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Long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) from the Faroe Islands are known to be heavily polluted with contaminants, such as mercury (Hg) and organochlorine compounds (OC). This is postulated to exert adverse health effects on whales as well as the human population who rely on its meat and blubber as food sources. It was therefore decided to conduct a screening pilot study to determine contaminant concentrations and histopathology of liver and renal tissues in a total of 14 specimens from this subpopulation. In blubber, the mean ∑OC concentration was 31,887 ng g?1 lw (range: 18,170–47,425 ng g?1 lw) of which ∑PCB concentration was 23,416 ng g?1 lw (range: 13,947–34,543 ng g?1 lw; n = 3). In liver, mean Hg concentration was 138 µg?1 ww (range: 54–351 µg g?1 ww; n = 7) and mean cadmium (Cd) concentration 15 µg g?1 ww (range: 7–31 µg g?1 ww; n = 7). In the kidney, the mean Cd concentration was 36 µg g?1 ww (range: 23–47 µg g?1 ww; n = 7). Of the liver Hg concentrations, two were at the suggested toxic threshold levels of 60 µg g?1 ww and five were 2–6-fold above. Liver selenium (Se) : Hg was on average 1.11 (range: 0.97–1.41; n = 7) indicating that Se was in excess, which decreased the risk of acute Hg poisoning. Histopathological examinations showed high prevalence (>35%) of renal glomerular arteriosclerosis, glomerular capillary dilatation, dilatation and hyalinization of Bowman's space/capsule and tubular hyaline casts. In liver tissue, high prevalence was found for portal cell infiltrates, lipid granulomas, hepatocytic lipid accumulation, bile duct proliferation, lipid-filled Ito cells, and focal necrosis. In a single juvenile male, 4 of 8 renal and 3 of 7 liver lesions were present. Cadmium concentrations increased significantly in the presence of glomerular arteriosclerosis and a similar trend was found for tubular hyaline casts. Based on these findings, as well as the nature of the lesions, data indicate that the histopathological changes were a result of age and that contaminants are likely to be the co-factors in the development in at least three renal and four liver lesions.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants such as Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) are known to exert various adverse health effects in wildlife mammals. The impact from dietary intake of minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) blubber high in organohalogen and other chemical contaminants on renal morphology and function was investigated via a controlled study on West Greenland sledge dogs (Canis familiaris). Our results showed significantly higher frequencies of glomerular, tubular, and interstitial lesions in the exposed group. Furthermore, higher urine protein?:?creatinine ratio and plasma urea levels were found in the exposed group, which indicated a negative impact on kidney function via tubular and glomerular dysfunctions. The lesions were similar to those observed in top predator marine species–such as seals and polar bears–and humans exposed via diet to persistent environmental pollutants. The lesions may have impacts on the overall health of these animals. It is reasonable to suggest that chronic exposure to organic pollutants via a country diet of high trophic level marine organisms may have an impact on renal morphology and function in Arctic apex predators in general as well as Inuit people.  相似文献   

In this study, residual concentrations of chlorpyrifos (CPF) were determined in feed (40) and fodder (25) samples collected from various locations of Tarai region of Uttarakhand. For extracting residues, liquid–liquid partition followed by alumina column clean up was used and the detection and quantification of residues was undertaken with the help of high-performance liquid chromatography using C18 column and diode array detector at 220?nm. Of the total 40 feed samples analyzed, 7 (17.5%) samples were found positive for CPF with the mean residual concentration of 0.058?µg?g?1; while out of 25 fodder samples, CPF residues were detected in a single (4%) sample with residual concentration of 0.39?µg?g?1. However, none of the feed or fodder samples contained CPF residues above the prescribed limit.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organochlorine (OC) contaminants and histomorphology of liver, kidney, and thyroid tissues were studied in nine adult and one subadult glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) collected at Svalbard on 2 August 2011. Concentrations of liver polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB; range: 150–2820?ng?g?1 ww), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT; range: 58–724?ng?g?1 ww), and chlordanes (CHL; range: 11–126?ng?g?1 ww) dominated the OC profile followed by hexachlorobenzene (HCB; range: 11–42?ng?g?1 ww), mirex (range: 2–52?ng?g?1 ww), and β-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH; range: 1–7?ng?g?1 ww). Histological examination of the liver showed mononuclear cell infiltrations and granulomas in 10 and 6 gulls, respectively, while intense intrahepatic lipid accumulation (steatosis) was found in two and focal necrosis in one gull. In kidney, glomerular sclerosis and adhesions was found in five and one gull, respectively. Thickening of the glomerular basement membranes and tubular necrosis was found in four and seven gulls, respectively, while mononuclear cell infiltrations were found in two individuals. In the thyroid gland, a high density of small follicles accompanied by follicular epithelial cell proliferation was observed in five glaucous gulls. Gulls with hepatic steatosis had significantly higher ΣDDT levels than the gulls without hepatic steatosis and a similar trend was found for ΣPCB. When normalizing OC concentrations for lipid content in liver, gulls with lipid granulomas had significantly lower β-HCH and significantly higher mirex levels, respectively, than gulls without lipid granulomas. Also; gulls with thickening of the glomerular basement membranes had non-significantly higher ΣPCB levels than gulls without. The histological findings were similar to those of controlled laboratory studies and OC-contaminated wildlife (e.g., polar bears; Ursus maritimus) and the data of this study therefore suggest that OC exposure may be a co-factor in the development of organ alterations in glaucous gulls. However, other environmental factors such as age, element exposure, and infectious micropathogens cannot be ruled out as co-factors, and it is uncertain if the tissue changes found exert adverse health effects on the population of Svalbard glaucous gulls.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the environmental behaviors of persistent organic pollutants, the characteristics of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were investigated in twenty-three soil/sediment samples from Baiying City, Northwest China, in 2008. The possible sources and potential health risk of PCDD/Fs were also discussed. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs in nineteen soil samples varied between 20.13 and 496.26 pg/g dry weight (dw.), with an average value of 125.59 pg/g dw. The highest International Toxic Equivalent (I-TEQ) of PCDD/Fs (8.34 pg/g dw.) in soil was found at sample S1 collected from proximity to a copper metallurgy plant. The concentrations of PCDD/Fs in four sediment samples ranged from 37.69 to 491.49 pg/g dw., with an average value of 169.95 pg/g dw. The highest I-TEQ of PCDD/Fs (8.56 pg/g dw.) in sediment was found at sample S12 collected from the East big ditch with waste water discharged into the Yellow River. The results indicated that PCDD/Fs contamination of soil/sediment is originated from three sources: chlorine-containing chemicals, non-ferrous metal industrial PCDD/Fs emission and coal burning. The health risk exposure to PCDD/Fs through soil, dust ingestion and dermal absorption ranged from 0.0006 to 0.0134 pg/kg/day Word Health Organization’s toxic equivalent in 1998 (WHO1998-TEQ) with mean values 0.0032 pg WHO1998-TEQ for adults and varied between 0.0012 and 0.0256 pg/kg/day WHO1998-TEQ with mean values 0.006 pg/kg/day WHO1998-TEQ for children, respectively. These results indicated that health risk of PCDD/Fs for children should be paid more attention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contamination levels in roe and red deer from north-western Poland and to assess environmental pollution in this area. A quantitative analysis was conducted using a capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method. The mean concentrations of ΣPCBs (sum of PCBs: 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, 180) in liver samples were 30.24±12.35 ng·g?1 of lipid weight (l.w.) in roe deer and 60.13±14.23 ng·g?1 l.w. in red deer, compared with 24.21±10.02 and 45.22±9.77 ng·g?1 in the lungs of roe and red deer, respectively. PCBs 138, 153 and 180 were the dominant congeners in the liver samples of the analysed animals, whereas PCB 138 and 153 in the lungs. TEQs levels calculated for only dioxin-like PCBs were low: 0.32 and 0.29 pg WHO-PCB-TEQ·g?1 fat in liver of red deer and roe deer, respectively. The mean PCB concentrations obtained in our study for organs of roe deer and red deer were several times lower than those reported elsewhere. These findings show that the investigated roe and red deer originated from an area with low levels of PCB contamination.  相似文献   

吉富罗非鱼是我国南方沿海地区水产养殖中的主要经济鱼类之一,但近年来,随着我国城镇化和工业化进程的推进,罗非鱼养殖面临着前所未有的铜富集的挑战。为探明日粮中铜胁迫对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼抗氧化系统和肝脏组织结构的影响,将1 080条罗非鱼幼鱼暴露于6个浓度梯度(0、3、30、300、1 000、3 000 mg·kg-1)的高铜日粮中,通过60 d的暴露试验,实时测定罗非鱼血清与肝脏抗氧化能力,监测肝脏病理变化。结果表明,在本试验条件下,罗非鱼幼鱼血清和肝脏中MDA的含量随日粮中铜含量的增加和胁迫时间的延长显著升高,而SOD、GSH-PX和Cu Zn-SOD的活性表现出先升高后降低的趋势;各组间肝脏表现出不同程度的病变,主要是浊肿变性和脂肪变性,且第Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ组肝脏病变严重。综上,日粮中铜胁迫对吉富罗非鱼幼鱼的抗氧化机能有较明显的抑制作用,长时间的暴露能严重损伤其肝脏的组织结构,因此,建议吉富罗非鱼幼鱼日粮中铜的实际含量应控制在42.36 mg·kg-1以下。  相似文献   

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