藻、沉积物+水+藻(灭菌)4个处理,研究了不同微生物活性及藻类条件下上覆水体氮磷质量浓度的变化,同步监测水土界面DO和pH等理化参数,以探讨藻分解和微生物对天鹅湖不同湖区沉积物氮磷释放的影响,为藻华消亡过程中内源污染的治理提供理论依据。结果表明,微生物存在和硬毛藻分解可使水体氮质量浓度明显增加(P<0.05)。试验过程中,水体总氮在有藻和无藻条件下的质量浓度变幅分别为1.56-14.11 mg·L^?1和0.11-8.96 mg·L^?1,后期灭菌处理明显低于未灭菌处理。藻分解对水体磷质量浓度具有极显著影响(P<0.01),有藻条件下灭菌处理总磷质量浓度为0.31-1.27 mg·L^?1,未灭菌处理为0.27-1.41 mg·L^?1;而无藻条件下灭菌和未灭菌处理变幅分别为0.019-0.047 mg·L^?1和0.025-0.078 mg·L^?1。在天鹅湖,不同湖区沉积物氮磷的释放能力存在差异,水体氮质量浓度在有藻和无藻条件下均表现为西北部>湖中心>湖南部,磷质量浓度有藻条件下与氮一致,而无藻条件下则表现为湖中心>西北部>湖南部。湖中心沉积物处理水体营养盐浓度受微生物活性影响较大。3种因素对水体氮磷质量浓度的影响效应表现为:藻类>微生物>沉积物。可见,在藻类大量暴发且微生物活性较高的湖中心及西北部,沉积物氮磷的释放潜力较大,尤其在藻类堆积腐烂时期,应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

The carbon transfer through the microbial community in two areas of the Northern Adriatic Sea was estimated by proteolytic and respiratory activities during four oceanographic surveys carried out in June, 1996, 1997 and February, 1997, 1998. In front of the Po Delta (area A), the mean rates of proteolytic activity range from 4.9 to 9.9 r µg r C r h r l; near Ancona (area B), they range from 3.1 to 7.6 r µg r C r h r l. Respiratory rates vary between 0.19 and 2.29 and between 0.24 and 1.40 r µg r C r h r l in areas A and B, respectively. In general, high rates occur in the surface layers, within the first 10 r m of depth. In area A, proteolytic and respiratory rates undergo seasonal course, with high activity in warm periods. In area B, respiration and bacterioplankton abundance increase from the first to the second year, whilst proteolytic activity decreases. The sequence of metabolic steps in the carbon transfer within the bacteria, from the biotic vs . the abiotic compartment, was drawn in order to define the actual role of bacterial biomass in the biogeochemical fluxes in an ecosystem which often suffers distrophic crises. Respiratory turnover rates, in the upper 10 r m depth, reach low values in cold periods and high values in June, 1997. The carbon transfer versus mineralization flows better in the summer period, in particular in June, 1997. However, the bacterial growth efficiency ranges from 17 to 38% in area A and from 13 to 44% in area B with highest values in February, 1997, when bacteria contribute in a relevant way to the overall respiration.  相似文献   

g -glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase, two ectoenzymes involved in the microbial decomposition of polysaccharides and organic phosphates, were evaluated in water samples collected from two areas of the Northern Adriatic Sea during the multidisciplinary Prisma II research project. The distribution of g -glucosidase and alkaline phosphatase is reported together with that of leucine aminopeptidase, an enzyme involved in the degradation of protein compounds. The data obtained showed the prevalence of g -glucosidase in summer months in the northern area, located in front of the Po delta, while in winter it is higher in the southern area (in front of Ancona). Phosphatase activity during February, 1998 had a maximum of 107 r nml m 1 h m 1 at a coastal station in the northern area; this enzyme appeared to be mainly associated with phytoplankton because the increase in alkaline phosphatase was associated with the increase of phytoplankton biomass, measured by chlorophyll a content. The relations between the microbial activities and environmental parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

During four oceanographic cruises carried out in June 1996, February and June 1997, and February 1998, particulate matter characteristics and short-term downward fluxes measured with drifting sediment traps were studied in two areas of the Adriatic Sea. The investigated areas were located one south of the Po River delta, and the other in the central Adriatic between Pesaro and Ancona. In each area, a frontal system was detected and two stations inside and outside the front, i.e . in coastal and offshore areas, were selected. The particulate and dissolved matter revealed a higher concentration in the coastal areas with the highest values in the central Adriatic coastal zone in both February surveys. Total mass fluxes ranged within two orders of magnitude from 11 to 3139 r mg m d in the northern area and similarly from 20 to 3864 r mg r m r d in the southern one, with higher values in the coastal stations. The organic carbon accounted for 3-30% of total flux in the northern coastal station with higher values in June, whereas at the offshore station it ranged from 6 to 39% in summer, decreasing to values lower than 10% in February. In the southern zone the organic carbon content was less than 2% in winter and from 3 to 33% in summer. The organic carbon fluxes (1-82 and 6-71 r mg C m d in the northern and southern area) were comparable with others measured with drifting sediment traps in the same area, though much lower with respect to those measured with long-term moored sediment traps. The export of organic carbon from the photic layer (expressed as the percentage of primary production) in the northern area was less than 10% at the coastal station, reaching a maximum of 12% in the offshore area. In the central Adriatic area it was greater, with values reaching up to 66% at the coastal station in June 1996. The organic carbon loss via sedimentation from the POC pool was low ( i.e. <1.5% per day) at both stations in the northern zone, while in the southern area the export was generally greater, exceeding 10% in the offshore area.  相似文献   

通过研究不同施氮水平对玉米产量、氮素利用率及土壤硝态氮(NO3--N)和铵态氮(NH4+-N)残留量的影响,为氮肥的合理利用提供依据.在黑龙江省农业科学院科技园区布置田间小区试验,结果显示:玉米产量随施氮量增加而增加,施氮量为165 kg·hm-2时,氮肥利用率最高,当施氮量高于165 kg·hm-2,产量反而有降低的趋势,过量施氮也并不能增加玉米对氮素的吸收,因而氮素利用率也随施氮量的增加而降低.玉米收获后土壤剖面无机态氮质量分数的变化因施氮量的不同而表现出差异,0~80 cm土层硝态氮积累量随氮肥输入量的增加而显著增加,以表层(0~40 cm)硝态氮质量分数最高,中间层(60~80 cm)质量分数最低,100 cm以下土层以施氮量为165 kg·hm-2的处理土壤硝态氮积累量最低,降低了硝态氮淋溶风险;铵态氮的质量分数相对较低,不同的施氮量对土壤铵态氮质量分数的影响主要在0~20 cm土层,铵态氮质量分数与施氮量并无显著的相关关系.综合考虑玉米产量、氮素利用率与生态环境效益,以165 kg·hm-2(优化施氮量)为最佳氮肥施用量.  相似文献   

Several investigations were carried out on biotic and abiotic samples to determine the difference between Chernobyl and preChernobyl environmental radiocontamination of the Adriatic Sea. Special emphasis was put on the determination of 137Cs which resulted in the most abundant radionuclide in a wide variety of samples (sea water, sediment, pelagic and benthic species). Attention was also given to the neutron activation products 110mAg and 134Cs that were first discovered in the Adriatic ecosystem after the Chernobyl event in particular, although the 110Ag fallout deposition over the area was neglected in comparison to that of 137Cs, its bioaccumulation in macroalgae and molluscs was much higher suggesting some particular physiological accumulation mechanism.  相似文献   

In summer 1997, gelatinous aggregates appeared in the Adriatic Sea, covering large areas of the northern basin. This study deals with the comparison between the biochemical composition of the sedimentary organic matter in summer, 1996 (when no aggregates appeared), and in summer, 1997 (during the appearance of aggregates). the biochemical composition of organic matter in surface sediments (determined in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phytopigments and nucleic acids) has been investigated in two areas along the coast of the NW-Adriatic Sea in order to characterize benthic processes during aggregate deposition on the sea floor. During mucilage accumulation, a significant increase of biochemical compounds was observed, and chlorophyll-a and carbohydrate concentrations doubled their concentrations. in contrast, protein concentrations decreased, so that overall biopolymeric carbon content (expressed as the sum of lipid, protein and carbohydrate carbon equivalents) did not display significant differences between sampling periods (1579.3 in June, 1996 1678.8 μgCg-1 and June, 1997). the protein to carbohydrate ratio decreased from 4.9 in June, 1996 to 1.8 in June, 1997. Mucilage production in June, 1997, modified significantly the biochemical composition of the sedimentary OM, thus affecting the potential availability of OM to benthic consumers. We hypothesise that the production of highly refractory composition of the sedimentary OM during mucilage accumulation might have an important biogeochemical implications.  相似文献   


In summer 1997, gelatinous aggregates appeared in the Adriatic Sea, covering large areas of the northern basin. This study deals with the comparison between the biochemical composition of the sedimentary organic matter in summer, 1996 (when no aggregates appeared), and in summer, 1997 (during the appearance of aggregates). the biochemical composition of organic matter in surface sediments (determined in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phytopigments and nucleic acids) has been investigated in two areas along the coast of the NW-Adriatic Sea in order to characterize benthic processes during aggregate deposition on the sea floor. During mucilage accumulation, a significant increase of biochemical compounds was observed, and chlorophyll-a and carbohydrate concentrations doubled their concentrations. in contrast, protein concentrations decreased, so that overall biopolymeric carbon content (expressed as the sum of lipid, protein and carbohydrate carbon equivalents) did not display significant differences between sampling periods (1579.3 in June, 1996 1678.8 μgCg?1 and June, 1997). the protein to carbohydrate ratio decreased from 4.9 in June, 1996 to 1.8 in June, 1997. Mucilage production in June, 1997, modified significantly the biochemical composition of the sedimentary OM, thus affecting the potential availability of OM to benthic consumers. We hypothesise that the production of highly refractory composition of the sedimentary OM during mucilage accumulation might have an important biogeochemical implications.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected between 1996 and 1998 during 4 cruises in the northern sector of the Adriatic Sea, facing the Po River outflow. In each sampling period, after identification of the front line, a grid of 6 sampling stations was selected in order to cover: the coastal area (largely affected by river waters), the inner and outer front areas, and the offshore waters. The biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter (OM, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and photosynthetic pigments) and enzymatic activity rates were studied to provide information on the potential organic matter turnover. Tentative estimates of the organic carbon budgets (input/production versus requirement by benthic consumers) are presented. Benthic carbon requirements, estimated from bacterial plus meiofaunal secondary production, was high (897 r mg r C r m m 2 r d m 1 ). OM concentrations in the Northern and Middle Adriatic Sea displayed high values, proteins being dominant, thus suggesting inputs of freshly produced material to the sea floor. OM turnover was generally rapid (11-30 r d m 1 ) and higher during summer. The uncoupled enzymatic rates ( i.e. faster protein than carbohydrate mobilisation in February, 1997) determined a decrease of the OM quality that plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles and OM diagenesis, limiting bacterial secondary production and sedimentary organic carbon utilisation. These data suggest that the efficiency of the system in the transfer of energy through the food web is generally higher in summer, especially during mucilage production.  相似文献   

田琳琳  庄舜尧  杨浩 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1853-1859
以太湖流域的临安市太湖源镇具有代表性的大田蔬菜地为研究对象,通过9种不同施肥量模式的田间试验,探讨芋艿Colocasia esculenta L.Schoot季蔬菜地速效氮在土壤中的动态变化、剖面垂直分布及累积,了解施肥措施对蔬菜种植的生态及环境影响。各施肥处理均能提高芋艿产量,但增加幅度因施肥措施不同而不同,适量施肥已满足芋艿生长对养分的需求,继续增施对边际产量的增效不明显。在芋艿生长过程中,不同施肥模式下土壤中的铵态氮、硝态氮、速效氮质量分数动态变化的趋势不同;芋艿收获后,硝态氮、铵态氮、速效氮在土壤剖面中质量分数的垂直分布因氮肥投入水平的不同而有所差异;土壤剖面中速效氮的累积量与氮肥投入密切相关;综合评价来看,低量控释肥+低量化肥是各施肥模式中比较具经济效益、环境效益的合理施肥模式;因而,在实际蔬菜生产中,要适量施用氮肥,适当采用混合施肥模式如低量控释肥+低量化肥,防止因过量施用氮肥而导致硝态氮的过量累积及其带来的水环境污染等环境问题。  相似文献   

A new benthic index, named Daphne, is proposed for the Northern Adriatic coastal area, near the Po river delta. It is based on six characteristics of the community that do not require in-depth taxonomic expertise: number of mollusc species, % of bivalves, % of polychaetes, abundance of the opportunistic species Corbula gibba, % of amphipods and number of ‘typical mollusc species’ that are individuated by multivariate analysis. The application of the index in selected stations along a gradient of decreasing disturbance shows that it is simple to use in regular monitoring campaigns and that the results are consistent with environmental quality data in the special conditions of this area subjected to considerable river runoff. The index can be used in addition and as a complement to more widespread indices (such as M-AMBI); a comparison of the two indices performance is discussed.  相似文献   

A new benthic index, named Daphne, is proposed for the Northern Adriatic coastal area, near the Po river delta. It is based on six characteristics of the community that do not require in-depth taxonomic expertise: number of mollusc species, % of bivalves, % of polychaetes, abundance of the opportunistic species Corbula gibba, % of amphipods and number of 'typical mollusc species' that are individuated by multivariate analysis. The application of the index in selected stations along a gradient of decreasing disturbance shows that it is simple to use in regular monitoring campaigns and that the results are consistent with environmental quality data in the special conditions of this area subjected to considerable river runoff. The index can be used in addition and as a complement to more widespread indices (such as M-AMBI); a comparison of the two indices performance is discussed.  相似文献   

冻融交替对高寒草甸土壤微生物量氮和有机氮组分的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用Bremner氮素分级方法,研究冻融交替对高寒草甸土壤微生物量氮和有机氮组分的影响.结果表明:随着冻融时间的变化,微生物量氮含量先减少后增加,在冻融1 d后达到最小值,4℃、-4℃、-4~4℃和-20~4℃处理下分别下降了50.37%、57.47%、37.79%和37.51%;氨基酸氮和氨基糖氮变化趋势相同,先增加后减少,均在冻融1 d后达到最大值,各处理氨基酸氮含量分别为处理前的1.6倍、1.47倍、1.44倍和1.5倍,氨基糖分别为处理前的1.66倍、1.58倍、1.65倍和1.91倍;氨态氮含量先增加后减少,-20~4℃处理在冻融1 d后为处理前的1.25倍,其余3个处理在冻融3 d后达到最大值;各处理酸解未知氮的变化趋势大体相同,在冻融25 d后达到最小值.研究表明冻融时间对微生物量氮和有机氮组分影响显著,微生物量氮含量是有机氮组分变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

研究三峡库区面源污染特征及其与水土流失的关系,可为库区氮磷污染和土壤侵蚀控制提供依据.选择三峡库区库尾笋溪河流域,在流域内分园地、林地和耕地3种土地利用类型共采集126个土壤样品,并在主干和支流采集52个水质样品.根据EPIC模型计算土壤可蚀性k值,分析流域内土壤可蚀性k值对面源污染的影响.结果表明,笋溪河流域面源污染主要是氮污染,总氮均值达1.37 mg/L,氮素的主要形态为硝态氮,占总氮的71.2%;总磷浓度为0.1 mg/L.流域内土壤可蚀性k值均值为0.040,随着土层加深土壤可蚀性k值呈上升趋势;林地土壤可蚀性k值显著低于园地和耕地.笋溪河流域总氮浓度与园地和耕地0-20 cm土壤可蚀性k值有关,硝态氮浓度与耕地0-40 cm土壤可蚀性k值有关.因此,笋溪河流域面源污染严重,主要来源是耕地和园地,应实行免耕、植物篱等措施,同时减少化肥施用,增加有机肥比例,以增加土壤抗侵蚀能力,进而控制流域水土流失和面源污染.(图6参37)  相似文献   


The interaction of hydrological, chemical and biological factors in a defined time may cause an excess bloom of phytoplankton in an ecosystem, which can persist over a long period or occur from time to time.

This phenomenon has been recorded from the northern Adriatic and coastal enclosed basins along the eastern Adriatic coast (Ka?tela Bay, Split) for a long time now.

During 1988 this phenomenon of increased production was recorded from almost the entire northern and middle Adriatic with some traces even in its southern part. Some preliminary results for that period point to the fact that this was caused very likely by exceptionally warm and dry weather, with no significant precipitations and wind. Such conditions affect horizontal and vertical stratification of water masses.

High photosynthetic radiation, increased quantities of alochthonous organic matter, either in the form of particulate or dissolved organic matter, either in the form of particulate or dissolved organic carbon (POC or DOC), influx of nutrients (via rivers, municipal sewage or upwelling) are the main causes of sudden bloom and rapid reproduction rate of phytoplankton species (Diatoms) to the large quantities to which the pollution of the entire coastal area is due.  相似文献   

提出了紫外分光光度法同时测定生活饮用水中的硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮的含量。方法操作简便快速,精密度和准确度都是令人满意,大大提高分析效率。  相似文献   

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