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In order to search the source of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in blue mussel in Osaka bay, sediments from Osaka bay and from rivers running near an urban municipal incinerator were analysed for PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs. The river and estuary sediments were all found to be contaminated with PCDDs at average levels of 9.8 and 12ppb on the dry basis, PCDFs of 7.8 and 5.1 ppb, and PCBs of 1600 and 1300ppb, respectively. The two sediments contained similar profiles of specific isomers and congeners of PCDDs and PCDFs with each other. In addition, there was observed positive close correlations between PCDD and PCDF levels in the two specimens as well as fly ash from urban municipal incinerators. These allow the conclusion that the main source of the two chemicals in Osaka bay is fly ash from waste incineration.  相似文献   

Measurements of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) in outdoor air of North‐Rhine‐Westphalia were carried out. Fifty‐six samples were taken at different sites in areas of different land use and emission structures. A special filter system allowed analysis of the gas and particle phases separately. It was found that higher chlorinated PCDD/PCDF (7 or 8 chlorine atoms) are collected on glass fiber filter and lower chlorinated PCDD/PCDF (tetra‐ and penta‐CDD/CDF) are absorbed on polyurethane foam. The following isomers were determined: OCDD, OCDF and 11 isomers with chlorine substitution in 2,3,7,8‐position as well as the sum of TCDD, PeCDD, HxCDD, HpCDD, TCDF, PeCDF, HxCDF, HpCDF and the sum of PCDD (4–8) and PCDF (4–8). No 2,3,7,8‐TCDD could be detected but 2,3,7,8‐TCDF was found at 15 sites. Mean concentration in the Rhine‐Ruhr‐District for the sum of PCDD (4–8) and PCDF (4–8) was 3.2pg/m3 and 5.5pg/m3 respectively. Detection limit for TCDD and PCDD/PCDF (5–8) was 0.1–0.2 pg/m3 and 0.005–0.015 pg/m3 respectively. There is no significant indication that 2,3,7,8‐chlorinated isomers of PCDD/PCDF are predominantly decomposed by photochemical reactions in outdoor air.  相似文献   

This article investigates available environmental data from measurements of the everywhere present contaminants polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) in dated trends in sediment, soil and herbage from locales in Europe and North America. The PCDD/F data are examined in relation to potential major PCDD/F sources based on volume: wood and coal, example of natural combustion; pentachlorophenol (PnCP), example of chlorinated aro‐matics; and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pyrolysis, example of chlorinated aliphatic. Collected PCDD/F data of congener sums and 2, 3, 7, 8‐substituted congener (PCDD/F profiles) have been investigated with multivariate methods: principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares projection to latent structures model (PLS). The results show that PCDD/F data from 12 locales can be separated in one to three independent profiles. Normally one profile is related to the PCDD/F found in PnCP and another to combustion. A subtype of the ‘PnCP’ and ‘combustion’ profiles indicates PCDD/F contributions from PVC‐related combustions. The environmental profiles exhibit some differences from the suggested sources. The relatively unprotected PCDD/F related to PnCP is suggested to have passed photolytic and/or thermal dechlorinations. Lower‐chlorinated congeners in environmental profiles related to combustion appear to have been influenced by environmental distribution processes. PCDD/F data before industrial production of chlorinated organics have only limited similarity to PCDD/F in technical PnCP profiles; an average 4.6% of the PCDD/F is related to PnCP. This suggests that PnCP similarity in recent deposition profiles cannot be a result of environmental transformation. The average proportion of PnCP‐related PCDD/F profile in recent depositions is 35% with North America high (average 57%) and Europe low (average 24%).  相似文献   

Soxhlet extraction of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) from sediment was studied using a designed experimental set‐up. Three variables were studied: three solvent combinations n‐hexane/methanol, dichloromethane/acetone and toluene/methanol; two extraction times, 8 and 16 h, and addition of bulk substances (sodium carbonate). The extraction efficiency was almost identical in all extractions, with the exception of extraction where toluene/ methanol was combined with sodium carbonate. In these samples a major effect was observed, due to formation of Hx‐, Hp‐ and OCDD isomers. Composition of formed PCDD was similar to PCDD isomers found in pentachlorophenol products.  相似文献   

The hypotheses on the de novo syntheses of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs), based on known literature, are presented. Polychlorinated benzenes and polychlorinated phenols are probably key intermediates.

In the present article, hypotheses that may account for the presence of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs) in the effluents from municipal and industrial incinerators are put forward. These hypotheses are based on the previously surveyed literature (Ref. 203–206) and experimental results on laboratory scale and thermodynamic calculations are considered. The interconnections of various reaction steps are speculative and no technological information was added to account for conditions in real incinerators. Conclusion of the discussions on the related subject matter, presented in the Parts I‐IV (Ref. 203–206), are also described in this paper.  相似文献   

Thermodegradation of organometallics viz. RMX (where M = Mg, Ti, Pd, Sn, Si, Al; and X =halogen atom) provides corresponding haloorganics i.e. RX. 1,2‐Shifts of H and Cl on the carbene species like CH2F. CF and CFCL2, CF produced from R. CF. Si F3 (R = CH2F, CFCl2) are preferred to that of fluorine. The thermolysis of R.CF2. Si Cl3 (R = CH2F) produces chloroolefins via halogen exchange. Major products of thermal degradation of poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) are HCl and benzene but the mechanism of PVC thermodegradation is still a matter of dispute. The thermal cracking of lignins yields substituted phenols.  相似文献   

The gas phase equilibrium calculation for the C‐H‐O system at atmospheric pressure and temperature from 773 to 1773 K at intervals of 250 K was performed to understand the generation and decomposition behavior of dibenzo‐p‐dioxin (DD), dibenzo‐p‐furan (DF) and biphenyl (BP) in relation to the existing oxygen potential. It is possible to categorize these results into three regions from the viewpoint of this potential: region (A), region (B) and region (C) are that of the higher, modest and lower oxygen potential, respectively. In region (A), the equilibrium amounts of DD, DF and BP are nearly zero. In region (B), they increase once and then decrease with rise in temperature. In the most characteristic region (C), they increase uniformly with rise in temperature.  相似文献   

Non‐ortho substituted polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners can account for the majority of the dioxin‐like toxicity in environmental samples, yet analysis for these congeners is difficult because other PCB congeners co‐elute with them in most Chromatographic methods. An automated method was developed which incorporates a porous graphitic carbon (PGC) column which is commercially available. Non‐ortho substituted congeners were successfully separated from interfering PCB congeners. Recoveries of non‐ortho substituted congeners were consistently reproducible (CV < 9%) when chicken eggs were fortified with individual congeners.  相似文献   

The pyrolysis and chlorination of petroleum coke in a NaCl‐KCl melt results in the production of CCl4 and C6Cl6. Polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs) are produced from the air oxidation and chlorination of coal using HCl or Cl2. Smoking of tobacco containing 36Cle provides CH3 36Cl.

At 350°C, the rateof aromatization of 1,3‐cyclohexadiene is negligible as compared to that of 1,4‐cyclohexadiene. The aromatization of the latter diene proceeds through the molecular elimination of hydrogen; while that of 1,3‐cyclohexadiene expecially at higher pressure (10–90 Torr) and at 362–421 °C involves free radical chain mechanism.  相似文献   

In the light of new discoveries on the extremely toxic non‐ortho coplanar 3,3’,4,4'‐tetra‐ (T4CB), 3,3’,4,4’,5‐penta‐(P5CB) and 3,3'4,4’,5,5'‐hexachlorobiphenyl (H6CB) and their mono‐ and di‐ortho analogs, tissue samples of a Yusho poisoning victim and Yusho causal oils were subjected to a thorough congener/isomer‐specific investigation for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs). Among the many PCB congeners detected in Yusho oil, non‐ortho coplanar T4CB constituted 3.1%, P5CB‐0.17% and H6CB‐0.0072% in total PCBs. Their concentrations in liver and adipose tissue were 130–700 (T4CB), 54–720 (P5CB) and 50–380 (H6CB) pg/g on wet weight basis. The observed concentrations in adipose tissue were two to four fold higher than that detected in unexposed individuals. Among the PCDFs identified, toxic 2,3,7,8‐substituted isomers including 2,3,4,7,8‐P5CDF were the dominant ones. Tetra‐ through hepta‐CDDs were detected in the oil, whereas octa‐CDD was the dominant isomer in the patient. A comparison with KC‐400 revealed enrichment of coplanar PCBs in Yusho oil along with toxic PCDFs. Enrichment was highest for 3,3'4,4'5,5'‐H6CB followed by 3,3’,4,4'5‐P5CB. A comparative toxic evaluation of these chemical groups in Yusho patient's adipose tissue based on “2,3,7,8‐T4CDD Toxic Equivalent Analysis” revealed accountable toxic contribution from coplanar PCBs. This analysis also confirmed that 2,3,4,7,8‐P5CDF was the principal causative agent in Yusho poisoning.  相似文献   

In 1991 a co‐operation between Public Health Office (U.S.S.L.) n° 18 of Brescia and the Chemical Section Laboratories of U.S.S.L. n° 38 of Milan concerning the possible environmental impact of foundry industrial activities performing metallic scraps recovering, has been undertaken.

Soil and surfaces have been classified in conformity with the National Toxicological Consultative Commission (C.C.T.N.) recommendation dated 12/02/1988'; owing to the characteristics of the processed material, besides heavy metals, polychlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) have been looked for.

The particulate matter collected from the filters positioned over the arc furnaces in 14 foundry plants has been characterized and classified, according both to C.C.T.N.1 and to the Interministerial Board regulation dated 27/07/1985 for the first application of the Republic President Decree Law (D.P.R.) n° 915/1982, concerning wastes classification, based, in this case, on these toxic chlorinated compounds concentrations. From the very beginning, high levels of PCDDs and PCDFs have been detected, corroborating the very few literature data from foundry plants2. The results obtained on 14 different foundries allow us to draw already some information, acceptable from the point of view of the statistical validity, about the pollution produced by this industry.  相似文献   

A simple mathematical fate model, Multi‐Phase Non‐Steady State Equilibrium Model (MNSEM) is proposed to evaluate distribution, persistence, and concentrations of chemicals in a model environment consisting of air, water, soil and sediment phases. The model is applied to evaluation of environmental fate and concentration of trichloroethylene and 1,4‐dichlorobenzene under generic conditions representative of Japan.

Evaluated chemical concentrations in air are within a factor of 3 of average values in Japanese atmosphere, and evaluated concentrations in water, sediment, or fish are greater than an order of magnitude below detection limits in real environments, so that evaluated concentrations are in reasonable agreement with environmental measurement data in Japan.

Although MNSEM is not a model for site‐specific evaluation of environmental fate, results suggested that this model is an adequate method to aid in evaluation of fate of chemicals under generic environment conditions. Evaluated concentration‐profiles may be used to estimate average chemical exposure concentrations for humans and the environment.  相似文献   

The application of mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis in environmental analytical chemistry is described. Different ionization methods used in mass spectrometry for isotope dilution analysis and the advantage of isotope dilution analysis owing to its accuracy are discussed. The principle of the isotope dilution technique is explained using thallium analysis as an example. Possible methods of sample decomposition for organic and inorganic matrices and of element separation are given. Using lead, cadmium and thallium analyses as examples the application of mass spectrometric isotope dilution analysis for determination of toxic metals in environmental samples is shown. The determination of chloride and bromide traces in snow is given as an example of non‐metal analysis. The possibility of determining pure elements by the isotope dilution technique using a long‐lived radioactive isotope as a spike is discussed.  相似文献   

To obtain comparable results of multi‐element analysis of plant materials by different laboratories, a harmonized sampling procedure for terrestrial and marine ecosystems is essential. The heterogeneous distribution of chemical elements in living organisms is influenced by different biological parameters. These parameters are mainly characterized by genetic predetermination, seasonal changes, edaphic and climatic conditions, and delocalization processes of chemical substances by metabolic activities.

The biological variations of the element content in plants were divided into 5 systematic levels, which are: 1. the plant species; 2. the population; 3. the stand (within an ecosystem); 4. the individual; and 5. the plant compartment. Each of these systematic levels can be related to: 1. genetic variabilities; 2. different climatic, edaphic and anthropogenic influences; 3. microclimatic or microedaphic conditions; 4. age of plants (stage of development), exposure to environmental influences (light, wind, pollution etc.), seasonal changes; and 5. transport and deposition of substances within the different plant compartments (organs, tissues, cells, organelles).

An expert system for random and systematic sampling for multi‐element analysis of environmental materials, such as plants, soils and precipitation is presented. After statistical division of the research area, the program provides advice for contamination‐free collection of environmental samples.  相似文献   

Binding affinity of metanil yellow and its breakdown product p‐aminodiphenylamine to serum proteins has been studied employing chromatographic separation on Sephadex G‐200 and by paper and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Metanil yellow has more affinity towards albumin than to globulins. The complexing is presumably through electrostatic forces. p‐Aminodiphenylamine on the other hand, preferably binds to globulin fractions of serum protein. However, a stable binding with BSA alone was also observed. The binding was quite stable and was accompanied by a shift in absorbance from 430 nm to 500 nm. Aspartic acid moiety of protein was found to be one of the units involved in the binding of p‐ADPA to proteins.  相似文献   

An accurate, simple and cheap extraction and cleanup procedure for capillary GC analysis of organo‐chlorine insecticides (OCs) in vegetables (cabbage and carrots) at the ng/g level, and for soil at the μg/g level is presented. The cleanup is carried out on solid‐phase extraction (SPE) cartridges, filled with 500 mg silica, 1 g of deactivated Florisil (10% w/w water), and 100 mg of anhydrous sodium sulphate. Recoveries >90% are obtained. The cleanup of OCs in fatty samples on an HPLC LiChrosorb Si 100 column is evaluated for subsequent capillary GC analysis. Fractionation of OCs and Aroclor 1254 and 1260 on an HPLC Nucleosil 100 column appears to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has become popular for the characterization of P species in environmental samples. However, these are commonly made alkaline (pH?>?13) to facilitate sample comparison and ease peak identification, but this may cause hydrolysis of some compounds. This study examined the chemical shift of known P compounds and supplemented this with published data to determine the viability of examining samples at their native pH, thereby minimizing sample disturbance. A 31P NMR pH titration of known P compounds resulted in chemical shifts ranging from about ?22 to 8 ppm in the pH range 5–13. Categorization and calculation of chemical shifts for over 100 naturally occurring compounds indicated that good distinction between orthophosphate diesters, orthophosphate monoesters, nucleotides, phosphonates, and phosphagens was best at ≥pH 7, but unlikely below this pH. Analysis of several water extracts of soil and dung, overland flow samples, and lake water indicated a wide variety of well-defined peaks that were assigned to orthophosphate, orthophosphate monoesters, orthophosphate diesters, pyrophosphate, polyphosphate, or phosphonates. Changing the sample pH to >13 caused many species (such as phosphonates, orthophosphate diesters, and polyphosphates) to decrease either by hydrolysis or precipitation. Hence, it is recommended that samples be analysed at their native pH but, if poorly resolved, should have their pH raised to ≥7.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The contamination of soil by toxic metal(oid)s has emerged as a major concern worldwide, particularly in developing countries. A metals behavior in the soil...  相似文献   

Genotoxic effects of ivermectin (IVM) and its commercial formulation ivomec® (IVM 1.0%) were studied on Aedes albopictus larvae (CCL-126?) cells by sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) while cytotoxicity was determined by cell-cycle progression (CCP), proliferative rate index (PRI), mitotic index (MI), 3(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), and neutral red (NR) endpoints within a 1–250 µg mL?1 concentration range. While IVM and ivomec® did not markedly affect SCE frequencies, these agents induced DNA-strand breaks enhancing both slightly damaged and damaged cells at 25–50 and 5–50 µg mL?1 IVM and ivomec®, respectively. Both compounds exerted a delay in CCP and reduction of PRI at 10 µg mL?1. Cytotoxicity was observed at concentrations higher than 25 µg mL?1. A marked reduction of about 98% and 94% of MI compared to controls was noted with 25 µg mL?1 of IVM and ivomec®, respectively. NR and MTT assays revealed that both compounds induced a cell growth inhibition within the 1–250 µg mL?1 concentration range. Data indicated that IVM and ivomec® exert both genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in insect cells in vitro, at least in A. albopictus larvae CCL-126? cells.  相似文献   

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