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高分子量多环芳烃--苯并[a]芘的生物降解研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类广泛分布于海洋环境中的含有两个以上苯环的有机化学污染物.苯并[a]芘(BaP)是一种由5个苯环组成的分布广泛、致癌性极强的多环芳烃化合物,人们将其作为多环芳烃的指示物,通过研究其在环境中的产生、迁移、转化、降解及毒理作用来判断多环芳烃的污染情况.BaP已成为国内外环境监测的重要指标之一.本文综述了不同环境中BaP的来源与分布,BaP在环境中的行为,微生物对BaP的代谢途径,以及微生物降解BaP的相关限制因子,并结合作者在这方面研究的部分工作与目前国际研究的热点,提出值得进一步探究的有关问题.图4表3参51  相似文献   

马骁轩  冉勇  孙可  龚剑  邹梦遥 《生态环境》2007,16(2):378-383
为确定珠江三角洲水体悬浮颗粒物中多环芳烃和有机氯农药的含量和来源,对珠江上游的两条重要支流西江、北江水体中的悬浮颗粒物分期进行了两次采样分析,测定了水体中悬浮颗粒物的含量,分析了其中多环芳烃、有机氯农药的含量。其中,北江水体中悬浮颗粒物中的PAHs的总量分别为928.8、1259.7ng·g-1干质量,西江水体中悬浮颗粒物的PAHs总量分别为660.1、1130.7ng·g-1干质量,其来源主要为石化燃料的燃烧与排放。北江水体悬浮颗粒物中的有机氯农药总量为41.9、135.3ng·g-1干质量,西江为78.54、108.7ng·g-1干质量,由沿岸农田排放入水体。并发现,西江北江沿岸的农田,仍旧在使用DDT、硫丹等农药。  相似文献   

大气颗粒物上多环芳烃的识别和源解析的进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
本文对当前大气颗粒物上PAHs的识别和源解析的定量及定性和半定量的方法进行了综述,定性及半定量方法简便易行,但误差大;化学质量平衡法结果较准确具体,但PAHs会发生化学反应而降解,并且没有各种燃烧源较完整的PAHs成份谱,这已成为CMB广泛推行的障碍;多元统计方法不考虑PAHs的降解,但要求数据量大,国内外的科学工作者用不同的方法和手段,使PAHs来源的识别和源解析工作有了一定进展。  相似文献   

室内空气中多环芳烃污染的测量和特征性研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
戴树桂  张林 《环境化学》1996,15(2):138-146
本文就室内空气中多环芳烃典型污染源-室内燃煤和室内吸烟排放的多环芳烃组成和含量进行了测定,并同室外大气(对照)中多环芳烃组成含量进行了对比,研究了室内环境不同污染源排放多环烃组成和含量的特征性,结果表明,室内燃煤污染同燃煤型室外大气源排放多环芳烃具有相似组成含量特征,而室朵烟草烟雾污染源的多环芳烃组成含量特征,则与室外煤型和交通型均有显著区别。  相似文献   

Both raw water and chlorinated drinking water samples were collected from and the Liu‐Du water treatment plant in northern Taiwan from October 1990 to April 1992. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and mutagenicity in these water samples were analyzed by GC/MS and Ames test. The Mutagenicity/DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) ratio in S. typhimurium TA98 and TA100 with or without S9 mixture increased, even higher than 2, following the sequence of unit process. It was observed that the mutagenicity with TA98 (S9+) was highly related to most of PAHs in the raw water; while the mutagenicity with TA98 (S9+) was only correlated with DbA and BghiPr in the treated water. It could be expected that the mutagenicity level was controlled by other predominant components after the raw water was treated, for example, the chlorination process.  相似文献   

采用固相萃取-气相色谱质谱联用仪测定京津潮白河中的多环芳烃(PAHs)及其衍生物(SPAHs)的污染水平,并采用絮凝法分析水样中自由态PAHs/SPAHs和结合态PAHs/SPAHs的分布。结果表明,京津潮白河中PAHs和SPAHs总质量浓度分别为55.06~215.02 ng·L~(-1)和92.37~227.33 ng·L~(-1),上游河段PAHs和SPAHs质量浓度均低于下游河段。7种致癌PAHs占比为22%~41%,需引起重视。本研究中的SPAHs包括三类物质:氧化PAHs(OPAHs)、甲基PAHs(MPAHs)和氯代PAHs(Cl PAHs)。其中,OPAHs对SPAHs贡献最大(59%~71%),其次是Cl PAHs(22%~32%)和MPAHs(7%~14%)。京津潮白河中PAHs和SPAHs主要以自由态形式存在,总浓度可以准确估计污染物的环境风险。  相似文献   

多环芳烃生物修复中的表面活性剂   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈来国  冉勇 《生态环境》2004,13(1):88-91
由于其致癌、致突变和致畸性,多环芳烃(PAHs)成为环境中一类重要的有机污染物。生物修复是一种经济和有效的修复污染土壤的方法。由于PAHs低的水溶性、强的吸附性,使其生物可利用性降低,不利于生物修复。添加表面活性剂是一种常见的加强PAHs生物利用性的方法。文章概述了近年来在多环芳烃生物修复中关于表面活性剂的研究进展。  相似文献   

The consequence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the environment is of great concern. The hydrophobic properties of PAHs significantly impact phase distribution causing limited bioavailability. Enhanced biodegradation has been extensively carried out by surfactants and the redeployment effect was recognized. However, the quantitative relationship concerning the impact of solids was rarely reported. A batch of biphasic tests were carried out by introducing Mycobacterium vanbaalenii PYR-1 and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) into a mixture of phenanthrene solution and various glass beads (GB37-63, GB105-125, and GB350-500). The comparative results demonstrated that HPCD had little effect on microbial growth and was not degradable by bacterium. A model was proposed to describe the biodegradation process. The regression results indicated that the partition coefficient kd (1.234, 0.726 and 0.448 L·g−1) and the degradation rate k (0 mmol·L−1: 0.055, 0.094, and 0.112; 20 mmol·L−1: 0.126, 0.141, and 0.156; 40 mmol·L−1: 0.141, 0.156 and 0.184 d−1) were positively and negatively correlated with the calculated total surface area (TSA) of solids, respectively. Degradation enhanced in the presence of HPCD, and the enhancing factor f was calculated (20 mmol·L−1: 15.16, 40.01, and 145.5; 40 mmol·L−1: 13.29, 37.97, and 138.4), indicating that the impact of solids was significant for the enhancement of biodegradation.  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)在水环境中可以通过化学或微生物作用转化成其衍生物(SPAHs),而SPAHs可能具有更强的毒性和"三致性"从而危害人体健康。为探明污水厂中PAHs和SPAHs的存在性及不同二级处理和再生水处理工艺对它们的去除效果,对北京及广东共4座污水处理厂中PAHs及SPAHs进行了检测,同时对再生水进行了健康风险评价。结果显示:从进水浓度来看,4座污水处理厂中,低环芳烃浓度(191.8~394.2 ng·L~(-1))明显高于高环芳烃(89.3~108.2 ng·L~(-1));SPAHs中氧取代物(OPAHs)总浓度(253.8~322.2 ng·L~(-1))高于甲基取代物(MPAHs,44.3~220.4 ng·L~(-1))。不同二级处理工艺对PAHs的去除率为43.7%~58.2%,对SPAHs的去除率为45.8%~52.1%。不同再生水处理工艺对PAHs和SPAHs去除率差别较大,PAHs的去除率范围为1.8%~41.1%,SPAHs的去除率范围在2.35%~25.9%。结果表明,目标物的去除以生物降解为主,此外,吸附在固体颗粒上,随颗粒沉淀去除也是主要途径之一。通过对污水厂再生水的风险评价,苯并[a]芘(BaP)和二苯并[a,h]蒽(DBA)2种强致癌物TEQ浓度均高于1,其致癌风险较大,安全性有待提高。  相似文献   

北京市郊农业土壤中多环芳烃的污染分布和来源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采集了3个北京市郊发展新区(昌平区、大兴区、房山区)共计20个不同类型表层农业土壤样品,通过微波萃取和高效液相色谱分析其中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量.结果显示,研究区表层土壤已受到不同程度的污染,16种优先控制的多环芳烃总含量为1.20—3.35μg.g-1,表层土壤中的多环芳烃主要源于燃烧源,且受燃汽油型汽车尾气的影响更显著.  相似文献   

珠江水体表层沉积物中PAHs的含量与来源研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜娟  吴宏海  袁敏  管玉峰 《生态环境》2010,19(4):766-770
沿珠江白鹅潭水域及大学城官州河流域设立6个采样点,利用沉积物捕获器收集沉积物。参照美国EPA8000系列方法及质量保证和质量控制,对各采样点表层沉积物中16种多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)进行分析,以阐明珠江广州河段表层沉积物中PAHs的含量和分布特征,并结合特征化合物指数对其来源作初步探讨。珠江广州河段表层沉积物中PAHs总量介于4 787.5~8 665 ng·g^-1,平均值为7 078 ng·g^-1,黄沙码头河涌出口沉积物中总量为最高(8 665 ng·g^-1),芳村码头为最低(4 787.5 ng·g^-1)。16种多环芳烃中菲、荧蒽、芘含量较高,分别占PAHs总量的16.11%、14.47%和17.77%。特征化合物荧蒽/202比值均小于0.5,茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘/276比值均大于0.2,表明珠江广州段表层沉积物中PAHs主要来源于化石燃料的不完全燃烧。  相似文献   

以北京市某废弃焦化厂为研究对象,系统采集了6个车间0~4m深的26个土壤样本,利用GC/MS检测了U.S.EPA优控的16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,分析了PAHs在焦化厂不同车间表层土壤的污染状况和深层土壤中的垂直分布特征并对土壤污染风险进行了评估.结果表明,1)该废弃焦化厂不同车间表层土壤(0~20cm)总PAHs(∑PAHs)的残留量介于672.8~144814.3ng·g-1之间;污染程度排序为:回收车间>老粗苯车间>焦油车间>炼焦车间>水处理车间>制气车间.2)该厂未受扰动的土壤样品显示PAHs主要聚集在表层土壤,并随着土壤深度的增加而迅速减少;其他样点由于土壤扰动,∑PAHs含量最大值出现在第三层土壤(80~180cm);该厂4m深底层土壤仍有高浓度PAHs,∑PAHs含量最高值出现在炼焦车间,达12953.1ng·g-1.3)焦化厂土壤PAHs污染主要集中在3环和4环的PAHs单体上,分别占到污染总量的51.3%和31.7%.4)根据Maliszewska-Kordybach的PAHs总量标准及加拿大土壤PAHs单体治理标准,该厂回收、老粗苯、焦油和炼焦车间表层和深层土壤PAHs含量均达到重污染水平,并对其周围土地带来较大风险,需要治理.  相似文献   

钢铁工业区周边农业土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)残留及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对某大型矿业企业周边农业土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)残留量进行了调查。结果表明,PAHs总残留量范围为312. 2~27 580. 9ng·g-1,且以4环以上多环芳烃组分为主。所有土样中均检出PAHs,单一污染物以芘、艹屈、荧蒽、苯并[a]芘、蒽、菲、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽、茚并[1,2,3 cd]芘、苯并[g,h,i]苝为主。PAHs残留量与有机质含量相关性较好。不同样区土壤PAHs残留量受常年风向影响明显。以加拿大农业区域土壤PAHs的治理标准值为指标,用内梅罗综合指数法进行评价表明,研究区农业土壤达重污染水平的占37%,中度污染的占19%,轻污染的占25%,另有13%的采样点污染程度处于警戒限,仅有6%的采样点尚处于安全级。  相似文献   

Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in surface soils of Datuo karst Tiankeng (large sinkholes) in South China with the use of a gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) system. This paper provides data on the levels and distribution of PAHs from the top to the bottom of the Datuo karst Tiankeng. The results showed that the sum of the 16 EPA priority PAHs from the sampled locations from top to bottom had a relative increment in PAHs concentration. summation operatorPAHs ranged from 16.93 ng/g to 68.07 ng/g with a mean concentration of 42.15 ng/g. The correlated results showed the bottom of the large sinkhole, which accounts for the higher concentrations, probably acts like a trap for the PAHs. Thus, the low evaporation rate at the bottom may play a key role in controlling the high concentration of PAHs at the bottom.  相似文献   

● Compositional patterns of PAHs in dust aerosol vary from soil during dust generation. ● The EF of PAH in dust aerosol is affected by soil texture and soil PAH concentration. ● The sizes of dust aerosol play an important role in the enrichment of HMW-PAHs. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are major organic pollutants in soil. It is known that they are released to the atmosphere by wind via dust aerosol generation. However, it remains unclear how these pollutants are transferred through the air/soil interface. In this study, dust aerosols were generated in the laboratory using soils (sandy loam and loam) with various physicochemical properties. The PAH concentrations of these soils and their generated dust aerosol were measured, showing that the enrichment factors (EFs) of PAHs were affected by soil texture, PAH contamination level, molecular weight of PAH species and aerosol sizes. The PAHs with higher EFs (6.24–123.35 in dust PM2.5; 7.02–47.65 in dust PM10) usually had high molecular weights with more than four aromatic rings. In addition, the positive correlation between EFs of PAHs and the total OCaerosol content of dust aerosol in different particle sizes was also statistically significant (r = 0.440, P < 0.05). This work provides insights into the relationship between atmospheric PAHs and the contaminated soils and the transfer process of PAHs through the soil-air interface.  相似文献   

汕头经济特区土壤中优控多环芳烃的分布   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
运用气相色谱-质谱方法对汕头经济特区131个土样中的美国EPA优控多环芳烃(PAHs)进行定性、定量测定,讨论了PAHs的分布特征。结果表明,该区表层土壤中优控PAHs的总质量分数范围从22.1 ng/g到1256.9 ng/g之间,平均质量分数为(317.3210.2) ng/g。其分布随采样点的位置不同而有显著变化:工业区附近多环芳烃的质量分数最高,城市中心次之,郊区最低。大多数样点中?PAHs质量分数和单种PAH质量分数都呈现w(5~20 cm)> w(0~5 cm)>w(20~40 cm)>w(40~100 cm)的垂直分布规律。该区土壤PAHs以3环和4环化合物为主,单种PAH以萘、菲和苯并[b]萤蒽为主。  相似文献   

苯并[a]芘污染土壤的植物根际修复研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黑麦草(Lolium multiflorumL.)对多环芳烃苯并[a]芘污染土壤的修复作用。研究结果表明,土壤中苯并[a]芘的可提取态wB[a]P随着时间延长而逐渐减少,黑麦草加快了土壤中可提取态苯并[a]芘的减少,提高了苯并[a]P在土壤中的降解率,在1、10、50mg·kg-1苯并[a]芘处理下,黑麦草生长土壤中苯并[a]芘的降解率分别达90.3%、87.5%、78.6%;而没有黑麦草生长土壤中苯并[a]芘的降解率则为79.3%、66.4%、55.6%。黑麦草根际增加土壤中微生物碳的含量,从而提高植物对苯并[a]芘的降解率。植物的地上部也可积累少量苯并[a]芘,但植物对苯并[a]芘的吸收不是黑麦草对其修复的主要机制。土壤自身具有修复苯并[a]芘的潜能,种植黑麦草具有强化土壤修复苯并[a]芘污染的作用。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤中多环芳烃分析及生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中原油田石油污染土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的残留量进行了调查。结果表明,PAHs总残留量范围为70.8~5 013.2μg.kg-1,且以3环以上多环芳烃组分为主。其中,苯并[a]芘检出率为100%,采油树前地表土壤苯并[a]芘检出量很高,最高可达996.9μg.kg-1。参考加拿大农业区域土壤PAHs的治理标准值,采用内梅罗综合指数法进行评价的结果表明:运行中和停产时间较短的油井周围土壤的生态风险较高;油井运行状态、停产时间及距采油树(污染源)的距离对土壤的生态风险都有影响,油井停产时间越长,其周围土壤的生态风险随之降低,距污染源越远,土壤生态风险越低。  相似文献   

Distribution (seasonal and spatial) of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of the Chitrapuzha River, Cochin, India, was investigated using gas chromatography. Significantly high concentrations prevailed during the pre-monsoon season with the industrial zones of the river appearing to be hot spots with particularly elevated levels of the hydrocarbons. AHCs ranged between 7754 and 41,173?ng/g with an average of 25,256?ng/g, while total PAHs varied from 5046 to 33,087?ng/g. n-Alkane indices and PAH diagnostic ratios point to petroleum contamination in the sediments. The significance of PAHs in the sediments was explored using universally accepted interpretation tools. Observed levels of PAHs in sediments of Chitrapuzha are likely to cause adverse effects on biota.  相似文献   

The aim of this research work is to investigate the temporal and regional behaviour of the PAH in the Thessaloniki's area. During a period of six months, airborne particulate matter was collected twice a week and PAH were determined by HPLC. Profiles as well as concentrations of selected cancerogenic PAH differ in some cases from area to area and have characteristic, temporal changes of concentration.  相似文献   

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